/* Copyright 1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose and without * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the * software without specific, written prior permission. * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of * this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" * without express or implied warranty. */ #include "ares_setup.h" #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETDB_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_INET_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_NAMESER_H # include #else # include "nameser.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_ARPA_NAMESER_COMPAT_H # include #endif #include "ares.h" #include "ares_inet_net_pton.h" #include "ares_platform.h" #include "ares_private.h" #ifdef WATT32 #undef WIN32 #endif #define next_lookup next_lookup_x #define file_lookup file_lookup_x struct addr_query { /* Arguments passed to ares_gethostbyaddr() */ ares_channel channel; struct ares_addr addr; ares_host_callback callback; void *arg; const char *remaining_lookups; int timeouts; }; static void next_lookup(struct addr_query *aquery); static void addr_callback(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, unsigned char *abuf, int alen); static void end_aquery(struct addr_query *aquery, int status, struct hostent *host); static int file_lookup(struct ares_addr *addr, struct hostent **host); static void ptr_rr_name(char *name, const struct ares_addr *addr); void ares_gethostbyaddr(ares_channel channel, const void *addr, int addrlen, int family, ares_host_callback callback, void *arg) { struct addr_query *aquery; if (family != AF_INET && family != AF_INET6) { callback(arg, ARES_ENOTIMP, 0, NULL); return; } if ((family == AF_INET && addrlen != sizeof(aquery->addr.addrV4)) || (family == AF_INET6 && addrlen != sizeof(aquery->addr.addrV6))) { callback(arg, ARES_ENOTIMP, 0, NULL); return; } aquery = ares_malloc(sizeof(struct addr_query)); if (!aquery) { callback(arg, ARES_ENOMEM, 0, NULL); return; } aquery->channel = channel; if (family == AF_INET) memcpy(&aquery->addr.addrV4, addr, sizeof(aquery->addr.addrV4)); else memcpy(&aquery->addr.addrV6, addr, sizeof(aquery->addr.addrV6)); aquery->addr.family = family; aquery->callback = callback; aquery->arg = arg; aquery->remaining_lookups = channel->lookups; aquery->timeouts = 0; next_lookup(aquery); } static void next_lookup(struct addr_query *aquery) { const char *p; char name[128]; int status; struct hostent *host; for (p = aquery->remaining_lookups; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case 'b': ptr_rr_name(name, &aquery->addr); aquery->remaining_lookups = p + 1; ares_query(aquery->channel, name, C_IN, T_PTR, addr_callback, aquery); return; case 'f': status = file_lookup(&aquery->addr, &host); /* this status check below previously checked for !ARES_ENOTFOUND, but we should not assume that this single error code is the one that can occur, as that is in fact no longer the case */ if (status == ARES_SUCCESS) { end_aquery(aquery, status, host); return; } break; } } end_aquery(aquery, ARES_ENOTFOUND, NULL); } static void addr_callback(void *arg, int status, int timeouts, unsigned char *abuf, int alen) { struct addr_query *aquery = (struct addr_query *) arg; struct hostent *host; size_t addrlen; aquery->timeouts += timeouts; if (status == ARES_SUCCESS) { if (aquery->addr.family == AF_INET) { addrlen = sizeof(aquery->addr.addrV4); status = ares_parse_ptr_reply(abuf, alen, &aquery->addr.addrV4, (int)addrlen, AF_INET, &host, NULL); } else { addrlen = sizeof(aquery->addr.addrV6); status = ares_parse_ptr_reply(abuf, alen, &aquery->addr.addrV6, (int)addrlen, AF_INET6, &host, NULL); } end_aquery(aquery, status, host); } else if (status == ARES_EDESTRUCTION || status == ARES_ECANCELLED) end_aquery(aquery, status, NULL); else next_lookup(aquery); } static void end_aquery(struct addr_query *aquery, int status, struct hostent *host) { aquery->callback(aquery->arg, status, aquery->timeouts, host); if (host) ares_free_hostent(host); ares_free(aquery); } static int file_lookup(struct ares_addr *addr, struct hostent **host) { FILE *fp; int status; int error; #ifdef WIN32 char PATH_HOSTS[MAX_PATH]; win_platform platform; PATH_HOSTS[0] = '\0'; platform = ares__getplatform(); if (platform == WIN_NT) { char tmp[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkeyHosts; if (RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WIN_NS_NT_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyHosts) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwLength = MAX_PATH; RegQueryValueExA(hkeyHosts, DATABASEPATH, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)tmp, &dwLength); ExpandEnvironmentStringsA(tmp, PATH_HOSTS, MAX_PATH); RegCloseKey(hkeyHosts); } } else if (platform == WIN_9X) GetWindowsDirectoryA(PATH_HOSTS, MAX_PATH); else return ARES_ENOTFOUND; strcat(PATH_HOSTS, WIN_PATH_HOSTS); #elif defined(WATT32) extern const char *_w32_GetHostsFile (void); const char *PATH_HOSTS = _w32_GetHostsFile(); if (!PATH_HOSTS) return ARES_ENOTFOUND; #endif fp = fopen(PATH_HOSTS, "r"); if (!fp) { error = ERRNO; switch(error) { case ENOENT: case ESRCH: return ARES_ENOTFOUND; default: DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "fopen() failed with error: %d %s\n", error, strerror(error))); DEBUGF(fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", PATH_HOSTS)); *host = NULL; return ARES_EFILE; } } while ((status = ares__get_hostent(fp, addr->family, host)) == ARES_SUCCESS) { if (addr->family != (*host)->h_addrtype) { ares_free_hostent(*host); continue; } if (addr->family == AF_INET) { if (memcmp((*host)->h_addr, &addr->addrV4, sizeof(addr->addrV4)) == 0) break; } else if (addr->family == AF_INET6) { if (memcmp((*host)->h_addr, &addr->addrV6, sizeof(addr->addrV6)) == 0) break; } ares_free_hostent(*host); } fclose(fp); if (status == ARES_EOF) status = ARES_ENOTFOUND; if (status != ARES_SUCCESS) *host = NULL; return status; } static void ptr_rr_name(char *name, const struct ares_addr *addr) { if (addr->family == AF_INET) { unsigned long laddr = ntohl(addr->addrV4.s_addr); unsigned long a1 = (laddr >> 24UL) & 0xFFUL; unsigned long a2 = (laddr >> 16UL) & 0xFFUL; unsigned long a3 = (laddr >> 8UL) & 0xFFUL; unsigned long a4 = laddr & 0xFFUL; sprintf(name, "%lu.%lu.%lu.%lu.in-addr.arpa", a4, a3, a2, a1); } else { unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)&addr->addrV6; /* There are too many arguments to do this in one line using * minimally C89-compliant compilers */ sprintf(name, "%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.", bytes[15]&0xf, bytes[15] >> 4, bytes[14]&0xf, bytes[14] >> 4, bytes[13]&0xf, bytes[13] >> 4, bytes[12]&0xf, bytes[12] >> 4, bytes[11]&0xf, bytes[11] >> 4, bytes[10]&0xf, bytes[10] >> 4, bytes[9]&0xf, bytes[9] >> 4, bytes[8]&0xf, bytes[8] >> 4); sprintf(name+strlen(name), "%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.ip6.arpa", bytes[7]&0xf, bytes[7] >> 4, bytes[6]&0xf, bytes[6] >> 4, bytes[5]&0xf, bytes[5] >> 4, bytes[4]&0xf, bytes[4] >> 4, bytes[3]&0xf, bytes[3] >> 4, bytes[2]&0xf, bytes[2] >> 4, bytes[1]&0xf, bytes[1] >> 4, bytes[0]&0xf, bytes[0] >> 4); } } #undef next_lookup #undef file_lookup