#include "writer.h" #include "detail.h" #include "format.h" #include "parser.h" #include "varint.h" #include "zigzag.h" #include <util/string/cast.h> #include <cmath> namespace NYson { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copied from <util/string/escape.cpp> namespace { inline char HexDigit(char value) { Y_ASSERT(value < 16); if (value < 10) return '0' + value; else return 'A' + value - 10; } inline char OctDigit(char value) { Y_ASSERT(value < 8); return '0' + value; } inline bool IsPrintable(char c) { return c >= 32 && c <= 126; } inline bool IsHexDigit(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'); } inline bool IsOctDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '7'; } const size_t ESCAPE_C_BUFFER_SIZE = 4; inline size_t EscapeC(unsigned char c, char next, char r[ESCAPE_C_BUFFER_SIZE]) { // (1) Printable characters go as-is, except backslash and double quote. // (2) Characters \r, \n, \t and \0 ... \7 replaced by their simple escape characters (if possible). // (3) Otherwise, character is encoded using hexadecimal escape sequence (if possible), or octal. if (c == '\"') { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = '\"'; return 2; } else if (c == '\\') { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = '\\'; return 2; } else if (IsPrintable(c)) { r[0] = c; return 1; } else if (c == '\r') { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = 'r'; return 2; } else if (c == '\n') { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = 'n'; return 2; } else if (c == '\t') { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = 't'; return 2; } else if (c < 8 && !IsOctDigit(next)) { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = OctDigit(c); return 2; } else if (!IsHexDigit(next)) { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = 'x'; r[2] = HexDigit((c & 0xF0) >> 4); r[3] = HexDigit((c & 0x0F) >> 0); return 4; } else { r[0] = '\\'; r[1] = OctDigit((c & 0700) >> 6); r[2] = OctDigit((c & 0070) >> 3); r[3] = OctDigit((c & 0007) >> 0); return 4; } } void EscapeC(const char* str, size_t len, IOutputStream& output) { char buffer[ESCAPE_C_BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t i, j; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len; ++i) { size_t rlen = EscapeC(str[i], (i + 1 < len ? str[i + 1] : 0), buffer); if (rlen > 1) { output.Write(str + j, i - j); j = i + 1; output.Write(buffer, rlen); } } if (j > 0) { output.Write(str + j, len - j); } else { output.Write(str, len); } } TString FloatToStringWithNanInf(double value) { if (std::isfinite(value)) { return ::ToString(value); } static const TStringBuf nanLiteral = "%nan"; static const TStringBuf infLiteral = "%inf"; static const TStringBuf negativeInfLiteral = "%-inf"; TStringBuf str; if (std::isnan(value)) { str = nanLiteral; } else if (value > 0) { str = infLiteral; } else { str = negativeInfLiteral; } return TString(str.data(), str.size()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TYsonWriter::TYsonWriter( IOutputStream* stream, EYsonFormat format, EYsonType type, bool enableRaw) : Stream(stream) , Format(format) , Type(type) , EnableRaw(enableRaw) , Depth(0) , BeforeFirstItem(true) { Y_ASSERT(stream); } void TYsonWriter::WriteIndent() { for (int i = 0; i < IndentSize * Depth; ++i) { Stream->Write(' '); } } bool TYsonWriter::IsTopLevelFragmentContext() const { return Depth == 0 && (Type == ::NYson::EYsonType::ListFragment || Type == ::NYson::EYsonType::MapFragment); } void TYsonWriter::EndNode() { if (IsTopLevelFragmentContext()) { ETokenType separatorToken = Type == ::NYson::EYsonType::ListFragment ? ListItemSeparatorToken : KeyedItemSeparatorToken; Stream->Write(TokenTypeToChar(separatorToken)); if (Format == EYsonFormat::Text || Format == EYsonFormat::Pretty) { Stream->Write('\n'); } } } void TYsonWriter::BeginCollection(ETokenType beginToken) { Stream->Write(TokenTypeToChar(beginToken)); ++Depth; BeforeFirstItem = true; } void TYsonWriter::CollectionItem(ETokenType separatorToken) { if (!IsTopLevelFragmentContext()) { if (!BeforeFirstItem) { Stream->Write(TokenTypeToChar(separatorToken)); } if (Format == EYsonFormat::Pretty) { Stream->Write('\n'); WriteIndent(); } } BeforeFirstItem = false; } void TYsonWriter::EndCollection(ETokenType endToken) { --Depth; if (Format == EYsonFormat::Pretty && !BeforeFirstItem) { Stream->Write('\n'); WriteIndent(); } Stream->Write(TokenTypeToChar(endToken)); BeforeFirstItem = false; } void TYsonWriter::WriteStringScalar(const TStringBuf& value) { if (Format == EYsonFormat::Binary) { Stream->Write(NDetail::StringMarker); WriteVarInt32(Stream, static_cast<i32>(value.length())); Stream->Write(value.begin(), value.length()); } else { Stream->Write('"'); EscapeC(value.data(), value.length(), *Stream); Stream->Write('"'); } } void TYsonWriter::OnStringScalar(TStringBuf value) { WriteStringScalar(value); EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnInt64Scalar(i64 value) { if (Format == EYsonFormat::Binary) { Stream->Write(NDetail::Int64Marker); WriteVarInt64(Stream, value); } else { Stream->Write(::ToString(value)); } EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnUint64Scalar(ui64 value) { if (Format == EYsonFormat::Binary) { Stream->Write(NDetail::Uint64Marker); WriteVarUInt64(Stream, value); } else { Stream->Write(::ToString(value)); Stream->Write("u"); } EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnDoubleScalar(double value) { if (Format == EYsonFormat::Binary) { Stream->Write(NDetail::DoubleMarker); Stream->Write(&value, sizeof(double)); } else { auto str = FloatToStringWithNanInf(value); Stream->Write(str); if (str.find('.') == TString::npos && str.find('e') == TString::npos && std::isfinite(value)) { Stream->Write("."); } } EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnBooleanScalar(bool value) { if (Format == EYsonFormat::Binary) { Stream->Write(value ? NDetail::TrueMarker : NDetail::FalseMarker); } else { Stream->Write(value ? "%true" : "%false"); } EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnEntity() { Stream->Write(TokenTypeToChar(EntityToken)); EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnBeginList() { BeginCollection(BeginListToken); } void TYsonWriter::OnListItem() { CollectionItem(ListItemSeparatorToken); } void TYsonWriter::OnEndList() { EndCollection(EndListToken); EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnBeginMap() { BeginCollection(BeginMapToken); } void TYsonWriter::OnKeyedItem(TStringBuf key) { CollectionItem(KeyedItemSeparatorToken); WriteStringScalar(key); if (Format == NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty) { Stream->Write(' '); } Stream->Write(TokenTypeToChar(KeyValueSeparatorToken)); if (Format == NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty) { Stream->Write(' '); } BeforeFirstItem = false; } void TYsonWriter::OnEndMap() { EndCollection(EndMapToken); EndNode(); } void TYsonWriter::OnBeginAttributes() { BeginCollection(BeginAttributesToken); } void TYsonWriter::OnEndAttributes() { EndCollection(EndAttributesToken); if (Format == NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty) { Stream->Write(' '); } } void TYsonWriter::OnRaw(TStringBuf yson, EYsonType type) { if (EnableRaw) { Stream->Write(yson); BeforeFirstItem = false; } else { TYsonConsumerBase::OnRaw(yson, type); } } TYsonWriter::TState TYsonWriter::State() const { TState state; state.Depth = Depth; state.BeforeFirstItem = BeforeFirstItem; return state; } void TYsonWriter::Reset(const TState& state) { Depth = state.Depth; BeforeFirstItem = state.BeforeFirstItem; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ReformatYsonStream( IInputStream* input, IOutputStream* output, EYsonFormat format, EYsonType type) { TYsonWriter writer(output, format, type); TYsonParser parser(&writer, input, type); parser.Parse(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NYson