#!/usr/bin/env python """ Patch utility to apply unified diffs Brute-force line-by-line non-recursive parsing Copyright (c) 2008-2016 anatoly techtonik Available under the terms of MIT license https://github.com/techtonik/python-patch/ """ from __future__ import print_function __author__ = "anatoly techtonik " __version__ = "1.16" import copy import logging import re # cStringIO doesn't support unicode in 2.5 try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import BytesIO as StringIO # python 3 try: import urllib2 as urllib_request except ImportError: import urllib.request as urllib_request from os.path import exists, isfile, abspath import os import posixpath import shutil import sys PY3K = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) # PEP 3114 if not PY3K: compat_next = lambda gen: gen.next() else: compat_next = lambda gen: gen.__next__() def tostr(b): """ Python 3 bytes encoder. Used to print filename in diffstat output. Assumes that filenames are in utf-8. """ if not PY3K: return b # [ ] figure out how to print non-utf-8 filenames without # information loss return b.decode('utf-8') #------------------------------------------------ # Logging is controlled by logger named after the # module name (e.g. 'patch' for patch.py module) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) debug = logger.debug info = logger.info warning = logger.warning class NullHandler(logging.Handler): """ Copied from Python 2.7 to avoid getting `No handlers could be found for logger "patch"` http://bugs.python.org/issue16539 """ def handle(self, record): pass def emit(self, record): pass def createLock(self): self.lock = None streamhandler = logging.StreamHandler() # initialize logger itself logger.addHandler(NullHandler()) debugmode = False def setdebug(): global debugmode, streamhandler debugmode = True loglevel = logging.DEBUG logformat = "%(levelname)8s %(message)s" logger.setLevel(loglevel) if streamhandler not in logger.handlers: # when used as a library, streamhandler is not added # by default logger.addHandler(streamhandler) streamhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logformat)) #------------------------------------------------ # Constants for Patch/PatchSet types DIFF = PLAIN = "plain" GIT = "git" HG = MERCURIAL = "mercurial" SVN = SUBVERSION = "svn" # mixed type is only actual when PatchSet contains # Patches of different type MIXED = MIXED = "mixed" #------------------------------------------------ # Helpers (these could come with Python stdlib) # x...() function are used to work with paths in # cross-platform manner - all paths use forward # slashes even on Windows. def xisabs(filename): """ Cross-platform version of `os.path.isabs()` Returns True if `filename` is absolute on Linux, OS X or Windows. """ if filename.startswith(b'/'): # Linux/Unix return True elif filename.startswith(b'\\'): # Windows return True elif re.match(b'\\w:[\\\\/]', filename): # Windows return True return False def xnormpath(path): """ Cross-platform version of os.path.normpath """ # replace escapes and Windows slashes normalized = posixpath.normpath(path).replace(b'\\', b'/') # fold the result return posixpath.normpath(normalized) def xstrip(filename): """ Make relative path out of absolute by stripping prefixes used on Linux, OS X and Windows. This function is critical for security. """ while xisabs(filename): # strip windows drive with all slashes if re.match(b'\\w:[\\\\/]', filename): filename = re.sub(b'^\\w+:[\\\\/]+', b'', filename) # strip all slashes elif re.match(b'[\\\\/]', filename): filename = re.sub(b'^[\\\\/]+', b'', filename) return filename #----------------------------------------------- # Main API functions def fromfile(filename): """ Parse patch file. If successful, returns PatchSet() object. Otherwise returns False. """ patchset = PatchSet() debug("reading %s" % filename) fp = open(filename, "rb") res = patchset.parse(fp) fp.close() if res == True: return patchset return False def fromstring(s): """ Parse text string and return PatchSet() object (or False if parsing fails) """ ps = PatchSet( StringIO(s) ) if ps.errors == 0: return ps return False def fromurl(url): """ Parse patch from an URL, return False if an error occured. Note that this also can throw urlopen() exceptions. """ ps = PatchSet( urllib_request.urlopen(url) ) if ps.errors == 0: return ps return False # --- Utility functions --- # [ ] reuse more universal pathsplit() def pathstrip(path, n): """ Strip n leading components from the given path """ pathlist = [path] while os.path.dirname(pathlist[0]) != b'': pathlist[0:1] = os.path.split(pathlist[0]) return b'/'.join(pathlist[n:]) # --- /Utility function --- class Hunk(object): """ Parsed hunk data container (hunk starts with @@ -R +R @@) """ def __init__(self): self.startsrc=None #: line count starts with 1 self.linessrc=None self.starttgt=None self.linestgt=None self.invalid=False self.desc='' self.text=[] # def apply(self, estream): # """ write hunk data into enumerable stream # return strings one by one until hunk is # over # # enumerable stream are tuples (lineno, line) # where lineno starts with 0 # """ # pass class Patch(object): """ Patch for a single file. If used as an iterable, returns hunks. """ def __init__(self): self.source = None self.target = None self.hunks = [] self.hunkends = [] self.header = [] self.type = None def __iter__(self): for h in self.hunks: yield h class PatchSet(object): """ PatchSet is a patch parser and container. When used as an iterable, returns patches. """ def __init__(self, stream=None): # --- API accessible fields --- # name of the PatchSet (filename or ...) self.name = None # patch set type - one of constants self.type = None # list of Patch objects self.items = [] self.errors = 0 # fatal parsing errors self.warnings = 0 # non-critical warnings # --- /API --- if stream: self.parse(stream) def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __iter__(self): for i in self.items: yield i def parse(self, stream): """ parse unified diff return True on success """ lineends = dict(lf=0, crlf=0, cr=0) nexthunkno = 0 #: even if index starts with 0 user messages number hunks from 1 p = None hunk = None # hunkactual variable is used to calculate hunk lines for comparison hunkactual = dict(linessrc=None, linestgt=None) class wrapumerate(enumerate): """Enumerate wrapper that uses boolean end of stream status instead of StopIteration exception, and properties to access line information. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # we don't call parent, it is magically created by __new__ method self._exhausted = False self._lineno = False # after end of stream equal to the num of lines self._line = False # will be reset to False after end of stream def next(self): """Try to read the next line and return True if it is available, False if end of stream is reached.""" if self._exhausted: return False try: self._lineno, self._line = compat_next(super(wrapumerate, self)) except StopIteration: self._exhausted = True self._line = False return False return True @property def is_empty(self): return self._exhausted @property def line(self): return self._line @property def lineno(self): return self._lineno # define states (possible file regions) that direct parse flow headscan = True # start with scanning header filenames = False # lines starting with --- and +++ hunkhead = False # @@ -R +R @@ sequence hunkbody = False # hunkskip = False # skipping invalid hunk mode hunkparsed = False # state after successfully parsed hunk # regexp to match start of hunk, used groups - 1,3,4,6 re_hunk_start = re.compile(b"^@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@") self.errors = 0 # temp buffers for header and filenames info header = [] srcname = None tgtname = None # start of main cycle # each parsing block already has line available in fe.line fe = wrapumerate(stream) while fe.next(): # -- deciders: these only switch state to decide who should process # -- line fetched at the start of this cycle if hunkparsed: hunkparsed = False if re_hunk_start.match(fe.line): hunkhead = True elif fe.line.startswith(b"--- "): filenames = True else: headscan = True # -- ------------------------------------ # read out header if headscan: while not fe.is_empty and not fe.line.startswith(b"--- "): header.append(fe.line) fe.next() if fe.is_empty: if p == None: debug("no patch data found") # error is shown later self.errors += 1 else: info("%d unparsed bytes left at the end of stream" % len(b''.join(header))) self.warnings += 1 # TODO check for \No new line at the end.. # TODO test for unparsed bytes # otherwise error += 1 # this is actually a loop exit continue headscan = False # switch to filenames state filenames = True line = fe.line lineno = fe.lineno # hunkskip and hunkbody code skipped until definition of hunkhead is parsed if hunkbody: # [x] treat empty lines inside hunks as containing single space # (this happens when diff is saved by copy/pasting to editor # that strips trailing whitespace) if line.strip(b"\r\n") == b"": debug("expanding empty line in a middle of hunk body") self.warnings += 1 line = b' ' + line # process line first if re.match(b"^[- \\+\\\\]", line): # gather stats about line endings if line.endswith(b"\r\n"): p.hunkends["crlf"] += 1 elif line.endswith(b"\n"): p.hunkends["lf"] += 1 elif line.endswith(b"\r"): p.hunkends["cr"] += 1 if line.startswith(b"-"): hunkactual["linessrc"] += 1 elif line.startswith(b"+"): hunkactual["linestgt"] += 1 elif not line.startswith(b"\\"): hunkactual["linessrc"] += 1 hunkactual["linestgt"] += 1 hunk.text.append(line) # todo: handle \ No newline cases else: warning("invalid hunk no.%d at %d for target file %s" % (nexthunkno, lineno+1, p.target)) # add hunk status node hunk.invalid = True p.hunks.append(hunk) self.errors += 1 # switch to hunkskip state hunkbody = False hunkskip = True # check exit conditions if hunkactual["linessrc"] > hunk.linessrc or hunkactual["linestgt"] > hunk.linestgt: warning("extra lines for hunk no.%d at %d for target %s" % (nexthunkno, lineno+1, p.target)) # add hunk status node hunk.invalid = True p.hunks.append(hunk) self.errors += 1 # switch to hunkskip state hunkbody = False hunkskip = True elif hunk.linessrc == hunkactual["linessrc"] and hunk.linestgt == hunkactual["linestgt"]: # hunk parsed successfully p.hunks.append(hunk) # switch to hunkparsed state hunkbody = False hunkparsed = True # detect mixed window/unix line ends ends = p.hunkends if ((ends["cr"]!=0) + (ends["crlf"]!=0) + (ends["lf"]!=0)) > 1: warning("inconsistent line ends in patch hunks for %s" % p.source) self.warnings += 1 if debugmode: debuglines = dict(ends) debuglines.update(file=p.target, hunk=nexthunkno) debug("crlf: %(crlf)d lf: %(lf)d cr: %(cr)d\t - file: %(file)s hunk: %(hunk)d" % debuglines) # fetch next line continue if hunkskip: if re_hunk_start.match(line): # switch to hunkhead state hunkskip = False hunkhead = True elif line.startswith(b"--- "): # switch to filenames state hunkskip = False filenames = True if debugmode and len(self.items) > 0: debug("- %2d hunks for %s" % (len(p.hunks), p.source)) if filenames: if line.startswith(b"--- "): if srcname != None: # XXX testcase warning("skipping false patch for %s" % srcname) srcname = None # XXX header += srcname # double source filename line is encountered # attempt to restart from this second line re_filename = b"^--- ([^\t]+)" match = re.match(re_filename, line) # todo: support spaces in filenames if match: srcname = match.group(1).strip() else: warning("skipping invalid filename at line %d" % (lineno+1)) self.errors += 1 # XXX p.header += line # switch back to headscan state filenames = False headscan = True elif not line.startswith(b"+++ "): if srcname != None: warning("skipping invalid patch with no target for %s" % srcname) self.errors += 1 srcname = None # XXX header += srcname # XXX header += line else: # this should be unreachable warning("skipping invalid target patch") filenames = False headscan = True else: if tgtname != None: # XXX seems to be a dead branch warning("skipping invalid patch - double target at line %d" % (lineno+1)) self.errors += 1 srcname = None tgtname = None # XXX header += srcname # XXX header += tgtname # XXX header += line # double target filename line is encountered # switch back to headscan state filenames = False headscan = True else: re_filename = b"^\+\+\+ ([^\t]+)" match = re.match(re_filename, line) if not match: warning("skipping invalid patch - no target filename at line %d" % (lineno+1)) self.errors += 1 srcname = None # switch back to headscan state filenames = False headscan = True else: if p: # for the first run p is None self.items.append(p) p = Patch() p.source = srcname srcname = None p.target = match.group(1).strip() p.header = header header = [] # switch to hunkhead state filenames = False hunkhead = True nexthunkno = 0 p.hunkends = lineends.copy() continue if hunkhead: match = re.match(b"^@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@(.*)", line) if not match: if not p.hunks: warning("skipping invalid patch with no hunks for file %s" % p.source) self.errors += 1 # XXX review switch # switch to headscan state hunkhead = False headscan = True continue else: # TODO review condition case # switch to headscan state hunkhead = False headscan = True else: hunk = Hunk() hunk.startsrc = int(match.group(1)) hunk.linessrc = 1 if match.group(3): hunk.linessrc = int(match.group(3)) hunk.starttgt = int(match.group(4)) hunk.linestgt = 1 if match.group(6): hunk.linestgt = int(match.group(6)) hunk.invalid = False hunk.desc = match.group(7)[1:].rstrip() hunk.text = [] hunkactual["linessrc"] = hunkactual["linestgt"] = 0 # switch to hunkbody state hunkhead = False hunkbody = True nexthunkno += 1 continue # /while fe.next() if p: self.items.append(p) if not hunkparsed: if hunkskip: warning("warning: finished with errors, some hunks may be invalid") elif headscan: if len(self.items) == 0: warning("error: no patch data found!") return False else: # extra data at the end of file pass else: warning("error: patch stream is incomplete!") self.errors += 1 if len(self.items) == 0: return False if debugmode and len(self.items) > 0: debug("- %2d hunks for %s" % (len(p.hunks), p.source)) # XXX fix total hunks calculation debug("total files: %d total hunks: %d" % (len(self.items), sum(len(p.hunks) for p in self.items))) # ---- detect patch and patchset types ---- for idx, p in enumerate(self.items): self.items[idx].type = self._detect_type(p) types = set([p.type for p in self.items]) if len(types) > 1: self.type = MIXED else: self.type = types.pop() # -------- self._normalize_filenames() return (self.errors == 0) def _detect_type(self, p): """ detect and return type for the specified Patch object analyzes header and filenames info NOTE: must be run before filenames are normalized """ # check for SVN # - header starts with Index: # - next line is ===... delimiter # - filename is followed by revision number # TODO add SVN revision if (len(p.header) > 1 and p.header[-2].startswith(b"Index: ") and p.header[-1].startswith(b"="*67)): return SVN # common checks for both HG and GIT DVCS = ((p.source.startswith(b'a/') or p.source == b'/dev/null') and (p.target.startswith(b'b/') or p.target == b'/dev/null')) # GIT type check # - header[-2] is like "diff --git a/oldname b/newname" # - header[-1] is like "index .. " # TODO add git rename diffs and add/remove diffs # add git diff with spaced filename # TODO http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-diff.html # Git patch header len is 2 min if len(p.header) > 1: # detect the start of diff header - there might be some comments before for idx in reversed(range(len(p.header))): if p.header[idx].startswith(b"diff --git"): break if p.header[idx].startswith(b'diff --git a/'): if (idx+1 < len(p.header) and re.match(b'index \\w{7}..\\w{7} \\d{6}', p.header[idx+1])): if DVCS: return GIT # HG check # # - for plain HG format header is like "diff -r b2d9961ff1f5 filename" # - for Git-style HG patches it is "diff --git a/oldname b/newname" # - filename starts with a/, b/ or is equal to /dev/null # - exported changesets also contain the header # # HG changeset patch # # User name@example.com # ... # TODO add MQ # TODO add revision info if len(p.header) > 0: if DVCS and re.match(b'diff -r \\w{12} .*', p.header[-1]): return HG if DVCS and p.header[-1].startswith(b'diff --git a/'): if len(p.header) == 1: # native Git patch header len is 2 return HG elif p.header[0].startswith(b'# HG changeset patch'): return HG return PLAIN def _normalize_filenames(self): """ sanitize filenames, normalizing paths, i.e.: 1. strip a/ and b/ prefixes from GIT and HG style patches 2. remove all references to parent directories (with warning) 3. translate any absolute paths to relative (with warning) [x] always use forward slashes to be crossplatform (diff/patch were born as a unix utility after all) return None """ if debugmode: debug("normalize filenames") for i,p in enumerate(self.items): if debugmode: debug(" patch type = " + p.type) debug(" source = " + p.source) debug(" target = " + p.target) if p.type in (HG, GIT): # TODO: figure out how to deal with /dev/null entries debug("stripping a/ and b/ prefixes") if p.source != '/dev/null': if not p.source.startswith(b"a/"): warning("invalid source filename") else: p.source = p.source[2:] if p.target != '/dev/null': if not p.target.startswith(b"b/"): warning("invalid target filename") else: p.target = p.target[2:] p.source = xnormpath(p.source) p.target = xnormpath(p.target) sep = b'/' # sep value can be hardcoded, but it looks nice this way # references to parent are not allowed if p.source.startswith(b".." + sep): warning("error: stripping parent path for source file patch no.%d" % (i+1)) self.warnings += 1 while p.source.startswith(b".." + sep): p.source = p.source.partition(sep)[2] if p.target.startswith(b".." + sep): warning("error: stripping parent path for target file patch no.%d" % (i+1)) self.warnings += 1 while p.target.startswith(b".." + sep): p.target = p.target.partition(sep)[2] # absolute paths are not allowed if xisabs(p.source) or xisabs(p.target): warning("error: absolute paths are not allowed - file no.%d" % (i+1)) self.warnings += 1 if xisabs(p.source): warning("stripping absolute path from source name '%s'" % p.source) p.source = xstrip(p.source) if xisabs(p.target): warning("stripping absolute path from target name '%s'" % p.target) p.target = xstrip(p.target) self.items[i].source = p.source self.items[i].target = p.target def diffstat(self): """ calculate diffstat and return as a string Notes: - original diffstat ouputs target filename - single + or - shouldn't escape histogram """ names = [] insert = [] delete = [] delta = 0 # size change in bytes namelen = 0 maxdiff = 0 # max number of changes for single file # (for histogram width calculation) for patch in self.items: i,d = 0,0 for hunk in patch.hunks: for line in hunk.text: if line.startswith(b'+'): i += 1 delta += len(line)-1 elif line.startswith(b'-'): d += 1 delta -= len(line)-1 names.append(patch.target) insert.append(i) delete.append(d) namelen = max(namelen, len(patch.target)) maxdiff = max(maxdiff, i+d) output = '' statlen = len(str(maxdiff)) # stats column width for i,n in enumerate(names): # %-19s | %-4d %s format = " %-" + str(namelen) + "s | %" + str(statlen) + "s %s\n" hist = '' # -- calculating histogram -- width = len(format % ('', '', '')) histwidth = max(2, 80 - width) if maxdiff < histwidth: hist = "+"*insert[i] + "-"*delete[i] else: iratio = (float(insert[i]) / maxdiff) * histwidth dratio = (float(delete[i]) / maxdiff) * histwidth # make sure every entry gets at least one + or - iwidth = 1 if 0 < iratio < 1 else int(iratio) dwidth = 1 if 0 < dratio < 1 else int(dratio) #print(iratio, dratio, iwidth, dwidth, histwidth) hist = "+"*int(iwidth) + "-"*int(dwidth) # -- /calculating +- histogram -- output += (format % (tostr(names[i]), str(insert[i] + delete[i]), hist)) output += (" %d files changed, %d insertions(+), %d deletions(-), %+d bytes" % (len(names), sum(insert), sum(delete), delta)) return output def findfile(self, old, new): """ return name of file to be patched or None """ if exists(old): return old elif exists(new): return new else: # [w] Google Code generates broken patches with its online editor debug("broken patch from Google Code, stripping prefixes..") if old.startswith(b'a/') and new.startswith(b'b/'): old, new = old[2:], new[2:] debug(" %s" % old) debug(" %s" % new) if exists(old): return old elif exists(new): return new return None def apply(self, strip=0, root=None): """ Apply parsed patch, optionally stripping leading components from file paths. `root` parameter specifies working dir. return True on success """ if root: prevdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(root) total = len(self.items) errors = 0 if strip: # [ ] test strip level exceeds nesting level # [ ] test the same only for selected files # [ ] test if files end up being on the same level try: strip = int(strip) except ValueError: errors += 1 warning("error: strip parameter '%s' must be an integer" % strip) strip = 0 #for fileno, filename in enumerate(self.source): for i,p in enumerate(self.items): if strip: debug("stripping %s leading component(s) from:" % strip) debug(" %s" % p.source) debug(" %s" % p.target) old = pathstrip(p.source, strip) new = pathstrip(p.target, strip) else: old, new = p.source, p.target filename = self.findfile(old, new) if not filename: warning("source/target file does not exist:\n --- %s\n +++ %s" % (old, new)) errors += 1 continue if not isfile(filename): warning("not a file - %s" % filename) errors += 1 continue # [ ] check absolute paths security here debug("processing %d/%d:\t %s" % (i+1, total, filename)) # validate before patching f2fp = open(filename, 'rb') hunkno = 0 hunk = p.hunks[hunkno] hunkfind = [] hunkreplace = [] validhunks = 0 canpatch = False for lineno, line in enumerate(f2fp): if lineno+1 < hunk.startsrc: continue elif lineno+1 == hunk.startsrc: hunkfind = [x[1:].rstrip(b"\r\n") for x in hunk.text if x[0] in b" -"] hunkreplace = [x[1:].rstrip(b"\r\n") for x in hunk.text if x[0] in b" +"] #pprint(hunkreplace) hunklineno = 0 # todo \ No newline at end of file # check hunks in source file if lineno+1 < hunk.startsrc+len(hunkfind)-1: if line.rstrip(b"\r\n") == hunkfind[hunklineno]: hunklineno+=1 else: info("file %d/%d:\t %s" % (i+1, total, filename)) info(" hunk no.%d doesn't match source file at line %d" % (hunkno+1, lineno+1)) info(" expected: %s" % hunkfind[hunklineno]) info(" actual : %s" % line.rstrip(b"\r\n")) # not counting this as error, because file may already be patched. # check if file is already patched is done after the number of # invalid hunks if found # TODO: check hunks against source/target file in one pass # API - check(stream, srchunks, tgthunks) # return tuple (srcerrs, tgterrs) # continue to check other hunks for completeness hunkno += 1 if hunkno < len(p.hunks): hunk = p.hunks[hunkno] continue else: break # check if processed line is the last line if lineno+1 == hunk.startsrc+len(hunkfind)-1: debug(" hunk no.%d for file %s -- is ready to be patched" % (hunkno+1, filename)) hunkno+=1 validhunks+=1 if hunkno < len(p.hunks): hunk = p.hunks[hunkno] else: if validhunks == len(p.hunks): # patch file canpatch = True break else: if hunkno < len(p.hunks): warning("premature end of source file %s at hunk %d" % (filename, hunkno+1)) errors += 1 f2fp.close() if validhunks < len(p.hunks): if self._match_file_hunks(filename, p.hunks): warning("already patched %s" % filename) else: warning("source file is different - %s" % filename) errors += 1 if canpatch: backupname = filename+b".orig" if exists(backupname): warning("can't backup original file to %s - aborting" % backupname) else: import shutil shutil.move(filename, backupname) if self.write_hunks(backupname, filename, p.hunks): info("successfully patched %d/%d:\t %s" % (i+1, total, filename)) os.unlink(backupname) else: errors += 1 warning("error patching file %s" % filename) shutil.copy(filename, filename+".invalid") warning("invalid version is saved to %s" % filename+".invalid") # todo: proper rejects shutil.move(backupname, filename) if root: os.chdir(prevdir) # todo: check for premature eof return (errors == 0) def _reverse(self): """ reverse patch direction (this doesn't touch filenames) """ for p in self.items: for h in p.hunks: h.startsrc, h.starttgt = h.starttgt, h.startsrc h.linessrc, h.linestgt = h.linestgt, h.linessrc for i,line in enumerate(h.text): # need to use line[0:1] here, because line[0] # returns int instead of bytes on Python 3 if line[0:1] == b'+': h.text[i] = b'-' + line[1:] elif line[0:1] == b'-': h.text[i] = b'+' +line[1:] def revert(self, strip=0, root=None): """ apply patch in reverse order """ reverted = copy.deepcopy(self) reverted._reverse() return reverted.apply(strip, root) def can_patch(self, filename): """ Check if specified filename can be patched. Returns None if file can not be found among source filenames. False if patch can not be applied clearly. True otherwise. :returns: True, False or None """ filename = abspath(filename) for p in self.items: if filename == abspath(p.source): return self._match_file_hunks(filename, p.hunks) return None def _match_file_hunks(self, filepath, hunks): matched = True fp = open(abspath(filepath), 'rb') class NoMatch(Exception): pass lineno = 1 line = fp.readline() hno = None try: for hno, h in enumerate(hunks): # skip to first line of the hunk while lineno < h.starttgt: if not len(line): # eof debug("check failed - premature eof before hunk: %d" % (hno+1)) raise NoMatch line = fp.readline() lineno += 1 for hline in h.text: if hline.startswith(b"-"): continue if not len(line): debug("check failed - premature eof on hunk: %d" % (hno+1)) # todo: \ No newline at the end of file raise NoMatch if line.rstrip(b"\r\n") != hline[1:].rstrip(b"\r\n"): debug("file is not patched - failed hunk: %d" % (hno+1)) raise NoMatch line = fp.readline() lineno += 1 except NoMatch: matched = False # todo: display failed hunk, i.e. expected/found fp.close() return matched def patch_stream(self, instream, hunks): """ Generator that yields stream patched with hunks iterable Converts lineends in hunk lines to the best suitable format autodetected from input """ # todo: At the moment substituted lineends may not be the same # at the start and at the end of patching. Also issue a # warning/throw about mixed lineends (is it really needed?) hunks = iter(hunks) srclineno = 1 lineends = {b'\n':0, b'\r\n':0, b'\r':0} def get_line(): """ local utility function - return line from source stream collecting line end statistics on the way """ line = instream.readline() # 'U' mode works only with text files if line.endswith(b"\r\n"): lineends[b"\r\n"] += 1 elif line.endswith(b"\n"): lineends[b"\n"] += 1 elif line.endswith(b"\r"): lineends[b"\r"] += 1 return line for hno, h in enumerate(hunks): debug("hunk %d" % (hno+1)) # skip to line just before hunk starts while srclineno < h.startsrc: yield get_line() srclineno += 1 for hline in h.text: # todo: check \ No newline at the end of file if hline.startswith(b"-") or hline.startswith(b"\\"): get_line() srclineno += 1 continue else: if not hline.startswith(b"+"): get_line() srclineno += 1 line2write = hline[1:] # detect if line ends are consistent in source file if sum([bool(lineends[x]) for x in lineends]) == 1: newline = [x for x in lineends if lineends[x] != 0][0] yield line2write.rstrip(b"\r\n")+newline else: # newlines are mixed yield line2write for line in instream: yield line def write_hunks(self, srcname, tgtname, hunks): src = open(srcname, "rb") tgt = open(tgtname, "wb") debug("processing target file %s" % tgtname) tgt.writelines(self.patch_stream(src, hunks)) tgt.close() src.close() # [ ] TODO: add test for permission copy shutil.copymode(srcname, tgtname) return True def dump(self): for p in self.items: for headline in p.header: print(headline.rstrip('\n')) print('--- ' + p.source) print('+++ ' + p.target) for h in p.hunks: print('@@ -%s,%s +%s,%s @@' % (h.startsrc, h.linessrc, h.starttgt, h.linestgt)) for line in h.text: print(line.rstrip('\n')) def main(): from optparse import OptionParser from os.path import exists import sys opt = OptionParser(usage="1. %prog [options] unified.diff\n" " 2. %prog [options] http://host/patch\n" " 3. %prog [options] -- < unified.diff", version="python-patch %s" % __version__) opt.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_const", dest="verbosity", const=0, help="print only warnings and errors", default=1) opt.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_const", dest="verbosity", const=2, help="be verbose") opt.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debugmode", help="debug mode") opt.add_option("--diffstat", action="store_true", dest="diffstat", help="print diffstat and exit") opt.add_option("-d", "--directory", metavar='DIR', help="specify root directory for applying patch") opt.add_option("-p", "--strip", type="int", metavar='N', default=0, help="strip N path components from filenames") opt.add_option("--revert", action="store_true", help="apply patch in reverse order (unpatch)") (options, args) = opt.parse_args() if not args and sys.argv[-1:] != ['--']: opt.print_version() opt.print_help() sys.exit() readstdin = (sys.argv[-1:] == ['--'] and not args) verbosity_levels = {0:logging.WARNING, 1:logging.INFO, 2:logging.DEBUG} loglevel = verbosity_levels[options.verbosity] logformat = "%(message)s" logger.setLevel(loglevel) streamhandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(logformat)) if options.debugmode: setdebug() # this sets global debugmode variable if readstdin: patch = PatchSet(sys.stdin) else: patchfile = args[0] urltest = patchfile.split(':')[0] if (':' in patchfile and urltest.isalpha() and len(urltest) > 1): # one char before : is a windows drive letter patch = fromurl(patchfile) else: if not exists(patchfile) or not isfile(patchfile): sys.exit("patch file does not exist - %s" % patchfile) patch = fromfile(patchfile) if options.diffstat: print(patch.diffstat()) sys.exit(0) #pprint(patch) if options.revert: patch.revert(options.strip, root=options.directory) or sys.exit(-1) else: patch.apply(options.strip, root=options.directory) or sys.exit(-1) # todo: document and test line ends handling logic - patch.py detects proper line-endings # for inserted hunks and issues a warning if patched file has incosistent line ends if __name__ == "__main__": main() # Legend: # [ ] - some thing to be done # [w] - official wart, external or internal that is unlikely to be fixed # [ ] API break (2.x) wishlist # PatchSet.items --> PatchSet.patches # [ ] run --revert test for all dataset items # [ ] run .parse() / .dump() test for dataset