# libc & stl common headers should be resolved to either # * system libc (e.g. nothing in our repo) # * system libc++ (e.g. nothing in our repo) # * libcxx # * musl # or some combination of them depending on the build flags. # We want musl to resolve itself without these sysincls, but its test must have them - source_filter: "^(?!contrib/libs/musl).*|^contrib/libs/musl/tests" includes: - complex.h - ctype.h - errno.h - float.h - inttypes.h - limits.h - locale.h - math.h - setjmp.h - stdbool.h - stddef.h - stdint.h - stdio.h - stdlib.h - string.h - tgmath.h - wchar.h - wctype.h - includes: - __config - __undef_macros - algorithm - any - array - atomic - bit - bitset - cassert - ccomplex - cctype - cerrno - cfenv - cfloat - charconv - chrono - cinttypes - ciso646 - climits - clocale - cmath - codecvt - compare - complex - concepts - condition_variable - coroutine - csetjmp - csignal - cstdarg - cstdbool - cstddef - cstdint - cstdio - cstdlib - cstring - ctgmath - ctime - cwchar - cwctype - cxxabi.h - deque - exception - filesystem - forward_list - fstream - functional - future - initializer_list - iomanip - ios - iosfwd - iostream - istream - iterator - limits - list - locale - map - memory - mutex - new - numbers - numeric - optional - ostream - queue - random - ranges - ratio - regex - scoped_allocator - set - shared_mutex - span - sstream - stack - stdexcept - streambuf - string - string_view - strstream - system_error - thread - tuple - typeindex - typeinfo - type_traits - unordered_map - unordered_set - use_ansi.h - utility - valarray - variant - vector - version - unwind.h: - contrib/libs/libunwind/include/unwind.h # Though these are headers provided by libcxx, we do not want to allow them to be included. # We are using non-existent filename to generate error instead, as there is no specific syntax for this case. - includes: - ext/hash_map: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXT_HASH_MAP - ext/hash_set: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXT_HASH_SET - experimental/any: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_ANY - experimental/chrono: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_CHRONO - experimental/filesystem: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_FILESYSTEM - experimental/numeric: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_NUMERIC - experimental/optional: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_OPTIONAL - experimental/ratio: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_RATIO - experimental/source_location: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_SOURCE_LOCATION - experimental/string_view: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_STRING_VIEW - experimental/system_error: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_SYSTEM_ERROR - experimental/tuple: DO_NOT_INCLUDE_NON_STANDARD_EXPERIMENTAL_TUPLE # TODO: Forbid including upon migration to clang14 - experimental/coroutine