#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "contrib/ydb/library/yql/providers/yt/common/yql_names.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "library/cpp/yson/node/node_io.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace NYql; using namespace NKikimr::NMiniKQL; using namespace NNodes; using NUdf::EDataSlot; namespace NMiniKQL = NKikimr::NMiniKQL; const ui32 PRETTY_FLAGS = NYql::TAstPrintFlags::PerLine | NYql::TAstPrintFlags::ShortQuote | NYql::TAstPrintFlags::AdaptArbitraryContent; enum class EByteaOutput{ hex, escape, }; TString nullRepr(""); EByteaOutput byteaOutput = EByteaOutput::hex; bool IsEscapedChar(const TString& s, size_t pos) { bool escaped = false; while (s[--pos] == '\\') { escaped = !escaped; } return escaped; } class TStatementIterator final : public TInputRangeAdaptor { enum class State { InOperator, EndOfOperator, LineComment, BlockComment, QuotedIdentifier, StringLiteral, EscapedStringLiteral, DollarStringLiteral, InMetaCommand, InCopyFromStdin, InVar, }; public: TStatementIterator(const TString&& program) : Program_(std::move(program)) , Cur_() , Pos_(0) , State_(State::InOperator) , AtStmtStart_(true) , Mode_(State::InOperator) , Depth_(0) , Tag_() , StandardConformingStrings_(true) { } static bool IsInWsSignificantState(State state) { switch (state) { case State::QuotedIdentifier: case State::StringLiteral: case State::EscapedStringLiteral: case State::DollarStringLiteral: return true; default: return false; } } TString RemoveEmptyLines(const TString& s, bool inStatement) { if (s.empty()) { return {}; } TStringBuilder sb; auto isFirstLine = true; if (inStatement && s[0] == '\n') { sb << '\n'; } for (TStringBuf line : StringSplitter(s).SplitBySet("\r\n").SkipEmpty()) { if (isFirstLine) { isFirstLine = false; } else { sb << '\n'; } sb << line; } return sb; } const TString* Next() { if (TStringBuf::npos == Pos_) return nullptr; size_t startPos = Pos_; size_t curPos = Pos_; size_t endPos; auto prevState = State_; TStringBuilder stmt; TStringBuilder rawStmt; auto inStatement = false; while (!CallParser(startPos)) { endPos = (TStringBuf::npos != Pos_) ? Pos_ : Program_.length(); TStringBuf part{&Program_[curPos], endPos - curPos}; if (IsInWsSignificantState(prevState)) { if (!rawStmt.empty()) { stmt << RemoveEmptyLines(rawStmt, inStatement); rawStmt.clear(); } stmt << part; inStatement = true; } else { rawStmt << part; } curPos = endPos; prevState = State_; } endPos = (TStringBuf::npos != Pos_) ? Pos_ : Program_.length(); TStringBuf part{&Program_[curPos], endPos - curPos}; if (IsInWsSignificantState(prevState)) { if (!rawStmt.empty()) { stmt << RemoveEmptyLines(rawStmt, inStatement); rawStmt.clear(); } stmt << part; inStatement = true; } else { rawStmt << part; } #if 0 if (0 < Pos_ && !(Pos_ == TStringBuf::npos || Program_[Pos_-1] == '\n')) { Cerr << "Last char: '" << Program_[Pos_-1] << "'\n"; } #endif stmt << RemoveEmptyLines(rawStmt, inStatement); // inv: Pos_ is at the start of next token if (startPos == endPos) return nullptr; stmt << '\n'; Cur_ = stmt; ApplyStateFromStatement(Cur_); return &Cur_; } private: // States: // - in-operator // - line comment // - block comment // - quoted identifier (U& quoted identifier is no difference) // - string literal (U& string literal is the same for our purpose) // - E string literal // - $ string literal // - end-of-operator // Rules: // - in-operator // -- -> next: line comment // /* -> depth := 1, next: block comment // " -> next: quoted identifier // ' -> next: string literal // E' -> next: E string literal // $tag$, not preceded by alnum char (a bit of simplification here but sufficient) -> tag := tag, next: $ string literal // ; -> current_mode := end-of-operator, next: end-of-operator // - line comment // EOL -> next: current_mode // - block comment // /* -> ++depth // */ -> --depth, if (depth == 0) -> next: current_mode // - quoted identifier // " -> next: in-operator // - string literal // ' -> next: in-operator // - E string literal // ' -> if not preceeded by \ next: in-operator // - $ string literal // $tag$ -> next: in-operator // - end-of-operator // -- -> next: line comment, just once // /* -> depth := 1, next: block comment // non-space char -> unget, emit, current_mode := in-operator, next: in-operator // In every state: // EOS -> emit if consumed part of the input is not empty bool SaveDollarTag() { if (Pos_ + 1 == Program_.length()) return false; auto p = Program_.cbegin() + (Pos_ + 1); if (std::isdigit(*p)) return false; for (;p != Program_.cend(); ++p) { if (*p == '$') { auto bp = &Program_[Pos_]; auto l = p - bp; Tag_ = TStringBuf(bp, l + 1); Pos_ += l; return true; } if (!(std::isalpha(*p) || std::isdigit(*p) || *p == '_')) return false; } return false; } bool IsCopyFromStdin(size_t startPos, size_t endPos) { TString stmt(Program_, startPos, endPos - startPos + 1); stmt.to_upper(); // FROM STDOUT is used in insert.sql testcase, probably a bug return stmt.Contains(" FROM STDIN") || stmt.Contains(" FROM STDOUT"); } bool InOperatorParser(size_t startPos) { // need \ to detect psql meta-commands static const TString midNextTokens{"'\";-/$\\"}; // need : for basic psql-vars support static const TString initNextTokens{"'\";-/$\\:"}; const auto& nextTokens = (AtStmtStart_) ? initNextTokens : midNextTokens; if (AtStmtStart_) { Pos_ = Program_.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r\v", Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) { return true; } } Pos_ = Program_.find_first_of(nextTokens, Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) { return true; } switch (Program_[Pos_]) { case '\'': State_ = (!StandardConformingStrings_ || 0 < Pos_ && std::toupper(Program_[Pos_ - 1]) == 'E') ? State::EscapedStringLiteral : State::StringLiteral; break; case '"': State_ = State::QuotedIdentifier; break; case ';': State_ = Mode_ = IsCopyFromStdin(startPos, Pos_) ? State::InCopyFromStdin : State::EndOfOperator; break; case '-': if (Pos_ < Program_.length() && Program_[Pos_ + 1] == '-') { State_ = State::LineComment; ++Pos_; } break; case '/': if (Pos_ < Program_.length() && Program_[Pos_ + 1] == '*') { State_ = State::BlockComment; ++Depth_; ++Pos_; } break; case '$': if (Pos_ == 0 || std::isspace(Program_[Pos_ - 1])) { if (SaveDollarTag()) State_ = State::DollarStringLiteral; } break; case '\\': if (AtStmtStart_) { State_ = State::InMetaCommand; } else if (Program_.Contains("\\gexec", Pos_)) { Pos_ += 6; return Emit(Program_[Pos_] == '\n'); } break; case ':': if (Pos_ == 0 || Program_[Pos_-1] == '\n') { State_ = State::InVar; } break; } ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } return false; } bool Emit(bool atEol) { State_ = Mode_ = State::InOperator; AtStmtStart_ = true; if (atEol) { ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } } // else do not consume as we're expected to be on the first char of the next statement return true; } bool EndOfOperatorParser() { const auto p = std::find_if_not(Program_.cbegin() + Pos_, Program_.cend(), [](const auto& c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r'; }); if (p == Program_.cend()) { Pos_ = TStringBuf::npos; return true; } Pos_ = p - Program_.cbegin(); switch (*p) { case '-': if (Pos_ < Program_.length() && Program_[Pos_ + 1] == '-') { State_ = State::LineComment; ++Pos_; } break; case '/': if (Pos_ < Program_.length() && Program_[Pos_ + 1] == '*') { State_ = State::BlockComment; ++Depth_; ++Pos_; } break; default: return Emit(*p == '\n'); } ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } return false; } bool LineCommentParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find('\n', Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } if (Mode_ == State::EndOfOperator) { return Emit(false); } State_ = Mode_; return false; } bool BlockCommentParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find_first_of("*/", Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; switch(Program_[Pos_]) { case '/': if (Pos_ < Program_.length() && Program_[Pos_ + 1] == '*') { ++Depth_; ++Pos_; } break; case '*': if (Pos_ < Program_.length() && Program_[Pos_ + 1] == '/') { --Depth_; ++Pos_; if (0 == Depth_) { State_ = Mode_; } } break; } ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } return false; } bool QuotedIdentifierParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find('"', Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } State_ = State::InOperator; AtStmtStart_ = false; return false; } bool StringLiteralParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find('\'', Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } State_ = State::InOperator; AtStmtStart_ = false; return false; } bool EscapedStringLiteralParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find('\'', Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; if (IsEscapedChar(Program_, Pos_)) { ++Pos_; return false; } ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } State_ = State::InOperator; AtStmtStart_ = false; return false; } bool DollarStringLiteralParser() { Y_ENSURE(Tag_ != nullptr && 2 <= Tag_.length()); Pos_ = Program_.find(Tag_, Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; Pos_ += Tag_.length(); if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } Tag_.Clear(); State_ = State::InOperator; AtStmtStart_ = false; return false; } bool MetaCommandParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find('\n', Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } return Emit(false); } bool InCopyFromStdinParser() { Pos_ = Program_.find("\n\\.\n", Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; Pos_ += 4; return Emit(false); } // For now we support vars occupying a whole line only bool VarParser() { // TODO: validate var name Pos_ = Program_.find('\n', Pos_); if (TString::npos == Pos_) return true; ++Pos_; if (Program_.length() == Pos_) { Pos_ = TString::npos; return true; } return Emit(false); } bool CallParser(size_t startPos) { switch (State_) { case State::InOperator: return InOperatorParser(startPos); case State::EndOfOperator: return EndOfOperatorParser(); case State::LineComment: return LineCommentParser(); case State::BlockComment: return BlockCommentParser(); case State::QuotedIdentifier: return QuotedIdentifierParser(); case State::StringLiteral: return StringLiteralParser(); case State::EscapedStringLiteral: return EscapedStringLiteralParser(); case State::DollarStringLiteral: return DollarStringLiteralParser(); case State::InMetaCommand: return MetaCommandParser(); case State::InCopyFromStdin: return InCopyFromStdinParser(); case State::InVar: return VarParser(); default: Y_UNREACHABLE(); } } void ApplyStateFromStatement(const TStringBuf& stmt) { if (stmt.contains("set standard_conforming_strings = on;") || stmt.contains("reset standard_conforming_strings;")) { StandardConformingStrings_ = true; } else if (stmt.contains("set standard_conforming_strings = off;")) { StandardConformingStrings_ = false; } } TString Program_; TString Cur_; size_t Pos_; State State_; bool AtStmtStart_; State Mode_; ui16 Depth_; TStringBuf Tag_; bool StandardConformingStrings_; }; TString GetFormattedStmt(const TStringBuf& stmt) { TString result; result.reserve(stmt.length()); size_t pos = 0, next_pos = TStringBuf::npos; while (TStringBuf::npos != (next_pos = stmt.find('\n', pos))) { if (0 < next_pos - pos) { if (!(stmt[pos] == '\r' && 1 == next_pos - pos)) { result += stmt.substr(pos, next_pos - pos + 1); } } pos = next_pos + 1; } if (pos < stmt.length()) result += stmt.substr(pos); if (0 < result.length() && '\n' == result.back()) result.pop_back(); if (0 < result.length() && '\r' == result.back()) result.pop_back(); return result; } void PrintExprTo(const TProgramPtr& program, IOutputStream& out) { TStringStream baseSS; auto baseAst = ConvertToAst(*program->ExprRoot(), program->ExprCtx(), NYql::TExprAnnotationFlags::None, true); baseAst.Root->PrettyPrintTo(baseSS, PRETTY_FLAGS); out << baseSS.Data(); } NYT::TNode ParseYson(const TString& yson) { NYT::TNode root; NYT::TNodeBuilder builder(&root); NYson::TStatelessYsonParser resultParser(&builder); resultParser.Parse(yson); return root; } TString GetPgErrorMessage(const TIssue& issue) { const TString anchor("reason: "); const auto& msg = issue.GetMessage(); auto pos = msg.find(anchor); if (TString::npos == pos) return TString(msg); return msg.substr(pos + anchor.length()); } void WriteErrorToStream(const TProgramPtr program) { program->PrintErrorsTo(Cerr); for (const auto& topIssue: program->Issues()) { WalkThroughIssues(topIssue, true, [&](const TIssue& issue, ui16 /*level*/) { const auto msg = GetPgErrorMessage(issue); Cout << msg; if (msg.back() != '\n') { Cout << '\n'; } }); } } using CellFormatter = std::function; using TColumnType = TString; inline const TString FormatBool(const TString& value) { static const TString T = "t"; static const TString F = "f"; return (value == "true") ? T : (value == "false") ? F : (value == nullRepr) ? nullRepr : ythrow yexception() << "Unexpected bool literal: " << value; } inline const TString FormatNumeric(const TString& value) { static const TString Zero = "0.0"; return (value == "0") ? Zero : value; } const TString FormatFloat(const TString& value, std::function formatter) { static const TString nan = "NaN"; static const TString inf = "Infinity"; static const TString minf = "-Infinity"; try { return (value == "") ? "" : (value == "nan") ? nan : (value == "inf") ? inf : (value == "-inf") ? minf : formatter(value); } catch (const std::exception& e) { Cerr << "Unexpected float value '" << value << "'\n"; return ""; } } inline const TString FormatFloat4(const TString& value) { return FormatFloat(value, [] (const TString& val) { return TString(fmt::format("{:.8g}", std::stof(val))); }); } inline const TString FormatFloat8(const TString& value) { return FormatFloat(value, [] (const TString& val) { return TString(fmt::format("{:.15g}", std::stod(val))); }); } inline const TString FormatTransparent(const TString& value) { return value; } static const THashMap ColumnFormatters { { "bool", FormatBool }, { "numeric", FormatNumeric }, { "float4", FormatFloat4 }, { "float8", FormatFloat8 }, }; static const THashSet RightAlignedTypes { "int2", "int4", "int8", "float4", "float8", "numeric", "oid", }; struct TColumn { TString Name; TString Type; size_t Width; CellFormatter Formatter; bool RightAligned; }; std::string FormatCell(const TString& data, const TColumn& column, size_t index, size_t numberOfColumns) { const auto delim = (index == 0) ? " " : " | "; if (column.RightAligned) return fmt::format("{0}{1:>{2}}", delim, data, column.Width); if (index == numberOfColumns - 1) return fmt::format("{0}{1}", delim, data); return fmt::format("{0}{1:<{2}}", delim, data, column.Width); } TString GetCellData(const NYT::TNode& cell, const TColumn& column) { if (column.Type == "bytea") { const auto rawValue = (cell.IsList()) ? Base64Decode(cell.AsList()[0].AsString()) : cell.AsString(); switch (byteaOutput) { case EByteaOutput::hex: { TString result; const auto expectedSize = rawValue.size() * 2 + 2; result.resize(expectedSize); result[0] = '\\'; result[1] = 'x'; const auto cnt = HexEncode(rawValue.data(), rawValue.size(), result.begin() + 2); Y_ASSERT(cnt + 2 == expectedSize); return result; } case EByteaOutput::escape: { TString result; ui64 expectedSize = std::accumulate(rawValue.cbegin(), rawValue.cend(), 0U, [] (ui64 acc, char c) { return acc + ((c == '\\') ? 2 : ((ui8)c < 0x20 || 0x7e < (ui8)c) ? 4 : 1); }); result.resize(expectedSize); auto p = result.begin(); for (const auto c : rawValue) { if (c == '\\') { *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = '\\'; } else if ((ui8)c < 0x20 || 0x7e < (ui8)c) { auto val = (ui8)c; *p++ = '\\'; *p++ = ((val >> 6) & 03) + '0'; *p++ = ((val >> 3) & 07) + '0'; *p++ = (val & 07) + '0'; } else { *p++ = c; } } return result; } default: throw yexception() << "Unhandled EByteaOutput value"; } } return cell.AsString(); } void WriteTableToStream(IOutputStream& stream, const NYT::TNode::TListType& cols, const NYT::TNode::TListType& rows) { TVector columns; TList> formattedData; for (const auto& col: cols) { const auto& colName = col[0].AsString(); const auto& colType = col[1][1].AsString(); auto& c = columns.emplace_back(); c.Name = colName; c.Type = colType; c.Width = colName.length(); c.Formatter = ColumnFormatters.Value(colType, FormatTransparent); c.RightAligned = RightAlignedTypes.contains(colType); } for (const auto& row : rows) { auto& rowData = formattedData.emplace_back(); { int i = 0; for (const auto& cell : row.AsList()) { auto& c = columns[i]; const auto cellData = cell.HasValue() ? GetCellData(cell, c) : nullRepr; rowData.emplace_back(c.Formatter(cellData)); c.Width = std::max(c.Width, rowData.back().length()); ++i; }} } if (columns.empty()) { stream << "--"; } else { const auto totalTableWidth = std::accumulate(columns.cbegin(), columns.cend(), std::size_t{0}, [] (const auto& sum, const auto& elem) { return sum + elem.Width; }) + columns.size() * 3 - 1; TString filler(totalTableWidth, '-'); stream << fmt::format(" {0:^{1}} ", columns[0].Name, columns[0].Width); for (size_t i = 1, pos = columns[0].Width + 2; i < columns.size(); ++i) { const auto& c = columns[i]; stream << fmt::format("| {0:^{1}} ", c.Name, c.Width); filler[pos] = '+'; pos += c.Width + 3; } stream << '\n' << filler; } for (const auto& row : formattedData) { stream << '\n'; for (size_t i = 0; i < row.size(); ++i) { stream << FormatCell(row[i], columns[i], i, columns.size()); } } stream << fmt::format("\n({} {})\n", formattedData.size(), (formattedData.size() == 1) ? "row" : "rows"); } std::pair GetYtTableDataPaths(const TFsPath& dataDir, const TString tableName) { const auto dataFileName = dataDir / tableName; const auto attrFileName = dataDir / (tableName + ".attr"); return {dataFileName, attrFileName}; } void CreateYtFileTable(const TFsPath& dataDir, const TString tableName, const TExprNode::TPtr columnsNode, THashMap& tablesMapping, TExprContext& ctx, const TPosition& pos) { const auto [dataFilePath, attrFilePath] = GetYtTableDataPaths(dataDir, tableName); TFile dataFile{dataFilePath, CreateNew}; TFile attrFile{attrFilePath, CreateNew}; auto rowSpec = MakeIntrusive(); TColumnOrder columnOrder; columnOrder.Reserve(columnsNode->ChildrenSize()); TStringBuilder ysonType; ysonType << "[\"StructType\";["; for (const auto &columnNode : columnsNode->Children()) { const auto &colName = columnNode->Child(0)->Content(); const auto &colTypeNode = columnNode->Child(1); columnOrder.AddColumn(TString(colName)); ysonType << fmt::format("[\"{0}\";[\"{1}\";\"{2}\";];];", colName, colTypeNode->Content(), colTypeNode->Child(0)->Content()); } ysonType << "];]"; const auto *typeNode = NCommon::ParseTypeFromYson(TStringBuf(ysonType), ctx, pos); rowSpec->SetType(typeNode->Cast()); rowSpec->SetColumnOrder(std::move(columnOrder)); NYT::TNode attrs = NYT::TNode::CreateMap(); rowSpec->FillAttrNode(attrs[YqlRowSpecAttribute], 0, false); NYT::TNode spec; rowSpec->FillCodecNode(spec[YqlRowSpecAttribute]); attrs["schema"] = RowSpecToYTSchema(spec[YqlRowSpecAttribute], 0).ToNode(); TOFStream of(attrFile.GetName()); of.Write(NYT::NodeToYsonString(attrs, NYson::EYsonFormat::Pretty)); tablesMapping[TString("yt.plato.") + tableName] = dataFile.GetName(); } bool RemoveFile(const TString& fileName) { if (NFs::Remove(fileName)) { return true; } switch (errno) { case ENOENT: return false; default: throw yexception() << "Cannot remove existing table file \"" << fileName << "\"\n"; } } void DeleteYtFileTable(const TFsPath& dataDir, const TString tableName, THashMap& tablesMapping) { const auto [dataFilePath, attrFilePath] = GetYtTableDataPaths(dataDir, tableName); if (!RemoveFile(dataFilePath)) { Cout << "table \"" << tableName << "\" does not exist\n"; } RemoveFile(attrFilePath); tablesMapping.erase(TString("yt.plato.") + tableName); } int SplitStatements(int argc, char* argv[]) { Y_UNUSED(argc); Y_UNUSED(argv); const TString delimiter{"===a738dc70-2d81-45b4-88f2-738d09b186b7===\n"}; for (const auto& stmt : TStatementIterator{Cin.ReadAll()}) { Cout << delimiter << stmt; } return 0; } void WriteToYtTableScheme( const NYql::TExprNode& writeNode, const TTempDir& tempDir, const TIntrusivePtr yqlNativeServices, TExprContext& ctx) { const auto* keyNode = writeNode.Child(2); const auto* tableNameNode = keyNode->Child(0)->Child(1); Y_ENSURE(tableNameNode->IsCallable("String")); const auto& tableName = tableNameNode->Child(0)->Content(); Y_ENSURE(!tableName.empty()); const auto* optionsNode = writeNode.Child(4); Y_ENSURE(optionsNode); const auto modeNode = GetSetting(*optionsNode, "mode"); Y_ENSURE(modeNode); const auto mode = modeNode->Child(1)->Content(); if (mode == "create") { const auto columnsNode = GetSetting(*optionsNode, "columns"); Y_ENSURE(columnsNode); CreateYtFileTable(tempDir.Path(), TString(tableName), columnsNode->ChildPtr(1), yqlNativeServices->GetTablesMapping(), ctx, writeNode.Pos(ctx)); } else if (mode == "drop") { DeleteYtFileTable(tempDir.Path(), TString(tableName), yqlNativeServices->GetTablesMapping()); } } void ProcessMetaCmd(const TStringBuf& cmd) { const TStringBuf pset_null("\\pset null "); if (cmd.starts_with(pset_null)) { const auto secondArgPos = cmd.find_first_not_of(" ", pset_null.length()); if (secondArgPos != std::string_view::npos) { TStringBuf newNullRepr(cmd, secondArgPos); if (newNullRepr.front() == '\'') { newNullRepr.remove_prefix(1); if (newNullRepr.back() == '\'') { newNullRepr.remove_suffix(1); } } nullRepr = newNullRepr; return; } } Cerr << "Metacommand " << cmd << " is not supported\n"; } void ShowFinalAst(TProgramPtr& program, IOutputStream& stream) { Cerr << "Final AST:\n"; PrintExprTo(program, stream); } void FillTablesMapping(const TFsPath& dataDir, THashMap& tablesMapping) { TVector children; dataDir.List(children); bool regMsgLogged = false; for (const auto& f: children) { if (f.GetExtension() != "attr") { continue; } auto tableName = f.Basename(); tableName.resize(tableName.length() - 5); if (tableName.EndsWith(".tmp")) { continue; } if (!regMsgLogged) { regMsgLogged = true; Cerr << "Registering pre-existing tables\n"; } const auto fullTableName = f.Parent() / tableName; Cerr << '\t' << tableName << '\n'; tablesMapping[TString("yt.plato.") + tableName] = f.Parent() / tableName; } } int Main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using namespace NLastGetopt; TOpts opts = TOpts::Default(); const TString runnerName{"pgrun"}; TVector udfsPaths; TString rawDataDir; THashMap clusterMapping; static const TString DefaultCluster{"plato"}; clusterMapping[DefaultCluster] = YtProviderName; clusterMapping["pg_catalog"] = PgProviderName; clusterMapping["information_schema"] = PgProviderName; opts.AddHelpOption(); opts.AddLongOption("print-ast", "print initial & final ASTs to stderr").NoArgument(); opts.AddLongOption("print-result", "print program execution result to stderr").NoArgument(); opts.AddLongOption("datadir", "directory for tables").StoreResult(&rawDataDir); opts.AddLongOption('u', "udf", "Load shared library with UDF by given path").AppendTo(&udfsPaths); opts.SetFreeArgsMax(0); TOptsParseResult res(&opts, argc, argv); const auto needPrintAst = res.Has("print-ast"); const auto needPrintResult = res.Has("print-result"); const bool tempDirExists = !rawDataDir.empty() && NFs::Exists(rawDataDir); TTempDir tempDir{rawDataDir.empty() ? TTempDir{} : TTempDir{rawDataDir}}; if (tempDirExists) { tempDir.DoNotRemove(); } auto fsConfig = MakeHolder(); THolder gatewaysConfig; auto fileStorage = CreateFileStorage(*fsConfig); fileStorage = WithAsync(fileStorage); auto funcRegistry = CreateFunctionRegistry(&NYql::NBacktrace::KikimrBackTrace, CreateBuiltinRegistry(), false, udfsPaths); IUdfResolver::TPtr udfResolver = NCommon::CreateSimpleUdfResolver(funcRegistry.Get(), fileStorage, true);; bool keepTempFiles = true; bool emulateOutputForMultirun = false; auto yqlNativeServices = NFile::TYtFileServices::Make(funcRegistry.Get(), {}, fileStorage, tempDir.Path(), keepTempFiles); auto ytNativeGateway = CreateYtFileGateway(yqlNativeServices, &emulateOutputForMultirun); if (tempDirExists) { FillTablesMapping(tempDir.Path(), yqlNativeServices->GetTablesMapping()); } TVector dataProvidersInit; dataProvidersInit.push_back(GetYtNativeDataProviderInitializer(ytNativeGateway, MakeSimpleCBOOptimizerFactory(), {})); dataProvidersInit.push_back(GetPgDataProviderInitializer()); TExprContext ctx; IModuleResolver::TPtr moduleResolver; if (!GetYqlDefaultModuleResolver(ctx, moduleResolver, clusterMapping, true)) { Cerr << "Errors loading default YQL libraries:" << Endl; ctx.IssueManager.GetIssues().PrintTo(Cerr); return -1; } TExprContext::TFreezeGuard freezeGuard(ctx); TProgramFactory factory(true, funcRegistry.Get(), ctx.NextUniqueId, dataProvidersInit, runnerName); factory.SetModules(moduleResolver); factory.SetUdfResolver(udfResolver); factory.SetGatewaysConfig(gatewaysConfig.Get()); const TString username = GetUsername(); THashSet sqlFlags; NSQLTranslation::TTranslationSettings settings; settings.ClusterMapping = clusterMapping; settings.DefaultCluster = DefaultCluster; settings.Flags = sqlFlags; settings.SyntaxVersion = 1; settings.AnsiLexer = false; settings.V0Behavior = NSQLTranslation::EV0Behavior::Report; settings.AssumeYdbOnClusterWithSlash = false; settings.PgParser = true; for (const auto& raw_stmt : TStatementIterator{Cin.ReadAll()}) { const auto stmt = GetFormattedStmt(raw_stmt); Cout << stmt << '\n'; Cerr << "\n" << stmt << "\n\n"; if (stmt[0] == '\\') { ProcessMetaCmd(stmt); continue; } { const auto metaCmdStart = stmt.find("\n\\"); if (TString::npos != metaCmdStart) { const auto metaCmdEnd = stmt.find_first_of("\r\n", metaCmdStart + 2); ProcessMetaCmd(stmt.substr(metaCmdStart + 1, metaCmdEnd)); continue; } } if (TString::npos != stmt.find("SET bytea_output TO hex")) { byteaOutput = EByteaOutput::hex; continue; } if (TString::npos != stmt.find("SET bytea_output TO escape")) { byteaOutput = EByteaOutput::escape; continue; } google::protobuf::Arena arena; settings.Arena = &arena; auto program = factory.Create("-stdin-", stmt); if (!program->ParseSql(settings)) { WriteErrorToStream(program); continue; } if (!program->Compile(username)) { WriteErrorToStream(program); continue; } #if 0 auto validate_status = program->Validate(username, &Cout, true); program->PrintErrorsTo(Cerr); if (validate_status == TProgram::TStatus::Error) { return 1; } auto optimize_status = program->Optimize(username, nullptr, &Cerr, &Cout, true); program->PrintErrorsTo(Cerr); if (optimize_status == TProgram::TStatus::Error) { return 1; } #endif if (needPrintAst) { Cerr << "Initial AST:\n"; PrintExprTo(program, Cerr); } static const THashSet ignoredNodes{"CommitAll!", "Commit!" }; const auto opNode = NYql::FindNode(program->ExprRoot(), [] (const TExprNode::TPtr& node) { return !ignoredNodes.contains(node->Content()); }); if (opNode->IsCallable("Write!")) { Y_ENSURE(opNode->ChildrenSize() == 5); const auto* keyNode = opNode->Child(2); const bool isWriteToTableSchemeNode = keyNode->IsCallable("Key") && 0 < keyNode->ChildrenSize() && keyNode->Child(0)->Child(0)->IsAtom("tablescheme"); if (isWriteToTableSchemeNode) { try { WriteToYtTableScheme(*opNode, tempDir, yqlNativeServices, program->ExprCtx()); } catch (const yexception& e) { program->Issues().AddIssue(e.what()); WriteErrorToStream(program); continue; } if (needPrintAst) { program->Optimize(username); ShowFinalAst(program, Cerr); } continue; } } auto status = program->Run(username, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, true); program->ConfigureYsonResultFormat(NYson::EYsonFormat::Text); if (status == TProgram::TStatus::Error) { WriteErrorToStream(program); continue; } if (needPrintAst) { ShowFinalAst(program, Cerr); } if (program->HasResults()) { if (needPrintResult) { Cerr << program->ResultsAsString() << Endl; } const auto root = ParseYson(program->ResultsAsString()); const auto& cols = root[0]["Write"][0]["Type"][1][1].AsList(); const auto& data = root[0]["Write"][0]["Data"].AsList(); WriteTableToStream(Cout, cols, data); Cout << Endl; } } return 0; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { NYql::NBacktrace::RegisterKikimrFatalActions(); NYql::NBacktrace::EnableKikimrSymbolize(); try { if (1 < argc) { if (TString(argv[1]) == "split-statements") { return SplitStatements(argc, argv); } } return Main(argc, argv); } catch (...) { Cerr << CurrentExceptionMessage() << Endl; return 1; } }