name: Run build and tests (ya make) description: Run test targets listed in repository root ya.make (to be created previously) inputs: build_target: required: true build_preset: required: true default: "relwithdebinfo" description: "relwithdebinfo, release-asan, release-tsan" test_type: required: false type: string default: "" description: "run only specific test types (or all by default)" test_size: required: false default: "small,medium,large" description: "small or small-medium or all" test_threads: required: false default: "56" description: "Test threads count" link_threads: required: false default: "12" description: "link threads count" additional_ya_make_args: type: string default: "" testman_token: required: false description: "test manager auth token" testman_url: required: false description: "test manager endpoint" testman_project_id: required: false description: "test manager project id" put_build_results_to_cache: required: false default: "true" bazel_remote_uri: required: false description: "bazel-remote endpoint" bazel_remote_username: required: false description: "bazel-remote username" bazel_remote_password: required: false description: "bazel-remote password" run_tests: type: boolean default: true description: "run tests" test_retry_count: type: string default: "" description: "how many times to retry failed tests" outputs: success: value: ${{ }} description: "build success" runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Install Node required for Testmo CLI uses: actions/setup-node@v3 with: node-version: 19 - name: Init id: init shell: bash run: | set -x export TMP_DIR=$(pwd)/tmp rm -rf $TMP_DIR mkdir -p $TMP_DIR echo "TMP_DIR=$TMP_DIR" >> $GITHUB_ENV # The whole dir will be uploaded to s3 with public (=wild internet) ACL export PUBLIC_DIR=$TMP_DIR/results echo "PUBLIC_DIR=$PUBLIC_DIR" >> $GITHUB_ENV export PUBLIC_DIR_URL=$S3_URL_PREFIX echo "PUBLIC_DIR_URL=$PUBLIC_DIR_URL" >> $GITHUB_ENV mkdir -p $PUBLIC_DIR echo "LAST_JUNIT_REPORT_XML=$PUBLIC_DIR/last_junit.xml" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "TESTMO_URL=${{ inputs.testman_url }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "SUMMARY_LINKS=$PUBLIC_DIR/summary_links.txt" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "BUILD_PRESET=${{ inputs.build_preset }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV python3 -m pip install ydb ydb[yc] codeowners - name: set environment variables required by some tests if: inputs.run_tests shell: bash run: | echo "PSQL_BINARY=/usr/bin/psql" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: ya build and test id: build shell: bash run: | set -x readarray -d ',' -t test_size < <(printf "%s" "${{ inputs.test_size }}") readarray -d ',' -t test_type < <(printf "%s" "${{ inputs.test_type }}") params=( -T ${test_size[@]/#/--test-size=} ${test_type[@]/#/--test-type=} --stat --test-threads "${{ inputs.test_threads }}" --link-threads "${{ inputs.link_threads }}" -DUSE_EAT_MY_DATA ) TEST_RETRY_COUNT=${{ inputs.test_retry_count }} case "$BUILD_PRESET" in debug) params+=(--build "debug") ;; relwithdebinfo) params+=(--build "relwithdebinfo") ;; release) params+=(--build "release") ;; release-clang14) params+=(--build "release") params+=(--target-platform="CLANG14-LINUX-X86_64") params+=(-DLLD_VERSION=16) params+=(-DSTRIP) ;; release-asan) params+=( --build "release" --sanitize="address" -DDEBUGINFO_LINES_ONLY ) if [ $TEST_RETRY_COUNT -z ]; then TEST_RETRY_COUNT=1 fi ;; release-tsan) params+=( --build "release" --sanitize="thread" -DDEBUGINFO_LINES_ONLY ) if [ $TEST_RETRY_COUNT -z ]; then TEST_RETRY_COUNT=1 fi ;; release-msan) params+=( --build "release" --sanitize="memory" -DDEBUGINFO_LINES_ONLY ) if [ $TEST_RETRY_COUNT -z ]; then TEST_RETRY_COUNT=1 fi ;; *) echo "Invalid preset: $BUILD_PRESET" exit 1 ;; esac if [ $TEST_RETRY_COUNT -z ]; then # default is 3 for ordinary build and 1 for sanitizer builds TEST_RETRY_COUNT=3 fi if [ ! -z "${{ inputs.additional_ya_make_args }}" ]; then params+=(${{ inputs.additional_ya_make_args }}) fi if [ ! -z "${{ inputs.bazel_remote_uri }}" ]; then params+=(--bazel-remote-store) params+=(--bazel-remote-base-uri "${{ inputs.bazel_remote_uri }}") fi if [ "${{ inputs.put_build_results_to_cache }}" = "true" ]; then params+=(--bazel-remote-username "${{ inputs.bazel_remote_username }}") params+=(--bazel-remote-password "${{ inputs.bazel_remote_password }}") params+=(--bazel-remote-put --dist-cache-max-file-size=209715200) fi if [ true = ${{ inputs.run_tests }} ]; then params+=(-A) fi params+=( --stat -DCONSISTENT_DEBUG --no-dir-outputs --test-failure-code 0 --build-all --cache-size 2TB --force-build-depends ) TESTMO_BRANCH_TAG="$GITHUB_REF_NAME" TESTMO_ARCH="${{ runner.arch == 'X64' && 'x86-64' || runner.arch == 'ARM64' && 'arm64' || 'unknown' }}" TESTMO_PR_NUMBER=${{ github.event.number }} # install testmo npm install -g @testmo/testmo-cli case "$BUILD_PRESET" in relwithdebinfo) TESTMO_SOURCE="ya-${TESTMO_ARCH}" ;; debug) TESTMO_SOURCE="ya-${TESTMO_ARCH}-debug" ;; release-*) TESTMO_SOURCE="ya-${TESTMO_ARCH}-${BUILD_PRESET/release-/}" ;; *) echo "Invalid preset: $BUILD_PRESET" exit 1 ;; esac case $GITHUB_EVENT_NAME in workflow_dispatch) TESTMO_RUN_NAME="${{ github.run_id }} manual" TESTMO_EXTRA_TAG="manual" ;; pull_request | pull_request_target) TESTMO_RUN_NAME="${{ github.run_id }} PR #${TESTMO_PR_NUMBER}" TESTMO_EXTRA_TAG="pr" TESTMO_BRANCH_TAG="" ;; schedule) TESTMO_RUN_NAME="${{ github.run_id }} schedule" TESTMO_EXTRA_TAG="schedule" ;; push) TESTMO_RUN_NAME="${{ github.run_id }} POST" TESTMO_EXTRA_TAG="post-commit" ;; *) TESTMO_RUN_NAME="${{ github.run_id }}" TESTMO_EXTRA_TAG="" ;; esac echo "TESTMO_RUN_NAME=$TESTMO_RUN_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "::debug::get version" ./ya --version YA_MAKE_OUT_DIR=$TMP_DIR/out YA_MAKE_OUTPUT="$PUBLIC_DIR/ya_make_output.log" YA_MAKE_OUTPUT_URL="$PUBLIC_DIR_URL/ya_make_output.log" echo "20 [Ya make output]($YA_MAKE_OUTPUT_URL)" >> $SUMMARY_LINKS echo "YA_MAKE_OUTPUT_URL=$YA_MAKE_OUTPUT_URL" >> $GITHUB_ENV BUILD_FAILED=0 for RETRY in $(seq 1 $TEST_RETRY_COUNT) do if [ $RETRY != 1 ]; then IS_RETRY=1 else IS_RETRY=0 fi if [ ${{ inputs.testman_token }} ]; then # inititalize testmo session TESTMO_RUN_URL="$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/actions/runs/$GITHUB_RUN_ID" TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} testmo automation:resources:add-link --name build --url "$TESTMO_RUN_URL" --resources testmo.json TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} testmo automation:resources:add-field --name git-sha --type string --value "${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}" --resources testmo.json TESTMO_RUN_ID=$( TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} testmo automation:run:create --instance "$TESTMO_URL" --project-id ${{ inputs.testman_project_id }} \ --name "$TESTMO_RUN_NAME" --source "$TESTMO_SOURCE" --resources testmo.json \ --tags "$TESTMO_BRANCH_TAG" --tags "$TESTMO_EXTRA_TAG" ) echo "runid=${TESTMO_RUN_ID}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT TESTMO_HISTORY_URL="${TESTMO_URL}/automation/runs/view/${TESTMO_RUN_ID}" # Replace test history link cat $SUMMARY_LINKS | (grep -v "Test history" || true) > $TMP_DIR/tmp_summary mv $TMP_DIR/tmp_summary $SUMMARY_LINKS echo "10 [Test history](${TESTMO_HISTORY_URL})" >> $SUMMARY_LINKS fi CURRENT_MESSAGE="**{platform_name}-${BUILD_PRESET}** is running..." if [ $IS_RETRY = 0 ]; then CURRENT_MESSAGE="Check $CURRENT_MESSAGE" RERUN_FAILED_TESTS="" else CURRENT_MESSAGE="Failed tests rerun (try $RETRY) $CURRENT_MESSAGE" RERUN_FAILED_OPT="-X" fi echo $CURRENT_MESSAGE | GITHUB_TOKEN="${{ github.token }}" .github/scripts/tests/ CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR_RELATIVE=try_$RETRY CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR=$PUBLIC_DIR/$CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR_RELATIVE mkdir $CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH=$CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR/junit.xml set +ex (./ya make ${{ inputs.build_target }} "${params[@]}" \ $RERUN_FAILED_OPT --log-file "$PUBLIC_DIR/ya_log.log" \ --evlog-file "$CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR/ya_evlog.jsonl" \ --junit "$CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH" --output "$YA_MAKE_OUT_DIR"; echo $? > exit_code) |& cat >> $YA_MAKE_OUTPUT set -ex RC=`cat exit_code` # convert to chromium trace # seems analyze-make don't have simple "output" parameter, so change cwd ya_dir=$(pwd) (cd $CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR && $ya_dir/ya analyze-make timeline --evlog ya_evlog.jsonl) if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then echo "ya make returned $RC, build failed" echo "status=failed" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT BUILD_FAILED=1 break fi # fix junit files (add links, logs etc) # archive unitest reports (orig) gzip -c $CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH > $CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR/orig_junit.xml.gz # postprocess junit report .github/scripts/tests/ -i \ -m .github/config/muted_ya.txt \ --ya_out "$YA_MAKE_OUT_DIR" \ --public_dir "$PUBLIC_DIR" \ --public_dir_url "$PUBLIC_DIR_URL" \ --log_out_dir "$CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR_RELATIVE/artifacts/logs/" \ --test_stuff_out "$CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR_RELATIVE/test_artifacts/" \ "$CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH" cp $CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH $LAST_JUNIT_REPORT_XML TESTS_RESULT=0 .github/scripts/tests/ "$CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH" --output_path $CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR/failed_count.txt || TESTS_RESULT=$? FAILED_TESTS_COUNT=$(cat $CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR/failed_count.txt) IS_LAST_RETRY=0 if [ $TESTS_RESULT = 0 ] || [ $RETRY = $TEST_RETRY_COUNT ]; then IS_LAST_RETRY=1 fi s3cmd sync --follow-symlinks --acl-public --no-progress --stats --no-check-md5 "$PUBLIC_DIR/" "$S3_BUCKET_PATH/" if [ $FAILED_TESTS_COUNT -gt 500 ]; then IS_LAST_RETRY=1 TOO_MANY_FAILED="Too many tests failed, NOT going to retry" echo $TOO_MANY_FAILED | GITHUB_TOKEN="${{ github.token }}" .github/scripts/tests/ --fail fi if [ "${{ inputs.run_tests }}" = "true" ]; then GITHUB_TOKEN=${{ github.token }} .github/scripts/tests/ \ --summary_links "$SUMMARY_LINKS" \ --public_dir "$PUBLIC_DIR" \ --public_dir_url "$PUBLIC_DIR_URL" \ --build_preset "$BUILD_PRESET" \ --status_report_file statusrep.txt \ --is_retry $IS_RETRY \ --is_last_retry $IS_LAST_RETRY \ "Tests" $CURRENT_PUBLIC_DIR/ya-test.html "$CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH" fi # upload tests results to YDB ydb_upload_run_name="${TESTMO_RUN_NAME// /"_"}" result=`.github/scripts/ --test-results-file ${CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH} --run-timestamp $(date +%s) --commit $(git rev-parse HEAD) --build-type ${BUILD_PRESET} --pull $ydb_upload_run_name --job-name "${{ github.workflow }}" --job-id "${{ github.run_id }}" --branch ${GITHUB_REF_NAME}` if [ ${{ inputs.testman_token }} ]; then # finish testme session # split large junit_report export TESTMO_JUNIT_REPORT_PARTS=$TMP_DIR/junit-split mkdir -p $TESTMO_JUNIT_REPORT_PARTS .github/scripts/tests/ -o "$TESTMO_JUNIT_REPORT_PARTS" "$CURRENT_JUNIT_XML_PATH" # archive unitest reports (transformed) tar -C $TESTMO_JUNIT_REPORT_PARTS/.. -czf $PUBLIC_DIR/junit_parts.xml.tar.gz $(basename $TESTMO_JUNIT_REPORT_PARTS) TESTMO_PROXY_ADDR= openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 \ -keyout $TMP_DIR/key.pem -out $TMP_DIR/cert.pem \ -sha256 -days 1 -nodes -subj "/CN=" TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} ./ydb/ci/testmo-proxy/ -l $TESTMO_PROXY_ADDR \ --cert-file "$TMP_DIR/cert.pem" \ --cert-key "$TMP_DIR/key.pem" \ --target-timeout 3,10 \ --max-request-time 55 \ "$TESTMO_URL" & testmo_proxy_pid=$! TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 testmo automation:run:submit-thread \ --instance "https://$TESTMO_PROXY_ADDR" --run-id "$TESTMO_RUN_ID" \ --results "$TESTMO_JUNIT_REPORT_PARTS/*.xml" kill $testmo_proxy_pid TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} testmo automation:run:complete --instance "$TESTMO_URL" --run-id $TESTMO_RUN_ID echo "runid=" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi if [ $IS_LAST_RETRY = 1 ]; then break fi done; if [ $BUILD_FAILED = 0 ]; then echo "status=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi - name: comment-build-status if: github.event_name == 'pull_request' || github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' shell: bash env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: | set -x if [ "${{ }}" == "failed" ]; then curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{github.token}}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \${{github.repository}}/statuses/${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}} \ -d '{"state":"failure","description":"The check has been failed","context":"build_${{inputs.build_preset}}"}' echo "Build failed. see the [logs]($YA_MAKE_OUTPUT_URL)." | .github/scripts/tests/ --fail else curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{github.token}}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \${{github.repository}}/statuses/${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}} \ -d '{"state":"success","description":"The check has been completed successfully","context":"build_${{inputs.build_preset}}"}' echo "Build successful." | .github/scripts/tests/ --ok fi - name: Clean up unfinished testmo sessions if: always() shell: bash run: | if [ ${{ }} ]; then TESTMO_TOKEN=${{ inputs.testman_token }} testmo automation:run:complete --instance "$TESTMO_URL" --run-id ${{ }} fi - name: analyze tests results shell: bash env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }} run: | set -x if [ true = ${{ inputs.run_tests }} ]; then teststatus=$(cat statusrep.txt) if [[ $teststatus == "success" ]];then testmessage="The check has been completed successfully" else testmessage="The check has been failed" fi curl -L -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${{github.token}}" -H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \${{github.repository}}/statuses/${{github.event.pull_request.head.sha}} \ -d '{"state":"'$teststatus'","description":"'"$testmessage"'","context":"test_${{inputs.build_preset}}"}' if [[ $teststatus != "success" ]];then echo "status=failed" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT fi fi - name: check test results if: inputs.run_tests shell: bash run: | .github/scripts/tests/ "$LAST_JUNIT_REPORT_XML" - name: sync results to s3 and publish links if: always() shell: bash run: | set -x echo "::group::s3-sync" .github/scripts/Indexer/ -r "$PUBLIC_DIR/" echo "00 [Workflow artifacts](${S3_URL_PREFIX}/index.html)" >> $SUMMARY_LINKS s3cmd sync --follow-symlinks --acl-public --no-progress --stats --no-check-md5 "$PUBLIC_DIR/" "$S3_BUCKET_PATH/" cat $SUMMARY_LINKS | python3 -c 'import sys; print(" | ".join([v for _, v in sorted([l.strip().split(" ", 1) for l in sys.stdin], key=lambda a: (int(a[0]), a))]))' >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "::endgroup::" - name: show free space if: always() shell: bash run: df -h