#include "yql_eval_expr.h" #include "yql_transform_pipeline.h" #include "yql_out_transformers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace NYql { using namespace NKikimr; using namespace NKikimr::NMiniKQL; using namespace NNodes; const TString EvaluationComponent = "Evaluation"; static THashSet EvaluationFuncs = { TStringBuf("EvaluateAtom"), TStringBuf("EvaluateExpr"), TStringBuf("EvaluateType"), TStringBuf("EvaluateCode") }; static THashSet SubqueryExpandFuncs = { TStringBuf("SubqueryExtendFor"), TStringBuf("SubqueryUnionAllFor"), TStringBuf("SubqueryMergeFor"), TStringBuf("SubqueryUnionMergeFor"), TStringBuf("SubqueryOrderBy"), TStringBuf("SubqueryAssumeOrderBy") }; bool CheckPendingArgs(const TExprNode& root, TNodeSet& visited, TNodeMap& activeArgs, const TNodeMap& externalWorlds, TExprContext& ctx, bool underTypeOf, bool& hasUnresolvedTypes) { if (!visited.emplace(&root).second) { return true; } if (root.IsCallable({"TypeOf", "SqlColumnOrType", "SqlPlainColumnOrType"})) { underTypeOf = true; } if (root.Type() == TExprNode::Argument) { if (activeArgs.find(&root) == activeArgs.cend()) { if (underTypeOf) { if (!root.GetTypeAnn() && !externalWorlds.count(&root)) { hasUnresolvedTypes = true; } } else if (!externalWorlds.count(&root)) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(root.Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Failed to evaluate unresolved argument: " << root.Content() << ". Did you use a column?")); return false; } } } if (root.Type() == TExprNode::Lambda) { root.Child(0)->ForEachChild([&](const TExprNode& arg) { if (!activeArgs.emplace(&arg, &root).second) { ythrow yexception() << "argument is duplicated, #" << arg.UniqueId(); } }); } for (ui32 index = 0; index < root.ChildrenSize(); ++index) { const auto& child = *root.Child(index); auto onlyType = underTypeOf || (root.IsCallable("MatchType") || root.IsCallable("IfType")) && (index == 0); if (!CheckPendingArgs(child, visited, activeArgs, externalWorlds, ctx, onlyType, hasUnresolvedTypes)) { return false; } }; return true; } class TMarkReachable { public: TNodeSet Reachable; TNodeMap ExternalWorlds; TDeque ExternalWorldsList; bool HasConfigPending = false; public: void Scan(const TExprNode& node) { VisitExprByFirst(node, [this](const TExprNode& n) { if (n.IsCallable(ConfigureName)) { if (n.ChildrenSize() > 3 && n.Child(1)->Child(0)->Content() == ConfigProviderName) { bool pending = false; for (size_t i = 3; i < n.ChildrenSize(); ++i) { if (n.Child(i)->IsCallable("EvaluateAtom")) { pending = true; break; } } if (pending) { const TStringBuf command = n.Child(2)->Content(); if (command == "AddFileByUrl") { PendingFileAliases.insert(n.Child(3)->Content()); } else if (command == "AddFolderByUrl") { PendingFolderPrefixes.insert(n.Child(3)->Content()); } } } } return true; }); ScanImpl(node); } private: void ScanImpl(const TExprNode& node) { if (!Visited.emplace(&node).second) { return; } if (node.IsCallable("Seq!")) { for (ui32 i = 1; i < node.ChildrenSize(); ++i) { auto lambda = node.Child(i); auto arg = lambda->Child(0)->ChildPtr(0); ui32 id = ExternalWorlds.size(); YQL_ENSURE(ExternalWorlds.emplace(arg.Get(), id).second); ExternalWorldsList.push_back(arg); } } static THashSet FILE_CALLABLES = {"FilePath", "FileContent", "FolderPath"}; if (node.IsCallable(FILE_CALLABLES)) { const auto alias = node.Head().Content(); if (PendingFileAliases.contains(alias) || AnyOf(PendingFolderPrefixes, [alias](const TStringBuf prefix) { auto withSlash = TString(prefix) + "/"; return alias.StartsWith(withSlash); })) { for (auto& curr: CurrentEvalNodes) { Reachable.erase(curr); } HasConfigPending = true; } } if (node.IsCallable("QuoteCode")) { Reachable.insert(&node); return; } bool pop = false; if (node.IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs) || node.IsCallable(SubqueryExpandFuncs)) { Reachable.insert(&node); CurrentEvalNodes.insert(&node); pop = true; } if (node.IsCallable({ "EvaluateIf!", "EvaluateFor!", "EvaluateParallelFor!" })) { // scan predicate/list only if (node.ChildrenSize() > 1) { CurrentEvalNodes.insert(&node); pop = true; ScanImpl(*node.Child(1)); } } else if (node.IsCallable(SubqueryExpandFuncs)) { // scan list only if it's wrapped by evaluation func ui32 index = 0; if (node.IsCallable("SubqueryOrderBy") || node.IsCallable("SubqueryAssumeOrderBy")) { index = 1; } if (node.ChildrenSize() > index) { if (node.Child(index)->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { CurrentEvalNodes.insert(&node); pop = true; ScanImpl(*node.Child(index)); } else { for (const auto& child : node.Children()) { ScanImpl(*child); } } } } else { for (const auto& child : node.Children()) { ScanImpl(*child); } } if (pop) { CurrentEvalNodes.erase(&node); } } private: TNodeSet Visited; THashSet PendingFileAliases; THashSet PendingFolderPrefixes; TNodeSet CurrentEvalNodes; }; struct TEvalScope { TEvalScope(TTypeAnnotationContext& types) : Types(types) { ++Types.EvaluationInProgress; for (auto& dataProvider : Types.DataSources) { dataProvider->EnterEvaluation(Types.EvaluationInProgress); } } ~TEvalScope() { for (auto& dataProvider : Types.DataSources) { dataProvider->LeaveEvaluation(Types.EvaluationInProgress); } --Types.EvaluationInProgress; } TTypeAnnotationContext& Types; }; bool ValidateCalcWorlds(const TExprNode& node, const TTypeAnnotationContext& types, TNodeSet& visited) { if (!visited.emplace(&node).second) { return true; } if (node.Type() == TExprNode::World) { return true; } if (node.IsCallable("Commit!") || node.IsCallable("CommitAll!") || node.IsCallable("Configure!")) { return ValidateCalcWorlds(*node.Child(0), types, visited); } if (node.IsCallable("Sync!")) { for (const auto& child : node.Children()) { if (!ValidateCalcWorlds(*child, types, visited)) { return false; } } return true; } for (auto& dataProvider : types.DataSources) { if (dataProvider->CanEvaluate(node)) { return true; } } return false; } TExprNode::TPtr QuoteCode(const TExprNode::TPtr& node, TExprContext& ctx, TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap& knownArgs, TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap& visited, const TNodeMap& externalWorlds) { auto& res = visited[node.Get()]; if (res) { return res; } switch (node->Type()) { case TExprNode::Atom: { return res = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable("AtomCode") .Callable(0, "String") .Atom(0, node->Content()) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } case TExprNode::Argument: { auto it = knownArgs.find(node.Get()); if (it != knownArgs.end()) { return res = it->second; } auto externalWorldIt = externalWorlds.find(node.Get()); if (externalWorldIt != externalWorlds.end()) { return ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable("FuncCode") .Callable(0, "String") .Atom(0, "WorldArg") .Seal() .Callable(1, "AtomCode") .Callable(0, "String") .Atom(0, ToString(externalWorldIt->second)) .Seal() .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); } return res = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable("ReprCode") .Add(0, node) .Seal() .Build(); } case TExprNode::List: { TExprNode::TListType children; children.reserve(node->ChildrenSize()); for (auto& child : node->Children()) { auto childCode = QuoteCode(child, ctx, knownArgs, visited, externalWorlds); if (!childCode) { return nullptr; } children.push_back(childCode); } return res = ctx.NewCallable(node->Pos(), "ListCode", std::move(children)); } case TExprNode::Callable: { TExprNode::TListType children; children.reserve(node->ChildrenSize() + 1); children.push_back(ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable("String") .Atom(0, node->Content()) .Seal() .Build()); for (auto& child : node->Children()) { auto childCode = QuoteCode(child, ctx, knownArgs, visited, externalWorlds); if (!childCode) { return nullptr; } children.push_back(childCode); } return res = ctx.NewCallable(node->Pos(), "FuncCode", std::move(children)); } case TExprNode::Lambda: { TExprNode::TListType lambdaArgsItems; for (auto arg : node->Child(0)->Children()) { auto lambdaArg = ctx.NewArgument(arg->Pos(), arg->Content()); lambdaArgsItems.push_back(lambdaArg); knownArgs.emplace(arg.Get(), lambdaArg); } auto lambdaArgs = ctx.NewArguments(node->Pos(), std::move(lambdaArgsItems)); auto body = QuoteCode(node->ChildPtr(1), ctx, knownArgs, visited, externalWorlds); if (!body) { return nullptr; } for (auto arg : node->Child(0)->Children()) { knownArgs.erase(arg.Get()); } auto lambda = ctx.NewLambda(node->Pos(), std::move(lambdaArgs), std::move(body)); return res = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable("LambdaCode") .Add(0, lambda) .Seal() .Build(); } case TExprNode::World: { return res = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable("WorldCode") .Seal() .Build(); } default: YQL_ENSURE(false, "Unknown type: " << node->Type()); } } IGraphTransformer::TStatus EvaluateExpression(const TExprNode::TPtr& input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TTypeAnnotationContext& types, TExprContext& ctx, const IFunctionRegistry& functionRegistry, IGraphTransformer* calcTransfomer) { output = input; if (ctx.Step.IsDone(TExprStep::ExprEval)) return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; YQL_CLOG(DEBUG, CoreEval) << "EvaluateExpression - start"; bool pure = false; TString nextProvider; TMaybe calcProvider; TExprNode::TPtr calcWorldRoot; TPositionHandle pipelinePos; bool isAtomPipeline = false; bool isOptionalAtom = false; bool isTypePipeline = false; bool isCodePipeline = false; TTransformationPipeline pipeline(&types); pipeline.AddServiceTransformers(); pipeline.AddPreTypeAnnotation(); pipeline.AddExpressionEvaluation(functionRegistry); pipeline.AddIOAnnotation(); pipeline.AddTypeAnnotationTransformer(); pipeline.Add(CreateFunctorTransformer( [&](TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) -> IGraphTransformer::TStatus { output = input; if (!input->GetTypeAnn()) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(input->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Lambda is not allowed as argument for function: " << input->Content())); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (isAtomPipeline) { const TDataExprType* dataType; if (!EnsureDataOrOptionalOfData(*input, isOptionalAtom, dataType, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } if (!EnsureSpecificDataType(input->Pos(), *dataType, EDataSlot::String, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } else if (isTypePipeline) { if (!EnsureSpecificDataType(*input, EDataSlot::Yson, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } else if (isCodePipeline) { if (!EnsureSpecificDataType(*input, EDataSlot::String, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } else { if (!EnsurePersistable(*input, ctx)) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; }), "TopLevelType", EYqlIssueCode::TIssuesIds_EIssueCode_DEFAULT_ERROR, "Ensure type of expression is correct"); const bool forSubGraph = true; pipeline.AddPostTypeAnnotation(forSubGraph); pipeline.Add(TExprLogTransformer::Sync("EvalExpressionOpt", NLog::EComponent::CoreEval, NLog::ELevel::TRACE), "EvalOptTrace", EYqlIssueCode::TIssuesIds_EIssueCode_DEFAULT_ERROR, "EvalOptTrace"); pipeline.AddOptimization(false); pipeline.Add(CreateFunctorTransformer( [&](TExprNode::TPtr input, TExprNode::TPtr& output, TExprContext& ctx) -> IGraphTransformer::TStatus { output = input; if (!calcProvider) { pure = false; if (IsPureIsolatedLambda(*input)) { pure = true; if (calcTransfomer) { calcProvider.ConstructInPlace(); } else { if (nextProvider.empty()) { nextProvider = types.GetDefaultDataSource(); } if (!nextProvider.empty() && types.DataSourceMap.contains(nextProvider)) { calcProvider = types.DataSourceMap[nextProvider].Get(); } } } else if (!calcTransfomer) { for (auto& p : types.DataSources) { TSyncMap syncList; if (p->CanBuildResult(*input, syncList)) { bool canExec = true; for (auto& x : syncList) { if (x.first->Type() == TExprNode::World) { continue; } if (!p->GetExecWorld(x.first, calcWorldRoot)) { canExec = false; break; } if (!calcWorldRoot) { continue; } TNodeSet visited; if (!ValidateCalcWorlds(*calcWorldRoot, types, visited)) { canExec = false; break; } } if (canExec) { calcProvider = p.Get(); output = (*calcProvider.Get())->CleanupWorld(input, ctx); if (!output) { return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error); } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true); } } } } if (!calcProvider) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(input->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Only pure expressions are supported")); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error; } } if (!calcWorldRoot) { calcWorldRoot = ctx.NewWorld(input->Pos()); calcWorldRoot->SetTypeAnn(ctx.MakeType()); calcWorldRoot->SetState(TExprNode::EState::ConstrComplete); } return IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; }), "CheckPure", EYqlIssueCode::TIssuesIds_EIssueCode_DEFAULT_ERROR, "Ensure expression is computable"); pipeline.Add(MakePeepholeOptimization(&types), "PeepHole", EYqlIssueCode::TIssuesIds_EIssueCode_DEFAULT_ERROR, "Peephole optimizations"); auto fullTransformer = pipeline.Build(); TMarkReachable marked; marked.Scan(*output); THashSet modifyCallables; modifyCallables.insert(WriteName); modifyCallables.insert(ConfigureName); modifyCallables.insert(CommitName); modifyCallables.insert("CommitAll!"); for (auto& dataSink: types.DataSinks) { dataSink->FillModifyCallables(modifyCallables); } IGraphTransformer::TStatus hasPendingEvaluations = IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok; TOptimizeExprSettings settings(nullptr); settings.VisitChanges = true; auto status = OptimizeExpr(output, output, [&](const TExprNode::TPtr& node, TExprContext& ctx)->TExprNode::TPtr { TIssueScopeGuard issueScope(ctx.IssueManager, [&]() { return MakeIntrusive(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "At function: " << node->Content()); }); if (node->IsCallable("EvaluateIf!")) { if (!EnsureMinArgsCount(*node, 3, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (!EnsureMaxArgsCount(*node, 4, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (!EnsureLambda(*node->Child(2), ctx) || !EnsureArgsCount(*node->Child(2)->Child(0), 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (node->ChildrenSize() == 4) { if (!EnsureLambda(*node->Child(3), ctx) || !EnsureArgsCount(*node->Child(3)->Child(0), 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } } if (node->Child(1)->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } if (!node->Child(1)->IsCallable("Bool") || node->Child(1)->ChildrenSize() != 1) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Child(1)->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected literal bool")); return nullptr; } auto predAtom = node->Child(1)->Child(0); ui8 predValue; if (predAtom->Flags() & TNodeFlags::BinaryContent) { if (predAtom->Content().size() != 1) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(predAtom->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Incorrect literal bool value")); return nullptr; } predValue = *(const ui8*)predAtom->Content().data(); } else { predValue = (predAtom->Content() == "true" || predAtom->Content() == "1"); } if (predValue) { return ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Apply(node->ChildPtr(2)) .With(0, node->ChildPtr(0)) .Seal() .Build(); } else if (node->ChildrenSize() == 4) { return ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Apply(node->ChildPtr(3)) .With(0, node->ChildPtr(0)) .Seal() .Build(); } else { return node->ChildPtr(0); } } if (node->IsCallable({"EvaluateFor!", "EvaluateParallelFor!"})) { const bool seq = node->IsCallable("EvaluateFor!"); if (!EnsureMinArgsCount(*node, 3, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (!EnsureMaxArgsCount(*node, 4, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (!EnsureLambda(*node->Child(2), ctx) || !EnsureArgsCount(*node->Child(2)->Child(0), 2, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (node->ChildrenSize() == 4) { if (!EnsureLambda(*node->Child(3), ctx) || !EnsureArgsCount(*node->Child(3)->Child(0), 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } } auto list = node->Child(1); if (list->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } bool noData = false; if (list->IsCallable("Just")) { if (!EnsureArgsCount(*list, 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } list = list->Child(0); } else if (list->IsCallable("Nothing") || list->IsCallable("Null")) { noData = true; } if (!noData && list->IsCallable("List") && list->ChildrenSize() == 1) { noData = true; } if (noData) { if (node->ChildrenSize() == 4) { return ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Apply(node->ChildPtr(3)) .With(0, node->ChildPtr(0)) .Seal() .Build(); } else { return node->ChildPtr(0); } } if (!list->IsCallable("List") && !list->IsCallable("AsList")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(list->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected (optional) literal list")); return nullptr; } auto itemsCount = list->ChildrenSize() - (list->IsCallable("List") ? 1 : 0); const auto limit = seq ? types.EvaluateForLimit : types.EvaluateParallelForLimit; if (itemsCount > limit) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(list->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Too large list for EVALUATE " << (seq ? "" : "PARALLEL ") << "FOR, allowed: " << limit << ", got: " << itemsCount)); return nullptr; } auto world = node->ChildPtr(0); auto ret = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Callable(seq ? "Seq!" : "Sync!") .Do([&](TExprNodeBuilder& parent) -> TExprNodeBuilder& { ui32 pos = 0; if (seq) { parent.Add(pos++, world); } for (ui32 i = list->IsCallable("List") ? 1 : 0; i < list->ChildrenSize(); ++i) { auto arg = seq ? ctx.NewArgument(node->Pos(), "world") : world; auto body = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Apply(node->ChildPtr(2)) .With(0, arg) .With(1, list->ChildPtr(i)) .Seal() .Build(); if (seq) { auto lambda = ctx.NewLambda(node->Pos(), ctx.NewArguments(node->Pos(), { arg }), std::move(body)); parent.Add(pos++, lambda); } else { parent.Add(pos++, body); } } return parent; }) .Seal() .Build(); ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::ExpandApplyForLambdas); hasPendingEvaluations = hasPendingEvaluations.Combine(IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true)); return ret; } if (node->IsCallable(SubqueryExpandFuncs)) { if (!EnsureArgsCount(*node, 2, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (node->IsCallable("SubqueryOrderBy") || node->IsCallable("SubqueryAssumeOrderBy")) { auto inputSub = node->Child(0); if (inputSub->IsArgument()) { return node; } if (!EnsureLambda(*inputSub, ctx) || !EnsureArgsCount(*inputSub->Child(0), 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } auto keys = node->Child(1); if (keys->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } if (!keys->IsCallable("AsList") && !keys->IsCallable("List") && !keys->IsCallable("EmptyList")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(keys->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected literal list")); return nullptr; } auto itemsCount = keys->ChildrenSize() - (keys->IsCallable("List") ? 1 : 0); if (itemsCount > types.EvaluateOrderByColumnLimit) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(keys->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Too many columns for subquery order by, allowed: " << types.EvaluateOrderByColumnLimit << ", got: " << itemsCount)); return nullptr; } auto arg = ctx.NewArgument(node->Pos(), "row"); TExprNode::TListType dirItems; TExprNode::TListType extractorItems; for (ui32 i = keys->IsCallable("List") ? 1 : 0; i < keys->ChildrenSize(); ++i) { auto k = keys->Child(i); if (!k->IsList() || k->ChildrenSize() != 2) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(k->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected tuple of 2 items")); return nullptr; } auto columnName = k->Child(0); auto direction = k->Child(1); if (!columnName->IsCallable("String")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(columnName->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected String as column name")); return nullptr; } if (!direction->IsCallable("Bool")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(columnName->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected Bool as direction")); return nullptr; } dirItems.push_back(direction); extractorItems.push_back(ctx.Builder(k->Pos()) .Callable("Member") .Add(0, arg) .Add(1, columnName->ChildPtr(0)) .Seal() .Build()); } auto args = ctx.NewArguments(node->Pos(), { arg }); auto body = ctx.NewList(node->Pos(), std::move(extractorItems)); auto extractorLambda = ctx.NewLambda(node->Pos(), std::move(args), std::move(body)); auto dirs = ctx.NewList(node->Pos(), std::move(dirItems)); auto sorted = ctx.Builder(node->Pos()) .Lambda() .Param("world") .Callable(node->IsCallable("SubqueryOrderBy") ? "Sort" : "AssumeSorted") .Apply(0, inputSub) .With(0, "world") .Seal() .Add(1, dirs) .Add(2, extractorLambda) .Seal() .Seal() .Build(); ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::ExpandApplyForLambdas); hasPendingEvaluations = hasPendingEvaluations.Combine(IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true)); return sorted; } else { auto list = node->Child(0); if (list->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } if (list->IsCallable("Just")) { list = list->Child(0); } if (!list->IsCallable("AsList") || list->ChildrenSize() == 0) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(list->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected non-empty literal list")); return nullptr; } auto itemsCount = list->ChildrenSize(); if (itemsCount > types.EvaluateParallelForLimit) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(list->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Too large list for subquery loop, allowed: " << types.EvaluateParallelForLimit << ", got: " << itemsCount)); return nullptr; } if (node->Child(1)->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } const auto status = ConvertToLambda(node->ChildRef(1), ctx, 2, 2, false); if (status.Level == IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error) { return nullptr; } const auto& lambda = node->Child(1); TExprNodeList argItems; argItems.push_back(ctx.NewArgument(node->Pos(), "world")); TExprNodeList inputs; for (ui32 i = 0; i < list->ChildrenSize(); ++i) { TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap replaces; replaces[lambda->Child(0)->Child(0)] = argItems[0]; replaces[lambda->Child(0)->Child(1)] = list->ChildPtr(i); inputs.push_back(ctx.ReplaceNodes(lambda->TailPtr(), replaces)); } auto body = ctx.NewCallable(node->Pos(), node->Content().substr(8, node->Content().size() - 8 - 3), std::move(inputs)); auto args = ctx.NewArguments(node->Pos(), std::move(argItems)); auto merged = ctx.NewLambda(node->Pos(), std::move(args), std::move(body)); ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::ExpandApplyForLambdas); hasPendingEvaluations = hasPendingEvaluations.Combine(IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true)); return merged; } } if (node->IsCallable("MrTableEach") || node->IsCallable("MrTableEachStrict")) { TExprNode::TListType keys; TStringBuf prefix; if (node->ChildrenSize() != 0 && node->TailPtr()->IsAtom()) { prefix = node->TailPtr()->Content(); } for (const auto& eachKey : node->Children()) { if (eachKey->IsAtom()) { continue; } if (!eachKey->IsCallable("Key")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(eachKey->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected Key")); return nullptr; } if (!EnsureMinArgsCount(*eachKey, 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (!eachKey->Child(0)->IsList() || eachKey->Child(0)->ChildrenSize() != 2 || !eachKey->Child(0)->Child(0)->IsAtom() || eachKey->Child(0)->Child(0)->Content() != "table") { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(eachKey->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Invalid Key")); return nullptr; } auto list = eachKey->Child(0)->Child(1); if (list->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } if (list->IsCallable("List") && list->ChildrenSize() == 0) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Invalid literal list value")); return nullptr; } if (!list->IsCallable("List") && !list->IsCallable("AsList")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected literal list")); return nullptr; } for (ui32 i = list->IsCallable("List") ? 1 : 0; i < list->ChildrenSize(); ++i) { auto name = list->ChildPtr(i); if (!name->IsCallable("String")) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Expected literal string as table name")); return nullptr; } if (prefix) { name = ctx.ChangeChild(*name, 0, ctx.NewAtom(node->Pos(), BuildTablePath(prefix, name->Child(0)->Content()))); } keys.push_back(ctx.ReplaceNode(TExprNode::TPtr(eachKey), *list, std::move(name))); } } return node->IsCallable("MrTableEach") ? ctx.NewCallable(node->Pos(), "MrTableConcat", std::move(keys)) : ctx.NewList(node->Pos(), std::move(keys)); } if (node->IsCallable("QuoteCode")) { if (marked.Reachable.find(node.Get()) == marked.Reachable.cend()) { hasPendingEvaluations = hasPendingEvaluations.Combine(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat); return node; } if (!EnsureArgsCount(*node, 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap knownArgs; TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap visited; return QuoteCode(node->ChildPtr(0), ctx, knownArgs, visited, marked.ExternalWorlds); } if (!node->IsCallable(EvaluationFuncs)) { return node; } if (!EnsureArgsCount(*node, 1, ctx)) { return nullptr; } if (marked.Reachable.find(node.Get()) == marked.Reachable.cend()) { if (marked.HasConfigPending) { ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::Configure); } hasPendingEvaluations = hasPendingEvaluations.Combine(IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, marked.HasConfigPending)); return node; } auto newArg = node->ChildPtr(0); { TNodeSet visited; TNodeMap activeArgs; bool hasUnresolvedTypes = false; if (!CheckPendingArgs(*newArg, visited, activeArgs, marked.ExternalWorlds, ctx, false, hasUnresolvedTypes)) { return nullptr; } if (hasUnresolvedTypes) { YQL_CLOG(DEBUG, CoreEval) << "EvaluateExpression - has unresolved types"; return node; } } TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap externalWorldReplaces; for (auto& x : marked.ExternalWorlds) { externalWorldReplaces.emplace(x.first, ctx.NewWorld(x.first->Pos())); } newArg = ctx.ReplaceNodes(std::move(newArg), externalWorldReplaces); TExprNode::TPtr clonedArg; { TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap deepClones; clonedArg = ctx.DeepCopy(*newArg, ctx, deepClones, false, true, true); } // trim modifications TOptimizeExprSettings settings(nullptr); settings.VisitChanges = true; auto status = OptimizeExpr(clonedArg, clonedArg, [&](const TExprNode::TPtr& node, TExprContext& ctx) { Y_UNUSED(ctx); if (node->IsCallable(modifyCallables) && node->ChildrenSize() > 0) { return node->ChildPtr(0); } return node; }, ctx, settings); if (status.Level != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { return nullptr; } pipelinePos = node->Pos(); isAtomPipeline = node->IsCallable("EvaluateAtom"); isTypePipeline = node->IsCallable("EvaluateType"); isCodePipeline = node->IsCallable("EvaluateCode"); isOptionalAtom = false; if (isTypePipeline) { clonedArg = ctx.NewCallable(clonedArg->Pos(), "SerializeTypeHandle", { clonedArg }); } else if (isCodePipeline) { clonedArg = ctx.NewCallable(clonedArg->Pos(), "SerializeCode", { clonedArg }); } TString key; NYT::TNode ysonNode; if (types.QContext) { key = MakeCacheKey(*clonedArg); if (types.QContext.CanRead()) { auto item = types.QContext.GetReader()->Get({EvaluationComponent, key}).GetValueSync(); if (!item) { throw yexception() << "Missing replay data"; } ysonNode = NYT::NodeFromYsonString(item->Value); } } do { calcProvider.Clear(); calcWorldRoot.Drop(); fullTransformer->Rewind(); auto prevSteps = ctx.Step; TEvalScope scope(types); ctx.Step.Reset(); if (prevSteps.IsDone(TExprStep::Recapture)) { ctx.Step.Done(TExprStep::Recapture); } status = SyncTransform(*fullTransformer, clonedArg, ctx); ctx.Step = prevSteps; if (status.Level == IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error) { return nullptr; } // execute calcWorldRoot auto execTransformer = CreateExecutionTransformer(types, [](const TOperationProgress&){}, false); status = SyncTransform(*execTransformer, calcWorldRoot, ctx); if (status.Level == IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error) { return nullptr; } if (types.QContext.CanRead()) { break; } IDataProvider::TFillSettings fillSettings; auto delegatedNode = Build(ctx, node->Pos()) .Input(clonedArg) .BytesLimit() .Value(TString()) .Build() .RowsLimit() .Value(TString()) .Build() .FormatDetails() .Value(ToString((ui32)NYson::EYsonFormat::Binary)) .Build() .Settings().Build() .Format() .Value(ToString((ui32)IDataProvider::EResultFormat::Yson)) .Build() .PublicId() .Value(TString()) .Build() .Discard() .Value("false") .Build() .Origin(calcWorldRoot) .Done().Ptr(); auto atomType = ctx.MakeType(); for (auto idx: {TResOrPullBase::idx_BytesLimit, TResOrPullBase::idx_RowsLimit, TResOrPullBase::idx_FormatDetails, TResOrPullBase::idx_Format, TResOrPullBase::idx_PublicId, TResOrPullBase::idx_Discard, TResOrPullBase::idx_Settings }) { delegatedNode->Child(idx)->SetTypeAnn(atomType); delegatedNode->Child(idx)->SetState(TExprNode::EState::ConstrComplete); } delegatedNode->SetTypeAnn(atomType); delegatedNode->SetState(TExprNode::EState::ConstrComplete); auto& transformer = calcTransfomer ? *calcTransfomer : (*calcProvider.Get())->GetCallableExecutionTransformer(); status = SyncTransform(transformer, delegatedNode, ctx); if (status.Level == IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error) { return nullptr; } TString yson{delegatedNode->GetResult().Content()}; ysonNode = NYT::NodeFromYsonString(yson); if (ysonNode.HasKey("FallbackProvider")) { nextProvider = ysonNode["FallbackProvider"].AsString(); } else if (types.QContext.CanWrite()) { types.QContext.GetWriter()->Put({EvaluationComponent, key}, yson).GetValueSync(); } } while (ysonNode.HasKey("FallbackProvider")); auto dataNode = ysonNode["Data"]; if (isAtomPipeline) { if (isOptionalAtom) { if (dataNode.IsEntity() || dataNode.AsList().empty()) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Failed to get atom from an empty optional")); return nullptr; } dataNode = dataNode.AsList().front(); } TString value; if (dataNode.IsString()) { value = dataNode.AsString(); } else { YQL_ENSURE(dataNode.IsList() && dataNode.AsList().size() == 1 && dataNode.AsList().front().IsString(), "Unexpected atom value: " << NYT::NodeToYsonString(dataNode)); value = Base64Decode(dataNode.AsList().front().AsString()); } return ctx.NewAtom(node->Pos(), value); } TScopedAlloc alloc(__LOCATION__); TTypeEnvironment env(alloc); TStringStream err; TProgramBuilder pgmBuilder(env, functionRegistry); TType* mkqlType = NCommon::BuildType(*clonedArg->GetTypeAnn(), pgmBuilder, err); if (!mkqlType) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Failed to process type: " << err.Str())); return nullptr; } TMemoryUsageInfo memInfo("Eval"); THolderFactory holderFactory(alloc.Ref(), memInfo); auto value = NCommon::ParseYsonNodeInResultFormat(holderFactory, dataNode, mkqlType, &err); if (!value) { ctx.AddError(TIssue(ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos()), TStringBuilder() << "Failed to parse data: " << err.Str())); return nullptr; } if (isTypePipeline) { auto yson = TStringBuf(value->AsStringRef()); auto type = NCommon::ParseTypeFromYson(yson, ctx, ctx.GetPosition(node->Pos())); if (!type) { return nullptr; } return ExpandType(node->Pos(), *type, ctx); } if (isCodePipeline) { TExprNode::TPtr result = DeserializeGraph(node->Pos(), TStringBuf(value->AsStringRef()), ctx); if (!result) { return nullptr; } TNodeOnNodeOwnedMap replaces; VisitExpr(*result, [&](const TExprNode& input) { if (input.IsCallable("WorldArg")) { YQL_ENSURE(input.ChildrenSize() == 1 && input.Child(0)->IsAtom()); auto index = FromString(input.Child(0)->Content()); YQL_ENSURE(index < marked.ExternalWorldsList.size()); YQL_ENSURE(replaces.emplace(&input, marked.ExternalWorldsList[index]).second); } return true; }); result = ctx.ReplaceNodes(std::move(result), replaces); ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::ExpandApplyForLambdas); hasPendingEvaluations = hasPendingEvaluations.Combine(IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true)); return result; } return NCommon::ValueToExprLiteral(clonedArg->GetTypeAnn(), *value, ctx, node->Pos()); }, ctx, settings); if (status.Level == IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Error) { return status; } if (hasPendingEvaluations != IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Ok) { YQL_CLOG(DEBUG, CoreEval) << "EvaluateExpression - has pending evaluations"; return hasPendingEvaluations; } YQL_CLOG(DEBUG, CoreEval) << "EvaluateExpression - finish"; // repeat some steps ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::ValidateProviders); ctx.Step.Repeat(TExprStep::Configure); ctx.Step.Done(TExprStep::ExprEval); return IGraphTransformer::TStatus(IGraphTransformer::TStatus::Repeat, true); } } // namespace NYql