#include "sql_call_expr.h" #include "sql_expression.h" #include #include namespace NSQLTranslationV1 { TNodePtr BuildSqlCall(TContext& ctx, TPosition pos, const TString& module, const TString& name, const TVector& args, TNodePtr positionalArgs, TNodePtr namedArgs, TNodePtr customUserType, const TDeferredAtom& typeConfig, TNodePtr runConfig); using namespace NSQLv1Generated; static bool ValidateForCounters(const TString& input) { for (auto c : input) { if (!(IsAlnum(c) || c == '_')) { return false; } } return true; } TNodePtr TSqlCallExpr::BuildUdf(bool forReduce) { auto result = Node ? Node : BuildCallable(Pos, Module, Func, Args, forReduce); if (to_lower(Module) == "tensorflow" && Func == "RunBatch") { if (Args.size() > 2) { Args.erase(Args.begin() + 2); } else { Ctx.Error(Pos) << "Excepted >= 3 arguments, but got: " << Args.size(); return nullptr; } } return result; } TNodePtr TSqlCallExpr::BuildCall() { TVector args; bool warnOnYqlNameSpace = true; TUdfNode* udf_node = Node ? Node->GetUdfNode() : nullptr; if (udf_node) { if (!udf_node->DoInit(Ctx, nullptr)) { return nullptr; } TNodePtr positional_args = BuildTuple(Pos, PositionalArgs); TNodePtr positional = positional_args->Y("TypeOf", positional_args); TNodePtr named_args = BuildStructure(Pos, NamedArgs); TNodePtr named = named_args->Y("TypeOf", named_args); TNodePtr custom_user_type = new TCallNodeImpl(Pos, "TupleType", {positional, named, udf_node->GetExternalTypes()}); return BuildSqlCall(Ctx, Pos, udf_node->GetModule(), udf_node->GetFunction(), args, positional_args, named_args, custom_user_type, udf_node->GetTypeConfig(), udf_node->GetRunConfig()); } if (Node && !Node->FuncName()) { Module = "YQL"; Func = NamedArgs.empty() ? "Apply" : "NamedApply"; warnOnYqlNameSpace = false; args.push_back(Node); } if (Node && Node->FuncName()) { Module = Node->ModuleName() ? *Node->ModuleName() : "YQL"; Func = *Node->FuncName(); } bool mustUseNamed = !NamedArgs.empty(); if (mustUseNamed) { if (Node && !Node->FuncName()) { mustUseNamed = false; } args.emplace_back(BuildTuple(Pos, PositionalArgs)); args.emplace_back(BuildStructure(Pos, NamedArgs)); } else if (IsExternalCall) { Func = "SqlExternalFunction"; if (Args.size() < 2 || Args.size() > 3) { Ctx.Error(Pos) << "EXTERNAL FUNCTION requires from 2 to 3 arguments, but got: " << Args.size(); return nullptr; } if (Args.size() == 3) { args.insert(args.end(), Args.begin(), Args.end() - 1); Args.erase(Args.begin(), Args.end() - 1); } else { args.insert(args.end(), Args.begin(), Args.end()); Args.erase(Args.begin(), Args.end()); } auto configNode = new TExternalFunctionConfig(Pos, CallConfig); auto configList = new TAstListNodeImpl(Pos, { new TAstAtomNodeImpl(Pos, "quote", 0), configNode }); args.push_back(configList); } else { args.insert(args.end(), Args.begin(), Args.end()); } auto result = BuildBuiltinFunc(Ctx, Pos, Func, args, Module, AggMode, &mustUseNamed, warnOnYqlNameSpace); if (mustUseNamed) { Error() << "Named args are used for call, but unsupported by function: " << Func; return nullptr; } if (WindowName) { result = BuildCalcOverWindow(Pos, WindowName, result); } return result; } bool TSqlCallExpr::Init(const TRule_value_constructor& node) { switch (node.Alt_case()) { case TRule_value_constructor::kAltValueConstructor1: { auto& ctor = node.GetAlt_value_constructor1(); Func = "Variant"; TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr3())) { return false; } if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr5())) { return false; } if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr7())) { return false; } break; } case TRule_value_constructor::kAltValueConstructor2: { auto& ctor = node.GetAlt_value_constructor2(); Func = "Enum"; TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr3())) { return false; } if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr5())) { return false; } break; } case TRule_value_constructor::kAltValueConstructor3: { auto& ctor = node.GetAlt_value_constructor3(); Func = "Callable"; TSqlExpression expr(Ctx, Mode); if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr3())) { return false; } if (!Expr(expr, Args, ctor.GetRule_expr5())) { return false; } break; } case TRule_value_constructor::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } PositionalArgs = Args; return true; } bool TSqlCallExpr::ExtractCallParam(const TRule_external_call_param& node) { TString paramName = Id(node.GetRule_an_id1(), *this); paramName = to_lower(paramName); if (CallConfig.contains(paramName)) { Ctx.Error() << "WITH " << to_upper(paramName).Quote() << " clause should be specified only once"; return false; } const bool optimizeForParam = paramName == "optimize_for"; const auto columnRefState = optimizeForParam ? EColumnRefState::AsStringLiteral : EColumnRefState::Deny; TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, columnRefState); if (optimizeForParam) { scope.SetNoColumnErrContext("in external call params"); } TSqlExpression expression(Ctx, Mode); auto value = expression.Build(node.GetRule_expr3()); if (value && optimizeForParam) { TDeferredAtom atom; MakeTableFromExpression(Ctx.Pos(), Ctx, value, atom); value = new TCallNodeImpl(Ctx.Pos(), "String", { atom.Build() }); } if (!value) { return false; } CallConfig[paramName] = value; return true; } bool TSqlCallExpr::ConfigureExternalCall(const TRule_external_call_settings& node) { bool success = ExtractCallParam(node.GetRule_external_call_param1()); for (auto& block: node.GetBlock2()) { success = ExtractCallParam(block.GetRule_external_call_param2()) && success; } return success; } bool TSqlCallExpr::Init(const TRule_using_call_expr& node) { // using_call_expr: ((an_id_or_type NAMESPACE an_id_or_type) | an_id_expr | bind_parameter | (EXTERNAL FUNCTION)) invoke_expr; const auto& block = node.GetBlock1(); switch (block.Alt_case()) { case TRule_using_call_expr::TBlock1::kAlt1: { auto& subblock = block.GetAlt1(); Module = Id(subblock.GetRule_an_id_or_type1(), *this); Func = Id(subblock.GetRule_an_id_or_type3(), *this); break; } case TRule_using_call_expr::TBlock1::kAlt2: { Func = Id(block.GetAlt2().GetRule_an_id_expr1(), *this); break; } case TRule_using_call_expr::TBlock1::kAlt3: { TString bindName; if (!NamedNodeImpl(block.GetAlt3().GetRule_bind_parameter1(), bindName, *this)) { return false; } Node = GetNamedNode(bindName); if (!Node) { return false; } break; } case TRule_using_call_expr::TBlock1::kAlt4: { IsExternalCall = true; break; } case TRule_using_call_expr::TBlock1::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } YQL_ENSURE(!DistinctAllowed); UsingCallExpr = true; TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, EColumnRefState::Allow); return Init(node.GetRule_invoke_expr2()); } void TSqlCallExpr::InitName(const TString& name) { Module = ""; Func = name; } void TSqlCallExpr::InitExpr(const TNodePtr& expr) { Node = expr; } bool TSqlCallExpr::FillArg(const TString& module, const TString& func, size_t& idx, const TRule_named_expr& node) { const bool isNamed = node.HasBlock2(); TMaybe status; // TODO: support named args if (!isNamed) { status = GetFunctionArgColumnStatus(Ctx, module, func, idx); } TNodePtr expr; if (status) { TColumnRefScope scope(Ctx, *status, /* isTopLevel = */ false); expr = NamedExpr(node); } else { expr = NamedExpr(node); } if (!expr) { return false; } Args.emplace_back(std::move(expr)); if (!isNamed) { ++idx; } return true; } bool TSqlCallExpr::FillArgs(const TRule_named_expr_list& node) { TString module = Module; TString func = Func; if (Node && Node->FuncName()) { module = Node->ModuleName() ? *Node->ModuleName() : "YQL"; func = *Node->FuncName(); } size_t idx = 0; if (!FillArg(module, func, idx, node.GetRule_named_expr1())) { return false; } for (auto& b: node.GetBlock2()) { if (!FillArg(module, func, idx, b.GetRule_named_expr2())) { return false; } } return true; } bool TSqlCallExpr::Init(const TRule_invoke_expr& node) { // invoke_expr: LPAREN (opt_set_quantifier named_expr_list COMMA? | ASTERISK)? RPAREN invoke_expr_tail; // invoke_expr_tail: // (null_treatment | filter_clause)? (OVER window_name_or_specification)? // ; Pos = Ctx.Pos(); if (node.HasBlock2()) { switch (node.GetBlock2().Alt_case()) { case TRule_invoke_expr::TBlock2::kAlt1: { const auto& alt = node.GetBlock2().GetAlt1(); TPosition distinctPos; if (IsDistinctOptSet(alt.GetRule_opt_set_quantifier1(), distinctPos)) { if (!DistinctAllowed) { if (UsingCallExpr) { Ctx.Error(distinctPos) << "DISTINCT can not be used in PROCESS/REDUCE"; } else { Ctx.Error(distinctPos) << "DISTINCT can only be used in aggregation functions"; } return false; } YQL_ENSURE(AggMode == EAggregateMode::Normal); AggMode = EAggregateMode::Distinct; Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "DistinctInCallExpr"); } if (!FillArgs(alt.GetRule_named_expr_list2())) { return false; } for (const auto& arg : Args) { if (arg->GetLabel()) { NamedArgs.push_back(arg); } else { PositionalArgs.push_back(arg); if (!NamedArgs.empty()) { Ctx.Error(arg->GetPos()) << "Unnamed arguments can not follow after named one"; return false; } } } break; } case TRule_invoke_expr::TBlock2::kAlt2: if (IsExternalCall) { Ctx.Error() << "You should set EXTERNAL FUNCTION type. Example: EXTERNAL FUNCTION('YANDEX-CLOUD', ...)"; } else { Args.push_back(new TAsteriskNode(Pos)); } break; case TRule_invoke_expr::TBlock2::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } } const auto& tail = node.GetRule_invoke_expr_tail4(); if (tail.HasBlock1()) { if (IsExternalCall) { Ctx.Error() << "Additional clause after EXTERNAL FUNCTION(...) is not supported"; return false; } switch (tail.GetBlock1().Alt_case()) { case TRule_invoke_expr_tail::TBlock1::kAlt1: { if (!tail.HasBlock2()) { Ctx.Error() << "RESPECT/IGNORE NULLS can only be used with window functions"; return false; } const auto& alt = tail.GetBlock1().GetAlt1(); if (alt.GetRule_null_treatment1().Alt_case() == TRule_null_treatment::kAltNullTreatment2) { SetIgnoreNulls(); } break; } case TRule_invoke_expr_tail::TBlock1::kAlt2: { Ctx.Error() << "FILTER clause is not supported yet"; return false; } case TRule_invoke_expr_tail::TBlock1::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } } if (tail.HasBlock2()) { if (Ctx.DistinctOverWindow) { AggMode == EAggregateMode::Distinct ? SetOverWindowDistinct() : SetOverWindow(); } else { if (AggMode == EAggregateMode::Distinct) { Ctx.Error() << "DISTINCT is not yet supported in window functions"; return false; } SetOverWindow(); } auto winRule = tail.GetBlock2().GetRule_window_name_or_specification2(); switch (winRule.Alt_case()) { case TRule_window_name_or_specification::kAltWindowNameOrSpecification1: { WindowName = Id(winRule.GetAlt_window_name_or_specification1().GetRule_window_name1().GetRule_an_id_window1(), *this); break; } case TRule_window_name_or_specification::kAltWindowNameOrSpecification2: { if (!Ctx.WinSpecsScopes) { auto pos = Ctx.TokenPosition(tail.GetBlock2().GetToken1()); Ctx.Error(pos) << "Window and aggregation functions are not allowed in this context"; return false; } TWindowSpecificationPtr spec = WindowSpecification( winRule.GetAlt_window_name_or_specification2().GetRule_window_specification1().GetRule_window_specification_details2()); if (!spec) { return false; } WindowName = Ctx.MakeName("_yql_anonymous_window"); TWinSpecs& specs = Ctx.WinSpecsScopes.back(); YQL_ENSURE(!specs.contains(WindowName)); specs[WindowName] = spec; break; } case TRule_window_name_or_specification::ALT_NOT_SET: Y_ABORT("You should change implementation according to grammar changes"); } Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "WindowFunctionOver"); } return true; } void TSqlCallExpr::IncCounters() { if (Node) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "NamedNodeUseApply"); } else if (!Module.empty()) { if (ValidateForCounters(Module)) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("udf_modules", Module); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "CallUdf"); if (ValidateForCounters(Func)) { auto scriptType = NKikimr::NMiniKQL::ScriptTypeFromStr(Module); if (scriptType == NKikimr::NMiniKQL::EScriptType::Unknown) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("udf_functions", Module + "." + Func); } } } } else if (ValidateForCounters(Func)) { Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_builtins", Func); Ctx.IncrementMonCounter("sql_features", "CallBuiltin"); } } } // namespace NSQLTranslationV1