--------------------------------- rboxlib_r.c Generate input points notes: For documentation, see prompt[] of rbox_r.c 50 points generated for 'rbox D4' WARNING: incorrect range if qh_RANDOMmax is defined wrong (user_r.h) */ #include "libqhull_r.h" /* First for user_r.h */ #include "random_r.h" #include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft Visual C++ */ #pragma warning( disable : 4706) /* assignment within conditional expression. */ #pragma warning( disable : 4996) /* this function (strncat,sprintf,strcpy) or variable may be unsafe. */ #endif #define MAXdim 200 #define PI 3.1415926535897932384 /* ------------------------------ prototypes ----------------*/ int qh_roundi(qhT *qh, double a); void qh_out1(qhT *qh, double a); void qh_out2n(qhT *qh, double a, double b); void qh_out3n(qhT *qh, double a, double b, double c); void qh_outcoord(qhT *qh, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim); void qh_outcoincident(qhT *qh, int coincidentpoints, double radius, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim); void qh_rboxpoints2(qhT *qh, char* rbox_command, double **simplex); void qh_fprintf_rbox(qhT *qh, FILE *fp, int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... ); void qh_free(void *mem); void *qh_malloc(size_t size); int qh_rand(qhT *qh); void qh_srand(qhT *qh, int seed); /*--------------------------------- qh_rboxpoints(qh, rbox_command ) Generate points to qh.fout according to rbox options Report errors on qh.ferr returns: 0 (qh_ERRnone) on success 1 (qh_ERRinput) on input error 4 (qh_ERRmem) on memory error 5 (qh_ERRqhull) on internal error notes: To avoid using stdio, redefine qh_malloc, qh_free, and qh_fprintf_rbox (user_r.c) Split out qh_rboxpoints2() to avoid -Wclobbered design: Straight line code (consider defining a struct and functions): Parse arguments into variables Determine the number of points Generate the points */ int qh_rboxpoints(qhT *qh, char* rbox_command) { int exitcode; double *simplex; simplex= NULL; exitcode= setjmp(qh->rbox_errexit); if (exitcode) { /* same code for error exit and normal return. qh.NOerrexit is set */ if (simplex) qh_free(simplex); return exitcode; } qh_rboxpoints2(qh, rbox_command, &simplex); /* same code for error exit and normal return */ if (simplex) qh_free(simplex); return qh_ERRnone; } /* rboxpoints */ void qh_rboxpoints2(qhT *qh, char* rbox_command, double **simplex) { int i,j,k; int gendim; int coincidentcount=0, coincidenttotal=0, coincidentpoints=0; int cubesize, diamondsize, seed=0, count, apex; int dim=3, numpoints=0, totpoints, addpoints=0; int issphere=0, isaxis=0, iscdd=0, islens=0, isregular=0, iswidth=0, addcube=0; int isgap=0, isspiral=0, NOcommand=0, adddiamond=0; int israndom=0, istime=0; int isbox=0, issimplex=0, issimplex2=0, ismesh=0; double width=0.0, gap=0.0, radius=0.0, coincidentradius=0.0; double coord[MAXdim], offset, meshm=3.0, meshn=4.0, meshr=5.0; double *coordp, *simplexp; int nthroot, mult[MAXdim]; double norm, factor, randr, rangap, tempr, lensangle=0, lensbase=1; double anglediff, angle, x, y, cube=0.0, diamond=0.0; double box= qh_DEFAULTbox; /* scale all numbers before output */ double randmax= qh_RANDOMmax; char command[250], seedbuf[50]; char *s=command, *t, *first_point=NULL; time_t timedata; *command= '\0'; strncat(command, rbox_command, sizeof(command)-sizeof(seedbuf)-strlen(command)-1); while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* skip program name */ s++; while (*s) { while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++; if (*s == '-') s++; if (!*s) break; if (isdigit(*s)) { numpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s); continue; } /* ============= read flags =============== */ switch (*s++) { case 'c': addcube= 1; t= s; while (isspace(*t)) t++; if (*t == 'G') cube= qh_strtod(++t, &s); break; case 'd': adddiamond= 1; t= s; while (isspace(*t)) t++; if (*t == 'G') diamond= qh_strtod(++t, &s); break; case 'h': iscdd= 1; break; case 'l': isspiral= 1; break; case 'n': NOcommand= 1; break; case 'r': isregular= 1; break; case 's': issphere= 1; break; case 't': istime= 1; if (isdigit(*s)) { seed= qh_strtol(s, &s); israndom= 0; }else israndom= 1; break; case 'x': issimplex= 1; break; case 'y': issimplex2= 1; break; case 'z': qh->rbox_isinteger= 1; break; case 'B': box= qh_strtod(s, &s); isbox= 1; break; case 'C': if (*s) coincidentpoints= qh_strtol(s, &s); if (*s == ',') { ++s; coincidentradius= qh_strtod(s, &s); } if (*s == ',') { ++s; coincidenttotal= qh_strtol(s, &s); } if (*s && !isspace(*s)) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 7080, "rbox error: arguments for 'Cn,r,m' are not 'int', 'float', and 'int'. Remaining string is '%s'\n", s); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (coincidentpoints==0){ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6268, "rbox error: missing arguments for 'Cn,r,m' where n is the number of coincident points, r is the radius (default 0.0), and m is the number of points\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (coincidentpoints<0 || coincidenttotal<0 || coincidentradius<0.0){ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6269, "rbox error: negative arguments for 'Cn,m,r' where n (%d) is the number of coincident points, m (%d) is the number of points, and r (%.2g) is the radius (default 0.0)\n", coincidentpoints, coincidenttotal, coincidentradius); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } break; case 'D': dim= qh_strtol(s, &s); if (dim < 1 || dim > MAXdim) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6189, "rbox error: dimension, D%d, out of bounds (>=%d or <=0)\n", dim, MAXdim); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } break; case 'G': if (isdigit(*s)) gap= qh_strtod(s, &s); else gap= 0.5; isgap= 1; break; case 'L': if (isdigit(*s)) radius= qh_strtod(s, &s); else radius= 10; islens= 1; break; case 'M': ismesh= 1; if (*s) meshn= qh_strtod(s, &s); if (*s == ',') { ++s; meshm= qh_strtod(s, &s); }else meshm= 0.0; if (*s == ',') { ++s; meshr= qh_strtod(s, &s); }else meshr= sqrt(meshn*meshn + meshm*meshm); if (*s && !isspace(*s)) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 7069, "rbox warning: assuming 'M3,4,5' since mesh args are not integers or reals\n"); meshn= 3.0, meshm=4.0, meshr=5.0; } break; case 'O': qh->rbox_out_offset= qh_strtod(s, &s); break; case 'P': if (!first_point) first_point= s - 1; addpoints++; while (*s && !isspace(*s)) /* read points later */ s++; break; case 'W': width= qh_strtod(s, &s); iswidth= 1; break; case 'Z': if (isdigit(*s)) radius= qh_strtod(s, &s); else radius= 1.0; isaxis= 1; break; default: qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6352, "rbox error: unknown flag at '%s'.\nExecute 'rbox' without arguments for documentation.\n", s - 1); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (*s && !isspace(*s)) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6353, "rbox error: missing space between flags at %s.\n", s); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } } /* ============= defaults, constants, and sizes =============== */ if (qh->rbox_isinteger && !isbox) box= qh_DEFAULTzbox; if (addcube) { tempr= floor(ldexp(1.0,dim)+0.5); cubesize= (int)tempr; if (cube == 0.0) cube= box; }else cubesize= 0; if (adddiamond) { diamondsize= 2*dim; if (diamond == 0.0) diamond= box; }else diamondsize= 0; if (islens) { if (isaxis) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6190, "rbox error: can not combine 'Ln' with 'Zn'\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (radius <= 1.0) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6191, "rbox error: lens radius %.2g should be greater than 1.0\n", radius); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } lensangle= asin(1.0/radius); lensbase= radius * cos(lensangle); } if (!numpoints) { if (issimplex2) ; /* ok */ else if (isregular + issimplex + islens + issphere + isaxis + isspiral + iswidth + ismesh) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6192, "rbox error: missing count\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); }else if (adddiamond + addcube + addpoints) ; /* ok */ else { numpoints= 50; /* ./rbox D4 is the test case */ issphere= 1; } } if ((issimplex + islens + isspiral + ismesh > 1) || (issimplex + issphere + isspiral + ismesh > 1)) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6193, "rbox error: can only specify one of 'l', 's', 'x', 'Ln', or 'Mn,m,r' ('Ln s' is ok).\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (coincidentpoints>0 && (numpoints == 0 || coincidenttotal > numpoints)) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6270, "rbox error: 'Cn,r,m' requested n coincident points for each of m points. Either there is no points or m (%d) is greater than the number of points (%d).\n", coincidenttotal, numpoints); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (coincidentpoints > 0 && isregular) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6423, "rbox error: 'Cn,r,m' is not implemented for regular points ('r')\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (coincidenttotal == 0) coincidenttotal= numpoints; /* ============= print header with total points =============== */ if (issimplex || ismesh) totpoints= numpoints; else if (issimplex2) totpoints= numpoints+dim+1; else if (isregular) { totpoints= numpoints; if (dim == 2) { if (islens) totpoints += numpoints - 2; }else if (dim == 3) { if (islens) totpoints += 2 * numpoints; else if (isgap) totpoints += 1 + numpoints; else totpoints += 2; } }else totpoints= numpoints + isaxis; totpoints += cubesize + diamondsize + addpoints; totpoints += coincidentpoints*coincidenttotal; /* ============= seed randoms =============== */ if (istime == 0) { for (s=command; *s; s++) { if (issimplex2 && *s == 'y') /* make 'y' same seed as 'x' */ i= 'x'; else i= *s; seed= 11*seed + i; } }else if (israndom) { seed= (int)time(&timedata); sprintf(seedbuf, " t%d", seed); /* appends an extra t, not worth removing */ strncat(command, seedbuf, sizeof(command) - strlen(command) - 1); t= strstr(command, " t "); if (t) strcpy(t+1, t+3); /* remove " t " */ } /* else, seed explicitly set to n */ qh_RANDOMseed_(qh, seed); /* ============= print header =============== */ if (iscdd) qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9391, "%s\nbegin\n %d %d %s\n", NOcommand ? "" : command, totpoints, dim+1, qh->rbox_isinteger ? "integer" : "real"); else if (NOcommand) qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9392, "%d\n%d\n", dim, totpoints); else /* qh_fprintf_rbox special cases 9393 to append 'command' to the RboxPoints.comment() */ qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9393, "%d %s\n%d\n", dim, command, totpoints); /* ============= explicit points =============== */ if ((s= first_point)) { while (s && *s) { /* 'P' */ count= 0; if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); while (*++s) { qh_out1(qh, qh_strtod(s, &s)); count++; if (isspace(*s) || !*s) break; if (*s != ',') { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6194, "rbox error: missing comma after coordinate in %s\n\n", s); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } } if (count < dim) { for (k=dim-count; k--; ) qh_out1(qh, 0.0); }else if (count > dim) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6195, "rbox error: %d coordinates instead of %d coordinates in %s\n\n", count, dim, s); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9394, "\n"); while ((s= strchr(s, 'P'))) { if (isspace(s[-1])) break; } } } /* ============= simplex distribution =============== */ if (issimplex+issimplex2) { if (!(*simplex= (double *)qh_malloc( (size_t)(dim * (dim+1)) * sizeof(double)))) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6196, "rbox error: insufficient memory for simplex\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRmem); /* qh_ERRmem */ } simplexp= *simplex; if (isregular) { for (i=0; i fout, 9395, "\n"); } } for (j=0; j ferr, 6197, "rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d\n\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } if (!isaxis || radius == 0.0) { isaxis= 1; radius= 1.0; } if (dim == 3) { if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, 0.0, 0.0, -box); if (!isgap) { if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, 0.0, 0.0, box); } } angle= 0.0; anglediff= 2.0 * PI/numpoints; for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) { angle += anglediff; x= radius * cos(angle); y= radius * sin(angle); if (dim == 2) { if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out2n(qh, x*box, y*box); }else { norm= sqrt(1.0 + x*x + y*y); if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, box*x/norm, box*y/norm, box/norm); if (isgap) { x *= 1-gap; y *= 1-gap; norm= sqrt(1.0 + x*x + y*y); if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, box*x/norm, box*y/norm, box/norm); } } } } /* ============= regular points for 'r Ln D2' =============== */ else if (isregular && islens && dim == 2) { double cos_0; angle= lensangle; anglediff= 2 * lensangle/(numpoints - 1); cos_0= cos(lensangle); for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++, angle -= anglediff) { x= radius * sin(angle); y= radius * (cos(angle) - cos_0); if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out2n(qh, x*box, y*box); if (i != 0 && i != numpoints - 1) { if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out2n(qh, x*box, -y*box); } } } /* ============= regular points for 'r Ln D3' =============== */ else if (isregular && islens && dim != 2) { if (dim != 3) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6198, "rbox error: regular points can be used only in 2-d and 3-d\n\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } angle= 0.0; anglediff= 2* PI/numpoints; if (!isgap) { isgap= 1; gap= 0.5; } offset= sqrt(radius * radius - (1-gap)*(1-gap)) - lensbase; for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++, angle += anglediff) { x= cos(angle); y= sin(angle); if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, box*x, box*y, 0.0); x *= 1-gap; y *= 1-gap; if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, box*x, box*y, box * offset); if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); qh_out3n(qh, box*x, box*y, -box * offset); } } /* ============= apex of 'Zn' distribution + gendim =============== */ else { if (isaxis) { gendim= dim-1; if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); for (j=0; j < gendim; j++) qh_out1(qh, 0.0); qh_out1(qh, -box); qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9398, "\n"); }else if (islens) gendim= dim-1; else gendim= dim; /* ============= generate random point in unit cube =============== */ for (i=0; i < numpoints; i++) { norm= 0.0; for (j=0; j < gendim; j++) { randr= qh_RANDOMint; coord[j]= 2.0 * randr/randmax - 1.0; norm += coord[j] * coord[j]; } norm= sqrt(norm); /* ============= dim-1 point of 'Zn' distribution ========== */ if (isaxis) { if (!isgap) { isgap= 1; gap= 1.0; } randr= qh_RANDOMint; rangap= 1.0 - gap * randr/randmax; factor= radius * rangap / norm; for (j=0; j ferr, 6199, "rbox error: spiral distribution is available only in 3d\n\n"); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } coord[0]= cos(2*PI*i/(numpoints - 1)); coord[1]= sin(2*PI*i/(numpoints - 1)); coord[2]= 2.0*(double)i/(double)(numpoints - 1) - 1.0; /* ============= point of 's' distribution =============== */ }else if (issphere) { factor= 1.0/norm; if (iswidth) { randr= qh_RANDOMint; factor *= 1.0 - width * randr/randmax; } for (j=0; j randmax/2) coord[dim-1]= -coord[dim-1]; /* ============= project 'Wn' point toward boundary =============== */ }else if (iswidth && !issphere) { j= qh_RANDOMint % gendim; if (coord[j] < 0) coord[j]= -1.0 - coord[j] * width; else coord[j]= 1.0 - coord[j] * width; } /* ============= scale point to box =============== */ for (k=0; k =0; k--) { if (j & ( 1 << k)) qh_out1(qh, cube); else qh_out1(qh, -cube); } qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9400, "\n"); } } /* ============= write diamond vertices =============== */ if (adddiamond) { for (j=0; j =0; k--) { if (j/2 != k) qh_out1(qh, 0.0); else if (j & 0x1) qh_out1(qh, diamond); else qh_out1(qh, -diamond); } qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9401, "\n"); } } if (iscdd) qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9402, "end\nhull\n"); } /* rboxpoints2 */ /*------------------------------------------------ outxxx - output functions for qh_rboxpoints */ int qh_roundi(qhT *qh, double a) { if (a < 0.0) { if (a - 0.5 < INT_MIN) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6200, "rbox input error: negative coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn'\n", a); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } return (int)(a - 0.5); }else { if (a + 0.5 > INT_MAX) { qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->ferr, 6201, "rbox input error: coordinate %2.2g is too large. Reduce 'Bn'\n", a); qh_errexit_rbox(qh, qh_ERRinput); } return (int)(a + 0.5); } } /* qh_roundi */ void qh_out1(qhT *qh, double a) { if (qh->rbox_isinteger) qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9403, "%d ", qh_roundi(qh, a+qh->rbox_out_offset)); else qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9404, qh_REAL_1, a+qh->rbox_out_offset); } /* qh_out1 */ void qh_out2n(qhT *qh, double a, double b) { if (qh->rbox_isinteger) qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9405, "%d %d\n", qh_roundi(qh, a+qh->rbox_out_offset), qh_roundi(qh, b+qh->rbox_out_offset)); else qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9406, qh_REAL_2n, a+qh->rbox_out_offset, b+qh->rbox_out_offset); } /* qh_out2n */ void qh_out3n(qhT *qh, double a, double b, double c) { if (qh->rbox_isinteger) qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9407, "%d %d %d\n", qh_roundi(qh, a+qh->rbox_out_offset), qh_roundi(qh, b+qh->rbox_out_offset), qh_roundi(qh, c+qh->rbox_out_offset)); else qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9408, qh_REAL_3n, a+qh->rbox_out_offset, b+qh->rbox_out_offset, c+qh->rbox_out_offset); } /* qh_out3n */ void qh_outcoord(qhT *qh, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim) { double *p= coord; int k; if (iscdd) qh_out1(qh, 1.0); for (k=0; k < dim; k++) qh_out1(qh, *(p++)); qh_fprintf_rbox(qh, qh->fout, 9396, "\n"); } /* qh_outcoord */ void qh_outcoincident(qhT *qh, int coincidentpoints, double radius, int iscdd, double *coord, int dim) { double *p; double randr, delta; int i,k; double randmax= qh_RANDOMmax; for (i=0; i fout, 9410, "\n"); } } /* qh_outcoincident */ /*------------------------------------------------ Only called from qh_rboxpoints2 or qh_fprintf_rbox qh_fprintf_rbox is only called from qh_rboxpoints2 The largest exitcode is '255' for compatibility with exit() */ void qh_errexit_rbox(qhT *qh, int exitcode) { longjmp(qh->rbox_errexit, exitcode); } /* qh_errexit_rbox */