#include "mkql_multihopping.h" #include "mkql_saveload.h" #include <yql/essentials/minikql/computation/mkql_computation_node_holders.h> #include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_node_cast.h> #include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_stats_registry.h> #include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_string_util.h> #include <yql/essentials/minikql/mkql_type_builder.h> #include <yql/essentials/minikql/watermark_tracker.h> #include <util/generic/scope.h> namespace NKikimr { namespace NMiniKQL { namespace { const TStatKey Hop_NewHopsCount("MultiHop_NewHopsCount", true); const TStatKey Hop_EarlyThrownEventsCount("MultiHop_EarlyThrownEventsCount", true); const TStatKey Hop_LateThrownEventsCount("MultiHop_LateThrownEventsCount", true); const TStatKey Hop_EmptyTimeCount("MultiHop_EmptyTimeCount", true); const TStatKey Hop_KeysCount("MultiHop_KeysCount", true); constexpr ui32 StateVersion = 1; using TEqualsFunc = std::function<bool(NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod, NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod)>; using THashFunc = std::function<NYql::NUdf::THashType(NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod)>; class TMultiHoppingCoreWrapper : public TStatefulSourceComputationNode<TMultiHoppingCoreWrapper, true> { using TBaseComputation = TStatefulSourceComputationNode<TMultiHoppingCoreWrapper, true>; public: using TSelf = TMultiHoppingCoreWrapper; class TStreamValue : public TComputationValue<TStreamValue> { public: using TBase = TComputationValue<TStreamValue>; TStreamValue( TMemoryUsageInfo* memInfo, NUdf::TUnboxedValue&& stream, const TSelf* self, ui64 hopTime, ui64 intervalHopCount, ui64 delayHopCount, bool dataWatermarks, bool watermarkMode, TComputationContext& ctx, const THashFunc& hash, const TEqualsFunc& equal, TWatermark& watermark) : TBase(memInfo) , Stream(std::move(stream)) , Self(self) , HopTime(hopTime) , IntervalHopCount(intervalHopCount) , DelayHopCount(delayHopCount) , Watermark(watermark) , WatermarkMode(watermarkMode) , StatesMap(0, hash, equal) , Ctx(ctx) { if (!watermarkMode && dataWatermarks) { DataWatermarkTracker.emplace(TWatermarkTracker(delayHopCount * hopTime, hopTime)); } } ~TStreamValue() { ClearState(); } private: struct TBucket { NUdf::TUnboxedValue Value; bool HasValue = false; }; struct TKeyState { std::vector<TBucket, TMKQLAllocator<TBucket>> Buckets; // circular buffer ui64 HopIndex; // Start index of current window TKeyState(ui64 bucketsCount, ui64 hopIndex) : Buckets(bucketsCount) , HopIndex(hopIndex) {} TKeyState(TKeyState&& state) : Buckets(std::move(state.Buckets)) , HopIndex(state.HopIndex) {} }; ui32 GetTraverseCount() const override { return 1; } NUdf::TUnboxedValue GetTraverseItem(ui32 index) const override { Y_UNUSED(index); return Stream; } NUdf::TUnboxedValue Save() const override { MKQL_ENSURE(Ready.empty(), "Inconsistent state to save, not all elements are fetched"); TOutputSerializer out(EMkqlStateType::SIMPLE_BLOB, StateVersion, Ctx); out.Write<ui32>(StatesMap.size()); for (const auto& [key, state] : StatesMap) { out.WriteUnboxedValue(Self->KeyPacker.RefMutableObject(Ctx, false, Self->KeyType), key); out(state.HopIndex); out.Write<ui32>(state.Buckets.size()); for (const auto& bucket : state.Buckets) { out(bucket.HasValue); if (bucket.HasValue) { Self->InSave->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(bucket.Value)); if (Self->StateType) { out.WriteUnboxedValue(Self->StatePacker.RefMutableObject(Ctx, false, Self->StateType), Self->OutSave->GetValue(Ctx)); } } } } out(Finished); return out.MakeState(); } void Load(const NUdf::TStringRef& state) override { TInputSerializer in(state, EMkqlStateType::SIMPLE_BLOB); LoadStateImpl(in); } bool Load2(const NUdf::TUnboxedValue& state) override { TInputSerializer in(state, EMkqlStateType::SIMPLE_BLOB); LoadStateImpl(in); return true; } void LoadStateImpl(TInputSerializer& in) { const auto loadStateVersion = in.GetStateVersion(); if (loadStateVersion != StateVersion) { THROW yexception() << "Invalid state version " << loadStateVersion; } const auto statesMapSize = in.Read<ui32>(); ClearState(); StatesMap.reserve(statesMapSize); for (auto i = 0U; i < statesMapSize; ++i) { auto key = in.ReadUnboxedValue(Self->KeyPacker.RefMutableObject(Ctx, false, Self->KeyType), Ctx); const auto hopIndex = in.Read<ui64>(); const auto bucketsSize = in.Read<ui32>(); TKeyState keyState(bucketsSize, hopIndex); for (auto& bucket : keyState.Buckets) { in(bucket.HasValue); if (bucket.HasValue) { if (Self->StateType) { Self->InLoad->SetValue(Ctx, in.ReadUnboxedValue(Self->StatePacker.RefMutableObject(Ctx, false, Self->StateType), Ctx)); } bucket.Value = Self->OutLoad->GetValue(Ctx); } } StatesMap.emplace(key, std::move(keyState)); key.Ref(); } in(Finished); } bool HasListItems() const override { return false; } TInstant GetWatermark() { return Watermark.WatermarkIn; } NUdf::EFetchStatus Fetch(NUdf::TUnboxedValue& result) override { if (!Ready.empty()) { result = std::move(Ready.front()); Ready.pop_front(); return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Ok; } if (PendingYield) { PendingYield = false; return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Yield; } if (Finished) { return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Finish; } i64 EarlyEventsThrown = 0; i64 LateEventsThrown = 0; i64 newHopsStat = 0; i64 emptyTimeCtStat = 0; Y_DEFER { MKQL_ADD_STAT(Ctx.Stats, Hop_EarlyThrownEventsCount, EarlyEventsThrown); MKQL_ADD_STAT(Ctx.Stats, Hop_LateThrownEventsCount, LateEventsThrown); MKQL_ADD_STAT(Ctx.Stats, Hop_NewHopsCount, newHopsStat); MKQL_ADD_STAT(Ctx.Stats, Hop_EmptyTimeCount, emptyTimeCtStat); }; for (NUdf::TUnboxedValue item;;) { if (!Ready.empty()) { result = std::move(Ready.front()); Ready.pop_front(); return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Ok; } const auto status = Stream.Fetch(item); if (status != NUdf::EFetchStatus::Ok) { if (status == NUdf::EFetchStatus::Finish) { CloseOldBuckets(Max<ui64>(), newHopsStat); Finished = true; if (!Ready.empty()) { result = std::move(Ready.front()); Ready.pop_front(); return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Ok; } } else if (status == NUdf::EFetchStatus::Yield) { if (!WatermarkMode) { return status; } PendingYield = true; CloseOldBuckets(GetWatermark().MicroSeconds(), newHopsStat); if (!Ready.empty()) { result = std::move(Ready.front()); Ready.pop_front(); return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Ok; } PendingYield = false; return NUdf::EFetchStatus::Yield; } return status; } Self->Item->SetValue(Ctx, std::move(item)); auto key = Self->KeyExtract->GetValue(Ctx); const auto& time = Self->OutTime->GetValue(Ctx); if (!time) { ++emptyTimeCtStat; continue; } const auto ts = time.Get<ui64>(); const auto hopIndex = ts / HopTime; auto& keyState = GetOrCreateKeyState(key, WatermarkMode ? GetWatermark().MicroSeconds() / HopTime : hopIndex); if (hopIndex < keyState.HopIndex) { ++LateEventsThrown; continue; } if (WatermarkMode && (hopIndex >= keyState.HopIndex + DelayHopCount + IntervalHopCount)) { ++EarlyEventsThrown; continue; } // Overflow is not possible, because hopIndex is a product of a division if (!WatermarkMode) { auto closeBeforeIndex = Max<i64>(hopIndex + 1 - DelayHopCount - IntervalHopCount, 0); CloseOldBucketsForKey(key, keyState, closeBeforeIndex, newHopsStat); } auto& bucket = keyState.Buckets[hopIndex % keyState.Buckets.size()]; if (!bucket.HasValue) { bucket.Value = Self->OutInit->GetValue(Ctx); bucket.HasValue = true; } else { Self->Key->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(key)); Self->State->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(bucket.Value)); bucket.Value = Self->OutUpdate->GetValue(Ctx); } if (DataWatermarkTracker) { const auto newWatermark = DataWatermarkTracker->HandleNextEventTime(ts); if (newWatermark && !WatermarkMode) { CloseOldBuckets(*newWatermark, newHopsStat); } } MKQL_SET_STAT(Ctx.Stats, Hop_KeysCount, StatesMap.size()); } } TKeyState& GetOrCreateKeyState(NUdf::TUnboxedValue& key, ui64 hopIndex) { i64 keyHopIndex = Max<i64>(hopIndex + 1 - IntervalHopCount, 0); // For first element we shouldn't forget windows in the past // Overflow is not possible, because hopIndex is a product of a division const auto iter = StatesMap.try_emplace( key, IntervalHopCount + DelayHopCount, keyHopIndex ); if (iter.second) { key.Ref(); } return iter.first->second; } // Will return true if key state became empty bool CloseOldBucketsForKey( const NUdf::TUnboxedValue& key, TKeyState& keyState, const ui64 closeBeforeIndex, // Excluded bound i64& newHopsStat) { auto& bucketsForKey = keyState.Buckets; bool becameEmpty = false; for (auto i = 0U; i < bucketsForKey.size(); ++i) { const auto curHopIndex = keyState.HopIndex; if (curHopIndex >= closeBeforeIndex) { break; } i64 lastIndexWithValue = -1; TMaybe<NUdf::TUnboxedValue> aggregated; for (ui64 j = 0; j < IntervalHopCount; j++) { const auto curBucketIndex = (curHopIndex + j) % bucketsForKey.size(); const auto& bucket = bucketsForKey[curBucketIndex]; if (!bucket.HasValue) { continue; } if (!aggregated) { // todo: clone Self->InSave->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(bucket.Value)); Self->InLoad->SetValue(Ctx, Self->OutSave->GetValue(Ctx)); aggregated = Self->OutLoad->GetValue(Ctx); } else { Self->State->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(bucket.Value)); Self->State2->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(*aggregated)); aggregated = Self->OutMerge->GetValue(Ctx); } lastIndexWithValue = Max<i64>(lastIndexWithValue, j); } if (aggregated) { Self->Key->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(key)); Self->State->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValue(*aggregated)); // Outer code requires window end time (not start as could be expected) Self->Time->SetValue(Ctx, NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod((curHopIndex + IntervalHopCount) * HopTime)); Ready.emplace_back(Self->OutFinish->GetValue(Ctx)); newHopsStat++; } auto& clearBucket = bucketsForKey[curHopIndex % bucketsForKey.size()]; clearBucket.Value = NUdf::TUnboxedValue(); clearBucket.HasValue = false; keyState.HopIndex++; if (lastIndexWithValue == 0) { // Check if there is extra data in delayed buckets for (ui64 j = IntervalHopCount; j < bucketsForKey.size(); j++) { const auto curBucketIndex = (curHopIndex + j) % bucketsForKey.size(); const auto& bucket = bucketsForKey[curBucketIndex]; if (bucket.HasValue) { lastIndexWithValue = Max<i64>(lastIndexWithValue, j); } } if (lastIndexWithValue == 0) { becameEmpty = true; break; } } } keyState.HopIndex = Max<ui64>(keyState.HopIndex, closeBeforeIndex); return becameEmpty; } void CloseOldBuckets(ui64 watermarkTs, i64& newHops) { const auto watermarkIndex = watermarkTs / HopTime; EraseNodesIf(StatesMap, [&](auto& iter) { auto& [key, val] = iter; ui64 closeBeforeIndex = watermarkIndex + 1 - IntervalHopCount; const auto keyStateBecameEmpty = CloseOldBucketsForKey(key, val, closeBeforeIndex, newHops); if (keyStateBecameEmpty) { key.UnRef(); } return keyStateBecameEmpty; }); return; } void ClearState() { EraseNodesIf(StatesMap, [&](auto& iter) { iter.first.UnRef(); return true; }); StatesMap.rehash(0); } const NUdf::TUnboxedValue Stream; const TSelf *const Self; const ui64 HopTime; const ui64 IntervalHopCount; const ui64 DelayHopCount; TWatermark& Watermark; bool WatermarkMode; bool PendingYield = false; using TStatesMap = std::unordered_map< NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod, TKeyState, THashFunc, TEqualsFunc, TMKQLAllocator<std::pair<const NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod, TKeyState>>>; TStatesMap StatesMap; // Map of states for each key std::deque<NUdf::TUnboxedValue> Ready; // buffer for fetching results bool Finished = false; TComputationContext& Ctx; std::optional<TWatermarkTracker> DataWatermarkTracker; }; TMultiHoppingCoreWrapper( TComputationMutables& mutables, IComputationNode* stream, IComputationExternalNode* item, IComputationExternalNode* key, IComputationExternalNode* state, IComputationExternalNode* state2, IComputationExternalNode* time, IComputationExternalNode* inSave, IComputationExternalNode* inLoad, IComputationNode* keyExtract, IComputationNode* outTime, IComputationNode* outInit, IComputationNode* outUpdate, IComputationNode* outSave, IComputationNode* outLoad, IComputationNode* outMerge, IComputationNode* outFinish, IComputationNode* hop, IComputationNode* interval, IComputationNode* delay, IComputationNode* dataWatermarks, IComputationNode* watermarkMode, TType* keyType, TType* stateType, TWatermark& watermark) : TBaseComputation(mutables) , Stream(stream) , Item(item) , Key(key) , State(state) , State2(state2) , Time(time) , InSave(inSave) , InLoad(inLoad) , KeyExtract(keyExtract) , OutTime(outTime) , OutInit(outInit) , OutUpdate(outUpdate) , OutSave(outSave) , OutLoad(outLoad) , OutMerge(outMerge) , OutFinish(outFinish) , Hop(hop) , Interval(interval) , Delay(delay) , DataWatermarks(dataWatermarks) , WatermarkMode(watermarkMode) , KeyType(keyType) , StateType(stateType) , KeyPacker(mutables) , StatePacker(mutables) , KeyTypes() , IsTuple(false) , UseIHash(false) , Watermark(watermark) { Stateless = false; bool encoded; GetDictionaryKeyTypes(keyType, KeyTypes, IsTuple, encoded, UseIHash); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(!encoded, "TODO"); Equate = UseIHash ? MakeEquateImpl(KeyType) : nullptr; Hash = UseIHash ? MakeHashImpl(KeyType) : nullptr; } NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod CreateStream(TComputationContext& ctx) const { const auto hopTime = Hop->GetValue(ctx).Get<ui64>(); const auto interval = Interval->GetValue(ctx).Get<ui64>(); const auto delay = Delay->GetValue(ctx).Get<ui64>(); const auto dataWatermarks = DataWatermarks->GetValue(ctx).Get<bool>(); const auto watermarkMode = WatermarkMode->GetValue(ctx).Get<bool>(); const auto intervalHopCount = interval / hopTime; const auto delayHopCount = delay / hopTime; return ctx.HolderFactory.Create<TStreamValue>( Stream->GetValue(ctx), this, hopTime, intervalHopCount, delayHopCount, dataWatermarks, watermarkMode, ctx, TValueHasher(KeyTypes, IsTuple, Hash.Get()), TValueEqual(KeyTypes, IsTuple, Equate.Get()), Watermark ); } NUdf::TUnboxedValue GetValue(TComputationContext& compCtx) const override { NUdf::TUnboxedValue& valueRef = ValueRef(compCtx); if (valueRef.IsInvalid()) { // Create new. valueRef = CreateStream(compCtx); } else if (valueRef.HasValue()) { MKQL_ENSURE(valueRef.IsBoxed(), "Expected boxed value"); bool isStateToLoad = valueRef.HasListItems(); if (isStateToLoad) { // Load from saved state. NUdf::TUnboxedValue stream = CreateStream(compCtx); stream.Load2(valueRef); valueRef = stream; } } return valueRef; } private: void RegisterDependencies() const final { DependsOn(Stream); Own(Item); Own(Key); Own(State); Own(State2); Own(Time); Own(InSave); Own(InLoad); DependsOn(KeyExtract); DependsOn(OutTime); DependsOn(OutInit); DependsOn(OutUpdate); DependsOn(OutSave); DependsOn(OutLoad); DependsOn(OutMerge); DependsOn(OutFinish); DependsOn(Hop); DependsOn(Interval); DependsOn(Delay); DependsOn(DataWatermarks); DependsOn(WatermarkMode); } IComputationNode* const Stream; IComputationExternalNode* const Item; IComputationExternalNode* const Key; IComputationExternalNode* const State; IComputationExternalNode* const State2; IComputationExternalNode* const Time; IComputationExternalNode* const InSave; IComputationExternalNode* const InLoad; IComputationNode* const KeyExtract; IComputationNode* const OutTime; IComputationNode* const OutInit; IComputationNode* const OutUpdate; IComputationNode* const OutSave; IComputationNode* const OutLoad; IComputationNode* const OutMerge; IComputationNode* const OutFinish; IComputationNode* const Hop; IComputationNode* const Interval; IComputationNode* const Delay; IComputationNode* const DataWatermarks; IComputationNode* const WatermarkMode; TType* const KeyType; TType* const StateType; TMutableObjectOverBoxedValue<TValuePackerBoxed> KeyPacker; TMutableObjectOverBoxedValue<TValuePackerBoxed> StatePacker; TKeyTypes KeyTypes; bool IsTuple; bool UseIHash; TWatermark& Watermark; NUdf::IEquate::TPtr Equate; NUdf::IHash::TPtr Hash; }; } IComputationNode* WrapMultiHoppingCore(TCallable& callable, const TComputationNodeFactoryContext& ctx, TWatermark& watermark) { MKQL_ENSURE(callable.GetInputsCount() == 21, "Expected 21 args"); auto hasSaveLoad = !callable.GetInput(12).GetStaticType()->IsVoid(); IComputationExternalNode* inSave = nullptr; IComputationNode* outSave = nullptr; IComputationExternalNode* inLoad = nullptr; IComputationNode* outLoad = nullptr; auto streamType = callable.GetInput(0).GetStaticType(); MKQL_ENSURE(streamType->IsStream(), "Expected stream"); const auto keyType = callable.GetInput(8).GetStaticType(); auto stream = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 0); auto keyExtract = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 8); auto outTime = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 9); auto outInit = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 10); auto outUpdate = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 11); if (hasSaveLoad) { outSave = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 12); outLoad = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 13); } auto outMerge = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 14); auto outFinish = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 15); auto hop = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 16); auto interval = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 17); auto delay = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 18); auto dataWatermarks = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 19); auto watermarkMode = LocateNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 20); auto item = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 1); auto key = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 2); auto state = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 3); auto state2 = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 4); auto time = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 5); if (hasSaveLoad) { inSave = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 6); inLoad = LocateExternalNode(ctx.NodeLocator, callable, 7); } auto stateType = hasSaveLoad ? callable.GetInput(12).GetStaticType() : nullptr; return new TMultiHoppingCoreWrapper(ctx.Mutables, stream, item, key, state, state2, time, inSave, inLoad, keyExtract, outTime, outInit, outUpdate, outSave, outLoad, outMerge, outFinish, hop, interval, delay, dataWatermarks, watermarkMode, keyType, stateType, watermark); } } }