#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace NKikimr; using namespace NUdf; using namespace NYql::DateTime; extern const char SplitName[] = "Split"; extern const char ToSecondsName[] = "ToSeconds"; extern const char ToMillisecondsName[] = "ToMilliseconds"; extern const char ToMicrosecondsName[] = "ToMicroseconds"; extern const char GetHourName[] = "GetHour"; extern const char GetMinuteName[] = "GetMinute"; extern const char GetSecondName[] = "GetSecond"; extern const char GetMillisecondOfSecondName[] = "GetMillisecondOfSecond"; extern const char GetMicrosecondOfSecondName[] = "GetMicrosecondOfSecond"; extern const char TMResourceName[] = "DateTime2.TM"; extern const char TM64ResourceName[] = "DateTime2.TM64"; const auto UsecondsInDay = 86400000000ll; const auto UsecondsInHour = 3600000000ll; const auto UsecondsInMinute = 60000000ll; const auto UsecondsInSecond = 1000000ll; const auto UsecondsInMilliseconds = 1000ll; template class TToUnits { public: typedef bool TTypeAwareMarker; using TSignedResult = typename std::make_signed::type; static TResult DateCore(ui16 value) { return value * ui32(86400) * TResult(ScaleAfterSeconds); } template static TResult TzBlockCore(TBlockItem tzDate); template<> static TResult TzBlockCore(TBlockItem tzDate) { return DateCore(tzDate.Get()); } template<> static TResult TzBlockCore(TBlockItem tzDate) { return DatetimeCore(tzDate.Get()); } template<> static TResult TzBlockCore(TBlockItem tzDate) { return TimestampCore(tzDate.Get()); } static TResult DatetimeCore(ui32 value) { return value * TResult(ScaleAfterSeconds); } static TResult TimestampCore(ui64 value) { return TResult(value / (1000000u / ScaleAfterSeconds)); } static TSignedResult IntervalCore(i64 value) { return TSignedResult(value / (1000000u / ScaleAfterSeconds)); } static const TStringRef& Name() { static auto name = TStringRef(TFuncName, std::strlen(TFuncName)); return name; } template static auto MakeTzBlockExec() { using TReader = TTzDateBlockReader; return UnaryPreallocatedReaderExecImpl>; } static bool DeclareSignature( const TStringRef& name, TType* userType, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, bool typesOnly) { if (Name() != name) { return false; } try { auto typeInfoHelper = builder.TypeInfoHelper(); TTupleTypeInspector tuple(*typeInfoHelper, userType); Y_ENSURE(tuple); Y_ENSURE(tuple.GetElementsCount() > 0); TTupleTypeInspector argsTuple(*typeInfoHelper, tuple.GetElementType(0)); Y_ENSURE(argsTuple); if (argsTuple.GetElementsCount() != 1) { builder.SetError("Expected one argument"); return true; } auto argType = argsTuple.GetElementType(0); TVector argBlockTypes; argBlockTypes.push_back(argType); TBlockTypeInspector block(*typeInfoHelper, argType); if (block) { Y_ENSURE(!block.IsScalar()); argType = block.GetItemType(); } bool isOptional = false; if (auto opt = TOptionalTypeInspector(*typeInfoHelper, argType)) { argType = opt.GetItemType(); isOptional = true; } TDataTypeInspector data(*typeInfoHelper, argType); if (!data) { builder.SetError("Expected data type"); return true; } auto typeId = data.GetTypeId(); if (!(typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id)) { builder.SetError(TStringBuilder() << "Type " << GetDataTypeInfo(GetDataSlot(typeId)).Name << " is not supported"); } builder.Args()->Add(argsTuple.GetElementType(0)).Done(); const TType* retType; if (typeId != TDataType::Id) { retType = builder.SimpleType(); } else { retType = builder.SimpleType(); } if (isOptional) { retType = builder.Optional()->Item(retType).Build(); } auto outputType = retType; if (block) { retType = builder.Block(block.IsScalar())->Item(retType).Build(); } builder.Returns(retType); builder.SupportsBlocks(); builder.IsStrict(); builder.UserType(userType); if (!typesOnly) { if (typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { const auto exec = (typeId == TDataType::Id) ? MakeTzBlockExec() : UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl; builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), exec, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl()); } } if (typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { const auto exec = (typeId == TDataType::Id) ? MakeTzBlockExec() : UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl; builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), exec, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl()); } } if (typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { const auto exec = (typeId == TDataType::Id) ? MakeTzBlockExec() : UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl; builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), exec, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl()); } } if (typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl()); } } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { builder.SetError(TStringBuf(e.what())); } return true; } }; template struct TGetTimeComponent { typedef bool TTypeAwareMarker; template static TFieldStorage Core(TInput val) { if constexpr (AlwaysZero) { return 0; } if constexpr (InputFractional) { if constexpr (Fractional) { return (val / Scale) % Limit; } else { return (val / 1000000u / Scale) % Limit; } } else { if constexpr (Fractional) { return 0; } else { return (val / Scale) % Limit; } } } class TImpl : public TBoxedValue { public: TUnboxedValue Run(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const final { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); if (!args[0]) { return {}; } return TUnboxedValuePod(TFieldStorage((FieldFunc(args[0])) / Divisor)); } }; static const TStringRef& Name() { static auto name = TStringRef(TFuncName, std::strlen(TFuncName)); return name; } static bool DeclareSignature( const TStringRef& name, TType* userType, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, bool typesOnly) { if (Name() != name) { return false; } try { auto typeInfoHelper = builder.TypeInfoHelper(); TTupleTypeInspector tuple(*typeInfoHelper, userType); if (tuple) { Y_ENSURE(tuple.GetElementsCount() > 0); TTupleTypeInspector argsTuple(*typeInfoHelper, tuple.GetElementType(0)); Y_ENSURE(argsTuple); if (argsTuple.GetElementsCount() != 1) { builder.SetError("Expected one argument"); return true; } auto argType = argsTuple.GetElementType(0); TVector argBlockTypes; argBlockTypes.push_back(argType); TBlockTypeInspector block(*typeInfoHelper, argType); if (block) { Y_ENSURE(!block.IsScalar()); argType = block.GetItemType(); } bool isOptional = false; if (auto opt = TOptionalTypeInspector(*typeInfoHelper, argType)) { argType = opt.GetItemType(); isOptional = true; } TResourceTypeInspector res(*typeInfoHelper, argType); if (!res) { TDataTypeInspector data(*typeInfoHelper, argType); if (!data) { builder.SetError("Expected data type"); return true; } auto typeId = data.GetTypeId(); if (typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id || typeId == TDataType::Id) { builder.Args()->Add(argsTuple.GetElementType(0)).Done(); const TType* retType = builder.SimpleType(); if (isOptional) { retType = builder.Optional()->Item(retType).Build(); } auto outputType = retType; if (block) { retType = builder.Block(block.IsScalar())->Item(retType).Build(); } builder.Returns(retType); builder.SupportsBlocks(); builder.IsStrict(); builder.UserType(userType); if (!typesOnly) { if (typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl>, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl>()); } } if (typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl>, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl>()); } } if (typeId == TDataType::Id) { if (block) { builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl(argBlockTypes, outputType, block.IsScalar(), UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl>, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION)); } else { builder.Implementation(new TUnaryOverOptionalImpl>()); } } } return true; } } else { Y_ENSURE(!block); if (res.GetTag() != TStringRef::Of(TMResourceName)) { builder.SetError("Unexpected resource tag"); return true; } } } // default implementation builder.Args()->Add>().Flags(ICallablePayload::TArgumentFlags::AutoMap).Done(); builder.Returns(); builder.IsStrict(); if (!typesOnly) { builder.Implementation(new TImpl()); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { builder.SetError(TStringBuf(e.what())); } return true; } }; namespace { const TTMStorage& Reference(const NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod& value) { return *reinterpret_cast(value.GetRawPtr()); } TTMStorage& Reference(NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod& value) { return *reinterpret_cast(value.GetRawPtr()); } const TTMStorage& Reference(const TBlockItem& value) { return *reinterpret_cast(value.GetRawPtr()); } Y_DECLARE_UNUSED TTMStorage& Reference(TBlockItem& value) { return *reinterpret_cast(value.GetRawPtr()); } const TTM64Storage& Reference64(const NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod& value) { return *reinterpret_cast(value.GetRawPtr()); } TTM64Storage& Reference64(NUdf::TUnboxedValuePod& value) { return *reinterpret_cast(value.GetRawPtr()); } template TValue DoAddMonths(const TValue& date, i64 months, const NUdf::IDateBuilder& builder) { auto result = date; auto& storage = Reference(result); if (!NYql::DateTime::DoAddMonths(storage, months, builder)) { return TValue{}; } return result; } template TValue DoAddQuarters(const TValue& date, i64 quarters, const NUdf::IDateBuilder& builder) { return DoAddMonths(date, quarters * 3ll, builder); } template TValue DoAddYears(const TValue& date, i64 years, const NUdf::IDateBuilder& builder) { auto result = date; auto& storage = Reference(result); if (!NYql::DateTime::DoAddYears(storage, years, builder)) { return TValue{}; } return result; } #define ACCESSORS(field, type) \ template \ inline type Get##field(const TValue& tm) { \ return (type)Reference(tm).field; \ } \ template \ Y_DECLARE_UNUSED inline void Set##field(TValue& tm, type value) { \ Reference(tm).field = value; \ } ACCESSORS(Year, ui16) ACCESSORS(DayOfYear, ui16) ACCESSORS(WeekOfYear, ui8) ACCESSORS(WeekOfYearIso8601, ui8) ACCESSORS(DayOfWeek, ui8) ACCESSORS(Month, ui8) ACCESSORS(Day, ui8) ACCESSORS(Hour, ui8) ACCESSORS(Minute, ui8) ACCESSORS(Second, ui8) ACCESSORS(Microsecond, ui32) ACCESSORS(TimezoneId, ui16) #undef ACCESSORS inline bool ValidateYear(ui16 year) { return year >= NUdf::MIN_YEAR - 1 || year <= NUdf::MAX_YEAR + 1; } inline bool ValidateMonth(ui8 month) { return month >= 1 && month <= 12; } inline bool ValidateDay(ui8 day) { return day >= 1 && day <= 31; } inline bool ValidateHour(ui8 hour) { return hour < 24; } inline bool ValidateMinute(ui8 minute) { return minute < 60; } inline bool ValidateSecond(ui8 second) { return second < 60; } inline bool ValidateMicrosecond(ui32 microsecond) { return microsecond < 1000000; } inline bool ValidateTimezoneId(ui16 timezoneId) { const auto& zones = NUdf::GetTimezones(); return timezoneId < zones.size() && !zones[timezoneId].empty(); } inline bool ValidateMonthShortName(const std::string_view& monthName, ui8& month) { static constexpr auto cmp = [](const std::string_view& a, const std::string_view& b) { int cmp = strnicmp(a.data(), b.data(), std::min(a.size(), b.size())); if (cmp == 0) return a.size() < b.size(); return cmp < 0; }; static const std::map mp = { {"jan", 1}, {"feb", 2}, {"mar", 3}, {"apr", 4}, {"may", 5}, {"jun", 6}, {"jul", 7}, {"aug", 8}, {"sep", 9}, {"oct", 10}, {"nov", 11}, {"dec", 12} }; const auto& it = mp.find(monthName); if (it != mp.end()) { month = it -> second; return true; } return false; } inline bool ValidateMonthFullName(const std::string_view& monthName, ui8& month) { static constexpr auto cmp = [](const std::string_view& a, const std::string_view& b) { int cmp = strnicmp(a.data(), b.data(), std::min(a.size(), b.size())); if (cmp == 0) return a.size() < b.size(); return cmp < 0; }; static const std::map mp = { {"january", 1}, {"february", 2}, {"march", 3}, {"april", 4}, {"may", 5}, {"june", 6}, {"july", 7}, {"august", 8}, {"september", 9}, {"october", 10}, {"november", 11}, {"december", 12} }; const auto& it = mp.find(monthName); if (it != mp.end()) { month = it -> second; return true; } return false; } inline bool ValidateDatetime(ui32 datetime) { return datetime < MAX_DATETIME; } inline bool ValidateTimestamp(ui64 timestamp) { return timestamp < MAX_TIMESTAMP; } inline bool ValidateInterval(i64 interval) { return interval > -i64(MAX_TIMESTAMP) && interval < i64(MAX_TIMESTAMP); } // Split template using TSplitArgReader = std::conditional_t::Result, TTzDateBlockReader, TFixedSizeBlockReader::TLayout, Nullable>>; template struct TSplitKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TSplitArgReader, TResourceArrayBuilder> { static void Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder); template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem arg, const TSink& sink) { try { TBlockItem res {0}; Split(arg, Reference(res), *valueBuilder); sink(res); } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << e.what()).data()); } } }; template class TSplit : public TBoxedValue { const TSourcePosition Pos_; public: explicit TSplit(TSourcePosition pos) : Pos_(pos) {} TUnboxedValue Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const override; static bool DeclareSignature( TStringRef name, TType* userType, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, bool typesOnly) { const auto typeInfoHelper = builder.TypeInfoHelper(); TTupleTypeInspector tuple(*typeInfoHelper, userType); Y_ENSURE(tuple); Y_ENSURE(tuple.GetElementsCount() > 0); TTupleTypeInspector argsTuple(*typeInfoHelper, tuple.GetElementType(0)); Y_ENSURE(argsTuple); if (argsTuple.GetElementsCount() != 1) { builder.SetError("Expected one argument"); return true; } auto argType = argsTuple.GetElementType(0); builder.UserType(userType); builder.SupportsBlocks(); builder.IsStrict(); TBlockTypeInspector block(*typeInfoHelper, argType); if (block) { const auto* blockArgType = builder.Block(false)->Item().Build(); builder.Args()->Add(blockArgType).Flags(ICallablePayload::TArgumentFlags::AutoMap); const auto* retType = builder.Resource(TMResourceName); const auto* blockRetType = builder.Block(false)->Item(retType).Build(); builder.Returns(blockRetType); if (!typesOnly) { builder.Implementation(new TSimpleArrowUdfImpl({blockArgType}, retType, block.IsScalar(), TSplitKernelExec::Do, builder, TString(name), arrow::compute::NullHandling::COMPUTED_NO_PREALLOCATE)); } } else { builder.Args()->Add().Flags(ICallablePayload::TArgumentFlags::AutoMap); if constexpr (NUdf::TDataType::Features & NYql::NUdf::BigDateType) { builder.Returns(builder.Resource(TM64ResourceName)); } else { builder.Returns(builder.Resource(TMResourceName)); } if (!typesOnly) { builder.Implementation(new TSplit(builder.GetSourcePosition())); } } return true; } }; template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage &storage, const IValueBuilder& builder) { storage.FromDate(builder.GetDateBuilder(), arg.Get()); } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage &storage, const IValueBuilder& builder) { storage.FromDatetime(builder.GetDateBuilder(), arg.Get()); } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage &storage, const IValueBuilder& builder) { storage.FromTimestamp(builder.GetDateBuilder(), arg.Get()); } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage &storage, const IValueBuilder& builder) { storage.FromDate(builder.GetDateBuilder(), arg.Get(), arg.GetTimezoneId()); } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage &storage, const IValueBuilder& builder) { storage.FromDatetime(builder.GetDateBuilder(), arg.Get(), arg.GetTimezoneId()); } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem arg, TTMStorage &storage, const IValueBuilder& builder) { storage.FromTimestamp(builder.GetDateBuilder(), arg.Get(), arg.GetTimezoneId()); } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem, TTMStorage&, const IValueBuilder&) { ythrow yexception() << "Not implemented"; } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem, TTMStorage&, const IValueBuilder&) { ythrow yexception() << "Not implemented"; } template <> void TSplitKernelExec::Split(TBlockItem, TTMStorage&, const IValueBuilder&) { ythrow yexception() << "Not implemented"; } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.FromDate(builder, args[0].Get()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference64(result); storage.FromDate32(valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(), args[0].Get()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.FromDatetime(builder, args[0].Get()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference64(result); storage.FromDatetime64(valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(), args[0].Get()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.FromTimestamp(builder, args[0].Get()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference64(result); storage.FromTimestamp64(valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(), args[0].Get()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.FromDate(builder, args[0].Get(), args[0].GetTimezoneId()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.FromDatetime(builder, args[0].Get(), args[0].GetTimezoneId()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } template <> TUnboxedValue TSplit::Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.FromTimestamp(builder, args[0].Get(), args[0].GetTimezoneId()); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } // Make* template using TMakeResBuilder = std::conditional_t::Result, TTzDateArrayBuilder, TFixedSizeArrayBuilder::TLayout, Nullable>>; template struct TMakeDateKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TReaderTraits::TResource, TMakeResBuilder> { static TBlockItem Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder); template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { auto& storage = Reference(item); sink(TBlockItem(Make(storage, *valueBuilder))); } }; template<> TBlockItem TMakeDateKernelExec::Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { TBlockItem res(storage.ToDate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(), /*local*/ false)); return res; } template<> TBlockItem TMakeDateKernelExec::Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { TBlockItem res(storage.ToDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())); return res; } template<> TBlockItem TMakeDateKernelExec::Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { TBlockItem res(storage.ToTimestamp(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())); return res; } template<> TBlockItem TMakeDateKernelExec::Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { TBlockItem res(storage.ToDate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(), /*local*/ true)); res.SetTimezoneId(storage.TimezoneId); return res; } template<> TBlockItem TMakeDateKernelExec::Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { TBlockItem res(storage.ToDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())); res.SetTimezoneId(storage.TimezoneId); return res; } template<> TBlockItem TMakeDateKernelExec::Make(TTMStorage& storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { TBlockItem res(storage.ToTimestamp(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())); res.SetTimezoneId(storage.TimezoneId); return res; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TMakeDate, TDate(TAutoMap>)) { auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod(storage.ToDate(builder, false)); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TMakeDate, TMakeDateKernelExec::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TMakeDatetime, TDatetime(TAutoMap>)) { auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod(storage.ToDatetime(builder)); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TMakeDatetime, TMakeDateKernelExec::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTimestamp, TTimestamp(TAutoMap>)) { auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod(storage.ToTimestamp(builder)); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTimestamp, TMakeDateKernelExec::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTzDate, TTzDate(TAutoMap>)) { auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); try { TUnboxedValuePod result(storage.ToDate(builder, true)); result.SetTimezoneId(storage.TimezoneId); return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << "Timestamp " << storage.ToString() << " cannot be casted to TzDate" ).data()); } } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTzDate, TMakeDateKernelExec::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTzDatetime, TTzDatetime(TAutoMap>)) { auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); TUnboxedValuePod result(storage.ToDatetime(builder)); result.SetTimezoneId(storage.TimezoneId); return result; } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTzDatetime, TMakeDateKernelExec::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTzTimestamp, TTzTimestamp(TAutoMap>)) { auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); TUnboxedValuePod result(storage.ToTimestamp(builder)); result.SetTimezoneId(storage.TimezoneId); return result; } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TMakeTzTimestamp, TMakeDateKernelExec::Do); SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TConvert, TResource(TAutoMap>)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& arg = Reference(args[0]); auto& storage = Reference64(result); storage.From(arg); return result; } SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TMakeDate32, TDate32(TAutoMap>)) { auto& storage = Reference64(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod(storage.ToDate32(valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder())); } SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TMakeDatetime64, TDatetime64(TAutoMap>)) { auto& storage = Reference64(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod(storage.ToDatetime64(valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder())); } SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TMakeTimestamp64, TTimestamp64(TAutoMap>)) { auto& storage = Reference64(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod(storage.ToTimestamp64(valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder())); } // Get* #define GET_METHOD(field, type) \ SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TGet##field, type(TAutoMap>)) { \ Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); \ return TUnboxedValuePod(Get##field(args[0])); \ } // #define GET_METHOD(field, type) \ // struct TGet##field##KernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TFixedSizeArrayBuilder> { \ // template \ // static void Process(TBlockItem item, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder, const TSink& sink) { \ // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); \ // sink(TBlockItem(Get##field(item))); \ // } \ // }; \ // BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TGet##field, type(TAutoMap>)) { \ // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); \ // return TUnboxedValuePod(Get##field(args[0])); \ // } \ // END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TGet##field, TGet##field##KernelExec::Do, arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); GET_METHOD(Year, ui16) GET_METHOD(DayOfYear, ui16) GET_METHOD(Month, ui8) // template // TValue GetMonthNameValue(size_t idx) { // static const std::array monthNames = {{ // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("January")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("February")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("March")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("April")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("May")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("June")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("July")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("August")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("September")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("October")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("November")), // TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("December")) // }}; // return monthNames.at(idx); // } // struct TGetMonthNameKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TStringArrayBuilder> { // template // static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); // sink(GetMonthNameValue(GetMonth(item) - 1U)); // } // }; // BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TGetMonthName, char*(TAutoMap>)) { // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); // return GetMonthNameValue(GetMonth(*args) - 1U); // } // END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TGetMonthName, TGetMonthNameKernelExec::Do, arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TGetMonthName, char*(TAutoMap>)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); static const std::array monthNames = {{ TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("January")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("February")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("March")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("April")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("May")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("June")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("July")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("August")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("September")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("October")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("November")), TUnboxedValuePod::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("December")) }}; return monthNames.at(GetMonth(*args) - 1U); } GET_METHOD(WeekOfYear, ui8) GET_METHOD(WeekOfYearIso8601, ui8) // struct TGetDayOfMonthKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TFixedSizeArrayBuilder> { // template // static void Process(TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { // sink(GetDay(item)); // } // }; // BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TGetDayOfMonth, ui8(TAutoMap>)) { // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); // return TUnboxedValuePod(GetDay(args[0])); // } // END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TGetDayOfMonth, TGetDayOfMonthKernelExec::Do, arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TGetDayOfMonth, ui8(TAutoMap>)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); return TUnboxedValuePod(GetDay(args[0])); } GET_METHOD(DayOfWeek, ui8) template TValue GetDayNameValue(size_t idx) { static const std::array dayNames = {{ TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Monday")), TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Tuesday")), TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Wednesday")), TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Thursday")), TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Friday")), TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Saturday")), TValue::Embedded(TStringRef::Of("Sunday")) }}; return dayNames.at(idx); } SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TGetDayOfWeekName, char*(TAutoMap>)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); return GetDayNameValue(GetDayOfWeek(*args) - 1U); } // struct TGetDayOfWeekNameKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TStringArrayBuilder> { // template // static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); // sink(GetDayNameValue(GetDayOfWeek(item) - 1U)); // } // }; // BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TGetDayOfWeekName, char*(TAutoMap>)) { // Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); // return GetDayNameValue(GetDayOfWeek(*args) - 1U); // } // END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TGetDayOfWeekName, TGetDayOfWeekNameKernelExec::Do, arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); GET_METHOD(TimezoneId, ui16) struct TTGetTimezoneNameKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TStringArrayBuilder> { template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); auto timezoneId = GetTimezoneId(item); if (timezoneId >= NUdf::GetTimezones().size()) { sink(TBlockItem{}); } else { sink(TBlockItem{NUdf::GetTimezones()[timezoneId]}); } } }; BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TGetTimezoneName, char*(TAutoMap>)) { auto timezoneId = GetTimezoneId(args[0]); if (timezoneId >= NUdf::GetTimezones().size()) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } return valueBuilder->NewString(NUdf::GetTimezones()[timezoneId]); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TGetTimezoneName, TTGetTimezoneNameKernelExec::Do); // Update class TUpdate : public TBoxedValue { const TSourcePosition Pos_; public: explicit TUpdate(TSourcePosition pos) : Pos_(pos) {} TUnboxedValue Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const override { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); auto result = args[0]; if (args[1]) { auto year = args[1].Get(); if (!ValidateYear(year)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetYear(result, year); } if (args[2]) { auto month = args[2].Get(); if (!ValidateMonth(month)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetMonth(result, month); } if (args[3]) { auto day = args[3].Get(); if (!ValidateDay(day)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetDay(result, day); } if (args[4]) { auto hour = args[4].Get(); if (!ValidateHour(hour)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetHour(result, hour); } if (args[5]) { auto minute = args[5].Get(); if (!ValidateMinute(minute)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetMinute(result, minute); } if (args[6]) { auto second = args[6].Get(); if (!ValidateSecond(second)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetSecond(result, second); } if (args[7]) { auto microsecond = args[7].Get(); if (!ValidateMicrosecond(microsecond)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetMicrosecond(result, microsecond); } if (args[8]) { auto timezoneId = args[8].Get(); if (!ValidateTimezoneId(timezoneId)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } SetTimezoneId(result, timezoneId); } auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto& storage = Reference(result); if (!storage.Validate(builder)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } static const TStringRef& Name() { static auto name = TStringRef::Of("Update"); return name; } static bool DeclareSignature( const TStringRef& name, TType*, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, bool typesOnly) { if (Name() != name) { return false; } auto resourceType = builder.Resource(TMResourceName); auto optionalResourceType = builder.Optional()->Item(resourceType).Build(); builder.OptionalArgs(8).Args()->Add(resourceType).Flags(ICallablePayload::TArgumentFlags::AutoMap) .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Year") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Month") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Day") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Hour") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Minute") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Second") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("Microsecond") .Add(builder.Optional()->Item().Build()).Name("TimezoneId"); builder.Returns(optionalResourceType); if (!typesOnly) { builder.Implementation(new TUpdate(builder.GetSourcePosition())); } builder.IsStrict(); return true; } }; // From* BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TFromSeconds, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); auto res = args[0].Get(); if (!ValidateDatetime(res)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } return TUnboxedValuePod((ui64)(res * 1000000ull)); } using TFromSecondsKernel = TUnaryUnsafeFixedSizeFilterKernel; END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TFromSeconds, TFromSecondsKernel::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TFromMilliseconds, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); auto res = args[0].Get(); if (res >= MAX_TIMESTAMP / 1000u) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } return TUnboxedValuePod(res * 1000u); } using TFromMillisecondsKernel = TUnaryUnsafeFixedSizeFilterKernel; END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TFromMilliseconds, TFromMillisecondsKernel::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TFromMicroseconds, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); auto res = args[0].Get(); if (!ValidateTimestamp(res)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } return TUnboxedValuePod(res); } using TFromMicrosecondsKernel = TUnaryUnsafeFixedSizeFilterKernel; END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TFromMicroseconds, TFromMicrosecondsKernel::Do); template using TIntervalFromKernel = TUnaryUnsafeFixedSizeFilterKernel; BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromDays, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); const i64 res = i64(args[0].Get()) * UsecondsInDay; return ValidateInterval(res) ? TUnboxedValuePod(res) : TUnboxedValuePod(); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromDays, (TIntervalFromKernel::Do)); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromHours, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); const i64 res = i64(args[0].Get()) * UsecondsInHour; return ValidateInterval(res) ? TUnboxedValuePod(res) : TUnboxedValuePod(); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromHours, (TIntervalFromKernel::Do)); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromMinutes, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); const i64 res = i64(args[0].Get()) * UsecondsInMinute; return ValidateInterval(res) ? TUnboxedValuePod(res) : TUnboxedValuePod(); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromMinutes, (TIntervalFromKernel::Do)); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromSeconds, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); const i64 res = i64(args[0].Get()) * UsecondsInSecond; return ValidateInterval(res) ? TUnboxedValuePod(res) : TUnboxedValuePod(); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromSeconds, (TIntervalFromKernel::Do)); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromMilliseconds, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); const i64 res = i64(args[0].Get()) * UsecondsInMilliseconds; return ValidateInterval(res) ? TUnboxedValuePod(res) : TUnboxedValuePod(); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromMilliseconds, (TIntervalFromKernel::Do)); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromMicroseconds, TOptional(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); const i64 res = args[0].Get(); return ValidateInterval(res) ? TUnboxedValuePod(res) : TUnboxedValuePod(); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TIntervalFromMicroseconds, (TIntervalFromKernel::Do)); // To* BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TToDays, i32(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); return TUnboxedValuePod(i32(args[0].Get() / UsecondsInDay)); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TToDays, (UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TToHours, i32(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); return TUnboxedValuePod(i32(args[0].Get() / UsecondsInHour)); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TToHours, (UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TToMinutes, i32(TAutoMap)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); return TUnboxedValuePod(i32(args[0].Get() / UsecondsInMinute)); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF_WITH_NULL_HANDLING(TToMinutes, (UnaryPreallocatedExecImpl), arrow::compute::NullHandling::INTERSECTION); // StartOf* template struct TStartOfKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TResourceBlockReader, TResourceArrayBuilder> { template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { if (auto res = Core(Reference(item), *valueBuilder)) { Reference(item) = res.GetRef(); sink(item); } else { sink(TBlockItem{}); } } }; template TUnboxedValue SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) { auto result = args[0]; auto& storage = Reference(result); if (auto res = Core(storage, *valueBuilder)) { storage = res.GetRef(); return result; } return TUnboxedValuePod{}; } TMaybe StartOfYear(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Month = 1; storage.Day = 1; storage.Hour = 0; storage.Minute = 0; storage.Second = 0; storage.Microsecond = 0; if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfYear, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfYear, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); void SetEndOfDay(TTMStorage& storage) { storage.Hour = 23; storage.Minute = 59; storage.Second = 59; storage.Microsecond = 999999; } TMaybe EndOfYear(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Month = 12; storage.Day = 31; SetEndOfDay(storage); if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfYear, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfYear, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe StartOfQuarter(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Month = (storage.Month - 1) / 3 * 3 + 1; storage.Day = 1; storage.Hour = 0; storage.Minute = 0; storage.Second = 0; storage.Microsecond = 0; if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfQuarter, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfQuarter, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe EndOfQuarter(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Month = ((storage.Month - 1) / 3 + 1) * 3; storage.Day = NMiniKQL::GetMonthLength(storage.Month, NMiniKQL::IsLeapYear(storage.Year)); SetEndOfDay(storage); if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfQuarter, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfQuarter, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe StartOfMonth(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Day = 1; storage.Hour = 0; storage.Minute = 0; storage.Second = 0; storage.Microsecond = 0; if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfMonth, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfMonth, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe EndOfMonth(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Day = NMiniKQL::GetMonthLength(storage.Month, NMiniKQL::IsLeapYear(storage.Year)); SetEndOfDay(storage); if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfMonth, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfMonth, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe StartOfWeek(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { const ui32 shift = 86400u * (storage.DayOfWeek - 1u); if (shift > storage.ToDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } storage.FromDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(), storage.ToDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder()) - shift, storage.TimezoneId); storage.Hour = 0; storage.Minute = 0; storage.Second = 0; storage.Microsecond = 0; if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfWeek, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfWeek, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe EndOfWeek(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { const ui32 shift = 86400u * (7u - storage.DayOfWeek); auto dt = storage.ToDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder()); if (NUdf::MAX_DATETIME - shift <= dt) { return {}; } storage.FromDatetime(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(), dt + shift, storage.TimezoneId); SetEndOfDay(storage); if (!storage.Validate(valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder())) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfWeek, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfWeek, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe StartOfDay(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { storage.Hour = 0; storage.Minute = 0; storage.Second = 0; storage.Microsecond = 0; auto& builder = valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(); if (!storage.Validate(builder)) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfDay, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TStartOfDay, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe EndOfDay(TTMStorage storage, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { SetEndOfDay(storage); auto& builder = valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(); if (!storage.Validate(builder)) { return {}; } return storage; } BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfDay, TOptional>(TAutoMap>)) { return SimpleDatetimeToDatetimeUdf(valueBuilder, args); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TEndOfDay, TStartOfKernelExec::Do); TMaybe StartOf(TTMStorage storage, ui64 interval, const IValueBuilder& valueBuilder) { if (interval >= 86400000000ull) { // treat as StartOfDay storage.Hour = 0; storage.Minute = 0; storage.Second = 0; storage.Microsecond = 0; } else { auto current = storage.ToTimeOfDay(); auto rounded = current / interval * interval; storage.FromTimeOfDay(rounded); } auto& builder = valueBuilder.GetDateBuilder(); if (!storage.Validate(builder)) { return {}; } return storage; } struct TStartOfBinaryKernelExec : TBinaryKernelExec { template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem arg1, TBlockItem arg2, const TSink& sink) { auto& storage = Reference(arg1); ui64 interval = std::abs(arg2.Get()); if (interval == 0) { sink(arg1); return; } if (auto res = StartOf(storage, interval, *valueBuilder)) { storage = res.GetRef(); sink(arg1); } else { sink(TBlockItem{}); } } }; BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TStartOf, TOptional>(TAutoMap>, TAutoMap)) { auto result = args[0]; ui64 interval = std::abs(args[1].Get()); if (interval == 0) { return result; } if (auto res = StartOf(Reference(result), interval, *valueBuilder)) { Reference(result) = res.GetRef(); return result; } return TUnboxedValuePod{}; } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TStartOf, TStartOfBinaryKernelExec::Do); struct TTimeOfDayKernelExec : TUnaryKernelExec, TFixedSizeArrayBuilder::TLayout, false>> { template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem item, const TSink& sink) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); auto& storage = Reference(item); sink(TBlockItem{(TDataType::TLayout)storage.ToTimeOfDay()}); } }; const auto timeOfDayKernelExecDo = TTimeOfDayKernelExec::Do; BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TTimeOfDay, TInterval(TAutoMap>)) { Y_UNUSED(valueBuilder); auto& storage = Reference(args[0]); return TUnboxedValuePod((i64)storage.ToTimeOfDay()); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TTimeOfDay, timeOfDayKernelExecDo); // Add ... template struct TAddKernelExec : TBinaryKernelExec> { template static void Process(const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, TBlockItem date, TBlockItem arg, const TSink& sink) { sink(Core(date, arg.Get(), valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder())); } }; BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TShiftYears, TOptional>(TAutoMap>, i32)) { return DoAddYears(args[0], args[1].Get(), valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder()); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TShiftYears, TAddKernelExec>::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TShiftQuarters, TOptional>(TAutoMap>, i32)) { return DoAddQuarters(args[0], args[1].Get(), valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder()); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TShiftQuarters, TAddKernelExec>::Do); BEGIN_SIMPLE_STRICT_ARROW_UDF(TShiftMonths, TOptional>(TAutoMap>, i32)) { return DoAddMonths(args[0], args[1].Get(), valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder()); } END_SIMPLE_ARROW_UDF(TShiftMonths, TAddKernelExec>::Do); template struct PrintNDigits; template struct PrintNDigits<0U, Exacly> { static constexpr ui32 Miltiplier = 1U; template static constexpr size_t Do(T, char*) { return 0U; } }; template struct PrintNDigits { using TNextPrint = PrintNDigits; static constexpr ui32 Miltiplier = TNextPrint::Miltiplier * 10U; template static constexpr size_t Do(T in, char* out) { in %= Miltiplier; if (Exacly || in) { *out = "0123456789"[in / TNextPrint::Miltiplier]; return 1U + TNextPrint::Do(in, ++out); } return 0U; } }; // Format class TFormat : public TBoxedValue { public: explicit TFormat(TSourcePosition pos) : Pos_(pos) {} static const TStringRef& Name() { static auto name = TStringRef::Of("Format"); return name; } static bool DeclareSignature( const TStringRef& name, TType*, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, bool typesOnly) { if (Name() != name) { return false; } auto resourceType = builder.Resource(TMResourceName); auto stringType = builder.SimpleType(); auto boolType = builder.SimpleType(); auto optionalBoolType = builder.Optional()->Item(boolType).Build(); auto args = builder.Args(); args->Add(stringType); args->Add(optionalBoolType).Name("AlwaysWriteFractionalSeconds"); args->Done(); builder.OptionalArgs(1); builder.Returns( builder.Callable(1) ->Returns(stringType) .Arg(resourceType) .Flags(ICallablePayload::TArgumentFlags::AutoMap) .Build() ); if (!typesOnly) { builder.Implementation(new TFormat(builder.GetSourcePosition())); } return true; } private: using TPrintersList = std::vector>; struct TDataPrinter { const std::string_view Data; size_t operator()(char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod&, const IDateBuilder&) const { std::memcpy(out, Data.data(), Data.size()); return Data.size(); } }; TUnboxedValue Run(const IValueBuilder*, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const final try { bool alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds = false; if (auto val = args[1]) { alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds = val.Get(); } return TUnboxedValuePod(new TImpl(Pos_, args[0], alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } class TImpl : public TBoxedValue { public: TUnboxedValue Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const override { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); const auto value = args[0]; auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto result = valueBuilder->NewStringNotFilled(ReservedSize_); auto pos = result.AsStringRef().Data(); ui32 size = 0U; for (const auto& printer : Printers_) { if (const auto plus = printer(pos, value, builder)) { size += plus; pos += plus; } } if (size < ReservedSize_) { result = valueBuilder->SubString(result.Release(), 0U, size); } return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } TImpl(TSourcePosition pos, TUnboxedValue format, bool alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds) : Pos_(pos) , Format_(format) { const std::string_view formatView(Format_.AsStringRef()); auto dataStart = formatView.begin(); size_t dataSize = 0U; for (auto ptr = formatView.begin(); formatView.end() != ptr; ++ptr) { if (*ptr != '%') { ++dataSize; continue; } if (dataSize) { Printers_.emplace_back(TDataPrinter{std::string_view(&*dataStart, dataSize)}); ReservedSize_ += dataSize; dataSize = 0U; } if (formatView.end() == ++ptr) { ythrow yexception() << "format string ends with single %%"; } switch (*ptr) { case '%': { static constexpr size_t size = 1; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod&, const IDateBuilder&) { *out = '%'; return size; }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'Y': { static constexpr size_t size = 4; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { return PrintNDigits::Do(GetYear(value), out); }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'm': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { return PrintNDigits::Do(GetMonth(value), out); }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'd': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { return PrintNDigits::Do(GetDay(value), out); }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'H': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { return PrintNDigits::Do(GetHour(value), out); }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'M': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { return PrintNDigits::Do(GetMinute(value), out); }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'S': Printers_.emplace_back([alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { constexpr size_t size = 2; if (const auto microsecond = GetMicrosecond(value); microsecond || alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds) { out += PrintNDigits::Do(GetSecond(value), out); *out++ = '.'; constexpr size_t msize = 6; auto addSz = alwaysWriteFractionalSeconds ? PrintNDigits::Do(microsecond, out) : PrintNDigits::Do(microsecond, out); return size + 1U + addSz; } return PrintNDigits::Do(GetSecond(value), out); }); ReservedSize_ += 9; break; case 'z': { static constexpr size_t size = 5; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder& builder) { auto timezoneId = GetTimezoneId(value); if (TTMStorage::IsUniversal(timezoneId)) { std::memcpy(out, "+0000", size); return size; } i32 shift; if (!builder.GetTimezoneShift(GetYear(value), GetMonth(value), GetDay(value), GetHour(value), GetMinute(value), GetSecond(value), timezoneId, shift)) { std::memcpy(out, "+0000", size); return size; } *out++ = shift > 0 ? '+' : '-'; shift = std::abs(shift); out += PrintNDigits<2U>::Do(shift / 60U, out); out += PrintNDigits<2U>::Do(shift % 60U, out); return size; }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'Z': Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { const auto timezoneId = GetTimezoneId(value); const auto tzName = NUdf::GetTimezones()[timezoneId]; std::memcpy(out, tzName.data(), std::min(tzName.size(), MAX_TIMEZONE_NAME_LEN)); return tzName.size(); }); ReservedSize_ += MAX_TIMEZONE_NAME_LEN; break; case 'b': { static constexpr size_t size = 3; Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { static constexpr std::string_view mp[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; auto month = GetMonth(value); Y_ENSURE(month > 0 && month <= sizeof(mp) / sizeof(mp[0]), "Invalid month value"); std::memcpy(out, mp[month - 1].data(), size); return size; }); ReservedSize_ += size; break; } case 'B': { Printers_.emplace_back([](char* out, const TUnboxedValuePod& value, const IDateBuilder&) { static constexpr std::string_view mp[] { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; auto month = GetMonth(value); Y_ENSURE(month > 0 && month <= sizeof(mp) / sizeof(mp[0]), "Invalid month value"); const std::string_view monthFullName = mp[month - 1]; std::memcpy(out, monthFullName.data(), monthFullName.size()); return monthFullName.size(); }); ReservedSize_ += 9U; // MAX_MONTH_FULL_NAME_LEN break; } default: ythrow yexception() << "invalid format character: " << *ptr; } dataStart = ptr + 1U; } if (dataSize) { Printers_.emplace_back(TDataPrinter{std::string_view(dataStart, dataSize)}); ReservedSize_ += dataSize; } } private: const TSourcePosition Pos_; TUnboxedValue Format_; TPrintersList Printers_{}; size_t ReservedSize_ = 0; }; const TSourcePosition Pos_; }; template struct ParseExaclyNDigits; template<> struct ParseExaclyNDigits<0U> { template static constexpr bool Do(std::string_view::const_iterator&, T&) { return true; } }; template struct ParseExaclyNDigits { template static constexpr bool Do(std::string_view::const_iterator& it, T& out) { const auto d = *it; if (!std::isdigit(d)) { return false; } out *= 10U; out += d - '0'; return ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(++it, out); } }; // Parse class TParse : public TBoxedValue { public: class TFactory : public TBoxedValue { public: explicit TFactory(TSourcePosition pos) : Pos_(pos) {} private: TUnboxedValue Run(const IValueBuilder*, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const final try { return TUnboxedValuePod(new TParse(args[0], Pos_)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } const TSourcePosition Pos_; }; static const TStringRef& Name() { static auto name = TStringRef::Of("Parse"); return name; } static bool DeclareSignature( const TStringRef& name, TType*, IFunctionTypeInfoBuilder& builder, bool typesOnly) { if (Name() != name) { return false; } auto resourceType = builder.Resource(TMResourceName); auto optionalResourceType = builder.Optional()->Item(resourceType).Build(); builder.Args()->Add().Flags(ICallablePayload::TArgumentFlags::AutoMap) .Add(builder.Optional()->Item()) .Done() .OptionalArgs(1); builder.RunConfig().Returns(optionalResourceType); if (!typesOnly) { builder.Implementation(new TParse::TFactory(builder.GetSourcePosition())); } return true; } private: const TSourcePosition Pos_; const TUnboxedValue Format_; std::vector> Scanners_; struct TDataScanner { const std::string_view Data_; bool operator()(std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod&, const IDateBuilder&) const { if (limit < Data_.size() || !std::equal(Data_.begin(), Data_.end(), it)) { return false; } std::advance(it, Data_.size()); return true; } }; TUnboxedValue Run( const IValueBuilder* valueBuilder, const TUnboxedValuePod* args) const override { try { EMPTY_RESULT_ON_EMPTY_ARG(0); const std::string_view buffer = args[0].AsStringRef(); TUnboxedValuePod result(0); auto& storage = Reference(result); storage.MakeDefault(); auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); auto it = buffer.begin(); for (const auto& scanner : Scanners_) { if (!scanner(it, std::distance(it, buffer.end()), result, builder)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } } if (buffer.end() != it || !storage.Validate(builder)) { return TUnboxedValuePod(); } return result; } catch (const std::exception& e) { UdfTerminate((TStringBuilder() << Pos_ << " " << e.what()).data()); } } TParse(const TUnboxedValuePod& runConfig, TSourcePosition pos) : Pos_(pos) , Format_(runConfig) { const std::string_view formatView(Format_.AsStringRef()); auto dataStart = formatView.begin(); size_t dataSize = 0U; for (auto ptr = formatView.begin(); formatView.end() != ptr; ++ptr) { if (*ptr != '%') { ++dataSize; continue; } if (dataSize) { Scanners_.emplace_back(TDataScanner{std::string_view(&*dataStart, dataSize)}); dataSize = 0; } if (++ptr == formatView.end()) { ythrow yexception() << "format string ends with single %%"; } switch (*ptr) { case '%': Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod&, const IDateBuilder&) { return limit > 0U && *it++ == '%'; }); break; case 'Y': { static constexpr size_t size = 4; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { ui32 year = 0U; if (limit < size || !ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(it, year) || !ValidateYear(year)) { return false; } SetYear(result, year); return true; }); break; } case 'm': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { ui32 month = 0U; if (limit < size || !ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(it, month) || !ValidateMonth(month)) { return false; } SetMonth(result, month); return true; }); break; } case 'd': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { ui32 day = 0U; if (limit < size || !ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(it, day) || !ValidateDay(day)) { return false; } SetDay(result, day); return true; }); break; } case 'H': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { ui32 hour = 0U; if (limit < size || !ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(it, hour) || !ValidateHour(hour)) { return false; } SetHour(result, hour); return true; }); break; } case 'M': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { ui32 minute = 0U; if (limit < size || !ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(it, minute) || !ValidateMinute(minute)) { return false; } SetMinute(result, minute); return true; }); break; } case 'S': { static constexpr size_t size = 2; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { ui32 second = 0U; if (limit < size || !ParseExaclyNDigits::Do(it, second) || !ValidateSecond(second)) { return false; } SetSecond(result, second); limit -= size; if (!limit || *it != '.') { return true; } ++it; --limit; ui32 usec = 0U; size_t digits = 6U; for (; limit; --limit) { const auto c = *it; if (!digits || !std::isdigit(c)) { break; } usec *= 10U; usec += c - '0'; ++it; --digits; } for (; !digits && limit && std::isdigit(*it); --limit, ++it); while (digits--) { usec *= 10U; } SetMicrosecond(result, usec); return true; }); break; } case 'Z': Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder& builder) { const auto start = it; while (limit > 0 && (std::isalnum(*it) || *it == '/' || *it == '_' || *it == '-' || *it == '+')) { ++it; --limit; } const auto size = std::distance(start, it); ui32 timezoneId; if (!builder.FindTimezoneId(TStringRef(&*start, size), timezoneId)) { return false; } SetTimezoneId(result, timezoneId); return true; }); break; case 'b': { static constexpr size_t size = 3; Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { const auto start = it; size_t cnt = 0U; while (limit > 0 && cnt < size && std::isalpha(*it)) { ++it; ++cnt; --limit; } const std::string_view monthName{start, cnt}; ui8 month = 0U; if (cnt < size || !ValidateMonthShortName(monthName, month)) { return false; } SetMonth(result, month); return true; }); break; } case 'B': { Scanners_.emplace_back([](std::string_view::const_iterator& it, size_t limit, TUnboxedValuePod& result, const IDateBuilder&) { const auto start = it; size_t cnt = 0U; while (limit > 0 && std::isalpha(*it)) { ++it; ++cnt; --limit; } const std::string_view monthName{start, cnt}; ui8 month = 0U; if (!ValidateMonthFullName(monthName, month)) { return false; } SetMonth(result, month); return true; }); break; } default: ythrow yexception() << "invalid format character: " << *ptr; } dataStart = ptr + 1U; } if (dataSize) { Scanners_.emplace_back(TDataScanner{std::string_view(&*dataStart, dataSize)}); } } }; #define PARSE_SPECIFIC_FORMAT(format) \ SIMPLE_STRICT_UDF(TParse##format, TOptional>(TAutoMap)) { \ auto str = args[0].AsStringRef(); \ TInstant instant; \ if (!TInstant::TryParse##format(TStringBuf(str.Data(), str.Size()), instant) || instant.Seconds() >= NUdf::MAX_DATETIME) { \ return TUnboxedValuePod(); \ } \ auto& builder = valueBuilder->GetDateBuilder(); \ TUnboxedValuePod result(0); \ auto& storage = Reference(result); \ storage.FromTimestamp(builder, instant.MicroSeconds()); \ return result; \ } PARSE_SPECIFIC_FORMAT(Rfc822); PARSE_SPECIFIC_FORMAT(Iso8601); PARSE_SPECIFIC_FORMAT(Http); PARSE_SPECIFIC_FORMAT(X509); SIMPLE_MODULE(TDateTime2Module, TUserDataTypeFuncFactory, TMakeDate, TMakeDatetime, TMakeTimestamp, TMakeTzDate, TMakeTzDatetime, TMakeTzTimestamp, TConvert, TMakeDate32, TMakeDatetime64, TMakeTimestamp64, TGetYear, TGetDayOfYear, TGetMonth, TGetMonthName, TGetWeekOfYear, TGetWeekOfYearIso8601, TGetDayOfMonth, TGetDayOfWeek, TGetDayOfWeekName, TGetTimeComponent, TGetTimeComponent, TGetTimeComponent, TGetTimeComponent, TGetTimeComponent, TGetTimezoneId, TGetTimezoneName, TUpdate, TFromSeconds, TFromMilliseconds, TFromMicroseconds, TIntervalFromDays, TIntervalFromHours, TIntervalFromMinutes, TIntervalFromSeconds, TIntervalFromMilliseconds, TIntervalFromMicroseconds, TToDays, TToHours, TToMinutes, TStartOfYear, TStartOfQuarter, TStartOfMonth, TStartOfWeek, TStartOfDay, TStartOf, TTimeOfDay, TShiftYears, TShiftQuarters, TShiftMonths, TEndOfYear, TEndOfQuarter, TEndOfMonth, TEndOfWeek, TEndOfDay, TToUnits, TToUnits, TToUnits, TFormat, TParse, TParseRfc822, TParseIso8601, TParseHttp, TParseX509 ) } REGISTER_MODULES(TDateTime2Module)