/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include FILE *aws_fopen_safe(const struct aws_string *file_path, const struct aws_string *mode) { FILE *f = fopen(aws_string_c_str(file_path), aws_string_c_str(mode)); if (!f) { int errno_cpy = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_cpy); AWS_LOGF_ERROR( AWS_LS_COMMON_IO, "static: Failed to open file. path:'%s' mode:'%s' errno:%d aws-error:%d(%s)", aws_string_c_str(file_path), aws_string_c_str(mode), errno_cpy, aws_last_error(), aws_error_name(aws_last_error())); } return f; } int aws_directory_create(const struct aws_string *dir_path) { int mkdir_ret = mkdir(aws_string_c_str(dir_path), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ /** nobody cares if it already existed. */ if (mkdir_ret != 0 && errno_value != EEXIST) { return aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } bool aws_directory_exists(const struct aws_string *dir_path) { struct stat dir_info; if (lstat(aws_string_c_str(dir_path), &dir_info) == 0 && S_ISDIR(dir_info.st_mode)) { return true; } return false; } static bool s_delete_file_or_directory(const struct aws_directory_entry *entry, void *user_data) { (void)user_data; struct aws_allocator *allocator = aws_default_allocator(); struct aws_string *path_str = aws_string_new_from_cursor(allocator, &entry->relative_path); int ret_val = AWS_OP_SUCCESS; if (entry->file_type & AWS_FILE_TYPE_FILE) { ret_val = aws_file_delete(path_str); } if (entry->file_type & AWS_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { ret_val = aws_directory_delete(path_str, false); } aws_string_destroy(path_str); return ret_val == AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } int aws_directory_delete(const struct aws_string *dir_path, bool recursive) { if (!aws_directory_exists(dir_path)) { return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } int ret_val = AWS_OP_SUCCESS; if (recursive) { ret_val = aws_directory_traverse(aws_default_allocator(), dir_path, true, s_delete_file_or_directory, NULL); } if (ret_val && aws_last_error() == AWS_ERROR_FILE_INVALID_PATH) { aws_reset_error(); return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } if (ret_val) { return AWS_OP_ERR; } int error_code = rmdir(aws_string_c_str(dir_path)); int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ return error_code == 0 ? AWS_OP_SUCCESS : aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } int aws_directory_or_file_move(const struct aws_string *from, const struct aws_string *to) { int error_code = rename(aws_string_c_str(from), aws_string_c_str(to)); int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ return error_code == 0 ? AWS_OP_SUCCESS : aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } int aws_file_delete(const struct aws_string *file_path) { int error_code = unlink(aws_string_c_str(file_path)); int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ if (!error_code || errno_value == ENOENT) { return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } return aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } int aws_directory_traverse( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_string *path, bool recursive, aws_on_directory_entry *on_entry, void *user_data) { DIR *dir = opendir(aws_string_c_str(path)); int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ if (!dir) { return aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } struct aws_byte_cursor current_path = aws_byte_cursor_from_string(path); if (current_path.ptr[current_path.len - 1] == AWS_PATH_DELIM) { current_path.len -= 1; } struct dirent *dirent = NULL; int ret_val = AWS_ERROR_SUCCESS; errno = 0; while (!ret_val && (dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { /* note: dirent->name_len is only defined on the BSDs, but not linux. It's not in the * required posix spec. So we use dirent->d_name as a c string here. */ struct aws_byte_cursor name_component = aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(dirent->d_name); if (aws_byte_cursor_eq_c_str(&name_component, "..") || aws_byte_cursor_eq_c_str(&name_component, ".")) { continue; } struct aws_byte_buf relative_path; aws_byte_buf_init_copy_from_cursor(&relative_path, allocator, current_path); aws_byte_buf_append_byte_dynamic(&relative_path, AWS_PATH_DELIM); aws_byte_buf_append_dynamic(&relative_path, &name_component); aws_byte_buf_append_byte_dynamic(&relative_path, 0); relative_path.len -= 1; struct aws_directory_entry entry; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(entry); struct stat dir_info; if (!lstat((const char *)relative_path.buffer, &dir_info)) { if (S_ISDIR(dir_info.st_mode)) { entry.file_type |= AWS_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY; } if (S_ISLNK(dir_info.st_mode)) { entry.file_type |= AWS_FILE_TYPE_SYM_LINK; } if (S_ISREG(dir_info.st_mode)) { entry.file_type |= AWS_FILE_TYPE_FILE; entry.file_size = dir_info.st_size; } if (!entry.file_type) { AWS_ASSERT("Unknown file type encountered"); } entry.relative_path = aws_byte_cursor_from_buf(&relative_path); const char *full_path = realpath((const char *)relative_path.buffer, NULL); if (full_path) { entry.path = aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(full_path); } if (recursive && entry.file_type & AWS_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { struct aws_string *rel_path_str = aws_string_new_from_cursor(allocator, &entry.relative_path); ret_val = aws_directory_traverse(allocator, rel_path_str, recursive, on_entry, user_data); aws_string_destroy(rel_path_str); } /* post order traversal, if a node below us ended the traversal, don't call the visitor again. */ if (ret_val && aws_last_error() == AWS_ERROR_OPERATION_INTERUPTED) { goto cleanup; } if (!on_entry(&entry, user_data)) { ret_val = aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_OPERATION_INTERUPTED); goto cleanup; } if (ret_val) { goto cleanup; } cleanup: /* per https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/realpath.3.html, realpath must be freed, if NULL was passed * to the second argument. */ if (full_path) { free((void *)full_path); } aws_byte_buf_clean_up(&relative_path); } } closedir(dir); return ret_val; } char aws_get_platform_directory_separator(void) { return '/'; } AWS_STATIC_STRING_FROM_LITERAL(s_home_env_var, "HOME"); struct aws_string *aws_get_home_directory(struct aws_allocator *allocator) { /* First, check "HOME" environment variable. * If it's set, then return it, even if it's an empty string. */ struct aws_string *home_value = NULL; aws_get_environment_value(allocator, s_home_env_var, &home_value); if (home_value != NULL) { return home_value; } /* Next, check getpwuid_r(). * We need to allocate a tmp buffer to store the result strings, * and the max possible size for this thing can be pretty big, * so start with a reasonable allocation, and if that's not enough try something bigger. */ uid_t uid = getuid(); /* cannot fail */ struct passwd pwd; struct passwd *result = NULL; char *buf = NULL; int status = ERANGE; for (size_t bufsize = 1024; bufsize <= 16384 && status == ERANGE; bufsize *= 2) { if (buf) { aws_mem_release(allocator, buf); } buf = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, bufsize); status = getpwuid_r(uid, &pwd, buf, bufsize, &result); } if (status == 0 && result != NULL && result->pw_dir != NULL) { home_value = aws_string_new_from_c_str(allocator, result->pw_dir); } else { aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_GET_HOME_DIRECTORY_FAILED); } aws_mem_release(allocator, buf); return home_value; } bool aws_path_exists(const struct aws_string *path) { struct stat buffer; return stat(aws_string_c_str(path), &buffer) == 0; } int aws_fseek(FILE *file, int64_t offset, int whence) { #ifdef AWS_HAVE_POSIX_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT int result = fseeko(file, offset, whence); #else /* must use fseek(), which takes offset as a long */ if (offset < LONG_MIN || offset > LONG_MAX) { return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } int result = fseek(file, offset, whence); #endif /* AWS_HAVE_POSIX_LFS */ int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ if (result != 0) { return aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } int aws_file_get_length(FILE *file, int64_t *length) { struct stat file_stats; int fd = fileno(file); if (fd == -1) { return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_HANDLE); } if (fstat(fd, &file_stats)) { int errno_value = errno; /* Always cache errno before potential side-effect */ return aws_translate_and_raise_io_error(errno_value); } *length = file_stats.st_size; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; }