#pragma once #include "mem.h" #include "output.h" #include #include #include #include #include enum ENumberFormatFlag { HF_FULL = 0x01, /**< Output number with leading zeros. */ HF_ADDX = 0x02, /**< Output '0x' or '0b' before hex/bin digits. */ }; Y_DECLARE_FLAGS(ENumberFormat, ENumberFormatFlag) Y_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(ENumberFormat) enum ESizeFormat { SF_QUANTITY, /**< Base 1000, usual suffixes. 1100 gets turned into "1.1K". */ SF_BYTES, /**< Base 1024, byte suffix. 1100 gets turned into "1.07KiB". */ }; namespace NFormatPrivate { template struct TLog2: std::integral_constant::value + 1> {}; template <> struct TLog2<1>: std::integral_constant {}; static inline void WriteChars(IOutputStream& os, char c, size_t count) { if (count == 0) return; TTempBuf buf(count); memset(buf.Data(), c, count); os.Write(buf.Data(), count); } template struct TLeftPad { T Value; size_t Width; char Padc; inline TLeftPad(const T& value, size_t width, char padc) : Value(value) , Width(width) , Padc(padc) { } }; template IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& o, const TLeftPad& lp) { TTempBuf buf; TMemoryOutput ss(buf.Data(), buf.Size()); ss << lp.Value; size_t written = buf.Size() - ss.Avail(); if (lp.Width > written) { WriteChars(o, lp.Padc, lp.Width - written); } o.Write(buf.Data(), written); return o; } template struct TRightPad { T Value; size_t Width; char Padc; inline TRightPad(const T& value, size_t width, char padc) : Value(value) , Width(width) , Padc(padc) { } }; template IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& o, const TRightPad& lp) { TTempBuf buf; TMemoryOutput ss(buf.Data(), buf.Size()); ss << lp.Value; size_t written = buf.Size() - ss.Avail(); o.Write(buf.Data(), written); if (lp.Width > written) { WriteChars(o, lp.Padc, lp.Width - written); } return o; } template struct TBaseNumber { T Value; ENumberFormat Flags; template inline TBaseNumber(OtherT value, ENumberFormat flags) : Value(value) , Flags(flags) { } }; template using TUnsignedBaseNumber = TBaseNumber>, Base>; template IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& stream, const TBaseNumber& value) { char buf[8 * sizeof(T) + 1]; /* Add 1 for sign. */ TStringBuf str(buf, IntToString(value.Value, buf, sizeof(buf))); if (str[0] == '-') { stream << '-'; str.Skip(1); } if (value.Flags & HF_ADDX) { if (Base == 16) { stream << TStringBuf("0x"); } else if (Base == 2) { stream << TStringBuf("0b"); } } if (value.Flags & HF_FULL) { WriteChars(stream, '0', (8 * sizeof(T) + TLog2::value - 1) / TLog2::value - str.size()); } stream << str; return stream; } template struct TBaseText { TBasicStringBuf Text; inline TBaseText(const TBasicStringBuf text) : Text(text) { } }; template IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& os, const TBaseText& text) { for (size_t i = 0; i < text.Text.size(); ++i) { if (i != 0) { os << ' '; } os << TUnsignedBaseNumber(text.Text[i], HF_FULL); } return os; } template struct TFloatPrecision { using TdVal = std::remove_cv_t; static_assert(std::is_floating_point::value, "expect std::is_floating_point::value"); TdVal Value; EFloatToStringMode Mode; int NDigits; }; template IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& o, const TFloatPrecision& prec) { char buf[512]; size_t count = FloatToString(prec.Value, buf, sizeof(buf), prec.Mode, prec.NDigits); o << TStringBuf(buf, count); return o; } struct THumanReadableDuration { TDuration Value; constexpr THumanReadableDuration(const TDuration& value) : Value(value) { } }; struct THumanReadableSize { double Value; ESizeFormat Format; }; } /** * Output manipulator basically equivalent to `std::setw` and `std::setfill` * combined. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out padding characters first, * and then provided value. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << LeftPad(12345, 10, '0'); // Will output "0000012345" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param width Target total width. * @param padc Character to use for padding. * @see RightPad */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TLeftPad LeftPad(const T& value, const size_t width, const char padc = ' ') noexcept { return ::NFormatPrivate::TLeftPad(value, width, padc); } template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TLeftPad LeftPad(const T (&value)[N], const size_t width, const char padc = ' ') noexcept { return ::NFormatPrivate::TLeftPad(value, width, padc); } /** * Output manipulator similar to `std::setw` and `std::setfill`. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes provided value first, and then * the padding characters. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << RightPad("column1", 10, ' '); // Will output "column1 " * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param width Target total width. * @param padc Character to use for padding. * @see LeftPad */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TRightPad RightPad(const T& value, const size_t width, const char padc = ' ') noexcept { return ::NFormatPrivate::TRightPad(value, width, padc); } template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TRightPad RightPad(const T (&value)[N], const size_t width, const char padc = ' ') noexcept { return ::NFormatPrivate::TRightPad(value, width, padc); } /** * Output manipulator similar to `std::setbase(16)`. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided value in * hexadecimal form. The value is treated as unsigned, even if its type is in * fact signed. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << Hex(-1); // Will output "0xFFFFFFFF" * stream << Hex(1ull); // Will output "0x0000000000000001" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param flags Output flags. */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TUnsignedBaseNumber Hex(const T& value, const ENumberFormat flags = HF_FULL | HF_ADDX) noexcept { return {value, flags}; } /** * Output manipulator similar to `std::setbase(16)`. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided value in * hexadecimal form. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << SHex(-1); // Will output "-0x00000001" * stream << SHex(1ull); // Will output "0x0000000000000001" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param flags Output flags. */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TBaseNumber SHex(const T& value, const ENumberFormat flags = HF_FULL | HF_ADDX) noexcept { return {value, flags}; } /** * Output manipulator similar to `std::setbase(2)`. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided value in * binary form. The value is treated as unsigned, even if its type is in * fact signed. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << Bin(-1); // Will output "0b11111111111111111111111111111111" * stream << Bin(1); // Will output "0b00000000000000000000000000000001" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param flags Output flags. */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TUnsignedBaseNumber Bin(const T& value, const ENumberFormat flags = HF_FULL | HF_ADDX) noexcept { return {value, flags}; } /** * Output manipulator similar to `std::setbase(2)`. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided value in * binary form. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << SBin(-1); // Will output "-0b00000000000000000000000000000001" * stream << SBin(1); // Will output "0b00000000000000000000000000000001" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param flags Output flags. */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TBaseNumber SBin(const T& value, const ENumberFormat flags = HF_FULL | HF_ADDX) noexcept { return {value, flags}; } /** * Output manipulator for hexadecimal string output. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided characters * in hexadecimal form divided by space character. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << HexText(TStringBuf("abcи")); // Will output "61 62 63 D0 B8" * stream << HexText(TWtringBuf(u"abcи")); // Will output "0061 0062 0063 0438" * @endcode * * @param value String to output. */ template static inline ::NFormatPrivate::TBaseText HexText(const TBasicStringBuf value) { return ::NFormatPrivate::TBaseText(value); } /** * Output manipulator for binary string output. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided characters * in binary form divided by space character. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << BinText(TStringBuf("aaa")); // Will output "01100001 01100001 01100001" * @endcode * * @param value String to output. */ template static inline ::NFormatPrivate::TBaseText BinText(const TBasicStringBuf value) { return ::NFormatPrivate::TBaseText(value); } /** * Output manipulator for printing `TDuration` values. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided `TDuration` * in auto-adjusted human-readable format. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << HumanReadable(TDuration::MicroSeconds(100)); // Will output "100us" * stream << HumanReadable(TDuration::Seconds(3672)); // Will output "1h 1m 12s" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. */ static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::THumanReadableDuration HumanReadable(const TDuration duration) noexcept { return ::NFormatPrivate::THumanReadableDuration(duration); } /** * Output manipulator for writing out human-readable number of elements / memory * amount in `ls -h` style. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided unsigned integer * variable with small precision and a suffix (like 'K', 'M', 'G' for numbers, or * 'B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB' for bytes). * * For quantities, base 1000 is used. For bytes, base is 1024. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << HumanReadableSize(1024, SF_QUANTITY); // Will output "1.02K" * stream << HumanReadableSize(1024, SF_BYTES); // Will output "1KiB" * stream << "average usage " << HumanReadableSize(100 / 3., SF_BYTES); // Will output "average usage "33.3B"" * @endcode * * @param value Value to output. * @param format Format to use. */ static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::THumanReadableSize HumanReadableSize(const double size, ESizeFormat format) noexcept { return {size, format}; } void Time(IOutputStream& l); void TimeHumanReadable(IOutputStream& l); /** * Output manipulator for adjusting precision of floating point values. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided floating point * variable with given precision. The behavior depends on provided `mode`. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << Prec(1.2345678901234567, PREC_AUTO); // Will output "1.2345678901234567" * @endcode * * @param value float or double to output. * @param mode Output mode. * @param ndigits Number of significant digits (in `PREC_NDIGITS` and `PREC_POINT_DIGITS` mode). * @see EFloatToStringMode */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TFloatPrecision Prec(const T& value, const EFloatToStringMode mode, const int ndigits = 0) noexcept { return {value, mode, ndigits}; } /** * Output manipulator for adjusting precision of floating point values. * * When written into a `IOutputStream`, writes out the provided floating point * variable with given precision. The behavior is equivalent to `Prec(value, PREC_NDIGITS, ndigits)`. * * Example usage: * @code * stream << Prec(1.2345678901234567, 3); // Will output "1.23" * @endcode * * @param value float or double to output. * @param ndigits Number of significant digits. */ template static constexpr ::NFormatPrivate::TFloatPrecision Prec(const T& value, const int ndigits) noexcept { return {value, PREC_NDIGITS, ndigits}; }