#include "sql_into_tables.h" #include "sql_values.h" #include using namespace NYql; namespace NSQLTranslationV1 { using namespace NSQLv1Generated; TNodePtr TSqlIntoTable::Build(const TRule_into_table_stmt& node) { static const TMap str2Mode = { {"InsertInto", ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertInto}, {"InsertOrAbortInto", ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertOrAbortInto}, {"InsertOrIgnoreInto", ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertOrIgnoreInto}, {"InsertOrRevertInto", ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertOrRevertInto}, {"UpsertInto", ESQLWriteColumnMode::UpsertInto}, {"ReplaceInto", ESQLWriteColumnMode::ReplaceInto}, {"InsertIntoWithTruncate", ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertIntoWithTruncate} }; auto& modeBlock = node.GetBlock1(); TVector modeTokens; switch (modeBlock.Alt_case()) { case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::kAlt1: modeTokens = {modeBlock.GetAlt1().GetToken1()}; break; case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::kAlt2: modeTokens = { modeBlock.GetAlt2().GetToken1(), modeBlock.GetAlt2().GetToken2(), modeBlock.GetAlt2().GetToken3() }; break; case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::kAlt3: modeTokens = { modeBlock.GetAlt3().GetToken1(), modeBlock.GetAlt3().GetToken2(), modeBlock.GetAlt3().GetToken3() }; break; case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::kAlt4: modeTokens = { modeBlock.GetAlt4().GetToken1(), modeBlock.GetAlt4().GetToken2(), modeBlock.GetAlt4().GetToken3() }; break; case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::kAlt5: modeTokens = {modeBlock.GetAlt5().GetToken1()}; break; case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::kAlt6: modeTokens = {modeBlock.GetAlt6().GetToken1()}; break; case TRule_into_table_stmt_TBlock1::AltCase::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } TVector modeStrings; modeStrings.reserve(modeTokens.size()); TVector userModeStrings; userModeStrings.reserve(modeTokens.size()); for (auto& token : modeTokens) { auto tokenStr = Token(token); auto modeStr = tokenStr; modeStr.to_lower(); modeStr.to_upper(0, 1); modeStrings.push_back(modeStr); auto userModeStr = tokenStr; userModeStr.to_upper(); userModeStrings.push_back(userModeStr); } modeStrings.push_back("Into"); userModeStrings.push_back("INTO"); SqlIntoModeStr = JoinRange("", modeStrings.begin(), modeStrings.end()); SqlIntoUserModeStr = JoinRange(" ", userModeStrings.begin(), userModeStrings.end()); const auto& intoTableRef = node.GetRule_into_simple_table_ref3(); const auto& tableRef = intoTableRef.GetRule_simple_table_ref1(); const auto& tableRefCore = tableRef.GetRule_simple_table_ref_core1(); auto service = Ctx.Scoped->CurrService; auto cluster = Ctx.Scoped->CurrCluster; std::pair nameOrAt; bool isBinding = false; switch (tableRefCore.Alt_case()) { case TRule_simple_table_ref_core::AltCase::kAltSimpleTableRefCore1: { if (tableRefCore.GetAlt_simple_table_ref_core1().GetRule_object_ref1().HasBlock1()) { const auto& clusterExpr = tableRefCore.GetAlt_simple_table_ref_core1().GetRule_object_ref1().GetBlock1().GetRule_cluster_expr1(); bool hasAt = tableRefCore.GetAlt_simple_table_ref_core1().GetRule_object_ref1().GetRule_id_or_at2().HasBlock1(); bool result = !hasAt ? ClusterExprOrBinding(clusterExpr, service, cluster, isBinding) : ClusterExpr(clusterExpr, false, service, cluster); if (!result) { return nullptr; } } if (!isBinding && cluster.Empty()) { Ctx.Error() << "No cluster name given and no default cluster is selected"; return nullptr; } auto id = Id(tableRefCore.GetAlt_simple_table_ref_core1().GetRule_object_ref1().GetRule_id_or_at2(), *this); nameOrAt = std::make_pair(id.first, TDeferredAtom(Ctx.Pos(), id.second)); break; } case TRule_simple_table_ref_core::AltCase::kAltSimpleTableRefCore2: { auto at = tableRefCore.GetAlt_simple_table_ref_core2().HasBlock1(); TString name; if (!NamedNodeImpl(tableRefCore.GetAlt_simple_table_ref_core2().GetRule_bind_parameter2(), name, *this)) { return nullptr; } auto named = GetNamedNode(name); if (!named) { return nullptr; } named->SetRefPos(Ctx.Pos()); if (cluster.Empty()) { Ctx.Error() << "No cluster name given and no default cluster is selected"; return nullptr; } TDeferredAtom table; MakeTableFromExpression(Ctx.Pos(), Ctx, named, table); nameOrAt = std::make_pair(at, table); break; } case TRule_simple_table_ref_core::AltCase::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } bool withTruncate = false; TTableHints tableHints; if (tableRef.HasBlock2()) { auto hints = TableHintsImpl(tableRef.GetBlock2().GetRule_table_hints1(), service); if (!hints) { Ctx.Error() << "Failed to parse table hints"; return nullptr; } for (const auto& hint : *hints) { if (to_upper(hint.first) == "TRUNCATE") { withTruncate = true; } } std::erase_if(*hints, [](const auto &hint) { return to_upper(hint.first) == "TRUNCATE"; }); tableHints = std::move(*hints); } TVector eraseColumns; if (intoTableRef.HasBlock2()) { if (service != StatProviderName) { Ctx.Error() << "ERASE BY is unsupported for " << service; return nullptr; } PureColumnListStr( intoTableRef.GetBlock2().GetRule_pure_column_list3(), *this, eraseColumns ); } if (withTruncate) { if (SqlIntoModeStr != "InsertInto") { Error() << "Unable " << SqlIntoUserModeStr << " with truncate mode"; return nullptr; } SqlIntoModeStr += "WithTruncate"; SqlIntoUserModeStr += " ... WITH TRUNCATE"; } const auto iterMode = str2Mode.find(SqlIntoModeStr); YQL_ENSURE(iterMode != str2Mode.end(), "Invalid sql write mode string: " << SqlIntoModeStr); const auto SqlIntoMode = iterMode->second; TPosition pos(Ctx.Pos()); TTableRef table(Ctx.MakeName("table"), service, cluster, nullptr); if (isBinding) { const TString* binding = nameOrAt.second.GetLiteral(); YQL_ENSURE(binding); YQL_ENSURE(!nameOrAt.first); if (!ApplyTableBinding(*binding, table, tableHints)) { return nullptr; } } else { table.Keys = BuildTableKey(pos, service, cluster, nameOrAt.second, {nameOrAt.first ? "@" : ""}); } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_insert_clusters", table.Cluster.GetLiteral() ? *table.Cluster.GetLiteral() : "unknown"); auto values = TSqlIntoValues(Ctx, Mode).Build(node.GetRule_into_values_source4(), SqlIntoUserModeStr); if (!values) { return nullptr; } if (!ValidateServiceName(node, table, SqlIntoMode, GetPos(modeTokens[0]))) { return nullptr; } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", SqlIntoModeStr); auto options = BuildIntoTableOptions(pos, eraseColumns, tableHints); if (node.HasBlock5()) { options = options->L(options, ReturningList(node.GetBlock5().GetRule_returning_columns_list1())); } return BuildWriteColumns(pos, Ctx.Scoped, table, ToWriteColumnsMode(SqlIntoMode), std::move(values), options); } bool TSqlIntoTable::ValidateServiceName(const TRule_into_table_stmt& node, const TTableRef& table, ESQLWriteColumnMode mode, const TPosition& pos) { Y_UNUSED(node); auto serviceName = table.Service; const bool isMapReduce = serviceName == YtProviderName; const bool isKikimr = serviceName == KikimrProviderName || serviceName == YdbProviderName; const bool isRtmr = serviceName == RtmrProviderName; const bool isStat = serviceName == StatProviderName; if (!isKikimr) { if (mode == ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertOrAbortInto || mode == ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertOrIgnoreInto || mode == ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertOrRevertInto || mode == ESQLWriteColumnMode::UpsertInto && !isStat) { Ctx.Error(pos) << SqlIntoUserModeStr << " is not supported for " << serviceName << " tables"; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", TStringBuilder() << SqlIntoUserModeStr << "UnsupportedFor" << serviceName); return false; } } if (isMapReduce) { if (mode == ESQLWriteColumnMode::ReplaceInto) { Ctx.Error(pos) << "Meaning of REPLACE INTO has been changed, now you should use INSERT INTO WITH TRUNCATE ... for " << serviceName; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", "ReplaceIntoConflictUsage"); return false; } } else if (isKikimr) { if (mode == ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertIntoWithTruncate) { Ctx.Error(pos) << "INSERT INTO WITH TRUNCATE is not supported for " << serviceName << " tables"; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", TStringBuilder() << SqlIntoUserModeStr << "UnsupportedFor" << serviceName); return false; } } else if (isRtmr) { if (mode != ESQLWriteColumnMode::InsertInto) { Ctx.Error(pos) << SqlIntoUserModeStr << " is unsupported for " << serviceName; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", TStringBuilder() << SqlIntoUserModeStr << "UnsupportedFor" << serviceName); return false; } } else if (isStat) { if (mode != ESQLWriteColumnMode::UpsertInto) { Ctx.Error(pos) << SqlIntoUserModeStr << " is unsupported for " << serviceName; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_errors", TStringBuilder() << SqlIntoUserModeStr << "UnsupportedFor" << serviceName); return false; } } return true; } } // namespace NSQLTranslationV1