# -*- test-case-name: twisted.names.test.test_names -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Authoritative resolvers. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division import os import time from twisted.names import dns, error, common from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.python import failure from twisted.python.compat import execfile, nativeString, _PY3 from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath def getSerial(filename='/tmp/twisted-names.serial'): """ Return a monotonically increasing (across program runs) integer. State is stored in the given file. If it does not exist, it is created with rw-/---/--- permissions. This manipulates process-global state by calling C{os.umask()}, so it isn't thread-safe. @param filename: Path to a file that is used to store the state across program runs. @type filename: L{str} @return: a monotonically increasing number @rtype: L{str} """ serial = time.strftime('%Y%m%d') o = os.umask(0o177) try: if not os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(serial + ' 0') finally: os.umask(o) with open(filename, 'r') as serialFile: lastSerial, zoneID = serialFile.readline().split() zoneID = (lastSerial == serial) and (int(zoneID) + 1) or 0 with open(filename, 'w') as serialFile: serialFile.write('%s %d' % (serial, zoneID)) serial = serial + ('%02d' % (zoneID,)) return serial class FileAuthority(common.ResolverBase): """ An Authority that is loaded from a file. This is an abstract class that implements record search logic. To create a functional resolver, subclass it and override the L{loadFile} method. @ivar _ADDITIONAL_PROCESSING_TYPES: Record types for which additional processing will be done. @ivar _ADDRESS_TYPES: Record types which are useful for inclusion in the additional section generated during additional processing. @ivar soa: A 2-tuple containing the SOA domain name as a L{bytes} and a L{dns.Record_SOA}. @ivar records: A mapping of domains (as lowercased L{bytes}) to records. @type records: L{dict} with L{byte} keys """ # See https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/6650 _ADDITIONAL_PROCESSING_TYPES = (dns.CNAME, dns.MX, dns.NS) _ADDRESS_TYPES = (dns.A, dns.AAAA) soa = None records = None def __init__(self, filename): common.ResolverBase.__init__(self) self.loadFile(filename) self._cache = {} def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state def loadFile(self, filename): """ Load DNS records from a file. This method populates the I{soa} and I{records} attributes. It must be overridden in a subclass. It is called once from the initializer. @param filename: The I{filename} parameter that was passed to the initilizer. @returns: L{None} -- the return value is ignored """ def _additionalRecords(self, answer, authority, ttl): """ Find locally known information that could be useful to the consumer of the response and construct appropriate records to include in the I{additional} section of that response. Essentially, implement RFC 1034 section 4.3.2 step 6. @param answer: A L{list} of the records which will be included in the I{answer} section of the response. @param authority: A L{list} of the records which will be included in the I{authority} section of the response. @param ttl: The default TTL for records for which this is not otherwise specified. @return: A generator of L{dns.RRHeader} instances for inclusion in the I{additional} section. These instances represent extra information about the records in C{answer} and C{authority}. """ for record in answer + authority: if record.type in self._ADDITIONAL_PROCESSING_TYPES: name = record.payload.name.name for rec in self.records.get(name.lower(), ()): if rec.TYPE in self._ADDRESS_TYPES: yield dns.RRHeader( name, rec.TYPE, dns.IN, rec.ttl or ttl, rec, auth=True) def _lookup(self, name, cls, type, timeout=None): """ Determine a response to a particular DNS query. @param name: The name which is being queried and for which to lookup a response. @type name: L{bytes} @param cls: The class which is being queried. Only I{IN} is implemented here and this value is presently disregarded. @type cls: L{int} @param type: The type of records being queried. See the types defined in L{twisted.names.dns}. @type type: L{int} @param timeout: All processing is done locally and a result is available immediately, so the timeout value is ignored. @return: A L{Deferred} that fires with a L{tuple} of three sets of response records (to comprise the I{answer}, I{authority}, and I{additional} sections of a DNS response) or with a L{Failure} if there is a problem processing the query. """ cnames = [] results = [] authority = [] additional = [] default_ttl = max(self.soa[1].minimum, self.soa[1].expire) domain_records = self.records.get(name.lower()) if domain_records: for record in domain_records: if record.ttl is not None: ttl = record.ttl else: ttl = default_ttl if (record.TYPE == dns.NS and name.lower() != self.soa[0].lower()): # NS record belong to a child zone: this is a referral. As # NS records are authoritative in the child zone, ours here # are not. RFC 2181, section 6.1. authority.append( dns.RRHeader( name, record.TYPE, dns.IN, ttl, record, auth=False ) ) elif record.TYPE == type or type == dns.ALL_RECORDS: results.append( dns.RRHeader( name, record.TYPE, dns.IN, ttl, record, auth=True ) ) if record.TYPE == dns.CNAME: cnames.append( dns.RRHeader( name, record.TYPE, dns.IN, ttl, record, auth=True ) ) if not results: results = cnames # Sort of https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1034#section-4.3.2 . # See https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/6732 additionalInformation = self._additionalRecords( results, authority, default_ttl) if cnames: results.extend(additionalInformation) else: additional.extend(additionalInformation) if not results and not authority: # Empty response. Include SOA record to allow clients to cache # this response. RFC 1034, sections 3.7 and 4.3.4, and RFC 2181 # section 7.1. authority.append( dns.RRHeader( self.soa[0], dns.SOA, dns.IN, ttl, self.soa[1], auth=True ) ) return defer.succeed((results, authority, additional)) else: if dns._isSubdomainOf(name, self.soa[0]): # We may be the authority and we didn't find it. # XXX: The QNAME may also be in a delegated child zone. See # #6581 and #6580 return defer.fail( failure.Failure(dns.AuthoritativeDomainError(name)) ) else: # The QNAME is not a descendant of this zone. Fail with # DomainError so that the next chained authority or # resolver will be queried. return defer.fail(failure.Failure(error.DomainError(name))) def lookupZone(self, name, timeout=10): name = dns.domainString(name) if self.soa[0].lower() == name.lower(): # Wee hee hee hooo yea default_ttl = max(self.soa[1].minimum, self.soa[1].expire) if self.soa[1].ttl is not None: soa_ttl = self.soa[1].ttl else: soa_ttl = default_ttl results = [ dns.RRHeader( self.soa[0], dns.SOA, dns.IN, soa_ttl, self.soa[1], auth=True ) ] for (k, r) in self.records.items(): for rec in r: if rec.ttl is not None: ttl = rec.ttl else: ttl = default_ttl if rec.TYPE != dns.SOA: results.append( dns.RRHeader( k, rec.TYPE, dns.IN, ttl, rec, auth=True ) ) results.append(results[0]) return defer.succeed((results, (), ())) return defer.fail(failure.Failure(dns.DomainError(name))) def _cbAllRecords(self, results): ans, auth, add = [], [], [] for res in results: if res[0]: ans.extend(res[1][0]) auth.extend(res[1][1]) add.extend(res[1][2]) return ans, auth, add class PySourceAuthority(FileAuthority): """ A FileAuthority that is built up from Python source code. """ def loadFile(self, filename): g, l = self.setupConfigNamespace(), {} execfile(filename, g, l) if 'zone' not in l: raise ValueError("No zone defined in " + filename) self.records = {} for rr in l['zone']: if isinstance(rr[1], dns.Record_SOA): self.soa = rr self.records.setdefault(rr[0].lower(), []).append(rr[1]) def wrapRecord(self, type): return lambda name, *arg, **kw: (name, type(*arg, **kw)) def setupConfigNamespace(self): r = {} items = dns.__dict__.iterkeys() for record in [x for x in items if x.startswith('Record_')]: type = getattr(dns, record) f = self.wrapRecord(type) r[record[len('Record_'):]] = f return r class BindAuthority(FileAuthority): """ An Authority that loads U{BIND zone files }. Supports only C{$ORIGIN} and C{$TTL} directives. """ def loadFile(self, filename): """ Load records from C{filename}. @param filename: file to read from @type filename: L{bytes} """ fp = FilePath(filename) # Not the best way to set an origin. It can be set using $ORIGIN # though. self.origin = nativeString(fp.basename() + b'.') lines = fp.getContent().splitlines(True) lines = self.stripComments(lines) lines = self.collapseContinuations(lines) self.parseLines(lines) def stripComments(self, lines): """ Strip comments from C{lines}. @param lines: lines to work on @type lines: iterable of L{bytes} @return: C{lines} sans comments. """ return ( a.find(b';') == -1 and a or a[:a.find(b';')] for a in [ b.strip() for b in lines ] ) def collapseContinuations(self, lines): """ Transform multiline statements into single lines. @param lines: lines to work on @type lines: iterable of L{bytes} @return: iterable of continuous lines """ l = [] state = 0 for line in lines: if state == 0: if line.find(b'(') == -1: l.append(line) else: l.append(line[:line.find(b'(')]) state = 1 else: if line.find(b')') != -1: l[-1] += b' ' + line[:line.find(b')')] state = 0 else: l[-1] += b' ' + line return filter(None, (line.split() for line in l)) def parseLines(self, lines): """ Parse C{lines}. @param lines: lines to work on @type lines: iterable of L{bytes} """ ttl = 60 * 60 * 3 origin = self.origin self.records = {} for line in lines: if line[0] == b'$TTL': ttl = dns.str2time(line[1]) elif line[0] == b'$ORIGIN': origin = line[1] elif line[0] == b'$INCLUDE': raise NotImplementedError('$INCLUDE directive not implemented') elif line[0] == b'$GENERATE': raise NotImplementedError( '$GENERATE directive not implemented' ) else: self.parseRecordLine(origin, ttl, line) # If the origin changed, reflect that within the instance. self.origin = origin def addRecord(self, owner, ttl, type, domain, cls, rdata): """ Add a record to our authority. Expand domain with origin if necessary. @param owner: origin? @type owner: L{bytes} @param ttl: time to live for the record @type ttl: L{int} @param domain: the domain for which the record is to be added @type domain: L{bytes} @param type: record type @type type: L{str} @param cls: record class @type cls: L{str} @param rdata: record data @type rdata: L{list} of L{bytes} """ if not domain.endswith(b'.'): domain = domain + b'.' + owner[:-1] else: domain = domain[:-1] f = getattr(self, 'class_%s' % (cls,), None) if f: f(ttl, type, domain, rdata) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Record class %r not supported" % (cls,) ) def class_IN(self, ttl, type, domain, rdata): """ Simulate a class IN and recurse into the actual class. @param ttl: time to live for the record @type ttl: L{int} @param type: record type @type type: str @param domain: the domain @type domain: bytes @param rdata: @type rdate: bytes """ record = getattr(dns, 'Record_%s' % (nativeString(type),), None) if record: r = record(*rdata) r.ttl = ttl self.records.setdefault(domain.lower(), []).append(r) if type == 'SOA': self.soa = (domain, r) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Record type %r not supported" % (nativeString(type),) ) def parseRecordLine(self, origin, ttl, line): """ Parse a C{line} from a zone file respecting C{origin} and C{ttl}. Add resulting records to authority. @param origin: starting point for the zone @type origin: L{bytes} @param ttl: time to live for the record @type ttl: L{int} @param line: zone file line to parse; split by word @type line: L{list} of L{bytes} """ if _PY3: queryClasses = set( qc.encode("ascii") for qc in dns.QUERY_CLASSES.values() ) queryTypes = set( qt.encode("ascii") for qt in dns.QUERY_TYPES.values() ) else: queryClasses = set(dns.QUERY_CLASSES.values()) queryTypes = set(dns.QUERY_TYPES.values()) markers = queryClasses | queryTypes cls = b'IN' owner = origin if line[0] == b'@': line = line[1:] owner = origin elif not line[0].isdigit() and line[0] not in markers: owner = line[0] line = line[1:] if line[0].isdigit() or line[0] in markers: domain = owner owner = origin else: domain = line[0] line = line[1:] if line[0] in queryClasses: cls = line[0] line = line[1:] if line[0].isdigit(): ttl = int(line[0]) line = line[1:] elif line[0].isdigit(): ttl = int(line[0]) line = line[1:] if line[0] in queryClasses: cls = line[0] line = line[1:] type = line[0] rdata = line[1:] self.addRecord( owner, ttl, nativeString(type), domain, nativeString(cls), rdata )