NODEJS_ROOT= NODEJS_BIN=$NODEJS_ROOT/node TS_TRACE=no TS_LOG=no TS_LOCAL_CLI=no TS_YNDEXING=no # Use outdir defined in tsconfig (actual not for bundlers, they use own way to define output directory) TS_CONFIG_USE_OUTDIR= TS_USE_PREBUILT_NOTS_TOOL=yes NOTS_TOOL=${tool:"devtools/frontend_build_platform/nots/builder"} TS_CONFIG_PATH=tsconfig.json ### @usage: TS_CONFIG(ConfigPath) ### ### Macro sets the path for "TypeScript Config". ### ### - ConfigPath - config path (one at least) ### ### Documentation: macro TS_CONFIG(FirstConfigPath, ConfigPath...) { SET(TS_CONFIG_PATH $FirstConfigPath $ConfigPath) } # Arguments for the all commands of the `nots/builder`, passed before the command NOTS_TOOL_BASE_ARGS=\ --arcadia-root $ARCADIA_ROOT \ --arcadia-build-root $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT \ --moddir $MODDIR \ --local-cli $TS_LOCAL_CLI \ --nodejs-bin $NODEJS_BIN \ --pm-script $PM_SCRIPT \ --pm-type $PM_TYPE \ --trace $TS_TRACE \ --verbose $TS_LOG \ $_YATOOL_PREBUILDER_ARG NOTS_TOOL_BUILD_ENV= # All variable that potentially can affect CMD are listed for UID generation # Requirements does not have effect on output # By adding __NO_UID__ suffix we show that this variable is not a part of the UID NOTS_TOOL_BUILD_REQUIREMENTS__NO_UID__= when($AUTOCHECK == "yes") { # we don't want to have requirements for local runs NOTS_TOOL_BUILD_REQUIREMENTS__NO_UID__=${requirements;hide:"cpu:4"} } # Arguments for builders' commands, passed after the command NOTS_TOOL_COMMON_BUILDER_ARGS=\ --output-file ${output:TS_OUTPUT_FILE} ${hide;output:TS_OUTPUT_FILE_UUID} \ --tsconfigs $TS_CONFIG_PATH \ --vcs-info "${VCS_INFO_FILE}" \ $NOTS_TOOL_BUILD_REQUIREMENTS__NO_UID__ \ $NOTS_TOOL_BUILD_ENV ERM_PACKAGES_PATH=devtools/frontend_build_platform/erm/erm-packages.json TS_OUTPUT_FILE=output.tar TS_OUTPUT_FILE_UUID=output.tar.uuid TS_EXCLUDE_DIR_GLOB=(.idea|.vscode|node_modules)/**/* TS_COMMON_OUTDIR_GLOB=(build|dist|bundle|\${join=|:WEBPACK_OUTPUT_DIR}|$TS_NEXT_OUTPUT_DIR|$VITE_OUTPUT_DIR)/**/* TS_GLOB_EXCLUDE_ADDITIONAL= ### @usage: TS_EXCLUDE_FILES_GLOB(GlobExpression) ### ### Macro sets glob to mark some files to ignore while building. ### These files won't be copied to BINDIR. ### ### - GlobExpression - glob expression ### ### Documentation: macro TS_EXCLUDE_FILES_GLOB(GlobExpression) { SET(TS_GLOB_EXCLUDE_ADDITIONAL $GlobExpression) } module _TS_BASE_UNIT: _BARE_UNIT { # Propagates peers to related modules .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .NODE_TYPE=Bundle # Needed for DEPENDS in tests to choose right submodule from multimodule .FINAL_TARGET=yes # use TS_FILES instead of FILES .ALIASES=FILES=TS_FILES # .NODE_TYPE=Bundle is required for peers propagation, but it also affects # how merging of pic/nopic graphs. Here we can override this merging behaviour SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) # Include processor works only for TS tag SET(MODULE_TAG TS) SET(MODULE_LANG TS) # TS should peer to TS SET(PEERDIR_TAGS TS TS_PROTO TS_PROTO_FROM_SCHEMA) # .fake tells builder to not materialize it in results SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .ts.fake) # We read erm-packages.json during configuration, so we have to include it to configuration cache key SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/$ERM_PACKAGES_PATH) # PEERDIR that reads required version of tool from package.json _PEERDIR_TS_RESOURCE(nodejs) _SET_PACKAGE_MANAGER() } # tag:test ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH=.eslintrc.js ### @usage: TS_ESLINT_CONFIG(ConfigPath) ### ### Macro sets the path for ESLint config file. ### ### - ConfigPath - config path ### ### Documentation: macro TS_ESLINT_CONFIG(ConfigName) { SET(ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH $ConfigName) } _TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: _TS_CONFIG_EPILOGUE() # internal ### ### This macro executes macros which should be invoked after all user specified macros in the ya.make file macro _TS_CONFIG_EPILOGUE() { ### Fill $TS_GLOB_FILES with potential inputs. ### It will be reduced later in _TS_CONFIGURE based on `tsconfig.json` rules. _GLOB(TS_GLOB_FILES $TS_GLOB_INCLUDE EXCLUDE $TS_GLOB_EXCLUDE) _GLOB(_TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE **/*.(ts|tsx|js|jsx) EXCLUDE $TS_EXCLUDE_DIR_GLOB $TS_COMMON_OUTDIR_GLOB $TS_GLOB_EXCLUDE_ADDITIONAL) _SETUP_BUILD_ENV() } TSYNDEXER_OUTPUT_FILE=tsyndex.ydx.pb2 TSYNDEXER_TOOL=${tool:"devtools/codenav/typescript"} TSYNDEXER_CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} \ $TSYNDEXER_TOOL -m ${CURDIR} -o ${output:TSYNDEXER_OUTPUT_FILE} -r ${ARCADIA_ROOT} \ ${hide;kv:"pc magenta"} ${hide;kv:"p YTS"} $_AS_HIDDEN_INPUTS(IN $_TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE) ### @usage: _DO_TS_YNDEXING() # internal ### ### Adds a command-node for TS-modules codenavigation indexing. ### Output ydx.pb2 file will be processed along with other indexes for other modules and ### other languages in ya-bin. ### (see _gen_merge_node, _gen_upload_node in devtools/ya/build/ for details. ### The macro is called from plugin in case we have `TS_YNDEXING=yes` flag set. macro _DO_TS_YNDEXING() { .CMD=$TSYNDEXER_CMD } # Used as inputs in TS_COMPILE through `$_AS_HIDDEN_INPUTS(IN $TS_INPUT_FILES)` TS_INPUT_FILES= # List of the files, filled in _TS_CONFIG_EPILOGUE. Will be reduced in _TS_CONFIGURE macro to TS_INPUT_FILES. TS_GLOB_FILES= # Hardcoded "include" list (all other files will be ignored) TS_GLOB_INCLUDE=**/* # Hardcoded "exclude" list (reasonable default). TS_GLOB_EXCLUDE=$TS_CONFIG_PATH \ ya.make a.yaml \ $TS_EXCLUDE_DIR_GLOB \ $TS_COMMON_OUTDIR_GLOB \ $TS_GLOB_EXCLUDE_ADDITIONAL \ package.json pnpm-lock.yaml .* \ tests/**/* **/*.(test|spec).(ts|tsx|js|jsx) # Ugly hack for using inputs from the variable macro _AS_HIDDEN_INPUTS(IN{input}[]) { # "context=TEXT" exclude file from the "include processing" .CMD=${hide;context=TEXT;input:IN} } _TS_FILES_COPY_CMD= ### @usage: TS_FILES(Files...) ### ### Adds files to output as is. Similar to FILES but works for TS build modules ### Documentation: macro TS_FILES(Files...) { # TODO: FBP-1795 _TS_FILES($Files) } ### @usage: TS_FILES_GLOB(Glob...) ### ### Adds files to output by glob, e.g. TS_FILES_GLOB(**/*.css) ### Documentation: macro TS_FILES_GLOB(Glob...) { _GLOB(FILES_BY_GLOB ${Glob}) TS_FILES(${FILES_BY_GLOB}) } ### @usage: TS_LARGE_FILES(DESTINATION dest_dir Files...) ### ### Use large file ether from working copy or from remote storage via placeholder .external ### If is present locally (and not a symlink!) it will be copied to build directory. ### Otherwise macro will try to locate .external, parse it retrieve ot during build phase. ### ### Then file will be copied to DESTINATION folder preserving file structure. ### Copied file becomes output of TS_PACKAGE ### Documentation: macro TS_LARGE_FILES(DESTINATION="~~required~~", FILES...) { LARGE_FILES($FILES) # TODO: FBP-1795 _TS_LARGE_FILES($DESTINATION $FILES) } @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/node_modules.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_next.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_package.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_proto.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_test.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_tsc.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_vite.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts/ts_webpack.conf"