import pytest
from pluggy import PluginValidationError, HookimplMarker, HookspecMarker

hookspec = HookspecMarker("example")
hookimpl = HookimplMarker("example")

def test_argmismatch(pm):
    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"


    class Plugin(object):
        def hello(self, argwrong):

    with pytest.raises(PluginValidationError) as exc:

    assert "argwrong" in str(exc.value)

def test_only_kwargs(pm):
    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:

    comprehensible = "hook calling supports only keyword arguments"
    assert comprehensible in str(exc.value)

def test_opt_in_args(pm):
    """Verfiy that two hookimpls with mutex args can serve
    under the same spec.

    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg1, arg2, common_arg):
            "api hook 1"

    class Plugin1(object):
        def hello(self, arg1, common_arg):
            return arg1 + common_arg

    class Plugin2(object):
        def hello(self, arg2, common_arg):
            return arg2 + common_arg


    results = pm.hook.hello(arg1=1, arg2=2, common_arg=0)
    assert results == [2, 1]

def test_call_order(pm):
    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"


    class Plugin1(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return 1

    class Plugin2(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return 2

    class Plugin3(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return 3

    class Plugin4(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            assert arg == 0
            outcome = yield
            assert outcome.get_result() == [3, 2, 1]

    pm.register(Plugin4())  # hookwrapper should get same list result
    res = pm.hook.hello(arg=0)
    assert res == [3, 2, 1]

def test_firstresult_definition(pm):
    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"


    class Plugin1(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return arg + 1

    class Plugin2(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return arg - 1

    class Plugin3(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return None

    class Plugin4(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            assert arg == 3
            outcome = yield
            assert outcome.get_result() == 2

    pm.register(Plugin1())  # discarded - not the last registered plugin
    pm.register(Plugin2())  # used as result
    pm.register(Plugin3())  # None result is ignored
    pm.register(Plugin4())  # hookwrapper should get same non-list result
    res = pm.hook.hello(arg=3)
    assert res == 2

def test_firstresult_force_result(pm):
    """Verify forcing a result in a wrapper.

    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"


    class Plugin1(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return arg + 1

    class Plugin2(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            assert arg == 3
            outcome = yield
            assert outcome.get_result() == 4

    class Plugin3(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return None

    pm.register(Plugin2())  # wrapper
    pm.register(Plugin3())  # ignored since returns None
    res = pm.hook.hello(arg=3)
    assert res == 0  # this result is forced and not a list

def test_firstresult_returns_none(pm):
    """If None results are returned by underlying implementations ensure
    the multi-call loop returns a None value.

    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"


    class Plugin1(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            return None

    res = pm.hook.hello(arg=3)
    assert res is None

def test_firstresult_no_plugin(pm):
    """If no implementations/plugins have been registered for a firstresult
    hook the multi-call loop should return a None value.

    class Api(object):
        def hello(self, arg):
            "api hook 1"

    res = pm.hook.hello(arg=3)
    assert res is None