/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "Stream.hh" #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include "fcntl.h" #include "unistd.h" #include #ifndef O_BINARY #define O_BINARY 0 #endif #else #include "Windows.h" #ifdef min #undef min #endif #endif using std::istream; using std::ostream; using std::unique_ptr; namespace avro { namespace { struct BufferCopyIn { virtual ~BufferCopyIn() = default; virtual void seek(size_t len) = 0; virtual bool read(uint8_t *b, size_t toRead, size_t &actual) = 0; }; struct FileBufferCopyIn : public BufferCopyIn { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE h_; FileBufferCopyIn(const char *filename) : h_(::CreateFileA(filename, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) { if (h_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot open file: %1%") % ::GetLastError()); } } ~FileBufferCopyIn() { ::CloseHandle(h_); } void seek(size_t len) { if (::SetFilePointer(h_, len, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) == INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER && ::GetLastError() != NO_ERROR) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot skip file: %1%") % ::GetLastError()); } } bool read(uint8_t *b, size_t toRead, size_t &actual) { DWORD dw = 0; if (!::ReadFile(h_, b, toRead, &dw, NULL)) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot read file: %1%") % ::GetLastError()); } actual = static_cast(dw); return actual != 0; } #else const int fd_; explicit FileBufferCopyIn(const char *filename) : fd_(open(filename, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY)) { if (fd_ < 0) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot open file: %1%") % ::strerror(errno)); } } ~FileBufferCopyIn() override { ::close(fd_); } void seek(size_t len) final { off_t r = ::lseek(fd_, len, SEEK_CUR); if (r == static_cast(-1)) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot skip file: %1%") % strerror(errno)); } } bool read(uint8_t *b, size_t toRead, size_t &actual) final { int n = ::read(fd_, b, toRead); if (n > 0) { actual = n; return true; } return false; } #endif }; struct IStreamBufferCopyIn : public BufferCopyIn { istream &is_; explicit IStreamBufferCopyIn(istream &is) : is_(is) { } void seek(size_t len) override { if (!is_.seekg(len, std::ios_base::cur)) { throw Exception("Cannot skip stream"); } } bool read(uint8_t *b, size_t toRead, size_t &actual) override { is_.read(reinterpret_cast(b), toRead); if (is_.bad()) { return false; } actual = static_cast(is_.gcount()); return (!is_.eof() || actual != 0); } }; struct NonSeekableIStreamBufferCopyIn : public IStreamBufferCopyIn { explicit NonSeekableIStreamBufferCopyIn(istream &is) : IStreamBufferCopyIn(is) {} void seek(size_t len) final { const size_t bufSize = 4096; uint8_t buf[bufSize]; while (len > 0) { size_t n = std::min(len, bufSize); is_.read(reinterpret_cast(buf), n); if (is_.bad()) { throw Exception("Cannot skip stream"); } auto actual = static_cast(is_.gcount()); if (is_.eof() && actual == 0) { throw Exception("Cannot skip stream"); } len -= n; } } }; } // namespace class BufferCopyInInputStream : public SeekableInputStream { const size_t bufferSize_; uint8_t *const buffer_; unique_ptr in_; size_t byteCount_; uint8_t *next_; size_t available_; bool next(const uint8_t **data, size_t *size) final { if (available_ == 0 && !fill()) { return false; } *data = next_; *size = available_; next_ += available_; byteCount_ += available_; available_ = 0; return true; } void backup(size_t len) final { next_ -= len; available_ += len; byteCount_ -= len; } void skip(size_t len) final { while (len > 0) { if (available_ == 0) { in_->seek(len); byteCount_ += len; return; } size_t n = std::min(available_, len); available_ -= n; next_ += n; len -= n; byteCount_ += n; } } size_t byteCount() const final { return byteCount_; } bool fill() { size_t n = 0; if (in_->read(buffer_, bufferSize_, n)) { next_ = buffer_; available_ = n; return true; } return false; } void seek(int64_t position) final { // BufferCopyIn::seek is relative to byteCount_, whereas position is // absolute. in_->seek(position - byteCount_ - available_); byteCount_ = position; available_ = 0; } public: BufferCopyInInputStream(unique_ptr in, size_t bufferSize) : bufferSize_(bufferSize), buffer_(new uint8_t[bufferSize]), in_(std::move(in)), byteCount_(0), next_(buffer_), available_(0) {} ~BufferCopyInInputStream() override { delete[] buffer_; } }; namespace { struct BufferCopyOut { virtual ~BufferCopyOut() = default; virtual void write(const uint8_t *b, size_t len) = 0; }; struct FileBufferCopyOut : public BufferCopyOut { #ifdef _WIN32 HANDLE h_; FileBufferCopyOut(const char *filename) : h_(::CreateFileA(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL)) { if (h_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot open file: %1%") % ::GetLastError()); } } ~FileBufferCopyOut() { ::CloseHandle(h_); } void write(const uint8_t *b, size_t len) { while (len > 0) { DWORD dw = 0; if (!::WriteFile(h_, b, len, &dw, NULL)) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot read file: %1%") % ::GetLastError()); } b += dw; len -= dw; } } #else const int fd_; explicit FileBufferCopyOut(const char *filename) : fd_(::open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0644)) { if (fd_ < 0) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot open file: %1%") % ::strerror(errno)); } } ~FileBufferCopyOut() override { ::close(fd_); } void write(const uint8_t *b, size_t len) final { if (::write(fd_, b, len) < 0) { throw Exception(boost::format("Cannot write file: %1%") % ::strerror(errno)); } } #endif }; struct OStreamBufferCopyOut : public BufferCopyOut { ostream &os_; explicit OStreamBufferCopyOut(ostream &os) : os_(os) { } void write(const uint8_t *b, size_t len) final { os_.write(reinterpret_cast(b), len); } }; } // namespace class BufferCopyOutputStream : public OutputStream { size_t bufferSize_; uint8_t *const buffer_; unique_ptr out_; uint8_t *next_; size_t available_; size_t byteCount_; // Invariant: byteCount_ == bytesWritten + bufferSize_ - available_; bool next(uint8_t **data, size_t *len) final { if (available_ == 0) { flush(); } *data = next_; *len = available_; next_ += available_; byteCount_ += available_; available_ = 0; return true; } void backup(size_t len) final { available_ += len; next_ -= len; byteCount_ -= len; } uint64_t byteCount() const final { return byteCount_; } void flush() final { out_->write(buffer_, bufferSize_ - available_); next_ = buffer_; available_ = bufferSize_; } public: BufferCopyOutputStream(unique_ptr out, size_t bufferSize) : bufferSize_(bufferSize), buffer_(new uint8_t[bufferSize]), out_(std::move(out)), next_(buffer_), available_(bufferSize_), byteCount_(0) {} ~BufferCopyOutputStream() override { delete[] buffer_; } }; unique_ptr fileInputStream(const char *filename, size_t bufferSize) { unique_ptr in(new FileBufferCopyIn(filename)); return unique_ptr(new BufferCopyInInputStream(std::move(in), bufferSize)); } unique_ptr fileSeekableInputStream(const char *filename, size_t bufferSize) { unique_ptr in(new FileBufferCopyIn(filename)); return unique_ptr(new BufferCopyInInputStream(std::move(in), bufferSize)); } unique_ptr istreamInputStream(istream &is, size_t bufferSize) { unique_ptr in(new IStreamBufferCopyIn(is)); return unique_ptr(new BufferCopyInInputStream(std::move(in), bufferSize)); } unique_ptr nonSeekableIstreamInputStream( istream &is, size_t bufferSize) { unique_ptr in(new NonSeekableIStreamBufferCopyIn(is)); return unique_ptr(new BufferCopyInInputStream(std::move(in), bufferSize)); } unique_ptr fileOutputStream(const char *filename, size_t bufferSize) { unique_ptr out(new FileBufferCopyOut(filename)); return unique_ptr(new BufferCopyOutputStream(std::move(out), bufferSize)); } unique_ptr ostreamOutputStream(ostream &os, size_t bufferSize) { unique_ptr out(new OStreamBufferCopyOut(os)); return unique_ptr(new BufferCopyOutputStream(std::move(out), bufferSize)); } } // namespace avro