( #comment (let config (DataSource 'config)) (let res_sink (DataSink 'result)) (let list (AsList (String 'aaa) (String 'bbb) (String 'ccc))) (let id (lambda '(x) x)) # id (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator list (DependsOn (String 'A))) '1 '('0) id)) '('('type)))) # clone (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator list (DependsOn (String 'B))) '1 '('0) id '('0) id)) '('('type)))) # separate (let tupleType (TupleType (DataType 'String) (DataType 'String))) (let vt (VariantType tupleType)) (let vlist (AsList (Variant (String 'aaa) '0 vt) (Variant (String 'bbb) '1 vt) (Variant (String 'ccc) '0 vt))) (let handlerSplit1 (lambda '(x) (Map x (lambda '(s) (Concat (String '"#0: ") s))))) (let handlerSplit2 (lambda '(x) (Map x (lambda '(s) (Concat (String '"#1: ") s))))) (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator vlist (DependsOn (String 'D))) '1 '('1) handlerSplit2 '('0) handlerSplit1)) '('('type)))) # reunion (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator vlist (DependsOn (String 'E))) '1 '('0 '1) id)) '('('type)))) # reunion and parts (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator vlist (DependsOn (String 'F))) '1 '('0 '1) id '('1) handlerSplit2 '('0) handlerSplit1)) '('('type)))) # multiple outputs (let twice (lambda '(x) (FlatMap x (lambda '(s) (AsList (Variant (Concat (String '"#0: ") s) '0 vt) (Variant (Concat (String '"#1: ") s) '1 vt) ))))) (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator list (DependsOn (String 'G))) '1 '('0) twice)) '('('type)))) # split and multiple outputs (let world (Write! world res_sink (Key) (Collect (Switch (Iterator list (DependsOn (String 'H))) '1 '('0) twice '('0) twice)) '('('type)))) (let world (Commit! world res_sink)) (return world) )