# build/platform/cuda (include/ and extras/CUPTI/include/) - includes: - cooperative_groups.h - cooperative_groups/reduce.h - cuComplex.h # Though cub is provided as a part of CUDA HPC SDK, # we would like to be updatable independently. # Hence we are using it directly from Arcadia. # This sysincl enforces such usage. - cub/cub.cuh: contrib/libs/nvidia/cub/cub/cub.cuh - cublas.h - cublasLt.h - cublas_v2.h - cuda.h - cudaProfiler.h - cudaTypedefs.h - cuda_bf16.h - cuda_fp16.h - cuda_gl_interop.h - cuda_occupancy.h - cuda_profiler_api.h - cuda_runtime.h - cuda_runtime_api.h - cufft.h - cufftXt.h - cupti.h - curand.h - curand_kernel.h - curand_mtgp32_host.h - curand_mtgp32dc_p_11213.h - cusolverDn.h - cusolverSp.h - cusparse.h - cusparseLt.h - device_atomic_functions.h - device_types.h - driver_types.h - host_defines.h - library_types.h - math_constants.h - nvrtc.h - nvToolsExtCuda.h - npp.h - nppi.h - nvToolsExt.h - surface_types.h - texture_types.h - vector_types.h # Though thrust is provided as a part of CUDA HPC SDK, # we would like to be updatable independently. # Hence we are using it directly from Arcadia. # This sysincl enforces such usage. - thrust/iterator/iterator_traits.h: contrib/libs/nvidia/thrust/thrust/iterator/iterator_traits.h - thrust/iterator/iterator_facade.h: contrib/libs/nvidia/thrust/thrust/iterator/iterator_facade.h - thrust/system/cuda/detail/core/triple_chevron_launch.h: contrib/libs/nvidia/thrust/thrust/system/cuda/detail/core/triple_chevron_launch.h - thrust/version.h: contrib/libs/nvidia/thrust/thrust/version.h # These headers should be provided by TensorRT. # Proper solution must be found in DTCC-171 - source_filter: "^contrib/libs/tf/.*" includes: - NvInfer.h - NvInferPlugin.h # Add support nvrtc - source_filter: "^contrib/libs/nvidia/cutlass/.*" includes: - cuda/std/cassert - cuda/std/cmath - cuda/std/cstdint - mma.h