#include "cbo_optimizer_new.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const TString& ToString(NYql::EJoinKind); const TString& ToString(NYql::EJoinAlgoType); namespace NYql { using namespace NYql::NDq; namespace { THashMap JoinKindMap = { {"Inner",EJoinKind::InnerJoin}, {"Left",EJoinKind::LeftJoin}, {"Right",EJoinKind::RightJoin}, {"Full",EJoinKind::OuterJoin}, {"LeftOnly",EJoinKind::LeftOnly}, {"RightOnly",EJoinKind::RightOnly}, {"Exclusion",EJoinKind::Exclusion}, {"LeftSemi",EJoinKind::LeftSemi}, {"RightSemi",EJoinKind::RightSemi}, {"Cross",EJoinKind::Cross}}; THashMap HintOpMap = { {"+",TCardinalityHints::ECardOperation::Add}, {"-",TCardinalityHints::ECardOperation::Subtract}, {"*",TCardinalityHints::ECardOperation::Multiply}, {"/",TCardinalityHints::ECardOperation::Divide}, {"#",TCardinalityHints::ECardOperation::Replace}}; } EJoinKind ConvertToJoinKind(const TString& joinString) { auto maybeKind = JoinKindMap.find(joinString); Y_ENSURE(maybeKind != JoinKindMap.end()); return maybeKind->second; } TString ConvertToJoinString(const EJoinKind kind) { for (auto [k,v] : JoinKindMap) { if (v == kind) { return k; } } Y_ENSURE(false,"Unknown join kind"); } TVector TRelOptimizerNode::Labels() { TVector res; res.emplace_back(Label); return res; } void TRelOptimizerNode::Print(std::stringstream& stream, int ntabs) { for (int i = 0; i < ntabs; i++){ stream << " "; } stream << "Rel: " << Label << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < ntabs; i++){ stream << " "; } stream << Stats << "\n"; } TJoinOptimizerNode::TJoinOptimizerNode( const std::shared_ptr& left, const std::shared_ptr& right, TVector leftKeys, TVector rightKeys, const EJoinKind joinType, const EJoinAlgoType joinAlgo, bool leftAny, bool rightAny, bool nonReorderable ) : IBaseOptimizerNode(JoinNodeType) , LeftArg(left) , RightArg(right) , LeftJoinKeys(leftKeys) , RightJoinKeys(rightKeys) , JoinType(joinType) , JoinAlgo(joinAlgo) , LeftAny(leftAny) , RightAny(rightAny) , IsReorderable(!nonReorderable) {} TVector TJoinOptimizerNode::Labels() { auto res = LeftArg->Labels(); auto rightLabels = RightArg->Labels(); res.insert(res.begin(),rightLabels.begin(),rightLabels.end()); return res; } void TJoinOptimizerNode::Print(std::stringstream& stream, int ntabs) { for (int i = 0; i < ntabs; i++){ stream << " "; } stream << "Join: (" << ToString(JoinType) << "," << ToString(JoinAlgo); if (LeftAny) { stream << ",LeftAny"; } if (RightAny) { stream << ",RightAny"; } stream << ") "; for (size_t i=0; iPrint(stream, ntabs+1); RightArg->Print(stream, ntabs+1); } bool IsPKJoin(const TOptimizerStatistics& stats, const TVector& joinKeys) { if (!stats.KeyColumns) { return false; } for(size_t i = 0; i < stats.KeyColumns->Data.size(); i++){ if (std::find_if(joinKeys.begin(), joinKeys.end(), [&] (const TJoinColumn& c) { return c.AttributeName == stats.KeyColumns->Data[i];}) == joinKeys.end()) { return false; } } return true; } bool TBaseProviderContext::IsJoinApplicable(const std::shared_ptr& left, const std::shared_ptr& right, const TVector& leftJoinKeys, const TVector& rightJoinKeys, EJoinAlgoType joinAlgo, EJoinKind joinKind) { Y_UNUSED(left); Y_UNUSED(right); Y_UNUSED(leftJoinKeys); Y_UNUSED(rightJoinKeys); Y_UNUSED(joinKind); return joinAlgo == EJoinAlgoType::MapJoin; } double TBaseProviderContext::ComputeJoinCost(const TOptimizerStatistics& leftStats, const TOptimizerStatistics& rightStats, const double outputRows, const double outputByteSize, EJoinAlgoType joinAlgo) const { Y_UNUSED(outputByteSize); Y_UNUSED(joinAlgo); return leftStats.Nrows + 2.0 * rightStats.Nrows + outputRows; } TOptimizerStatistics TBaseProviderContext::ComputeJoinStatsV1( const TOptimizerStatistics& leftStats, const TOptimizerStatistics& rightStats, const TVector& leftJoinKeys, const TVector& rightJoinKeys, EJoinAlgoType joinAlgo, EJoinKind joinKind, TCardinalityHints::TCardinalityHint* maybeHint, bool shuffleLeftSide, bool shuffleRightSide ) const { auto stats = ComputeJoinStats(leftStats, rightStats, leftJoinKeys, rightJoinKeys, joinAlgo, joinKind, maybeHint); if (shuffleLeftSide) { stats.Cost += leftStats.Nrows; } if (shuffleRightSide) { stats.Cost += rightStats.Nrows; } return stats; } /** * Compute the cost and output cardinality of a join * * Currently a very basic computation targeted at GraceJoin * * The build is on the right side, so we make the build side a bit more expensive than the probe */ TOptimizerStatistics TBaseProviderContext::ComputeJoinStats( const TOptimizerStatistics& leftStats, const TOptimizerStatistics& rightStats, const TVector& leftJoinKeys, const TVector& rightJoinKeys, EJoinAlgoType joinAlgo, EJoinKind joinKind, TCardinalityHints::TCardinalityHint* maybeHint) const { double newCard{}; EStatisticsType outputType; bool leftKeyColumns = false; bool rightKeyColumns = false; double selectivity = 1.0; bool isRightPKJoin = IsPKJoin(rightStats,rightJoinKeys); bool isLeftPKJoin = IsPKJoin(leftStats,leftJoinKeys); if (isRightPKJoin && isLeftPKJoin) { auto rightPKJoinCard = leftStats.Nrows * rightStats.Selectivity; auto leftPKJoinCard = rightStats.Nrows * leftStats.Selectivity; if (rightPKJoinCard > leftPKJoinCard) { isRightPKJoin = false; } } if (isRightPKJoin) { switch (joinKind) { case EJoinKind::LeftJoin: case EJoinKind::LeftOnly: newCard = leftStats.Nrows; break; default: { newCard = leftStats.Nrows * rightStats.Selectivity; } } selectivity = leftStats.Selectivity * rightStats.Selectivity; leftKeyColumns = true; if (leftStats.Type == EStatisticsType::BaseTable){ outputType = EStatisticsType::FilteredFactTable; } else { outputType = leftStats.Type; } } else if (isLeftPKJoin) { switch (joinKind) { case EJoinKind::RightJoin: case EJoinKind::RightOnly: newCard = rightStats.Nrows; break; default: { newCard = leftStats.Selectivity * rightStats.Nrows; } } selectivity = leftStats.Selectivity * rightStats.Selectivity; rightKeyColumns = true; if (rightStats.Type == EStatisticsType::BaseTable){ outputType = EStatisticsType::FilteredFactTable; } else { outputType = rightStats.Type; } } else if (joinKind == EJoinKind::Cross) { newCard = leftStats.Nrows * rightStats.Nrows; outputType = EStatisticsType::ManyManyJoin; } else { std::optional lhsUniqueVals; std::optional rhsUniqueVals; if (leftStats.ColumnStatistics && rightStats.ColumnStatistics && !leftJoinKeys.empty() && !rightJoinKeys.empty()) { auto lhs = leftJoinKeys[0].AttributeName; lhsUniqueVals = leftStats.ColumnStatistics->Data[lhs].NumUniqueVals; auto rhs = rightJoinKeys[0].AttributeName; rightStats.ColumnStatistics->Data[rhs]; rhsUniqueVals = leftStats.ColumnStatistics->Data[lhs].NumUniqueVals; } if (lhsUniqueVals.has_value() && rhsUniqueVals.has_value()) { newCard = leftStats.Nrows * rightStats.Nrows / std::max(*lhsUniqueVals, *rhsUniqueVals); } else { newCard = 0.2 * leftStats.Nrows * rightStats.Nrows; } outputType = EStatisticsType::ManyManyJoin; } if (maybeHint) { newCard = maybeHint->ApplyHint(newCard); } int newNCols = leftStats.Ncols + rightStats.Ncols; double newByteSize = leftStats.Nrows ? (leftStats.ByteSize / leftStats.Nrows) * newCard : 0 + rightStats.Nrows ? (rightStats.ByteSize / rightStats.Nrows) * newCard : 0; double cost = ComputeJoinCost(leftStats, rightStats, newCard, newByteSize, joinAlgo) + leftStats.Cost + rightStats.Cost; if (joinKind == EJoinKind::Cross /* in case of cross join we broadcast the right part to the left */) { cost += rightStats.Nrows; } auto result = TOptimizerStatistics(outputType, newCard, newNCols, newByteSize, cost, leftKeyColumns ? leftStats.KeyColumns : ( rightKeyColumns ? rightStats.KeyColumns : TIntrusivePtr())); result.Selectivity = selectivity; return result; } const TBaseProviderContext& TBaseProviderContext::Instance() { static TBaseProviderContext staticContext; return staticContext; } TVector TOptimizerHints::GetUnappliedString() { TVector res; for (const auto& hint: JoinAlgoHints->Hints) { if (!hint.Applied) { res.push_back(hint.StringRepr); } } for (const auto& hint: JoinOrderHints->Hints) { if (!hint.Applied) { res.push_back(hint.StringRepr); } } for (const auto& hint: CardinalityHints->Hints) { if (!hint.Applied) { res.push_back(hint.StringRepr); } } return res; } } // namespace NYql