import base64 import json import os import re import sys import shutil import tempfile import textwrap import zipfile class _Formatting(object): @staticmethod def is_str(strval): return isinstance(strval, (bytes, str)) @staticmethod def encoding_needed(strval): return isinstance(strval, str) @staticmethod def escape_special_symbols(strval): encoding_needed = _Formatting.encoding_needed(strval) c_str = strval.encode('utf-8') if encoding_needed else strval retval = b"" for c in c_str: c = bytes([c]) if c in (b"\\", b"\""): retval += b"\\" + c elif ord(c) < ord(' '): retval += c.decode('latin-1').encode('unicode_escape') else: retval += c return retval.decode('utf-8') if encoding_needed else retval @staticmethod def escape_line_feed(strval, indent=' '): return strval.replace(r'\n', '\\n"\\\n' + indent + '"') @staticmethod def escape_trigraphs(strval): return strval.replace(r'?', '\\?') @staticmethod def escaped_define(strkey, val): name = "#define " + strkey + " " if _Formatting.is_str(val): define = "\"" + _Formatting.escape_line_feed( _Formatting.escape_trigraphs(_Formatting.escape_special_symbols(val))) + "\"" else: define = str(val) return name + define @staticmethod def escaped_go_map_key(strkey, strval): if _Formatting.is_str(strval): return ' ' + '"' + strkey + '": "' + _Formatting.escape_special_symbols(strval) + '",' else: return ' ' + '"' + strkey + '": "' + str(strval) + '",' def get_default_json(): return json.loads('''{ "ARCADIA_SOURCE_HG_HASH": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_AUTHOR": "", "ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_CHANGE": -1, "ARCADIA_SOURCE_PATH": "/", "ARCADIA_SOURCE_REVISION": -1, "ARCADIA_SOURCE_URL": "", "BRANCH": "unknown-vcs-branch", "BUILD_DATE": "", "BUILD_TIMESTAMP": 0, "BUILD_HOST": "localhost", "BUILD_USER": "nobody", "CUSTOM_VERSION": "", "PROGRAM_VERSION": "Arc info:\\n Branch: unknown-vcs-branch\\n Commit: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\\n Author: \\n Summary: No VCS\\n\\n", "SCM_DATA": "Arc info:\\n Branch: unknown-vcs-branch\\n Commit: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000\\n Author: \\n Summary: No VCS\\n", "VCS": "arc", "ARCADIA_PATCH_NUMBER": 0, "ARCADIA_TAG": "" }''') def get_json(file_name): try: with open(file_name, 'r') as f: out = json.load(f) # TODO: check 'tar+svn' parsing for num_var in ['ARCADIA_SOURCE_REVISION', 'ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_CHANGE', 'SVN_REVISION']: if num_var in out and _Formatting.is_str(out[num_var]): try: out[num_var] = int(out[num_var]) except: out[num_var] = -1 return out except: return get_default_json() def print_c(json_file, output_file, argv): """ params: json file output file $(SOURCE_ROOT)/build/scripts/c_templates/svn_interface.c""" interface = argv[0] with open(interface) as c: c_file = with open(output_file, 'w') as f: header = '\n'.join(_Formatting.escaped_define(k, v) for k, v in json_file.items()) f.write(header + '\n' + c_file) def merge_java_content(old_content, json_file): new_content, names = print_java_mf(json_file) def split_to_sections(content): sections = [] cur_section = [] for l in content: if l.rstrip(): cur_section.append(l) else: sections.append(cur_section) cur_section = [] if cur_section: # should not be needed according to format specification sections.append(cur_section) return sections def drop_duplicate_entries(main_section, names): header = re.compile('^([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-]*): .*$') new_main_section = [] for l in main_section: match = header.match(l) # duplicate entry if match: skip = in names if not skip: new_main_section.append(l) return new_main_section if old_content: sections = split_to_sections(old_content) sections[0] = drop_duplicate_entries(sections[0], names) else: sections = [['Manifest-Version: 1.0\n']] sections[0].extend(map(lambda x: x + '\n', new_content)) return ''.join(map(lambda x: ''.join(x), sections)) + '\n' def merge_java_mf_jar(json_file, out_manifest, jar_file): try: temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: with zipfile.ZipFile(jar_file, 'r') as jar: jar.extract(os.path.join('META-INF', 'MANIFEST.MF'), path=temp_dir) except KeyError: pass merge_java_mf_dir(json_file, out_manifest, temp_dir) finally: shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) def merge_java_mf_dir(json_file, out_manifest, input_dir): manifest = os.path.join(input_dir, 'META-INF', 'MANIFEST.MF') old_lines = [] if os.path.isfile(manifest): with open(manifest, 'r') as f: old_lines = f.readlines() with open(out_manifest, 'w') as f: f.write(merge_java_content(old_lines, json_file)) def merge_java_mf(json_file, out_manifest, input): if zipfile.is_zipfile(input): merge_java_mf_jar(json_file, out_manifest, input) elif os.path.isdir(input): merge_java_mf_dir(json_file, out_manifest, input) def print_java_mf(info): wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(subsequent_indent=' ', break_long_words=True, replace_whitespace=False, drop_whitespace=False) names = set() def wrap(key, val): names.add(key[:-2]) if not val: return [] return wrapper.wrap(key + val) lines = wrap('Program-Version-String: ', base64.b64encode(info['PROGRAM_VERSION'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')) lines += wrap('SCM-String: ', base64.b64encode(info['SCM_DATA'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Source-Path: ', info['ARCADIA_SOURCE_PATH']) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Source-URL: ', info['ARCADIA_SOURCE_URL']) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Source-Revision: ', str(info['ARCADIA_SOURCE_REVISION'])) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Source-Hash: ', info['ARCADIA_SOURCE_HG_HASH'].rstrip()) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Source-Last-Change: ', str(info['ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_CHANGE'])) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Source-Last-Author: ', info['ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_AUTHOR']) lines += wrap('Build-User: ', info['BUILD_USER']) lines += wrap('Build-Host: ', info['BUILD_HOST']) lines += wrap('Version-Control-System: ', info['VCS']) lines += wrap('Branch: ', info['BRANCH']) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Tag: ', info.get('ARCADIA_TAG', '')) lines += wrap('Arcadia-Patch-Number: ', str(info.get('ARCADIA_PATCH_NUMBER', 42))) if 'SVN_REVISION' in info: lines += wrap('SVN-Revision: ', str(info['SVN_REVISION'])) lines += wrap('SVN-Arcroot: ', info['SVN_ARCROOT']) lines += wrap('SVN-Time: ', info['SVN_TIME']) lines += wrap('Build-Date: ', info['BUILD_DATE']) if 'BUILD_TIMESTAMP' in info: lines += wrap('Build-Timestamp: ', str(info['BUILD_TIMESTAMP'])) if 'CUSTOM_VERSION' in info: lines += wrap('Custom-Version-String: ', base64.b64encode(info['CUSTOM_VERSION'].encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')) return lines, names def print_java(json_file, output_file, argv): """ params: json file output file file""" input = argv[0] if argv else os.curdir merge_java_mf(json_file, output_file, input) def print_go(json_file, output_file): def gen_map(info): lines = [] for k, v in info.items(): lines.append(_Formatting.escaped_go_map_key(k, v)) return lines with open(output_file, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join([ '// Code generated by; DO NOT EDIT.', '', 'package main', 'import ""', 'func init() {', ' buildinfo.InitBuildInfo(map[string]string {'] + gen_map(json_file) + ['})', '}'] ) + '\n') def print_json(json_file, output_file): MANDATOTRY_FIELDS_MAP = { 'ARCADIA_TAG': 'Arcadia-Tag', 'ARCADIA_PATCH_NUMBER': 'Arcadia-Patch-Number', 'ARCADIA_SOURCE_URL': 'Arcadia-Source-URL', 'ARCADIA_SOURCE_REVISION': 'Arcadia-Source-Revision', 'ARCADIA_SOURCE_HG_HASH': 'Arcadia-Source-Hash', 'ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_CHANGE': 'Arcadia-Source-Last-Change', 'ARCADIA_SOURCE_LAST_AUTHOR': 'Arcadia-Source-Last-Author', 'BRANCH': 'Branch', 'BUILD_HOST': 'Build-Host', 'BUILD_USER': 'Build-User', 'PROGRAM_VERSION': 'Program-Version-String', 'SCM_DATA': 'SCM-String', 'VCS': 'Version-Control-System', } SVN_REVISION = 'SVN_REVISION' SVN_FIELDS_MAP = { SVN_REVISION: 'SVN-Revision', 'SVN_ARCROOT': 'SVN-Arcroot', 'SVN_TIME': 'SVN-Time', } OPTIONAL_FIELDS_MAP = { 'BUILD_TIMESTAMP': 'Build-Timestamp', 'CUSTOM_VERSION': 'Custom-Version-String', 'DIRTY': 'Working-Copy-State', } ext_json = {} for k in MANDATOTRY_FIELDS_MAP: ext_json[MANDATOTRY_FIELDS_MAP[k]] = json_file[k] if SVN_REVISION in json_file: for k in SVN_FIELDS_MAP: ext_json[SVN_FIELDS_MAP[k]] = json_file[k] for k in OPTIONAL_FIELDS_MAP: if k in json_file and json_file[k]: ext_json[OPTIONAL_FIELDS_MAP[k]] = json_file[k] with open(output_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(ext_json, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) if __name__ == '__main__': if 'output-go' in sys.argv: lang = 'Go' sys.argv.remove('output-go') elif 'output-java' in sys.argv: lang = 'Java' sys.argv.remove('output-java') elif 'output-json' in sys.argv: lang = 'JSON' sys.argv.remove('output-json') else: lang = 'C' if 'no-vcs' in sys.argv: sys.argv.remove('no-vcs') json_file = get_default_json() else: json_name = sys.argv[1] json_file = get_json(json_name) if lang == 'Go': print_go(json_file, sys.argv[2]) elif lang == 'Java': print_java(json_file, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:]) elif lang == 'JSON': print_json(json_file, sys.argv[2]) else: print_c(json_file, sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3:])