#include "client.h" #include "protocol.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DBMS_NAME "ClickHouse" #define DBMS_VERSION_MAJOR 1 #define DBMS_VERSION_MINOR 1 #define REVISION 54126 #define DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_TEMPORARY_TABLES 50264 #define DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_TOTAL_ROWS_IN_PROGRESS 51554 #define DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_BLOCK_INFO 51903 #define DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_CLIENT_INFO 54032 #define DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_SERVER_TIMEZONE 54058 #define DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_QUOTA_KEY_IN_CLIENT_INFO 54060 namespace NClickHouse { struct TClientInfo { ui8 IfaceType = 1; // TCP ui8 QueryKind; TString InitialUser; TString InitialQueryId; TString QuotaKey; TString OsUser; TString ClientHostname; TString ClientName; TString InitialAddress = "[::ffff:]:0"; ui64 ClientVersionMajor = 0; ui64 ClientVersionMinor = 0; ui32 ClientRevision = 0; }; struct TServerInfo { TString Name; TString Timezone; ui64 VersionMajor; ui64 VersionMinor; ui64 Revision; }; class TClient::TImpl { public: TImpl(const TClientOptions& opts); ~TImpl(); void ExecuteQuery(TQuery query); void Insert(const TString& table_name, const TBlock& block, const TString& query_id, const TString& deduplication_token); void Ping(); void ResetConnection(); private: bool Handshake(); bool ReceivePacket(ui64* server_packet = nullptr); void SendQuery(const TString& query, const TString& query_id, const TString& deduplication_token = ""); void SendData(const TBlock& block); bool SendHello(); bool ReadBlock(TBlock* block, TCodedInputStream* input); bool ReceiveHello(); /// Reads data packet form input stream. bool ReceiveData(); /// Reads exception packet form input stream. bool ReceiveException(bool rethrow = false); void WriteBlock(const TBlock& block, TCodedOutputStream* output); private: void Disconnect() { Socket_ = TSocket(); } /// In case of network errors tries to reconnect to server and /// call fuc several times. void RetryGuard(std::function fuc); private: class EnsureNull { public: inline EnsureNull(TQueryEvents* ev, TQueryEvents** ptr) : ptr_(ptr) { if (ptr_) { *ptr_ = ev; } } inline ~EnsureNull() { if (ptr_) { *ptr_ = nullptr; } } private: TQueryEvents** ptr_; }; const TClientOptions Options_; TQueryEvents* Events_; int Compression_ = CompressionState::Disable; TSocket Socket_; TSocketInput SocketInput_; TSocketOutput SocketOutput_; THolder BufferedInput_; THolder BufferedOutput_; THolder SslClient_; TCodedInputStream Input_; TCodedOutputStream Output_; TServerInfo ServerInfo_; }; TClient::TImpl::TImpl(const TClientOptions& opts) : Options_(opts) , Events_(nullptr) , Socket_(TNetworkAddress(opts.Host, opts.Port), Options_.ConnectTimeout) , SocketInput_(Socket_) , SocketOutput_(Socket_) { if (opts.UseSsl) { SslClient_ = MakeHolder(&SocketInput_, &SocketOutput_, opts.SslOptions); BufferedInput_ = MakeHolder(SslClient_.Get()); BufferedOutput_ = MakeHolder(SslClient_.Get()); } else { BufferedInput_ = MakeHolder(&SocketInput_); BufferedOutput_ = MakeHolder(&SocketOutput_); } Input_ = TCodedInputStream(BufferedInput_.Get()); Output_ = TCodedOutputStream(BufferedOutput_.Get()); if (Options_.RequestTimeout.Seconds()) { Socket_.SetSocketTimeout(Options_.RequestTimeout.Seconds()); } if (!Handshake()) { ythrow yexception() << "fail to connect to " << Options_.Host; } if (Options_.CompressionMethod != ECompressionMethod::None) { Compression_ = CompressionState::Enable; } } TClient::TImpl::~TImpl() { Disconnect(); } void TClient::TImpl::ExecuteQuery(TQuery query) { EnsureNull en(static_cast(&query), &Events_); if (Options_.PingBeforeQuery) { RetryGuard([this]() { Ping(); }); } SendQuery(query.GetText(), query.GetId()); ui64 server_packet = 0; while (ReceivePacket(&server_packet)) { ; } if (server_packet != ServerCodes::EndOfStream && server_packet != ServerCodes::Exception) { ythrow yexception() << "unexpected packet from server while receiving end of query (got: " << (server_packet ? ToString(server_packet) : "nothing") << ")"; } } void TClient::TImpl::Insert(const TString& table_name, const TBlock& block, const TString& query_id, const TString& deduplication_token) { if (Options_.PingBeforeQuery) { RetryGuard([this]() { Ping(); }); } TVector fields; fields.reserve(block.GetColumnCount()); // Enumerate all fields for (TBlock::TIterator bi(block); bi.IsValid(); bi.Next()) { fields.push_back(bi.Name()); } TStringBuilder fields_section; for (auto elem = fields.begin(); elem != fields.end(); ++elem) { if (std::distance(elem, fields.end()) == 1) { fields_section << *elem; } else { fields_section << *elem << ","; } } SendQuery("INSERT INTO " + table_name + " ( " + fields_section + " ) VALUES", query_id, deduplication_token); ui64 server_packet(0); // Receive data packet. while (true) { bool ret = ReceivePacket(&server_packet); if (!ret) { ythrow yexception() << "unable to receive data packet"; } if (server_packet == ServerCodes::Data) { break; } if (server_packet == ServerCodes::Progress) { continue; } } // Send data. SendData(block); // Send empty block as marker of // end of data. SendData(TBlock()); // Wait for EOS. ui64 eos_packet{0}; while (ReceivePacket(&eos_packet)) { ; } if (eos_packet != ServerCodes::EndOfStream && eos_packet != ServerCodes::Exception && eos_packet != ServerCodes::Log && Options_.RethrowExceptions) { ythrow yexception() << "unexpected packet from server while receiving end of query, expected (expected Exception, EndOfStream or Log, got: " << (eos_packet ? ToString(eos_packet) : "nothing") << ")"; } } void TClient::TImpl::Ping() { TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, ClientCodes::Ping); Output_.Flush(); ui64 server_packet; const bool ret = ReceivePacket(&server_packet); if (!ret || server_packet != ServerCodes::Pong) { ythrow yexception() << "fail to ping server"; } } void TClient::TImpl::ResetConnection() { Socket_ = TSocket(TNetworkAddress(Options_.Host, Options_.Port), Options_.ConnectTimeout); if (Options_.UseSsl) { SslClient_.Reset(new TOpenSslClientIO(&SocketInput_, &SocketOutput_, Options_.SslOptions)); BufferedInput_.Reset(new TBufferedInput(SslClient_.Get())); BufferedOutput_.Reset(new TBufferedOutput(SslClient_.Get())); } else { BufferedInput_.Reset(new TBufferedInput(&SocketInput_)); BufferedOutput_.Reset(new TBufferedOutput(&SocketOutput_)); } SocketInput_ = TSocketInput(Socket_); SocketOutput_ = TSocketOutput(Socket_); Input_ = TCodedInputStream(BufferedInput_.Get()); Output_ = TCodedOutputStream(BufferedOutput_.Get()); if (Options_.RequestTimeout.Seconds()) { Socket_.SetSocketTimeout(Options_.RequestTimeout.Seconds()); } if (!Handshake()) { ythrow yexception() << "fail to connect to " << Options_.Host; } } bool TClient::TImpl::Handshake() { if (!SendHello()) { return false; } if (!ReceiveHello()) { return false; } return true; } bool TClient::TImpl::ReceivePacket(ui64* server_packet) { ui64 packet_type = 0; if (!Input_.ReadVarint64(&packet_type)) { return false; } if (server_packet) { *server_packet = packet_type; } switch (packet_type) { case ServerCodes::Totals: case ServerCodes::Data: { if (!ReceiveData()) { ythrow yexception() << "can't read data packet from input stream"; } return true; } case ServerCodes::Exception: { ReceiveException(); return false; } case ServerCodes::ProfileInfo: { TProfile profile; if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &profile.rows)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &profile.blocks)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &profile.bytes)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadFixed(&Input_, &profile.applied_limit)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &profile.rows_before_limit)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadFixed(&Input_, &profile.calculated_rows_before_limit)) { return false; } if (Events_) { Events_->OnProfile(profile); } return true; } case ServerCodes::Progress: { TProgress info; if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &info.rows)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &info.bytes)) { return false; } if (REVISION >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_TOTAL_ROWS_IN_PROGRESS) { if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &info.total_rows)) { return false; } } if (Events_) { Events_->OnProgress(info); } return true; } case ServerCodes::Pong: { return true; } case ServerCodes::EndOfStream: { if (Events_) { Events_->OnFinish(); } return false; } default: ythrow yexception() << "unimplemented " << (int)packet_type; break; } return false; } bool TClient::TImpl::ReadBlock(TBlock* block, TCodedInputStream* input) { // Additional information about block. if (REVISION >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_BLOCK_INFO) { ui64 num; TBlockInfo info; // BlockInfo if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(input, &num)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadFixed(input, &info.IsOverflows)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(input, &num)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadFixed(input, &info.BucketNum)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(input, &num)) { return false; } // TODO use data } ui64 num_columns = 0; ui64 num_rows = 0; if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(input, &num_columns)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(input, &num_rows)) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i) { TString name; TString type; if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(input, &name)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(input, &type)) { return false; } if (TColumnRef col = CreateColumnByType(type)) { if (num_rows && !col->Load(input, num_rows)) { ythrow yexception() << "can't load"; } block->AppendColumn(name, col); } else { ythrow yexception() << "unsupported column type: " << type; } } return true; } bool TClient::TImpl::ReceiveData() { TBlock block; if (REVISION >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_TEMPORARY_TABLES) { TString table_name; if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(&Input_, &table_name)) { return false; } } if (Compression_ == CompressionState::Enable) { TCompressedInput compressed(&Input_); TCodedInputStream coded(&compressed); if (!ReadBlock(&block, &coded)) { return false; } } else { if (!ReadBlock(&block, &Input_)) { return false; } } if (Events_) { Events_->OnData(block); } return true; } bool TClient::TImpl::ReceiveException(bool rethrow) { std::unique_ptr e(new TException); TException* current = e.get(); bool exception_received = true; do { bool has_nested = false; if (!TWireFormat::ReadFixed(&Input_, ¤t->Code)) { exception_received = false; break; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(&Input_, ¤t->Name)) { exception_received = false; break; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(&Input_, ¤t->DisplayText)) { exception_received = false; break; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(&Input_, ¤t->StackTrace)) { exception_received = false; break; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadFixed(&Input_, &has_nested)) { exception_received = false; break; } if (has_nested) { current->Nested.reset(new TException); current = current->Nested.get(); } else { break; } } while (true); if (Events_) { Events_->OnServerException(*e); } if (rethrow || Options_.RethrowExceptions) { throw TServerException(std::move(e)); } return exception_received; } void TClient::TImpl::SendQuery(const TString& query, const TString& query_id, const TString& deduplication_token) { TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, ClientCodes::Query); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, query_id); /// Client info. if (ServerInfo_.Revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_CLIENT_INFO) { TClientInfo info; info.QueryKind = 1; info.ClientName = "ClickHouse client"; info.ClientVersionMajor = DBMS_VERSION_MAJOR; info.ClientVersionMinor = DBMS_VERSION_MINOR; info.ClientRevision = REVISION; TWireFormat::WriteFixed(&Output_, info.QueryKind); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.InitialUser); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.InitialQueryId); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.InitialAddress); TWireFormat::WriteFixed(&Output_, info.IfaceType); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.OsUser); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.ClientHostname); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.ClientName); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, info.ClientVersionMajor); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, info.ClientVersionMinor); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, info.ClientRevision); if (ServerInfo_.Revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_QUOTA_KEY_IN_CLIENT_INFO) TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, info.QuotaKey); } if (!deduplication_token.empty()) { static const TString insert_deduplication_token_setting_name = "insert_deduplication_token"; TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, insert_deduplication_token_setting_name); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, deduplication_token); } TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, TString()); // Empty string is a marker of end SETTINGS section TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, Stages::Complete); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, Compression_); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, query); // Send empty block as marker of // end of data SendData(TBlock()); Output_.Flush(); } void TClient::TImpl::WriteBlock(const TBlock& block, TCodedOutputStream* output) { /// Дополнительная информация о блоке. if (ServerInfo_.Revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_BLOCK_INFO) { TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(output, 1); TWireFormat::WriteFixed(output, block.Info().IsOverflows); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(output, 2); TWireFormat::WriteFixed(output, block.Info().BucketNum); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(output, 0); } TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(output, block.GetColumnCount()); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(output, block.GetRowCount()); for (TBlock::TIterator bi(block); bi.IsValid(); bi.Next()) { TWireFormat::WriteString(output, bi.Name()); TWireFormat::WriteString(output, bi.Type()->GetName()); bi.Column()->Save(output); } } void TClient::TImpl::SendData(const TBlock& block) { TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, ClientCodes::Data); if (ServerInfo_.Revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_TEMPORARY_TABLES) { TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, TString()); } if (Compression_ == CompressionState::Enable) { switch (Options_.CompressionMethod) { case ECompressionMethod::None: { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(false, "invalid state"); break; } case ECompressionMethod::LZ4: { TBufferOutput tmp; // Serialize block's data { TCodedOutputStream out(&tmp); WriteBlock(block, &out); } // Reserver space for data TBuffer buf; buf.Resize(9 + LZ4_compressBound(tmp.Buffer().Size())); // Compress data int size = LZ4_compress(tmp.Buffer().Data(), buf.Data() + 9, tmp.Buffer().Size()); buf.Resize(9 + size); // Fill header ui8* p = (ui8*)buf.Data(); // Compression method WriteUnaligned(p, (ui8)0x82); p += 1; // Compressed data size with header WriteUnaligned(p, (ui32)buf.Size()); p += 4; // Original data size WriteUnaligned(p, (ui32)tmp.Buffer().Size()); TWireFormat::WriteFixed(&Output_, CityHash_v1_0_2::CityHash128( buf.Data(), buf.Size())); TWireFormat::WriteBytes(&Output_, buf.Data(), buf.Size()); break; } } } else { WriteBlock(block, &Output_); } Output_.Flush(); } bool TClient::TImpl::SendHello() { TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, ClientCodes::Hello); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, TString(DBMS_NAME) + " client"); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, DBMS_VERSION_MAJOR); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, DBMS_VERSION_MINOR); TWireFormat::WriteUInt64(&Output_, REVISION); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, Options_.DefaultDatabase); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, Options_.User); TWireFormat::WriteString(&Output_, Options_.Password); Output_.Flush(); return true; } bool TClient::TImpl::ReceiveHello() { ui64 packet_type = 0; if (!Input_.ReadVarint64(&packet_type)) { return false; } if (packet_type == ServerCodes::Hello) { if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(&Input_, &ServerInfo_.Name)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &ServerInfo_.VersionMajor)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &ServerInfo_.VersionMinor)) { return false; } if (!TWireFormat::ReadUInt64(&Input_, &ServerInfo_.Revision)) { return false; } if (ServerInfo_.Revision >= DBMS_MIN_REVISION_WITH_SERVER_TIMEZONE) { if (!TWireFormat::ReadString(&Input_, &ServerInfo_.Timezone)) { return false; } } return true; } else if (packet_type == ServerCodes::Exception) { ReceiveException(true); return false; } return false; } void TClient::TImpl::RetryGuard(std::function func) { for (int i = 0; i <= Options_.SendRetries; ++i) { try { func(); return; } catch (const yexception&) { bool ok = true; try { Sleep(Options_.RetryTimeout); ResetConnection(); } catch (...) { ok = false; } if (!ok) { throw; } } } } TClient::TClient(const TClientOptions& opts) : Options_(opts) , Impl_(new TImpl(opts)) { } TClient::~TClient() { } void TClient::Execute(const TQuery& query) { Impl_->ExecuteQuery(query); } void TClient::Select(const TString& query, TSelectCallback cb, const TString& query_id) { Execute(TQuery(query, query_id).OnData(cb)); } void TClient::Select(const TQuery& query) { Execute(query); } void TClient::Insert(const TString& table_name, const TBlock& block, const TString& query_id, const TString& deduplication_token) { Impl_->Insert(table_name, block, query_id, deduplication_token); } void TClient::Ping() { Impl_->Ping(); } void TClient::ResetConnection() { Impl_->ResetConnection(); } }