#include "rty_formater.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { constexpr size_t LocalTimeSBufferSize = sizeof("2017-07-24 12:20:34.313 +0300"); size_t PrintLocalTimeS(const TInstant instant, char* const begin, const char* const end) { Y_ABORT_UNLESS(static_cast(end - begin) >= LocalTimeSBufferSize); struct tm tm; instant.LocalTime(&tm); // both stftime and sprintf exclude the terminating null byte from the return value char* pos = begin; pos += strftime(pos, end - pos, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", &tm); pos += sprintf(pos, "%03" PRIu32, instant.MilliSecondsOfSecond()); pos += strftime(pos, end - pos, " %z", &tm); Y_ABORT_UNLESS(LocalTimeSBufferSize - 1 == pos - begin); // together with Y_ABORT_UNLESS above this also implies pos<=end return (pos - begin); } } namespace NLoggingImpl { IOutputStream& operator<<(IOutputStream& out, TLocalTimeS localTimeS) { char buffer[LocalTimeSBufferSize]; size_t len = PrintLocalTimeS(localTimeS.GetInstant(), buffer, buffer + sizeof(buffer)); out.Write(buffer, len); return out; } TLocalTimeS::operator TString() const { TString res; res.reserve(LocalTimeSBufferSize); res.ReserveAndResize(PrintLocalTimeS(Instant, res.begin(), res.begin() + res.capacity())); return res; } TString TLocalTimeS::operator+(const TStringBuf right) const { TString res(*this); res += right; return res; } TStringBuf StripFileName(TStringBuf string) { return string.RNextTok(LOCSLASH_C); } TString GetSystemResources() { NMemInfo::TMemInfo mi = NMemInfo::GetMemInfo(); return PrintSystemResources(mi); } TString PrintSystemResources(const NMemInfo::TMemInfo& mi) { return Sprintf(" rss=%0.3fMb, vms=%0.3fMb", mi.RSS * 1.0 / (1024 * 1024), mi.VMS * 1.0 / (1024 * 1024)); } } namespace { class TRtyLoggerFormatter : public ILoggerFormatter { public: void Format(const TLogRecordContext& context, TLogElement& elem) const override { elem << context.CustomMessage << ": " << NLoggingImpl::GetLocalTimeS() << " " << NLoggingImpl::StripFileName(context.SourceLocation.File) << ":" << context.SourceLocation.Line; if (context.Priority > TLOG_RESOURCES && !ExitStarted()) { elem << NLoggingImpl::GetSystemResources(); } elem << " "; } }; } ILoggerFormatter* CreateRtyLoggerFormatter() { return new TRtyLoggerFormatter(); } bool TRTYMessageFormater::CheckLoggingContext(TLog& /*logger*/, const TLogRecordContext& /*context*/) { return true; } TSimpleSharedPtr TRTYMessageFormater::StartRecord(TLog& logger, const TLogRecordContext& context, TSimpleSharedPtr earlier) { if (!earlier) { earlier.Reset(new TLogElement(&logger)); } TLoggerFormatterOperator::Get()->Format(context, *earlier); return earlier; }