#include "structured_table_formats.h" #include "format_hints.h" #include "skiff.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NYT { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TMaybe GetCommonTableFormat( const TVector>& formats) { TMaybe result; bool start = true; for (auto& format : formats) { if (start) { result = format; start = false; continue; } if (result.Defined() != format.Defined()) { ythrow yexception() << "Different formats of input tables"; } if (!result.Defined()) { continue; } auto& resultAttrs = result.Get()->GetAttributes(); auto& formatAttrs = format.Get()->GetAttributes(); if (resultAttrs["key_column_names"] != formatAttrs["key_column_names"]) { ythrow yexception() << "Different formats of input tables"; } bool hasSubkeyColumns = resultAttrs.HasKey("subkey_column_names"); if (hasSubkeyColumns != formatAttrs.HasKey("subkey_column_names")) { ythrow yexception() << "Different formats of input tables"; } if (hasSubkeyColumns && resultAttrs["subkey_column_names"] != formatAttrs["subkey_column_names"]) { ythrow yexception() << "Different formats of input tables"; } } return result; } TMaybe GetTableFormat( const IClientRetryPolicyPtr& retryPolicy, const IRawClientPtr& rawClient, const TTransactionId& transactionId, const TRichYPath& path) { auto formatPath = path.Path_ + "/@_format"; auto exists = NDetail::RequestWithRetry( retryPolicy->CreatePolicyForGenericRequest(), [&rawClient, &transactionId, &formatPath] (TMutationId /*mutationId*/) { return rawClient->Exists(transactionId, formatPath); }); if (!exists) { return TMaybe(); } auto format = NDetail::RequestWithRetry>( retryPolicy->CreatePolicyForGenericRequest(), [&rawClient, &transactionId, &formatPath] (TMutationId /*mutationId*/) { return rawClient->Get(transactionId, formatPath); }); if (format.Get()->AsString() != "yamred_dsv") { return TMaybe(); } auto& formatAttrs = format.Get()->Attributes(); if (!formatAttrs.HasKey("key_column_names")) { ythrow yexception() << "Table '" << path.Path_ << "': attribute 'key_column_names' is missing"; } formatAttrs["has_subkey"] = "true"; formatAttrs["lenval"] = "true"; return format; } TMaybe GetTableFormats( const IClientRetryPolicyPtr& clientRetryPolicy, const IRawClientPtr& rawClient, const TTransactionId& transactionId, const TVector& inputs) { TVector> formats; for (auto& table : inputs) { formats.push_back(GetTableFormat(clientRetryPolicy, rawClient, transactionId, table)); } return GetCommonTableFormat(formats); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace NDetail { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NSkiff::TSkiffSchemaPtr TryCreateSkiffSchema( const IRawClientPtr& rawClient, const TTransactionId& transactionId, const TVector& tables, const TOperationOptions& options, ENodeReaderFormat nodeReaderFormat) { bool hasInputQuery = options.Spec_.Defined() && options.Spec_->IsMap() && options.Spec_->HasKey("input_query"); if (hasInputQuery) { Y_ENSURE_EX(nodeReaderFormat != ENodeReaderFormat::Skiff, TApiUsageError() << "Cannot use Skiff format for operations with 'input_query' in spec"); return nullptr; } return CreateSkiffSchemaIfNecessary( rawClient, transactionId, nodeReaderFormat, tables, TCreateSkiffSchemaOptions() .HasKeySwitch(true) .HasRangeIndex(true)); } TString CreateSkiffConfig(const NSkiff::TSkiffSchemaPtr& schema) { TString result; TStringOutput stream(result); ::NYson::TYsonWriter writer(&stream); Serialize(schema, &writer); return result; } TString CreateProtoConfig(const TVector& descriptorList) { TString result; TStringOutput messageTypeList(result); for (const auto& descriptor : descriptorList) { messageTypeList << descriptor->full_name() << Endl; } return result; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TGetTableStructureDescriptionStringImpl { template TString operator()(const T& description) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return "Unspecified"; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { TString res; TStringStream out(res); if (description.Descriptor) { out << description.Descriptor->full_name(); } else { out << ""; } out << " protobuf message"; return res; } else { static_assert(TDependentFalse, "Unknown type"); } } }; TString GetTableStructureDescriptionString(const TTableStructure& tableStructure) { return std::visit(TGetTableStructureDescriptionStringImpl(), tableStructure); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TString JobTablePathString(const TStructuredJobTable& jobTable) { if (jobTable.RichYPath) { return jobTable.RichYPath->Path_; } else { return ""; } } TStructuredJobTableList ToStructuredJobTableList(const TVector& tableList) { TStructuredJobTableList result; for (const auto& table : tableList) { result.push_back(TStructuredJobTable{table.Description, table.RichYPath}); } return result; } TStructuredJobTableList CanonizeStructuredTableList(const IRawClientPtr& rawClient, const TVector& tableList) { TVector toCanonize; toCanonize.reserve(tableList.size()); for (const auto& table : tableList) { toCanonize.emplace_back(table.RichYPath); } const auto canonized = NRawClient::CanonizeYPaths(rawClient, toCanonize); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(canonized.size() == tableList.size()); TStructuredJobTableList result; result.reserve(tableList.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i != canonized.size(); ++i) { result.emplace_back(TStructuredJobTable{tableList[i].Description, canonized[i]}); } return result; } TVector GetPathList( const TStructuredJobTableList& tableList, const TMaybe>& jobSchemaInferenceResult, bool inferSchemaFromDescriptions) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(!jobSchemaInferenceResult || tableList.size() == jobSchemaInferenceResult->size()); auto maybeInferSchema = [&] (const TStructuredJobTable& table, ui32 tableIndex) -> TMaybe { if (jobSchemaInferenceResult && !jobSchemaInferenceResult->at(tableIndex).Empty()) { return jobSchemaInferenceResult->at(tableIndex); } if (inferSchemaFromDescriptions) { return GetTableSchema(table.Description); } return Nothing(); }; TVector result; result.reserve(tableList.size()); for (size_t tableIndex = 0; tableIndex != tableList.size(); ++tableIndex) { const auto& table = tableList[tableIndex]; Y_ABORT_UNLESS(table.RichYPath, "Cannot get path for intermediate table"); auto richYPath = *table.RichYPath; if (!richYPath.Schema_) { if (auto schema = maybeInferSchema(table, tableIndex)) { richYPath.Schema(std::move(*schema)); } } result.emplace_back(std::move(richYPath)); } return result; } TStructuredRowStreamDescription GetJobStreamDescription( const IStructuredJob& job, EIODirection direction) { switch (direction) { case EIODirection::Input: return job.GetInputRowStreamDescription(); case EIODirection::Output: return job.GetOutputRowStreamDescription(); default: Y_ABORT("unreachable"); } } TString GetSuffix(EIODirection direction) { switch (direction) { case EIODirection::Input: return "_input"; case EIODirection::Output: return "_output"; } Y_ABORT("unreachable"); } TString GetAddIOMethodName(EIODirection direction) { switch (direction) { case EIODirection::Input: return "AddInput<>"; case EIODirection::Output: return "AddOutput<>"; } Y_ABORT("unreachable"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TFormatBuilder::TFormatSwitcher { template auto operator() (const T& /*t*/) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return &TFormatBuilder::CreateNodeFormat; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return &TFormatBuilder::CreateYamrFormat; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return &TFormatBuilder::CreateProtobufFormat; } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return &TFormatBuilder::CreateVoidFormat; } else { static_assert(TDependentFalse, "unknown stream description"); } } }; TFormatBuilder::TFormatBuilder( IRawClientPtr rawClient, IClientRetryPolicyPtr clientRetryPolicy, TClientContext context, TTransactionId transactionId, TOperationOptions operationOptions) : RawClient_(std::move(rawClient)) , ClientRetryPolicy_(std::move(clientRetryPolicy)) , Context_(std::move(context)) , TransactionId_(transactionId) , OperationOptions_(std::move(operationOptions)) { } std::pair > TFormatBuilder::CreateFormat( const IStructuredJob& job, const EIODirection& direction, const TStructuredJobTableList& structuredTableList, const TMaybe & formatHints, ENodeReaderFormat nodeReaderFormat, bool allowFormatFromTableAttribute) { auto jobStreamDescription = GetJobStreamDescription(job, direction); auto method = std::visit(TFormatSwitcher(), jobStreamDescription); return (this->*method)( job, direction, structuredTableList, formatHints, nodeReaderFormat, allowFormatFromTableAttribute); } std::pair> TFormatBuilder::CreateVoidFormat( const IStructuredJob& /*job*/, const EIODirection& /*direction*/, const TStructuredJobTableList& /*structuredTableList*/, const TMaybe& /*formatHints*/, ENodeReaderFormat /*nodeReaderFormat*/, bool /*allowFormatFromTableAttribute*/) { return { TFormat(), Nothing() }; } std::pair> TFormatBuilder::CreateYamrFormat( const IStructuredJob& job, const EIODirection& direction, const TStructuredJobTableList& structuredTableList, const TMaybe& /*formatHints*/, ENodeReaderFormat /*nodeReaderFormat*/, bool allowFormatFromTableAttribute) { for (const auto& table: structuredTableList) { if (!std::holds_alternative(table.Description)) { ythrow TApiUsageError() << "cannot use " << direction << " table '" << JobTablePathString(table) << "' with job " << TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobName(&job) << "; " << "table has unsupported structure description; check " << GetAddIOMethodName(direction) << " for this table"; } } TMaybe formatFromTableAttributes; if (allowFormatFromTableAttribute && OperationOptions_.UseTableFormats_) { TVector tableList; for (const auto& table: structuredTableList) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(table.RichYPath, "Cannot use format from table for intermediate table"); tableList.push_back(*table.RichYPath); } formatFromTableAttributes = GetTableFormats(ClientRetryPolicy_, RawClient_, TransactionId_, tableList); } if (formatFromTableAttributes) { return { TFormat(*formatFromTableAttributes), Nothing() }; } else { auto formatNode = TNode("yamr"); formatNode.Attributes() = TNode() ("lenval", true) ("has_subkey", true) ("enable_table_index", true); return { TFormat(formatNode), Nothing() }; } } std::pair> TFormatBuilder::CreateNodeFormat( const IStructuredJob& job, const EIODirection& direction, const TStructuredJobTableList& structuredTableList, const TMaybe& formatHints, ENodeReaderFormat nodeReaderFormat, bool /*allowFormatFromTableAttribute*/) { for (const auto& table: structuredTableList) { if (!std::holds_alternative(table.Description)) { ythrow TApiUsageError() << "cannot use " << direction << " table '" << JobTablePathString(table) << "' with job " << TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobName(&job) << "; " << "table has unsupported structure description; check AddInput<> / AddOutput<> for this table"; } } NSkiff::TSkiffSchemaPtr skiffSchema = nullptr; if (nodeReaderFormat != ENodeReaderFormat::Yson) { TVector tableList; for (const auto& table: structuredTableList) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(table.RichYPath, "Cannot use skiff with temporary tables"); tableList.emplace_back(*table.RichYPath); } skiffSchema = TryCreateSkiffSchema( RawClient_, TransactionId_, tableList, OperationOptions_, nodeReaderFormat); } if (skiffSchema) { auto format = CreateSkiffFormat(skiffSchema); NYT::NDetail::ApplyFormatHints(&format, formatHints); return { format, TSmallJobFile{ TString("skiff") + GetSuffix(direction), CreateSkiffConfig(skiffSchema) } }; } else { auto format = TFormat::YsonBinary(); NYT::NDetail::ApplyFormatHints(&format, formatHints); return { format, Nothing() }; } } [[noreturn]] static void ThrowUnsupportedStructureDescription( const EIODirection& direction, const TStructuredJobTable& table, const IStructuredJob& job) { ythrow TApiUsageError() << "cannot use " << direction << " table '" << JobTablePathString(table) << "' with job " << TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobName(&job) << "; " << "table has unsupported structure description; check " << GetAddIOMethodName(direction) << " for this table"; } [[noreturn]] static void ThrowTypeDeriveFail( const EIODirection& direction, const IStructuredJob& job, const TString& type) { ythrow TApiUsageError() << "Cannot derive exact " << type << " type for intermediate " << direction << " table for job " << TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobName(&job) << "; use one of TMapReduceOperationSpec::Hint* methods to specify intermediate table structure"; } [[noreturn]] static void ThrowUnexpectedDifferentDescriptors( const EIODirection& direction, const TStructuredJobTable& table, const IStructuredJob& job, const TMaybe jobDescriptorName, const TMaybe descriptorName) { ythrow TApiUsageError() << "Job " << TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobName(&job) << " expects " << jobDescriptorName << " as " << direction << ", but table " << JobTablePathString(table) << " is tagged with " << descriptorName; } std::pair> TFormatBuilder::CreateProtobufFormat( const IStructuredJob& job, const EIODirection& direction, const TStructuredJobTableList& structuredTableList, const TMaybe& /*formatHints*/, ENodeReaderFormat /*nodeReaderFormat*/, bool /*allowFormatFromTableAttribute*/) { if (Context_.Config->UseClientProtobuf) { return { TFormat::YsonBinary(), TSmallJobFile{ TString("proto") + GetSuffix(direction), CreateProtoConfig({}), }, }; } const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* const jobDescriptor = std::get(GetJobStreamDescription(job, direction)).Descriptor; Y_ENSURE(!structuredTableList.empty(), "empty " << direction << " tables for job " << TJobFactory::Get()->GetJobName(&job)); TVector descriptorList; for (const auto& table : structuredTableList) { const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor = nullptr; if (std::holds_alternative(table.Description)) { descriptor = std::get(table.Description).Descriptor; } else if (table.RichYPath) { ThrowUnsupportedStructureDescription(direction, table, job); } if (!descriptor) { // It must be intermediate table, because there is no proper way to add such table to spec // (AddInput requires to specify proper message). Y_ABORT_UNLESS(!table.RichYPath, "Descriptors for all tables except intermediate must be known"); if (jobDescriptor) { descriptor = jobDescriptor; } else { ThrowTypeDeriveFail(direction, job, "protobuf"); } } if (jobDescriptor && descriptor != jobDescriptor) { ThrowUnexpectedDifferentDescriptors( direction, table, job, jobDescriptor->full_name(), descriptor->full_name()); } descriptorList.push_back(descriptor); } Y_ABORT_UNLESS(!descriptorList.empty(), "Messages for proto format are unknown (empty ProtoDescriptors)"); return { TFormat::Protobuf(descriptorList, Context_.Config->ProtobufFormatWithDescriptors), TSmallJobFile{ TString("proto") + GetSuffix(direction), CreateProtoConfig(descriptorList) }, }; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct TGetTableSchemaImpl { template TMaybe operator() (const T& description) { if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { return Nothing(); } else if constexpr (std::is_same_v) { if (!description.Descriptor) { return Nothing(); } return CreateTableSchema(*description.Descriptor); } else { static_assert(TDependentFalse, "unknown type"); } } }; TMaybe GetTableSchema(const TTableStructure& tableStructure) { return std::visit(TGetTableSchemaImpl(), tableStructure); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NDetail } // namespace NYT