#include "error.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NYT { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, TErrorCode code, TStringBuf spec) { FormatValue(builder, static_cast(code), spec); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constexpr TStringBuf ErrorMessageTruncatedSuffix = "..."; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class TError::TImpl { public: TImpl() : Code_(NYT::EErrorCode::OK) { } TImpl(const TError::TImpl& other) : Code_(other.Code_) , Message_(other.Message_) , OriginAttributes_(other.OriginAttributes_) , Attributes_(other.Attributes_) , InnerErrors_(other.InnerErrors_) { } explicit TImpl(std::string message) : Code_(NYT::EErrorCode::Generic) , Message_(std::move(message)) { OriginAttributes_.Capture(); } TImpl(TErrorCode code, std::string message) : Code_(code) , Message_(std::move(message)) { if (!IsOK()) { OriginAttributes_.Capture(); } } bool IsOK() const noexcept { return Code_ == NYT::EErrorCode::OK; } TErrorCode GetCode() const noexcept { return Code_; } void SetCode(TErrorCode code) noexcept { Code_ = code; } const std::string& GetMessage() const noexcept { return Message_; } std::string* MutableMessage() noexcept { return &Message_; } bool HasOriginAttributes() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_.ThreadName.Length > 0; } const TOriginAttributes& OriginAttributes() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_; } TOriginAttributes* MutableOriginAttributes() noexcept { return &OriginAttributes_; } TProcessId GetPid() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_.Pid; } NThreading::TThreadId GetTid() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_.Tid; } TStringBuf GetThreadName() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_.ThreadName.ToStringBuf(); } bool HasDatetime() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_.Datetime != TInstant(); } TInstant GetDatetime() const noexcept { return OriginAttributes_.Datetime; } void SetDatetime(TInstant datetime) noexcept { OriginAttributes_.Datetime = datetime; } bool HasAttributes() const noexcept { return true; } const TErrorAttributes& Attributes() const { return Attributes_; } void UpdateOriginAttributes() { OriginAttributes_ = NYT::NDetail::ExtractFromDictionary(&Attributes_); } TErrorAttributes* MutableAttributes() noexcept { return &Attributes_; } const std::vector& InnerErrors() const noexcept { return InnerErrors_; } std::vector* MutableInnerErrors() noexcept { return &InnerErrors_; } private: TErrorCode Code_; std::string Message_; TOriginAttributes OriginAttributes_{ .Pid = 0, .Tid = NThreading::InvalidThreadId, }; TErrorAttributes Attributes_; std::vector InnerErrors_; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { bool IsWhitelisted(const TError& error, const THashSet& attributeWhitelist) { for (const auto& key : error.Attributes().ListKeys()) { if (attributeWhitelist.contains(key)) { return true; } } for (const auto& innerError : error.InnerErrors()) { if (IsWhitelisted(innerError, attributeWhitelist)) { return true; } } return false; } //! Returns vector which consists of objects from errors such that: //! if N is the number of objects in errors s.t. IsWhitelisted is true //! then first N objects of returned vector are the ones for which IsWhitelisted is true //! followed by std::max(0, maxInnerErrorCount - N - 1) remaining objects //! finally followed by errors.back(). std::vector& ApplyWhitelist(std::vector& errors, const THashSet& attributeWhitelist, int maxInnerErrorCount) { if (std::ssize(errors) < std::max(2, maxInnerErrorCount)) { return errors; } auto firstNotWhitelisted = std::partition( errors.begin(), std::prev(errors.end()), [&attributeWhitelist] (const TError& error) { return IsWhitelisted(error, attributeWhitelist); }); int lastErrorOffset = std::max(firstNotWhitelisted - errors.begin(), maxInnerErrorCount - 1); *(errors.begin() + lastErrorOffset) = std::move(errors.back()); errors.resize(lastErrorOffset + 1); return errors; } } // namespace //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TError::TErrorOr() = default; TError::~TErrorOr() = default; TError::TErrorOr(const TError& other) { if (!other.IsOK()) { Impl_ = std::make_unique(*other.Impl_); } } TError::TErrorOr(TError&& other) noexcept : Impl_(std::move(other.Impl_)) { } TError::TErrorOr(const TErrorException& errorEx) noexcept { *this = errorEx.Error(); // NB: TErrorException verifies that error not IsOK at throwing end. } TError::TErrorOr(const std::exception& ex) { if (auto simpleException = dynamic_cast(&ex)) { *this = TError(NYT::EErrorCode::Generic, TRuntimeFormat{simpleException->GetMessage()}); // NB: clang-14 is incapable of capturing structured binding variables // so we force materialize them via this function call. auto addAttribute = [this] (const auto& key, const auto& value) { std::visit([&] (const auto& actual) { *this <<= TErrorAttribute(key, actual); }, value); }; for (const auto& [key, value] : simpleException->GetAttributes()) { addAttribute(key, value); } try { if (simpleException->GetInnerException()) { std::rethrow_exception(simpleException->GetInnerException()); } } catch (const std::exception& innerEx) { *this <<= TError(innerEx); } } else if (const auto* errorEx = dynamic_cast(&ex)) { *this = errorEx->Error(); } else { *this = TError(NYT::EErrorCode::Generic, TRuntimeFormat{ex.what()}); } YT_VERIFY(!IsOK()); } TError::TErrorOr(std::string message, TDisableFormat) : Impl_(std::make_unique(std::move(message))) { } TError::TErrorOr(TErrorCode code, std::string message, TDisableFormat) : Impl_(std::make_unique(code, std::move(message))) { } TError& TError::operator = (const TError& other) { if (other.IsOK()) { Impl_.reset(); } else { Impl_ = std::make_unique(*other.Impl_); } return *this; } TError& TError::operator = (TError&& other) noexcept { Impl_ = std::move(other.Impl_); return *this; } TError TError::FromSystem() { return FromSystem(LastSystemError()); } TError TError::FromSystem(int error) { return TError(TErrorCode(LinuxErrorCodeBase + error), TRuntimeFormat{LastSystemErrorText(error)}) << TErrorAttribute("errno", error); } TError TError::FromSystem(const TSystemError& error) { return FromSystem(error.Status()); } TErrorCode TError::GetCode() const { if (!Impl_) { return NYT::EErrorCode::OK; } return Impl_->GetCode(); } TError& TError::SetCode(TErrorCode code) { MakeMutable(); Impl_->SetCode(code); return *this; } TErrorCode TError::GetNonTrivialCode() const { if (!Impl_) { return NYT::EErrorCode::OK; } if (GetCode() != NYT::EErrorCode::Generic) { return GetCode(); } for (const auto& innerError : InnerErrors()) { auto innerCode = innerError.GetNonTrivialCode(); if (innerCode != NYT::EErrorCode::Generic) { return innerCode; } } return GetCode(); } THashSet TError::GetDistinctNonTrivialErrorCodes() const { THashSet result; TraverseError(*this, [&result] (const TError& error, int /*depth*/) { if (auto errorCode = error.GetCode(); errorCode != NYT::EErrorCode::OK) { result.insert(errorCode); } }); return result; } const std::string& TError::GetMessage() const { if (!Impl_) { static const std::string Result; return Result; } return Impl_->GetMessage(); } TError& TError::SetMessage(std::string message) { MakeMutable(); *Impl_->MutableMessage() = std::move(message); return *this; } bool TError::HasOriginAttributes() const { if (!Impl_) { return false; } return Impl_->HasOriginAttributes(); } bool TError::HasDatetime() const { if (!Impl_) { return false; } return Impl_->HasDatetime(); } TInstant TError::GetDatetime() const { if (!Impl_) { return {}; } return Impl_->GetDatetime(); } TProcessId TError::GetPid() const { if (!Impl_) { return 0; } return Impl_->GetPid(); } NThreading::TThreadId TError::GetTid() const { if (!Impl_) { return NThreading::InvalidThreadId; } return Impl_->GetTid(); } TStringBuf TError::GetThreadName() const { if (!Impl_) { static std::string empty; return empty; } return Impl_->GetThreadName(); } bool TError::HasAttributes() const noexcept { if (!Impl_) { return false; } return Impl_->HasAttributes(); } const TErrorAttributes& TError::Attributes() const { if (!Impl_) { static TErrorAttributes empty; return empty; } return Impl_->Attributes(); } TErrorAttributes* TError::MutableAttributes() { MakeMutable(); return Impl_->MutableAttributes(); } const std::vector& TError::InnerErrors() const { if (!Impl_) { static const std::vector Result; return Result; } return Impl_->InnerErrors(); } std::vector* TError::MutableInnerErrors() { MakeMutable(); return Impl_->MutableInnerErrors(); } TOriginAttributes* TError::MutableOriginAttributes() const noexcept { if (!Impl_) { return nullptr; } return Impl_->MutableOriginAttributes(); } void TError::UpdateOriginAttributes() { if (!Impl_) { return; } Impl_->UpdateOriginAttributes(); } const std::string InnerErrorsTruncatedKey("inner_errors_truncated"); TError TError::Truncate( int maxInnerErrorCount, i64 stringLimit, const THashSet& attributeWhitelist) const & { if (!Impl_) { return TError(); } auto truncateInnerError = [=, &attributeWhitelist] (const TError& innerError) { return innerError.Truncate(maxInnerErrorCount, stringLimit, attributeWhitelist); }; auto truncateAttributes = [stringLimit, &attributeWhitelist] (const TErrorAttributes& attributes, TErrorAttributes* mutableAttributes) { for (const auto& [key, value] : attributes.ListPairs()) { if (std::ssize(value) > stringLimit && !attributeWhitelist.contains(key)) { mutableAttributes->SetValue( key, NYT::ToErrorAttributeValue("......")); } else { mutableAttributes->SetValue( key, value); } } }; auto result = std::make_unique(); result->SetCode(GetCode()); *result->MutableMessage() = TruncateString(GetMessage(), stringLimit, ErrorMessageTruncatedSuffix); if (Impl_->HasAttributes()) { truncateAttributes(Impl_->Attributes(), result->MutableAttributes()); } *result->MutableOriginAttributes() = Impl_->OriginAttributes(); const auto& innerErrors = InnerErrors(); auto& copiedInnerErrors = *result->MutableInnerErrors(); if (std::ssize(innerErrors) <= maxInnerErrorCount) { for (const auto& innerError : innerErrors) { copiedInnerErrors.push_back(truncateInnerError(innerError)); } } else { result->MutableAttributes()->SetValue(InnerErrorsTruncatedKey, NYT::ToErrorAttributeValue(true)); // NB(arkady-e1ppa): We want to always keep the last inner error, // so we make room for it and do not check if it is whitelisted. for (int idx = 0; idx < std::ssize(innerErrors) - 1; ++idx) { const auto& innerError = innerErrors[idx]; if ( IsWhitelisted(innerError, attributeWhitelist) || std::ssize(copiedInnerErrors) < maxInnerErrorCount - 1) { copiedInnerErrors.push_back(truncateInnerError(innerError)); } } copiedInnerErrors.push_back(truncateInnerError(innerErrors.back())); } return TError(std::move(result)); } TError TError::Truncate( int maxInnerErrorCount, i64 stringLimit, const THashSet& attributeWhitelist) && { if (!Impl_) { return TError(); } auto truncateInnerError = [=, &attributeWhitelist] (TError& innerError) { innerError = std::move(innerError).Truncate(maxInnerErrorCount, stringLimit, attributeWhitelist); }; auto truncateAttributes = [stringLimit, &attributeWhitelist] (TErrorAttributes* attributes) { for (const auto& [key, value] : attributes->ListPairs()) { if (std::ssize(value) > stringLimit && !attributeWhitelist.contains(key)) { attributes->SetValue( key, NYT::ToErrorAttributeValue("......")); } } }; TruncateStringInplace(Impl_->MutableMessage(), stringLimit, ErrorMessageTruncatedSuffix); if (Impl_->HasAttributes()) { truncateAttributes(Impl_->MutableAttributes()); } if (std::ssize(InnerErrors()) <= maxInnerErrorCount) { for (auto& innerError : *MutableInnerErrors()) { truncateInnerError(innerError); } } else { auto& innerErrors = ApplyWhitelist(*MutableInnerErrors(), attributeWhitelist, maxInnerErrorCount); MutableAttributes()->SetValue(InnerErrorsTruncatedKey, NYT::ToErrorAttributeValue(true)); for (auto& innerError : innerErrors) { truncateInnerError(innerError); } } return std::move(*this); } bool TError::IsOK() const { if (!Impl_) { return true; } return Impl_->IsOK(); } TError TError::Wrap() const & { return *this; } TError TError::Wrap() && { return std::move(*this); } Y_WEAK std::string GetErrorSkeleton(const TError& /*error*/) { // Proper implementation resides in yt/yt/library/error_skeleton/skeleton.cpp. THROW_ERROR_EXCEPTION("Error skeleton implementation library is not linked; consider PEERDIR'ing yt/yt/library/error_skeleton"); } std::string TError::GetSkeleton() const { return GetErrorSkeleton(*this); } std::optional TError::FindMatching(TErrorCode code) const { return FindMatching([&] (TErrorCode errorCode) { return code == errorCode; }); } std::optional TError::FindMatching(const THashSet& codes) const { return FindMatching([&] (TErrorCode code) { return codes.contains(code); }); } TError::TErrorOr(std::unique_ptr impl) : Impl_(std::move(impl)) { } void TError::MakeMutable() { if (!Impl_) { Impl_ = std::make_unique(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TError& TError::operator <<= (const TErrorAttribute& attribute) & { MutableAttributes()->SetAttribute(attribute); return *this; } TError& TError::operator <<= (const std::vector& attributes) & { for (const auto& attribute : attributes) { MutableAttributes()->SetAttribute(attribute); } return *this; } TError& TError::operator <<= (const TError& innerError) & { MutableInnerErrors()->push_back(innerError); return *this; } TError& TError::operator <<= (TError&& innerError) & { MutableInnerErrors()->push_back(std::move(innerError)); return *this; } TError& TError::operator <<= (const std::vector& innerErrors) & { MutableInnerErrors()->insert( MutableInnerErrors()->end(), innerErrors.begin(), innerErrors.end()); return *this; } TError& TError::operator <<= (std::vector&& innerErrors) & { MutableInnerErrors()->insert( MutableInnerErrors()->end(), std::make_move_iterator(innerErrors.begin()), std::make_move_iterator(innerErrors.end())); return *this; } TError& TError::operator <<= (TAnyMergeableDictionaryRef attributes) & { MutableAttributes()->MergeFrom(attributes); return *this; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool operator == (const TError& lhs, const TError& rhs) { if (!lhs.MutableOriginAttributes() && !rhs.MutableOriginAttributes()) { return true; } // NB(arkady-e1ppa): Origin attributes equality comparison is // bit-wise but garbage bits are zeroed so it shouldn't matter. return lhs.GetCode() == rhs.GetCode() && lhs.GetMessage() == rhs.GetMessage() && *lhs.MutableOriginAttributes() == *rhs.MutableOriginAttributes() && lhs.Attributes() == rhs.Attributes() && lhs.InnerErrors() == rhs.InnerErrors(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void AppendIndent(TStringBuilderBase* builer, int indent) { builer->AppendChar(' ', indent); } void AppendAttribute(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const std::string& key, const std::string& value, int indent) { AppendIndent(builder, indent + 4); if (value.find('\n') == std::string::npos) { builder->AppendFormat("%-15s %s", key, value); } else { builder->AppendString(key); std::string indentedValue = "\n" + value; SubstGlobal(indentedValue, "\n", "\n" + std::string(static_cast(indent + 8), ' ')); // Now first line in indentedValue is empty and every other line is indented by 8 spaces. builder->AppendString(indentedValue); } builder->AppendChar('\n'); } void AppendError(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TError& error, int indent) { auto isStringTextYson = [] (TStringBuf str) { return str && std::ssize(str) != 0 && str.front() == '\"'; }; auto isBoolTextYson = [] (TStringBuf str) { return str == "%false" || str == "%true"; }; if (error.IsOK()) { builder->AppendString("OK"); return; } AppendIndent(builder, indent); builder->AppendString(error.GetMessage()); builder->AppendChar('\n'); if (error.GetCode() != NYT::EErrorCode::Generic) { AppendAttribute(builder, "code", NYT::ToString(static_cast(error.GetCode())), indent); } // Pretty-print origin. const auto* originAttributes = error.MutableOriginAttributes(); YT_ASSERT(originAttributes); if (error.HasOriginAttributes()) { AppendAttribute( builder, "origin", NYT::NDetail::FormatOrigin(*originAttributes), indent); } else if (IsErrorSanitizerEnabled() && originAttributes->Host.operator bool()) { AppendAttribute( builder, "host", std::string{originAttributes->Host}, indent); } if (error.HasDatetime()) { AppendAttribute( builder, "datetime", Format("%v", error.GetDatetime()), indent); } for (const auto& [key, value] : error.Attributes().ListPairs()) { if (isStringTextYson(value)) { AppendAttribute(builder, key, NDetail::ConvertFromTextYsonString(value), indent); } else if (isBoolTextYson(value)) { AppendAttribute(builder, key, std::string(FormatBool(NDetail::ConvertFromTextYsonString(value))), indent); } else { AppendAttribute(builder, key, value, indent); } } for (const auto& innerError : error.InnerErrors()) { builder->AppendChar('\n'); AppendError(builder, innerError, indent + 2); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FormatValue(TStringBuilderBase* builder, const TError& error, TStringBuf /*spec*/) { AppendError(builder, error, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TraverseError(const TError& error, const TErrorVisitor& visitor, int depth) { visitor(error, depth); for (const auto& inner : error.InnerErrors()) { TraverseError(inner, visitor, depth + 1); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* TErrorException::what() const noexcept { if (CachedWhat_.empty()) { CachedWhat_ = ToString(Error_); } return CachedWhat_.data(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace NYT