#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import os import re import errno from os import listdir from os.path import dirname, relpath, join def ensure_dir_exists(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise def make_dir(directory): if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def files(directory): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for name in filenames: yield relpath(join(dirpath, name), directory) def headers_set(directory): return { f for f in files(directory) if f.endswith('.h') and (not f.startswith('internal/') or f.startswith('internal/pycore_frame.h')) and not re.match(r'^pyconfig[.-].+\.h$', f) } if __name__ == "__main__": python2_path = sys.argv[1] python3_path = sys.argv[2] output_path = sys.argv[3] ensure_dir_exists(join('.', python2_path)) ensure_dir_exists(join('.', python3_path)) only_headers2 = headers_set(python2_path) only_headers3 = headers_set(python3_path) all_headers = only_headers2 | only_headers3 for header in all_headers: path = join(output_path, header) make_dir(dirname(path)) f = open(path, 'w') f.write('#pragma once\n\n') f.write('#ifdef USE_PYTHON3\n') if (header in only_headers3): f.write('#include <' + join(python3_path, header) + '>\n') else: f.write('#error "No <' + header + '> in Python3"\n') f.write('#else\n') if (header in only_headers2): f.write('#include <' + join(python2_path, header) + '>\n') else: f.write('#error "No <' + header + '> in Python2"\n') f.write('#endif\n')