#include "source.h" #include "context.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace NYql; namespace NSQLTranslationV1 { TString NormalizeJoinOp(const TString& joinOp) { TVector joinOpsParts; Split(joinOp, " ", joinOpsParts); for (auto&x : joinOpsParts) { x.to_title(); } return JoinSeq("", joinOpsParts); } struct TJoinDescr { TString Op; TJoinLinkSettings LinkSettings; struct TFullColumn { ui32 Source; TNodePtr Column; }; TVector> Keys; explicit TJoinDescr(const TString& op) : Op(op) {} }; class TJoinBase: public IJoin { public: TJoinBase(TPosition pos, TVector&& sources, TVector&& anyFlags) : IJoin(pos) , Sources(std::move(sources)) , AnyFlags(std::move(anyFlags)) { YQL_ENSURE(Sources.size() == AnyFlags.size()); } void AllColumns() override { for (auto& source: Sources) { source->AllColumns(); } } TMaybe AddColumn(TContext& ctx, TColumnNode& column) override { ISource* srcByName = nullptr; if (column.IsArtificial()) { return true; } if (const auto sourceName = *column.GetSourceName()) { for (auto& source: Sources) { if (sourceName == source->GetLabel()) { srcByName = source.Get(); break; } } if (!srcByName) { if (column.IsAsterisk()) { ctx.Error(column.GetPos()) << "Unknown correlation name for asterisk: " << sourceName; return {}; } // \todo add warning, either mistake in correlation name, either it's a column column.ResetColumn("", sourceName); column.SetUseSourceAsColumn(); column.SetAsNotReliable(); } } if (column.IsAsterisk()) { if (!column.GetCountHint()) { if (srcByName) { srcByName->AllColumns(); } else { for (auto& source: Sources) { source->AllColumns(); } } } return true; } if (srcByName) { column.ResetAsReliable(); if (!srcByName->AddColumn(ctx, column)) { return {}; } if (!KeysInitializing && !column.IsAsterisk()) { column.SetUseSource(); } return true; } else { unsigned acceptedColumns = 0; TIntrusivePtr tryColumn = static_cast(column.Clone().Get()); tryColumn->SetAsNotReliable(); TString lastAcceptedColumnSource; for (auto& source: Sources) { if (source->AddColumn(ctx, *tryColumn)) { ++acceptedColumns; lastAcceptedColumnSource = source->GetLabel(); } } if (!acceptedColumns) { TStringBuilder sb; const auto& fullColumnName = FullColumnName(column); sb << "Column " << fullColumnName << " is not fit to any source"; for (auto& source: Sources) { if (const auto mistype = source->FindColumnMistype(fullColumnName)) { sb << ". Did you mean " << mistype.GetRef() << "?"; break; } } ctx.Error(column.GetPos()) << sb; return {}; } else { column.SetAsNotReliable(); } return false; } } const TColumns* GetColumns() const override { YQL_ENSURE(IsColumnDone, "Unable to GetColumns while it's not finished"); return &JoinedColumns; } void GetInputTables(TTableList& tableList) const override { for (auto& src: Sources) { src->GetInputTables(tableList); } ISource::GetInputTables(tableList); } TNodePtr BuildJoinKeys(TContext& ctx, const TVector& names) override { const size_t n = JoinOps.size(); TString what(Sources[n]->GetLabel()); static const TSet noRightSourceJoinOps = {"LeftOnly", "LeftSemi"}; for (size_t nn = n; nn > 0 && noRightSourceJoinOps.contains(JoinOps[nn-1]); --nn) { what = Sources[nn-1]->GetLabel(); } const TString with(Sources[n + 1]->GetLabel()); for (auto index = n; index <= n + 1; ++index) { const auto& label = Sources[index]->GetLabel(); if (label.Contains('.')) { ctx.Error(Sources[index]->GetPos()) << "Invalid label: " << label << ", unable to use name with dot symbol, you should use AS "; return nullptr; } } if (what.empty() && with.empty()) { ctx.Error() << "At least one correlation name is required in join"; return nullptr; } if (what == with) { ctx.Error() << "Self joins are not supporting ON syntax"; return nullptr; } TPosition pos(ctx.Pos()); TNodePtr expr; for (auto& name: names) { auto lhs = BuildColumn(Pos, name, what); auto rhs = BuildColumn(Pos, name, with); if (!lhs || !rhs) { return nullptr; } TNodePtr eq(BuildBinaryOp(ctx, pos, "==", lhs, rhs)); if (expr) { expr = BuildBinaryOp(ctx, pos, "And", expr, eq); } else { expr = eq; } } if (expr && Sources.size() > 2) { ctx.Error() << "Multi-way JOINs should be connected with ON clause instead of USING clause"; return nullptr; } return expr; } bool DoInit(TContext& ctx, ISource* src) override; void SetupJoin(const TString& opName, TNodePtr expr, const TJoinLinkSettings& linkSettings) override { JoinOps.push_back(opName); JoinExprs.push_back(expr); JoinLinkSettings.push_back(linkSettings); } bool IsStream() const override { return AnyOf(Sources, [] (const TSourcePtr& s) { return s->IsStream(); }); } protected: static TString FullColumnName(const TColumnNode& column) { auto sourceName = *column.GetSourceName(); auto columnName = *column.GetColumnName(); return sourceName ? DotJoin(sourceName, columnName) : columnName; } bool InitKeysOrFilters(TContext& ctx, ui32 joinIdx, TNodePtr expr) { const TString joinOp(JoinOps[joinIdx]); const TJoinLinkSettings linkSettings(JoinLinkSettings[joinIdx]); const TCallNode* op = nullptr; if (expr) { const TString opName(expr->GetOpName()); if (opName != "==") { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN ON expression must be a conjunction of equality predicates"; return false; } op = expr->GetCallNode(); YQL_ENSURE(op, "Invalid JOIN equal operation node"); YQL_ENSURE(op->GetArgs().size() == 2, "Invalid JOIN equal operation arguments"); } ui32 idx = 0; THashMap sources; for (auto& source: Sources) { auto label = source->GetLabel(); if (!label) { ctx.Error(source->GetPos()) << "JOIN: missing correlation name for source"; return false; } sources.insert({ source->GetLabel(), idx }); ++idx; } if (sources.size() != Sources.size()) { ctx.Error(expr ? expr->GetPos() : Pos) << "JOIN: all correlation names must be different"; return false; } ui32 pos = 0; ui32 leftArg = 0; ui32 rightArg = 0; ui32 leftSourceIdx = 0; ui32 rightSourceIdx = 0; const TString* leftSource = nullptr; const TString* rightSource = nullptr; const TString* sameColumnNamePtr = nullptr; TSet joinedSources; if (op) { const TString* columnNamePtr = nullptr; for (auto& arg : op->GetArgs()) { const auto sourceNamePtr = arg->GetSourceName(); if (!sourceNamePtr) { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN: each equality predicate argument must depend on exactly one JOIN input"; return false; } const auto sourceName = *sourceNamePtr; if (sourceName.empty()) { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN: column requires correlation name"; return false; } auto it = sources.find(sourceName); if (it != sources.end()) { joinedSources.insert(sourceName); if (it->second == joinIdx + 1) { rightArg = pos; rightSource = sourceNamePtr; rightSourceIdx = it->second; } else if (it->second > joinIdx + 1) { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN: can not use source: " << sourceName << " in equality predicate, it is out of current join scope"; return false; } else { leftArg = pos; leftSource = sourceNamePtr; leftSourceIdx = it->second; } } else { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN: unknown corellation name: " << sourceName; return false; } if (!columnNamePtr) { columnNamePtr = arg->GetColumnName(); } else { auto curColumnNamePtr = arg->GetColumnName(); if (curColumnNamePtr && *curColumnNamePtr == *columnNamePtr) { sameColumnNamePtr = columnNamePtr; } } ++pos; } } else { for (auto& x : sources) { if (x.second == joinIdx) { leftArg = pos; leftSourceIdx = x.second; joinedSources.insert(x.first); } else if (x.second = joinIdx + 1) { rightArg = pos; rightSourceIdx = x.second; joinedSources.insert(x.first); } } } if (joinedSources.size() == 1) { ctx.Error(expr ? expr->GetPos() : Pos) << "JOIN: different correlation names are required for joined tables"; return false; } if (op) { if (joinedSources.size() != 2) { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN ON expression must be a conjunction of equality predicates over at most two sources"; return false; } if (!rightSource) { ctx.Error(expr->GetPos()) << "JOIN ON equality predicate must have one of its arguments from the rightmost source"; return false; } } KeysInitializing = true; if (op) { for (auto& arg : op->GetArgs()) { if (!arg->Init(ctx, this)) { return false; } } Y_DEBUG_ABORT_UNLESS(leftSource); if (sameColumnNamePtr) { SameKeyMap[*sameColumnNamePtr].insert(*leftSource); SameKeyMap[*sameColumnNamePtr].insert(*rightSource); } } if (joinIdx == JoinDescrs.size()) { TJoinDescr newDescr(joinOp); newDescr.LinkSettings = linkSettings; JoinDescrs.push_back(std::move(newDescr)); } JoinDescrs.back().Keys.push_back({ { leftSourceIdx, op ? op->GetArgs()[leftArg] : nullptr}, { rightSourceIdx, op ? op->GetArgs()[rightArg] : nullptr } }); KeysInitializing = false; return true; } bool IsJoinKeysInitializing() const override { return KeysInitializing; } protected: TVector JoinOps; TVector JoinExprs; TVector JoinLinkSettings; TVector JoinDescrs; THashMap> SameKeyMap; const TVector Sources; const TVector AnyFlags; TColumns JoinedColumns; bool KeysInitializing = false; bool IsColumnDone = false; void FinishColumns() override { if (IsColumnDone) { return; } YQL_ENSURE(JoinOps.size()+1 == Sources.size()); bool excludeNextSource = false; decltype(JoinOps)::const_iterator opIter = JoinOps.begin(); for (auto& src: Sources) { if (excludeNextSource) { excludeNextSource = false; if (opIter != JoinOps.end()) { ++opIter; } continue; } if (opIter != JoinOps.end()) { auto joinOper = *opIter; ++opIter; if (joinOper == "LeftSemi" || joinOper == "LeftOnly") { excludeNextSource = true; } if (joinOper == "RightSemi" || joinOper == "RightOnly") { continue; } } auto columnsPtr = src->GetColumns(); if (!columnsPtr) { continue; } TColumns upColumns; upColumns.Merge(*columnsPtr); upColumns.SetPrefix(src->GetLabel()); JoinedColumns.Merge(upColumns); } IsColumnDone = true; } }; bool TJoinBase::DoInit(TContext& ctx, ISource* initSrc) { for (auto& source: Sources) { if (!source->Init(ctx, initSrc)) { return false; } auto src = source.Get(); if (src->IsFlattenByExprs()) { for (auto& expr : static_cast(src)->Expressions(EExprSeat::FlattenByExpr)) { if (!expr->Init(ctx, src)) { return false; } } } } YQL_ENSURE(JoinOps.size() == JoinExprs.size(), "Invalid join exprs number"); YQL_ENSURE(JoinOps.size() == JoinLinkSettings.size()); const TSet allowedJoinOps = {"Inner", "Left", "Right", "Full", "LeftOnly", "RightOnly", "Exclusion", "LeftSemi", "RightSemi", "Cross"}; for (auto& opName: JoinOps) { if (!allowedJoinOps.contains(opName)) { ctx.Error(Pos) << "Invalid join op: " << opName; return false; } } ui32 idx = 0; for (auto expr: JoinExprs) { if (expr) { TDeque conjQueue; conjQueue.push_back(expr); while (!conjQueue.empty()) { TNodePtr cur = conjQueue.front(); conjQueue.pop_front(); if (cur->GetOpName() == "And") { auto conj = cur->GetCallNode(); YQL_ENSURE(conj, "Invalid And operation node"); conjQueue.insert(conjQueue.begin(), conj->GetArgs().begin(), conj->GetArgs().end()); } else if (!InitKeysOrFilters(ctx, idx, cur)) { return false; } } } else { if (!InitKeysOrFilters(ctx, idx, nullptr)) { return false; } } ++idx; } TSet joinedSources; for (auto& descr: JoinDescrs) { for (auto& key : descr.Keys) { joinedSources.insert(key.first.Source); joinedSources.insert(key.second.Source); } } for (idx = 0; idx < Sources.size(); ++idx) { if (!joinedSources.contains(idx)) { ctx.Error(Sources[idx]->GetPos()) << "Source: " << Sources[idx]->GetLabel() << " was not used in join expressions"; return false; } } return ISource::DoInit(ctx, initSrc); } class TEquiJoin: public TJoinBase { public: TEquiJoin(TPosition pos, TVector&& sources, TVector&& anyFlags, bool strictJoinKeyTypes) : TJoinBase(pos, std::move(sources), std::move(anyFlags)) , StrictJoinKeyTypes(strictJoinKeyTypes) { } TNodePtr Build(TContext& ctx) override { TMap, TNodePtr> extraColumns; TNodePtr joinTree; for (auto& descr: JoinDescrs) { auto leftBranch = joinTree; bool leftAny = false; if (!leftBranch) { leftBranch = BuildQuotedAtom(Pos, Sources[descr.Keys[0].first.Source]->GetLabel()); leftAny = AnyFlags[descr.Keys[0].first.Source]; } bool rightAny = AnyFlags[descr.Keys[0].second.Source]; auto leftKeys = GetColumnNames(ctx, extraColumns, descr.Keys, true); auto rightKeys = GetColumnNames(ctx, extraColumns, descr.Keys, false); if (!leftKeys || !rightKeys) { return nullptr; } TNodePtr linkOptions = Y(); if (TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::SortedMerge == descr.LinkSettings.Strategy) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("forceSortedMerge")))); } else if (TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::StreamLookup == descr.LinkSettings.Strategy) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("forceStreamLookup")))); } else if (TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::ForceMap == descr.LinkSettings.Strategy) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("join_algo"), Q("MapJoin")))); } else if (TJoinLinkSettings::EStrategy::ForceGrace == descr.LinkSettings.Strategy) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("join_algo"), Q("GraceJoin")))); } if (leftAny) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("left"), Q("any")))); } if (rightAny) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("right"), Q("any")))); } if (descr.LinkSettings.Compact) { linkOptions = L(linkOptions, Q(Y(Q("compact")))); } joinTree = Q(Y( Q(descr.Op), leftBranch, BuildQuotedAtom(Pos, Sources[descr.Keys[0].second.Source]->GetLabel()), leftKeys, rightKeys, Q(linkOptions) )); } TNodePtr equiJoin(Y("EquiJoin")); bool ordered = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < Sources.size(); ++i) { auto& source = Sources[i]; auto sourceNode = source->Build(ctx); if (!sourceNode) { return nullptr; } const bool useOrderedForSource = ctx.UseUnordered(*source); ordered = ordered || useOrderedForSource; if (source->IsFlattenByColumns() || source->IsFlattenColumns()) { auto flatten = source->IsFlattenByColumns() ? source->BuildFlattenByColumns("row") : source->BuildFlattenColumns("row"); if (!flatten) { return nullptr; } auto block = Y(Y("let", "flatten", sourceNode)); if (source->IsFlattenByExprs()) { auto premap = source->BuildPreFlattenMap(ctx); if (!premap) { return nullptr; } block = L(block, Y("let", "flatten", Y(useOrderedForSource ? "OrderedFlatMap" : "FlatMap", "flatten", BuildLambda(Pos, Y("row"), premap)))); } block = L(block, Y("let", "flatten", Y(useOrderedForSource ? "OrderedFlatMap" : "FlatMap", "flatten", BuildLambda(Pos, Y("row"), flatten, "res")))); sourceNode = Y("block", Q(L(block, Y("return", "flatten")))); } TNodePtr extraMembers; for (auto it = extraColumns.lower_bound({ source->GetLabel(), "" }); it != extraColumns.end(); ++it) { if (it->first.first != source->GetLabel()) { break; } if (!extraMembers) { extraMembers = Y(); } extraMembers = L( extraMembers, Y("let", "row", Y("AddMember", "row", BuildQuotedAtom(it->second->GetPos(), it->first.second), it->second)) ); } if (extraMembers) { sourceNode = Y(useOrderedForSource ? "OrderedMap" : "Map", sourceNode, BuildLambda(Pos, Y("row"), extraMembers, "row")); } sourceNode = Y("RemoveSystemMembers", sourceNode); equiJoin = L(equiJoin, Q(Y(sourceNode, BuildQuotedAtom(source->GetPos(), source->GetLabel())))); } TNodePtr removeMembers; for(auto it: extraColumns) { if (!removeMembers) { removeMembers = Y(); } removeMembers = L( removeMembers, Y("let", "row", Y("ForceRemoveMember", "row", BuildQuotedAtom(Pos, DotJoin(it.first.first, it.first.second)))) ); } auto options = Y(); if (StrictJoinKeyTypes) { options = L(options, Q(Y(Q("strict_keys")))); } equiJoin = L(equiJoin, joinTree, Q(options)); if (removeMembers) { equiJoin = Y(ordered ? "OrderedMap" : "Map", equiJoin, BuildLambda(Pos, Y("row"), removeMembers, "row")); } return equiJoin; } const THashMap>& GetSameKeysMap() const override { return SameKeyMap; } TVector GetJoinLabels() const override { TVector labels; for (auto& source: Sources) { const auto label = source->GetLabel(); YQL_ENSURE(label); labels.push_back(label); } return labels; } TPtr DoClone() const final { TVector clonedSources; for (auto& cur: Sources) { clonedSources.push_back(cur->CloneSource()); } auto newSource = MakeIntrusive(Pos, std::move(clonedSources), TVector(AnyFlags), StrictJoinKeyTypes); newSource->JoinOps = JoinOps; newSource->JoinExprs = CloneContainer(JoinExprs); newSource->JoinLinkSettings = JoinLinkSettings; return newSource; } private: TNodePtr GetColumnNames( TContext& ctx, TMap, TNodePtr>& extraColumns, const TVector>& keys, bool left ) { Y_UNUSED(ctx); auto res = Y(); for (auto& it: keys) { auto tableName = Sources[left ? it.first.Source : it.second.Source]->GetLabel(); TString columnName; auto column = left ? it.first.Column : it.second.Column; if (!column) { continue; } if (column->GetColumnName()) { columnName = *column->GetColumnName(); } else { TStringStream str; str << "_equijoin_column_" << extraColumns.size(); columnName = str.Str(); extraColumns.insert({ std::make_pair(tableName, columnName), column }); } res = L(res, BuildQuotedAtom(Pos, tableName)); res = L(res, BuildQuotedAtom(Pos, columnName)); } return Q(res); } const bool StrictJoinKeyTypes; }; TSourcePtr BuildEquiJoin(TPosition pos, TVector&& sources, TVector&& anyFlags, bool strictJoinKeyTypes) { return new TEquiJoin(pos, std::move(sources), std::move(anyFlags), strictJoinKeyTypes); } } // namespace NSQLTranslationV1