/* * GAS preprocessor (emulates GNU Assembler's preprocessor) * * Copyright (C) 2009 Alexei Svitkine * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR OTHER CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include "modules/preprocs/gas/gas-eval.h" #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #define BSIZE 512 #ifndef MAXPATHLEN #define MAXPATHLEN 1024 #endif typedef struct buffered_line { char *line; int line_number; SLIST_ENTRY(buffered_line) next; } buffered_line; typedef struct included_file { char *filename; int lines_remaining; SLIST_ENTRY(included_file) next; } included_file; typedef struct macro_entry { char *name; int num_params; char **params; int num_lines; char **lines; STAILQ_ENTRY(macro_entry) next; } macro_entry; typedef struct deferred_define { char *name; char *value; SLIST_ENTRY(deferred_define) next; } deferred_define; typedef struct expr_state { const char *string; char *symbol; int string_cursor; } expr_state; typedef struct yasm_preproc_gas { yasm_preproc_base preproc; /* base structure */ FILE *in; char *in_filename; yasm_symtab *defines; SLIST_HEAD(deferred_defines_head, deferred_define) deferred_defines; int depth; int skip_depth; int in_comment; expr_state expr; SLIST_HEAD(buffered_lines_head, buffered_line) buffered_lines; SLIST_HEAD(included_files_head, included_file) included_files; STAILQ_HEAD(macros_head, macro_entry) macros; int in_line_number; int next_line_number; int current_line_number; /* virtual (output) line number */ yasm_linemap *cur_lm; yasm_errwarns *errwarns; int fatal_error; int detect_errors_only; } yasm_preproc_gas; yasm_preproc_module yasm_gas_LTX_preproc; /* Forward declarations. */ static int substitute_values(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, char **line_ptr); /* String helpers. */ static const char *starts_with(const char *big, const char *little) { while (*little) { if (*little++ != *big++) { return NULL; } } return big; } static void skip_whitespace(const char **line) { while (isspace(**line)) { (*line)++; } } static void skip_whitespace2(char **line) { while (isspace(**line)) { (*line)++; } } static const char *matches(const char *line, const char *directive) { skip_whitespace(&line); if (*line == '.') { line = starts_with(line + 1, directive); if (line && (!*line || isspace(*line))) { skip_whitespace(&line); return line; } } return NULL; } static int unquote(const char *arg, char *to, size_t to_size, char q, char expected, const char **remainder) { const char *quote; const char *end; size_t len; skip_whitespace(&arg); if (*arg != q) { return -1; } arg++; end = arg; do { quote = strchr(end, q); if (!quote) { return -2; } end = quote + 1; } while (*(quote - 1) == '\\'); skip_whitespace(&end); if (*end != expected) { return -3; } if (remainder) { *remainder = end + 1; } len = (size_t) (quote - arg); if (len >= to_size) { return -4; } strncpy(to, arg, len); to[len] = '\0'; return (int) len; } /* Line-reading. */ static char *read_line_from_file(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, FILE *file) { int bufsize = BSIZE; char *buf; char *p; buf = yasm_xmalloc((size_t)bufsize); /* Loop to ensure entire line is read (don't want to limit line length). */ p = buf; for (;;) { if (!fgets(p, bufsize - (p - buf), file)) { if (ferror(file)) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_IO, N_("error when reading from file")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); } break; } p += strlen(p); if (p > buf && p[-1] == '\n') { break; } if ((p - buf) + 1 >= bufsize) { /* Increase size of buffer */ char *oldbuf = buf; bufsize *= 2; buf = yasm_xrealloc(buf, (size_t) bufsize); p = buf + (p - oldbuf); } } if (p == buf) { /* No data; must be at EOF */ yasm_xfree(buf); return NULL; } /* Strip the line ending */ buf[strcspn(buf, "\r\n")] = '\0'; return buf; } static char *read_line(yasm_preproc_gas *pp) { char *line; if (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->included_files)) { included_file *inc_file = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->included_files); if (inc_file->lines_remaining <= 0) { SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&pp->included_files, next); yasm_xfree(inc_file->filename); yasm_xfree(inc_file); } } if (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->buffered_lines)) { buffered_line *bline = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->buffered_lines); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&pp->buffered_lines, next); line = bline->line; if (bline->line_number != -1) { pp->next_line_number = bline->line_number; } yasm_xfree(bline); if (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->included_files)) { SLIST_FIRST(&pp->included_files)->lines_remaining--; } return line; } line = read_line_from_file(pp, pp->in); if (line) { pp->in_line_number++; pp->next_line_number = pp->in_line_number; } return line; } static const char *get_arg(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, const char *src, char *dest, size_t dest_size) { const char *comma = strchr(src, ','); if (comma) { size_t len = (size_t) (comma - src); if (len >= dest_size) { len = dest_size - 1; } strncpy(dest, src, len); dest[len] = '\0'; comma++; skip_whitespace(&comma); } else { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("expected comma")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); } return comma; } /* GAS expression evaluation. */ static char get_char(yasm_preproc_gas *pp) { return pp->expr.string[pp->expr.string_cursor]; } static const char *get_str(yasm_preproc_gas *pp) { return pp->expr.string + pp->expr.string_cursor; } static void next_char(yasm_preproc_gas *pp) { pp->expr.string_cursor++; } static int ishex(char c) { c = tolower(c); return isdigit(c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f'); } static void gas_scan_init(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, struct tokenval *tokval, const char *arg1) { pp->expr.symbol = NULL; pp->expr.string = arg1; pp->expr.string_cursor = 0; memset(tokval, 0, sizeof(struct tokenval)); tokval->t_type = TOKEN_INVALID; } static void gas_scan_cleanup(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, struct tokenval *tokval) { if (tokval->t_integer) { yasm_intnum_destroy(tokval->t_integer); tokval->t_integer = NULL; } if (pp->expr.symbol) { yasm_xfree(pp->expr.symbol); pp->expr.symbol = NULL; } } static int gas_scan(void *preproc, struct tokenval *tokval) { yasm_preproc_gas *pp = (yasm_preproc_gas *) preproc; char c = get_char(pp); const char *str; tokval->t_charptr = NULL; if (c == '\0') { return tokval->t_type = TOKEN_EOS; } if (isspace(c)) { do { next_char(pp); c = get_char(pp); } while (isspace(c)); } if (isdigit(c)) { int char_index = 0; int value = 0; do { value = value*10 + (c - '0'); char_index++; next_char(pp); c = get_char(pp); if (char_index == 1 && c == 'x' && value == 0) { next_char(pp); c = get_char(pp); /* Hex notation. */ while (ishex(c)) { if (isdigit(c)) { value = (value << 4) | (c - '0'); } else { value = (value << 4) | (tolower(c) - 'a' + 0xa); } next_char(pp); c = get_char(pp); } break; } } while (isdigit(c)); if (tokval->t_integer) { yasm_intnum_destroy(tokval->t_integer); } tokval->t_integer = yasm_intnum_create_int(value); return tokval->t_type = TOKEN_NUM; } tokval->t_type = TOKEN_INVALID; str = get_str(pp); { /* It should be tested whether GAS supports all of these or if there are missing ones. */ unsigned i; struct { const char *op; int token; } ops[] = { { "<<", TOKEN_SHL }, { ">>", TOKEN_SHR }, { "//", TOKEN_SDIV }, { "%%", TOKEN_SMOD }, { "==", TOKEN_EQ }, { "!=", TOKEN_NE }, { "<>", TOKEN_NE }, { "<>", TOKEN_NE }, { "<=", TOKEN_LE }, { ">=", TOKEN_GE }, { "&&", TOKEN_DBL_AND }, { "^^", TOKEN_DBL_XOR }, { "||", TOKEN_DBL_OR } }; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ops)/sizeof(ops[0]); i++) { if (!strcmp(str, ops[i].op)) { tokval->t_type = ops[i].token; break; } } } if (tokval->t_type != TOKEN_INVALID) { next_char(pp); next_char(pp); } else { str = get_str(pp); next_char(pp); tokval->t_type = c; /* Is it a symbol? If so we need to make it a TOKEN_ID. */ if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.') { int symbol_length = 1; c = get_char(pp); while (isalnum(c) || c == '$' || c == '_') { symbol_length++; next_char(pp); c = get_char(pp); } pp->expr.symbol = yasm_xrealloc(pp->expr.symbol, symbol_length + 1); memcpy(pp->expr.symbol, str, symbol_length); pp->expr.symbol[symbol_length] = '\0'; tokval->t_type = TOKEN_ID; tokval->t_charptr = pp->expr.symbol; } } return tokval->t_type; } static void gas_err(void *private_data, int severity, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; yasm_preproc_gas *pp = private_data; if (!pp->detect_errors_only) { va_start(args, fmt); yasm_error_set_va(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_(fmt), args); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); va_end(args); } pp->fatal_error = 1; } static long eval_expr(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, const char *arg1) { struct tokenval tv; yasm_expr *expr; yasm_intnum *intn; long value; expr_state prev_state; if (!*arg1) { return 0; } prev_state = pp->expr; gas_scan_init(pp, &tv, arg1); expr = evaluate(gas_scan, pp, &tv, pp, CRITICAL, gas_err, pp->defines); intn = yasm_expr_get_intnum(&expr, 0); value = yasm_intnum_get_int(intn); yasm_expr_destroy(expr); gas_scan_cleanup(pp, &tv); pp->expr = prev_state; return value; } /* If-directive helpers. */ static int handle_if(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int is_true) { assert(pp->depth >= 0); assert(pp->skip_depth == 0); if (is_true) { pp->depth++; } else { pp->skip_depth = 1; } return 1; } static int handle_endif(yasm_preproc_gas *pp) { if (pp->depth) { pp->depth--; } else { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\".endif\" without \".if\"")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } return 1; } static int handle_else(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int is_elseif) { if (!pp->depth) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\".%s\" without \".if\""), is_elseif ? "elseif" : "else"); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } else { pp->skip_depth = 1; } return 1; } /* Directive-handling functions. */ static int eval_if(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *arg1) { long value; if (!*arg1) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("expression is required in \".if\" statement")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } value = eval_expr(pp, arg1); handle_if(pp, (negate ? !value : !!value)); return 1; } static int eval_else(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused) { return handle_else(pp, 0); } static int eval_endif(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused) { return handle_endif(pp); } static int eval_elseif(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused, const char *arg1) { if (!*arg1) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("expression is required in \".elseif\" statement")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } if (!handle_else(pp, 1)) { return 0; } return eval_if(pp, 0, arg1); } static int eval_ifb(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *arg1) { int is_blank = !*arg1; return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !is_blank : is_blank)); } static int eval_ifc(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *args) { char arg1[512], arg2[512]; const char *remainder; int len = unquote(args, arg1, sizeof(arg1), '\'', ',', &remainder); if (len >= 0) { len = unquote(remainder, arg2, sizeof(arg2), '\'', '\0', NULL); if (len >= 0) { int result = !strcmp(arg1, arg2); return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !result : result)); } } else { /* first argument was not single-quoted, assume non-quoted mode */ remainder = get_arg(pp, args, arg1, sizeof(arg1)); if (remainder) { int result = !strcmp(arg1, remainder); return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !result : result)); } } yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\"%s\" expects two single-quoted or unquoted arguments"), negate ? ".ifnc" : ".ifc"); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } static int eval_ifeqs(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *args) { char arg1[512], arg2[512]; const char *remainder; int len = unquote(args, arg1, sizeof(arg1), '"', ',', &remainder); if (len >= 0) { len = unquote(remainder, arg2, sizeof(arg2), '"', '\0', NULL); if (len >= 0) { int result = !strcmp(arg1, arg2); return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !result : result)); } } yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\"%s\" expects two double-quoted arguments"), negate ? ".ifnes" : ".ifeqs"); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 1; } static int eval_ifdef(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *name) { yasm_symrec *rec = yasm_symtab_get(pp->defines, name); int result = (rec != NULL); return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !result : result)); } static int eval_ifge(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *arg1) { long value = eval_expr(pp, arg1); int result = (value >= 0); return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !result : result)); } static int eval_ifgt(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int negate, const char *arg1) { long value = eval_expr(pp, arg1); int result = (value > 0); return handle_if(pp, (negate ? !result : result)); } static int eval_include(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused, const char *arg1) { char *current_filename; char filename[MAXPATHLEN]; char *line; int num_lines; FILE *file; buffered_line *prev_bline; included_file *inc_file; if (unquote(arg1, filename, sizeof(filename), '"', '\0', NULL) < 0) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("string expected")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } if (SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->included_files)) { current_filename = pp->in_filename; } else { current_filename = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->included_files)->filename; } file = yasm_fopen_include(filename, current_filename, "r", NULL); if (!file) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("unable to open included file \"%s\""), filename); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } num_lines = 0; prev_bline = NULL; line = read_line_from_file(pp, file); while (line) { buffered_line *bline = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(buffered_line)); bline->line = line; bline->line_number = -1; if (prev_bline) { SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(prev_bline, bline, next); } else { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->buffered_lines, bline, next); } prev_bline = bline; line = read_line_from_file(pp, file); num_lines++; } inc_file = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(included_file)); inc_file->filename = yasm__xstrdup(filename); inc_file->lines_remaining = num_lines; SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->included_files, inc_file, next); return 1; } static int try_eval_expr(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, const char *value, long *result) { int success; pp->detect_errors_only = 1; *result = eval_expr(pp, value); success = !pp->fatal_error; pp->fatal_error = 0; pp->detect_errors_only = 0; return success; } static int remove_define(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, const char *name, int allow_redefine) { yasm_symrec *rec = yasm_symtab_get(pp->defines, name); if (rec) { const yasm_symtab_iter *entry; yasm_symtab *new_defines; if (!allow_redefine) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("symbol \"%s\" is already defined"), name); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } new_defines = yasm_symtab_create(); for (entry = yasm_symtab_first(pp->defines); entry; entry = yasm_symtab_next(entry)) { yasm_symrec *entry_rec = yasm_symtab_iter_value(entry); const char *rec_name = yasm_symrec_get_name(entry_rec); if (strcmp(rec_name, name)) { yasm_intnum *num = yasm_intnum_create_int(eval_expr(pp, rec_name)); yasm_expr *expr = yasm_expr_create_ident(yasm_expr_int(num), 0); yasm_symtab_define_equ(new_defines, rec_name, expr, 0); } } yasm_symtab_destroy(pp->defines); pp->defines = new_defines; } return (rec != NULL); } static void add_define(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, const char *name, long value, int allow_redefine, int substitute) { deferred_define *def, *prev_def, *temp_def; yasm_intnum *num; yasm_expr *expr; remove_define(pp, name, allow_redefine); /* Add the new define. */ num = yasm_intnum_create_int(value); expr = yasm_expr_create_ident(yasm_expr_int(num), 0); yasm_symtab_define_equ(pp->defines, name, expr, 0); /* Perform substitution on any deferred defines. */ if (substitute) { prev_def = NULL; temp_def = NULL; SLIST_FOREACH_SAFE(def, &pp->deferred_defines, next, temp_def) { if (substitute_values(pp, &def->value)) { /* Value was updated - check if it can be added to the symtab. */ if (try_eval_expr(pp, def->value, &value)) { add_define(pp, def->name, value, FALSE, FALSE); if (prev_def) { SLIST_NEXT(prev_def, next) = SLIST_NEXT(def, next); } else { SLIST_FIRST(&pp->deferred_defines) = SLIST_NEXT(def, next); } yasm_xfree(def->name); yasm_xfree(def->value); yasm_xfree(def); continue; } } prev_def = def; } } } static int eval_set(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int allow_redefine, const char *name, const char *value) { if (!pp->skip_depth) { long result; if (!try_eval_expr(pp, value, &result)) { deferred_define *def; remove_define(pp, name, allow_redefine); def = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(deferred_define)); def->name = yasm__xstrdup(name); def->value = yasm__xstrdup(value); substitute_values(pp, &def->value); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->deferred_defines, def, next); } else { add_define(pp, name, result, allow_redefine, TRUE); } } return 1; } static int eval_macro(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused, char *args) { char *end; char *line; long nesting = 1; macro_entry *macro = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(macro_entry)); memset(macro, 0, sizeof(macro_entry)); end = args; while (*end && !isspace(*end)) { end++; } macro->name = yasm_xmalloc(end - args + 1); memcpy(macro->name, args, end - args); macro->name[end - args] = '\0'; skip_whitespace2(&end); while (*end) { args = end; while (*end && !isspace(*end) && *end != ',') { end++; } macro->num_params++; macro->params = yasm_xrealloc(macro->params, macro->num_params*sizeof(char *)); macro->params[macro->num_params - 1] = yasm_xmalloc(end - args + 1); memcpy(macro->params[macro->num_params - 1], args, end - args); macro->params[macro->num_params - 1][end - args] = '\0'; skip_whitespace2(&end); if (*end == ',') { end++; skip_whitespace2(&end); } } STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&pp->macros, macro, next); line = read_line(pp); while (line) { char *line2 = line; skip_whitespace2(&line2); if (starts_with(line2, ".macro")) { nesting++; } else if (starts_with(line, ".endm") && --nesting == 0) { return 1; } macro->num_lines++; macro->lines = yasm_xrealloc(macro->lines, macro->num_lines*sizeof(char *)); macro->lines[macro->num_lines - 1] = line; line = read_line(pp); } yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("unexpected EOF in \".macro\" block")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, yasm_linemap_get_current(pp->cur_lm)); return 0; } static int eval_endm(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\".endm\" without \".macro\"")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, yasm_linemap_get_current(pp->cur_lm)); return 0; } static void get_param_value(macro_entry *macro, int param_index, const char *args, const char **value, int *length) { int arg_index = 0; const char *default_value = NULL; const char *end, *eq = strstr(macro->params[param_index], "="); if (eq) { default_value = eq + 1; } skip_whitespace(&args); end = args; while (*end) { args = end; while (*end && !isspace(*end) && *end != ',') { end++; } if (arg_index == param_index) { if (end == args && default_value) { *value = default_value; *length = strlen(default_value); } else { *value = args; *length = end - args; } return; } arg_index++; skip_whitespace(&end); if (*end == ',') { end++; skip_whitespace(&end); } } *value = default_value; *length = (default_value ? strlen(default_value) : 0); } static void expand_macro(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, macro_entry *macro, const char *args) { int i, j; buffered_line *prev_bline = NULL; for (i = 0; i < macro->num_lines; i++) { buffered_line *bline = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(buffered_line)); struct tokenval tokval; int prev_was_backslash = FALSE; int line_length = strlen(macro->lines[i]); char *work = yasm__xstrdup(macro->lines[i]); expr_state prev_state = pp->expr; gas_scan_init(pp, &tokval, work); while (gas_scan(pp, &tokval) != TOKEN_EOS) { if (prev_was_backslash) { if (tokval.t_type == TOKEN_ID) { for (j = 0; j < macro->num_params; j++) { char *end = strstr(macro->params[j], "="); int len = (end ? (size_t)(end - macro->params[j]) : strlen(macro->params[j])); if (!strncmp(tokval.t_charptr, macro->params[j], len) && tokval.t_charptr[len] == '\0') { /* now, find matching argument. */ const char *value; char *line = work + (pp->expr.string - work); int cursor = pp->expr.string_cursor; int value_length, delta; get_param_value(macro, j, args, &value, &value_length); len++; /* leading slash */ delta = value_length - len; line_length += delta; if (delta > 0) { line = yasm_xrealloc(line, line_length + 1); } memmove(line + cursor - len + value_length, line + cursor, strlen(line + cursor) + 1); memcpy(line + cursor - len, value, value_length); pp->expr.string = work = line; pp->expr.string_cursor += delta; if (pp->expr.symbol) { yasm_xfree(pp->expr.symbol); pp->expr.symbol = NULL; } } } } prev_was_backslash = FALSE; } else if (tokval.t_type == '\\') { prev_was_backslash = TRUE; } } gas_scan_cleanup(pp, &tokval); bline->line = work + (pp->expr.string - work); bline->line_number = -1; pp->expr = prev_state; if (prev_bline) { SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(prev_bline, bline, next); } else { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->buffered_lines, bline, next); } prev_bline = bline; } } static int eval_rept(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused, const char *arg1) { long i, n = eval_expr(pp, arg1); long num_lines = 0; long nesting = 1; char *line = read_line(pp); buffered_line *prev_bline = NULL; SLIST_HEAD(buffered_lines_head, buffered_line) lines; int rept_start_file_line_number = pp->next_line_number - 1; int rept_start_output_line_number = pp->current_line_number; SLIST_INIT(&lines); while (line) { skip_whitespace2(&line); if (starts_with(line, ".rept")) { nesting++; } else if (starts_with(line, ".endr") && --nesting == 0) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { buffered_line *current_line; prev_bline = NULL; SLIST_FOREACH(current_line, &lines, next) { buffered_line *bline = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(buffered_line)); bline->line = yasm__xstrdup(current_line->line); bline->line_number = current_line->line_number; if (prev_bline) { SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(prev_bline, bline, next); } else { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&pp->buffered_lines, bline, next); } prev_bline = bline; } } if (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->included_files)) { included_file *inc_file = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->included_files); inc_file->lines_remaining += n * num_lines; } while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&lines)) { buffered_line *bline = SLIST_FIRST(&lines); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&lines, next); yasm_xfree(bline->line); yasm_xfree(bline); } yasm_xfree(line); return 1; } if (n > 0) { buffered_line *bline = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(buffered_line)); bline->line = line; bline->line_number = pp->next_line_number; if (prev_bline) { SLIST_INSERT_AFTER(prev_bline, bline, next); } else { SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&lines, bline, next); } prev_bline = bline; } else { yasm_xfree(line); } line = read_line(pp); num_lines++; } yasm_linemap_set(pp->cur_lm, pp->in_filename, rept_start_output_line_number, rept_start_file_line_number, 0); yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("rept without matching endr")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, rept_start_output_line_number); return 0; } static int eval_endr(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int unused) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\".endr\" without \".rept\"")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); return 0; } /* Top-level line processing. */ typedef int (*pp_fn0_t)(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int param); typedef int (*pp_fn1_t)(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int param, const char *arg1); typedef int (*pp_fn2_t)(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, int param, const char *arg1, const char *arg2); #define FN(f) ((pp_fn0_t) &(f)) static void kill_comments(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, char *line) { int next = 2; char *cstart; skip_whitespace2(&line); if (*line == '#' || !strncmp(line, "//", 2)) { *line = '\0'; return; } if (pp->in_comment) { cstart = line; next = 0; } else { cstart = strstr(line, "/*"); next = 2; } while (cstart) { char *cend = strstr(cstart + next, "*/"); if (!cend) { *cstart = '\0'; pp->in_comment = TRUE; return; } memmove(cstart, cend + 2, strlen(cend + 2) + 1); pp->in_comment = FALSE; cstart = strstr(cstart, "/*"); next = 2; } } static int substitute_values(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, char **line_ptr) { int changed = 0; char *line = *line_ptr; int line_length = strlen(line); struct tokenval tokval; expr_state prev_state = pp->expr; gas_scan_init(pp, &tokval, line); while (gas_scan(pp, &tokval) != TOKEN_EOS) { if (tokval.t_type == TOKEN_ID) { yasm_symrec *rec = yasm_symtab_get(pp->defines, tokval.t_charptr); if (rec) { int cursor = pp->expr.string_cursor; int len = strlen(tokval.t_charptr); char value[64]; int value_length = sprintf(value, "%ld", eval_expr(pp, tokval.t_charptr)); int delta = value_length - len; line_length += delta; if (delta > 0) { line = yasm_xrealloc(line, line_length + 1); } memmove(line + cursor - len + value_length, line + cursor, strlen(line + cursor) + 1); memcpy(line + cursor - len, value, value_length); pp->expr.string = line; pp->expr.string_cursor = cursor + delta; changed = 1; } yasm_xfree(pp->expr.symbol); pp->expr.symbol = NULL; } } gas_scan_cleanup(pp, &tokval); pp->expr = prev_state; if (changed) { *line_ptr = line; } return changed; } static int process_line(yasm_preproc_gas *pp, char **line_ptr) { macro_entry *macro; size_t i; char *line = *line_ptr; struct { const char *name; int nargs; pp_fn0_t fn; int param; } directives[] = { {"else", 0, FN(eval_else), 0}, {"elseif", 1, FN(eval_elseif), 0}, {"endif", 0, FN(eval_endif), 0}, {"if", 1, FN(eval_if), 0}, {"ifb", 1, FN(eval_ifb), 0}, {"ifc", 1, FN(eval_ifc), 0}, {"ifdef", 1, FN(eval_ifdef), 0}, {"ifeq", 1, FN(eval_if), 1}, {"ifeqs", 1, FN(eval_ifeqs), 0}, {"ifge", 1, FN(eval_ifge), 0}, {"ifgt", 1, FN(eval_ifgt), 0}, {"ifle", 1, FN(eval_ifgt), 1}, {"iflt", 1, FN(eval_ifge), 1}, {"ifnb", 1, FN(eval_ifb), 1}, {"ifnc", 1, FN(eval_ifc), 1}, {"ifndef", 1, FN(eval_ifdef), 1}, {"ifnotdef", 1, FN(eval_ifdef), 1}, {"ifne", 1, FN(eval_if), 0}, {"ifnes", 1, FN(eval_ifeqs), 1}, {"include", 1, FN(eval_include), 0}, {"set", 2, FN(eval_set), 1}, {"equ", 2, FN(eval_set), 1}, {"equiv", 2, FN(eval_set), 0}, {"macro", 1, FN(eval_macro), 0}, {"endm", 0, FN(eval_endm), 0}, {"rept", 1, FN(eval_rept), 0}, {"endr", 1, FN(eval_endr), 0}, }; kill_comments(pp, line); skip_whitespace2(&line); if (*line == '\0') { return FALSE; } /* See if this is a macro call. */ STAILQ_FOREACH(macro, &pp->macros, next) { const char *remainder = starts_with(line, macro->name); if (remainder && (!*remainder || isspace(*remainder))) { skip_whitespace2(&line); expand_macro(pp, macro, remainder); return FALSE; } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(directives)/sizeof(directives[0]); i++) { char buf1[1024]; const char *remainder = matches(line, directives[i].name); if (remainder) { if (pp->skip_depth) { if (!strncmp("if", directives[i].name, 2)) { pp->skip_depth++; } else if (!strcmp("endif", directives[i].name)) { pp->skip_depth--; } else if (!strcmp("else", directives[i].name)) { if (pp->skip_depth == 1) { pp->skip_depth = 0; pp->depth++; } } return FALSE; } else if (directives[i].nargs == 0) { pp_fn0_t fn = (pp_fn0_t) directives[i].fn; pp->fatal_error = !fn(pp, directives[i].param); return FALSE; } else if (directives[i].nargs == 1) { pp_fn1_t fn = (pp_fn1_t) directives[i].fn; skip_whitespace(&remainder); pp->fatal_error = !fn(pp, directives[i].param, remainder); return FALSE; } else if (directives[i].nargs == 2) { remainder = get_arg(pp, remainder, buf1, sizeof(buf1)); if (!remainder || !*remainder || !*buf1) { yasm_error_set(YASM_ERROR_SYNTAX, N_("\".%s\" expects two arguments"), directives[i].name); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); pp->fatal_error = 1; } else { pp_fn2_t fn = (pp_fn2_t) directives[i].fn; pp->fatal_error = !fn(pp, directives[i].param, buf1, remainder); } return FALSE; } } } if (pp->skip_depth == 0) { substitute_values(pp, line_ptr); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* Functions exported by the preprocessor. */ static yasm_preproc * gas_preproc_create(const char *in_filename, yasm_symtab *symtab, yasm_linemap *lm, yasm_errwarns *errwarns) { FILE *f; yasm_preproc_gas *pp = yasm_xmalloc(sizeof(yasm_preproc_gas)); if (strcmp(in_filename, "-") != 0) { f = fopen(in_filename, "r"); if (!f) { yasm__fatal_missing_input_file(N_("Could not open input file"), in_filename); } } else { f = stdin; } pp->preproc.module = &yasm_gas_LTX_preproc; pp->in = f; pp->in_filename = yasm__xstrdup(in_filename); pp->defines = yasm_symtab_create(); SLIST_INIT(&pp->deferred_defines); yasm_symtab_set_case_sensitive(pp->defines, 1); pp->depth = 0; pp->skip_depth = 0; pp->in_comment = FALSE; SLIST_INIT(&pp->buffered_lines); SLIST_INIT(&pp->included_files); STAILQ_INIT(&pp->macros); pp->in_line_number = 0; pp->next_line_number = 0; pp->current_line_number = 0; pp->cur_lm = lm; pp->errwarns = errwarns; pp->fatal_error = 0; pp->detect_errors_only = 0; return (yasm_preproc *) pp; } static void gas_preproc_destroy(yasm_preproc *preproc) { yasm_preproc_gas *pp = (yasm_preproc_gas *) preproc; yasm_xfree(pp->in_filename); yasm_symtab_destroy(pp->defines); while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->deferred_defines)) { deferred_define *def = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->deferred_defines); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&pp->deferred_defines, next); yasm_xfree(def->name); yasm_xfree(def->value); yasm_xfree(def); } while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->buffered_lines)) { buffered_line *bline = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->buffered_lines); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&pp->buffered_lines, next); yasm_xfree(bline->line); yasm_xfree(bline); } while (!SLIST_EMPTY(&pp->included_files)) { included_file *inc_file = SLIST_FIRST(&pp->included_files); SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&pp->included_files, next); yasm_xfree(inc_file->filename); yasm_xfree(inc_file); } while (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&pp->macros)) { int i; macro_entry *macro = STAILQ_FIRST(&pp->macros); STAILQ_REMOVE_HEAD(&pp->macros, next); yasm_xfree(macro->name); for (i = 0; i < macro->num_params; i++) yasm_xfree(macro->params[i]); yasm_xfree(macro->params); for (i = 0; i < macro->num_lines; i++) yasm_xfree(macro->lines[i]); yasm_xfree(macro->lines); yasm_xfree(macro); } yasm_xfree(preproc); } static char * gas_preproc_get_line(yasm_preproc *preproc) { yasm_preproc_gas *pp = (yasm_preproc_gas *)preproc; int done = FALSE; char *line = NULL; pp->current_line_number++; do { if (line != NULL) { yasm_xfree(line); } if (pp->fatal_error) { return NULL; } line = read_line(pp); if (line == NULL) { if (pp->in_comment) { yasm_linemap_set(pp->cur_lm, pp->in_filename, pp->current_line_number, pp->next_line_number, 0); yasm_warn_set(YASM_WARN_GENERAL, N_("end of file in comment")); yasm_errwarn_propagate(pp->errwarns, pp->current_line_number); pp->in_comment = FALSE; } return NULL; } done = process_line(pp, &line); } while (!done); yasm_linemap_set(pp->cur_lm, pp->in_filename, pp->current_line_number, pp->next_line_number, 0); return line; } static size_t gas_preproc_get_included_file(yasm_preproc *preproc, char *buf, size_t max_size) { /* TODO */ return 0; } static void gas_preproc_add_include_file(yasm_preproc *preproc, const char *filename) { yasm_preproc_gas *pp = (yasm_preproc_gas *) preproc; eval_include(pp, 0, filename); } static void gas_preproc_predefine_macro(yasm_preproc *preproc, const char *macronameval) { yasm_preproc_gas *pp = (yasm_preproc_gas *) preproc; const char *eq = strstr(macronameval, "="); char *name, *value; if (eq) { value = yasm__xstrdup(eq + 1); name = yasm_xmalloc(eq - macronameval + 1); memcpy(name, macronameval, eq - macronameval); name[eq - macronameval] = '\0'; } else { name = yasm__xstrdup(macronameval); value = yasm__xstrdup(""); } eval_set(pp, 1, name, value); yasm_xfree(name); yasm_xfree(value); } static void gas_preproc_undefine_macro(yasm_preproc *preproc, const char *macroname) { /* TODO */ } static void gas_preproc_define_builtin(yasm_preproc *preproc, const char *macronameval) { /* TODO */ } static void gas_preproc_add_standard(yasm_preproc *preproc, const char **macros) { /* TODO */ } /* Define preproc structure -- see preproc.h for details */ yasm_preproc_module yasm_gas_LTX_preproc = { "GNU AS (GAS)-compatible preprocessor", "gas", gas_preproc_create, gas_preproc_destroy, gas_preproc_get_line, gas_preproc_get_included_file, gas_preproc_add_include_file, gas_preproc_predefine_macro, gas_preproc_undefine_macro, gas_preproc_define_builtin, gas_preproc_add_standard };