name: Ya-Build-and-Test inputs: build_target: type: string default: "ydb/" description: "limit build and test to specific target" build_preset: type: string run_build: type: boolean default: true description: "run build" run_tests: type: boolean default: true description: "run tests" test_threads: type: string default: 28 description: "Test threads count" link_threads: type: string default: 12 description: "link threads count" test_size: type: string default: "small,medium,large" test_type: type: string default: "" description: "run only specific test types (or all by default)" increment: type: boolean required: true description: If true, compares build graphs between the current and previous commits to find a list of test suites to run. Otherwise, runs all tests. folder_prefix: type: string default: "ya-" put_build_results_to_cache: type: boolean default: true additional_ya_make_args: type: string default: "" test_retry_count: default: "" description: "how many times to retry failed tests" secs: type: string default: "" vars: type: string default: "" defaults: run: shell: bash runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: comment-build-start if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' || github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' shell: bash env: BUILD_PRESET: ${{ inputs.build_preset }} GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: | jobs_url="${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${GITHUB_RUN_ID}/jobs" # tricky: we are searching job with name that contains build_preset check_url=$(curl -s $jobs_url | jq --arg n "$BUILD_PRESET" -r '.jobs[] | select(.name | contains($n)) | .html_url') echo "Pre-commit [check]($check_url) for $(git rev-parse HEAD) has started." | .github/scripts/tests/ --rewrite curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{github.token}}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \${{github.repository}}/statuses/${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}} \ -d '{"state":"pending","description":"The check has been started","context":"build_${{inputs.build_preset}}"}' if [[ "${{inputs.run_tests}}" == "true" ]];then curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{github.token}}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \${{github.repository}}/statuses/${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}} \ -d '{"state":"pending","description":"The check has been started","context":"test_${{inputs.build_preset}}"}' fi - name: Clean ya cache shell: bash run: rm -rf ~/.ya - name: Prepare s3cmd uses: ./.github/actions/s3cmd with: s3_bucket: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.vars ).AWS_BUCKET }} s3_endpoint: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.vars ).AWS_ENDPOINT }} s3_key_id: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.secs ).AWS_KEY_ID }} s3_key_secret: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.secs ).AWS_KEY_VALUE }} folder_prefix: ya- build_preset: ${{ inputs.build_preset }} - name: Generate ya.make with affected test suites and modules list if: inputs.increment == 'true' uses: ./.github/actions/graph_compare - name: Change target in case of incremental id: target_choice shell: bash run: | if [ "${{ inputs.increment }}" == "true" ]; then echo "target=." >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT else echo "target=${{ inputs.build_target }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi - name: Run build and tests id: build uses: ./.github/actions/test_ya with: build_target: ${{ }} build_preset: ${{ inputs.build_preset }} test_size: ${{ inputs.test_size }} test_type: ${{ inputs.test_type }} run_tests: ${{ inputs.run_tests }} testman_token: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.secs ).TESTMO_TOKEN2 }} testman_url: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.vars ).TESTMO_URL }} testman_project_id: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.vars ).TESTMO_PROJECT_ID }} link_threads: ${{ inputs.link_threads }} additional_ya_make_args: ${{ inputs.additional_ya_make_args }} test_threads: ${{ inputs.test_threads }} bazel_remote_uri: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.vars ).REMOTE_CACHE_URL || '' }} bazel_remote_username: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.secs ).REMOTE_CACHE_USERNAME || '' }} bazel_remote_password: ${{ fromJSON( inputs.secs ).REMOTE_CACHE_PASSWORD || '' }} put_build_results_to_cache: ${{ inputs.put_build_results_to_cache }} test_retry_count: ${{ inputs.test_retry_count }} - name: build_stats shell: bash continue-on-error: true if: always() run: | set -x export build_preset="${{ inputs.build_preset }}" export commit_git_sha="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" python3 -m pip install ydb ydb[yc] python3 .github/scripts/ - name: show_build_size_diff shell: bash continue-on-error: true if: always() env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: | set -x export build_preset="${{ inputs.build_preset }}" export branch_to_compare="$GITHUB_REF_NAME" export yellow_treshold=102400 export red_treshold=2097152 export commit_git_sha="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" python3 -m pip install ydb ydb[yc] humanize get_sizes_comment_script=.github/scripts/ comment_raw=`$get_sizes_comment_script` IFS=';;;' read -ra comment_arr <<< "$comment_raw" printf "$comment" if [[ ${comment_raw} != "Error"* ]];then color=${comment_arr[0]} replace=$color";;;" comment=${comment_raw/$replace/""} printf "$comment" | .github/scripts/tests/ --color $color else echo "Skipped build size difference, comment_raw = ${comment_raw}" fi - name: comment-if-cancel shell: bash if: cancelled() && (github.event_name == 'pull_request' || github.event_name == 'pull_request_target') env: BUILD_PRESET: ${{ inputs.build_preset }} GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: echo "Check cancelled" | .github/scripts/tests/ --color black