import sys import os import re import subprocess import signal import time import json import argparse import errno import process_command_files as pcf import process_whole_archive_option as pwa procs = [] build_kekeke = 45 def stringize(s): return s.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(s, unicode) else s def run_subprocess(*args, **kwargs): if 'env' in kwargs: kwargs['env'] = {stringize(k): stringize(v) for k, v in kwargs['env'].iteritems()} p = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs) procs.append(p) return p def run_subprocess_with_timeout(timeout, args): attempts_remaining = 5 delay = 1 p = None while True: try: p = run_subprocess(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate(timeout=timeout) return p, stdout, stderr except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as e: print >>sys.stderr, 'timeout running {0}, error {1}, delay {2} seconds'.format(args, str(e), delay) if p is not None: try: p.kill() p.wait(timeout=1) except Exception: pass attempts_remaining -= 1 if attempts_remaining == 0: raise time.sleep(delay) delay = min(2 * delay, 4) def terminate_slaves(): for p in procs: try: p.terminate() except Exception: pass def sig_term(sig, fr): terminate_slaves() sys.exit(sig) def subst_path(l): if len(l) > 3: if l[:3].lower() in ('z:\\', 'z:/'): return l[2:].replace('\\', '/') return l def call_wine_cmd_once(wine, cmd, env, mode): p = run_subprocess(wine + cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, close_fds=True, shell=False) output = find_cmd_out(cmd) error = None if output is not None and os.path.exists(output): try: os.remove(output) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: error = e except Exception as e: error = e if error is not None: print >> sys.stderr, 'Output {} already exists and we have failed to remove it: {}'.format(output, error) # print >>sys.stderr, cmd, env, wine stdout_and_stderr, _ = p.communicate() return_code = p.returncode if not stdout_and_stderr: if return_code != 0: raise Exception('wine did something strange') return return_code elif ' : fatal error ' in stdout_and_stderr: return_code = 1 elif ' : error ' in stdout_and_stderr: return_code = 2 lines = [x.strip() for x in stdout_and_stderr.split('\n')] prefixes = [ 'Microsoft (R)', 'Copyright (C)', 'Application tried to create a window', 'The graphics driver is missing', 'Could not load wine-gecko', 'wine: configuration in', 'wine: created the configuration directory', 'libpng warning:' ] suffixes = [ '.c', '.cxx', '.cc', '.cpp', '.masm', ] substrs = [ 'Creating library Z:', 'err:heap', 'err:menubuilder:', 'err:msvcrt', 'err:ole:', 'err:wincodecs:', 'err:winediag:', ] def good_line(l): for x in prefixes: if l.startswith(x): return False for x in suffixes: if l.endswith(x): return False for x in substrs: if x in l: return False return True def filter_lines(): for l in lines: if good_line(l): yield subst_path(l.strip()) stdout_and_stderr = '\n'.join(filter_lines()).strip() if stdout_and_stderr: print >>sys.stderr, stdout_and_stderr return return_code def prepare_vc(fr, to): for p in os.listdir(fr): fr_p = os.path.join(fr, p) to_p = os.path.join(to, p) if not os.path.exists(to_p): print >>sys.stderr, 'install %s -> %s' % (fr_p, to_p), to_p) def run_slave(): args = json.loads(sys.argv[3]) wine = sys.argv[1] signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_term) if args.get('tout', None): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, sig_term) signal.alarm(args['tout']) tout = 0.1 while True: try: return call_wine_cmd_once([wine], args['cmd'], args['env'], args['mode']) except Exception as e: print >>sys.stderr, '%s, will retry in %s' % (str(e), tout) time.sleep(tout) tout = min(2 * tout, 4) def find_cmd_out(args): for arg in args: if arg.startswith('/Fo'): return arg[3:] if arg.startswith('/OUT:'): return arg[5:] def calc_zero_cnt(data): zero_cnt = 0 for ch in data: if ch == chr(0): zero_cnt += 1 return zero_cnt def is_good_file(p): if not os.path.isfile(p): return False if os.path.getsize(p) < 300: return False asm_pattern = re.compile(r'asm(\.\w+)?\.obj$') if pass elif p.endswith('.obj'): with open(p, 'rb') as f: prefix = if ord(prefix[0]) != 0: return False if ord(prefix[1]) != 0: return False if ord(prefix[2]) != 0xFF: return False if ord(prefix[3]) != 0xFF: return False if calc_zero_cnt(prefix) > 195: return False, os.SEEK_END) last = if calc_zero_cnt(last) > 95: return False if last[-1] != chr(0): return False elif p.endswith('.lib'): with open(p, 'rb') as f: if != '!': return False return True RED = '\x1b[31;1m' GRAY = '\x1b[30;1m' RST = '\x1b[0m' MGT = '\x1b[35m' YEL = '\x1b[33m' GRN = '\x1b[32m' CYA = '\x1b[36m' def colorize_strings(l): p = l.find("'") if p >= 0: yield l[:p] l = l[p + 1:] p = l.find("'") if p >= 0: yield CYA + "'" + subst_path(l[:p]) + "'" + RST for x in colorize_strings(l[p + 1:]): yield x else: yield "'" + l else: yield l def colorize_line(l): lll = l try: parts = [] if l.startswith('(compiler file'): return ''.join(colorize_strings(l)) if l.startswith('/'): p = l.find('(') parts.append(GRAY + l[:p] + RST) l = l[p:] if l and l.startswith('('): p = l.find(')') parts.append(':' + MGT + l[1:p] + RST) l = l[p + 1:] if l: if l.startswith(' : '): l = l[1:] if l.startswith(': error'): parts.append(': ' + RED + 'error' + RST) l = l[7:] elif l.startswith(': warning'): parts.append(': ' + YEL + 'warning' + RST) l = l[9:] elif l.startswith(': note'): parts.append(': ' + GRN + 'note' + RST) l = l[6:] elif l.startswith('fatal error'): parts.append(RED + 'fatal error' + RST) l = l[11:] if l: parts.extend(colorize_strings(l)) return ''.join(parts) except Exception: return lll def colorize(out): return '\n'.join(colorize_line(l) for l in out.split('\n')) def trim_path(path, winepath): p1, p1_stdout, p1_stderr = run_subprocess_with_timeout(60, [winepath, '-w', path]) win_path = p1_stdout.strip() if p1.returncode != 0 or not win_path: # Fall back to only winepath -s win_path = path p2, p2_stdout, p2_stderr = run_subprocess_with_timeout(60, [winepath, '-s', win_path]) short_path = p2_stdout.strip() check_path = short_path if check_path.startswith(('Z:', 'z:')): check_path = check_path[2:] if not check_path[1:].startswith((path[1:4], path[1:4].upper())): raise Exception( 'Cannot trim path {}; 1st winepath exit code: {}, stdout:\n{}\n stderr:\n{}\n 2nd winepath exit code: {}, stdout:\n{}\n stderr:\n{}'.format( path, p1.returncode, p1_stdout, p1_stderr, p2.returncode, p2_stdout, p2_stderr )) return short_path def downsize_path(path, short_names): flag = '' if path.startswith('/Fo'): flag = '/Fo' path = path[3:] for full_name, short_name in short_names.items(): if path.startswith(full_name): path = path.replace(full_name, short_name) return flag + path def make_full_path_arg(arg, bld_root, short_root): if arg[0] != '/' and len(os.path.join(bld_root, arg)) > 250: return os.path.join(short_root, arg) return arg def fix_path(p): topdirs = ['/%s/' % d for d in os.listdir('/')] def abs_path_start(path, pos): if pos < 0: return False return pos == 0 or path[pos - 1] == ':' pp = None for pr in topdirs: pp2 = p.find(pr) if abs_path_start(p, pp2) and (pp is None or pp > pp2): pp = pp2 if pp is not None: return p[:pp] + 'Z:' + p[pp:].replace('/', '\\') if p.startswith('/Fo'): return '/Fo' + p[3:].replace('/', '\\') return p def process_free_args(args, wine, bld_root, mode): whole_archive_prefix = '/WHOLEARCHIVE:' short_names = {} winepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(wine), 'winepath') short_names[bld_root] = trim_path(bld_root, winepath) # Slow for no benefit. # arc_root = args.arcadia_root # short_names[arc_root] = trim_path(arc_root, winepath) free_args, wa_peers, wa_libs = pwa.get_whole_archive_peers_and_libs(pcf.skip_markers(args)) process_link = lambda x: make_full_path_arg(x, bld_root, short_names[bld_root]) if mode in ('link', 'lib') else x def process_arg(arg): with_wa_prefix = arg.startswith(whole_archive_prefix) prefix = whole_archive_prefix if with_wa_prefix else '' without_prefix_arg = arg[len(prefix):] return prefix + fix_path(process_link(downsize_path(without_prefix_arg, short_names))) result = [] for arg in free_args: if pcf.is_cmdfile_arg(arg): cmd_file_path = pcf.cmdfile_path(arg) cf_args = pcf.read_from_command_file(cmd_file_path) with open(cmd_file_path, 'w') as afile: for cf_arg in cf_args: afile.write(process_arg(cf_arg) + "\n") result.append(arg) else: result.append(process_arg(arg)) return pwa.ProcessWholeArchiveOption('WINDOWS', wa_peers, wa_libs).construct_cmd(result) def run_main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('wine', action='store') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store', dest='version', default='120') parser.add_argument('-I', action='append', dest='incl_paths') parser.add_argument('mode', action='store') parser.add_argument('arcadia_root', action='store') parser.add_argument('arcadia_build_root', action='store') parser.add_argument('binary', action='store') parser.add_argument('free_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) # By now just unpack. Ideally we should fix path and pack arguments back into command file args = parser.parse_args() wine = mode = args.mode binary = args.binary version = args.version incl_paths = args.incl_paths bld_root = args.arcadia_build_root free_args = args.free_args wine_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(wine)) bin_dir = os.path.dirname(binary) tc_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(bin_dir))) if not incl_paths: incl_paths = [tc_dir + '/VC/include', tc_dir + '/include'] cmd_out = find_cmd_out(free_args) env = os.environ.copy() env.pop('DISPLAY', None) env['WINEDLLOVERRIDES'] = 'msvcr{}=n'.format(version) env['WINEDEBUG'] = 'fixme-all' env['INCLUDE'] = ';'.join(fix_path(p) for p in incl_paths) env['VSINSTALLDIR'] = fix_path(tc_dir) env['VCINSTALLDIR'] = fix_path(tc_dir + '/VC') env['WindowsSdkDir'] = fix_path(tc_dir) env['LIBPATH'] = fix_path(tc_dir + '/VC/lib/amd64') env['LIB'] = fix_path(tc_dir + '/VC/lib/amd64') env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(wine_dir + d for d in ['/lib', '/lib64', '/lib64/wine']) cmd = [binary] + process_free_args(free_args, wine, bld_root, mode) for x in ('/NOLOGO', '/nologo', '/FD'): try: cmd.remove(x) except ValueError: pass def run_process(sleep, tout): if sleep: time.sleep(sleep) args = { 'cmd': cmd, 'env': env, 'mode': mode, 'tout': tout } slave_cmd = [sys.executable, sys.argv[0], wine, 'slave', json.dumps(args)] p = run_subprocess(slave_cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) out, _ = p.communicate() return p.wait(), out def print_err_log(log): if not log: return if mode == 'cxx': log = colorize(log) print >>sys.stderr, log tout = 200 while True: rc, out = run_process(0, tout) if rc in (-signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIGALRM): print_err_log(out) print >>sys.stderr, '##append_tag##time out' elif out and ' stack overflow ' in out: print >>sys.stderr, '##append_tag##stack overflow' elif out and 'recvmsg: Connection reset by peer' in out: print >>sys.stderr, '##append_tag##wine gone' elif out and 'D8037' in out: print >>sys.stderr, '##append_tag##repair wine' try: os.unlink(os.path.join(os.environ['WINEPREFIX'], '.update-timestamp')) except Exception as e: print >>sys.stderr, e else: print_err_log(out) # non-zero return code - bad, return it immediately if rc: print >>sys.stderr, '##win_cmd##' + ' '.join(cmd) print >>sys.stderr, '##args##' + ' '.join(free_args) return rc # check for output existence(if we expect it!) and real length if cmd_out: if is_good_file(cmd_out): return 0 else: # retry! print >>sys.stderr, '##append_tag##no output' else: return 0 tout *= 3 def main(): prefix_suffix = os.environ.pop('WINEPREFIX_SUFFIX', None) if prefix_suffix is not None: prefix = os.environ.pop('WINEPREFIX', None) if prefix is not None: os.environ['WINEPREFIX'] = os.path.join(prefix, prefix_suffix) # just in case signal.alarm(2000) if sys.argv[2] == 'slave': func = run_slave else: func = run_main try: try: sys.exit(func()) finally: terminate_slaves() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(4) except Exception as e: print >>sys.stderr, str(e) sys.exit(3) if __name__ == '__main__': main()