name: Regression-run on: schedule: - cron: "0 1 * * *" # At 01:00 every day workflow_dispatch: jobs: main: name: Build and run tests runs-on: [ self-hosted, "${{ inputs.runner_label || 'auto-provisioned' }}", "${{ format('build-preset-{0}', inputs.build_preset || 'relwithdebinfo') }}" ] timeout-minutes: 600 strategy: fail-fast: false # do not stop wf if the tests in one of the configurations failed matrix: branch: [main] # branches to test build_preset: [relwithdebinfo, release-asan, release-msan, release-tsan] # list of build presets to run in each brunch include: - build_preset: relwithdebinfo threads_count: 52 timeout: 300 build_target: "ydb/" test_size: small,medium,large test_type: unittest,py3test,py2test,pytest - build_preset: release-asan threads_count: 20 timeout: 480 build_target: "ydb/" test_size: small,medium,large test_type: unittest,py3test,py2test,pytest - build_preset: release-msan threads_count: 20 timeout: 480 build_target: "ydb/" test_size: small,medium,large test_type: unittest,py3test,py2test,pytest - build_preset: release-tsan threads_count: 10 timeout: 600 build_target: "ydb/" test_size: small,medium test_type: unittest,py3test,py2test,pytest steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: ref: ${{ matrix.branch }} - name: Setup ssh key for slice uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.9.0 with: ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.SLICE_QA_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} - name: Setup ydb access uses: ./.github/actions/setup_ci_ydb_service_account_key_file_credentials with: ci_ydb_service_account_key_file_credentials: ${{ secrets.CI_YDB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_FILE_CREDENTIALS }} - name: Build and test timeout-minutes: ${{ matrix.timeout }} uses: ./.github/actions/build_and_test_ya with: build_preset: ${{ matrix.build_preset }} increment: false build_target: ${{ matrix.build_target }} run_build: true run_tests: true test_retry_count: 3 test_size: ${{ matrix.test_size }} test_type: ${{ matrix.test_type }} test_threads: ${{ matrix.threads_count }} put_build_results_to_cache: false additional_ya_make_args: -DDEBUGINFO_LINES_ONLY # we don't need full symbols in CI checks secs: ${{ format('{{"TESTMO_TOKEN2":"{0}","AWS_KEY_ID":"{1}","AWS_KEY_VALUE":"{2}","REMOTE_CACHE_USERNAME":"{3}","REMOTE_CACHE_PASSWORD":"{4}"}}', secrets.TESTMO_TOKEN2, secrets.AWS_KEY_ID, secrets.AWS_KEY_VALUE, secrets.REMOTE_CACHE_USERNAME, secrets.REMOTE_CACHE_PASSWORD ) }} vars: ${{ format('{{"AWS_BUCKET":"{0}","AWS_ENDPOINT":"{1}","REMOTE_CACHE_URL":"{2}","TESTMO_URL":"{3}","TESTMO_PROJECT_ID":"{4}"}}', vars.AWS_BUCKET, vars.AWS_ENDPOINT, vars.REMOTE_CACHE_URL_YA, vars.TESTMO_URL, vars.TESTMO_PROJECT_ID ) }}