PNPM_ROOT= PNPM_SCRIPT=$PNPM_ROOT/node_modules/pnpm/dist/pnpm.cjs NPM_CONTRIBS_PATH=contrib/typescript # combined input/outputs records as list of directives ${input;hide:} ${output;hide:}, used in builders _NODE_MODULES_INOUTS= _YATOOL_PREBUILDER_ARG= macro CUSTOM_CONTRIB_TYPESCRIPT(P) { SET(NPM_CONTRIBS_PATH $P) } macro NO_CONTRIB_TYPESCRIPT() { SET(NPM_CONTRIBS_PATH -) } ### @usage: NPM_CONTRIBS() # internal ### ### Defines special module that provides contrib tarballs from internal npm registry. ### ### @see [FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES()](#macro_FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES) module NPM_CONTRIBS: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALLOWED=FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES .RESTRICTED=PEERDIR .EXTS=_ # Ignore all files, so module is not affected by FROM_NPM output (.EXTS=* is inherited from _BARE_UNIT) SET(MODULE_TAG NPM_CONTRIBS) SET(MODULE_LANG TS) # .fake tells builder to not materialize it in results SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .fake) } ### @usage: FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES(LOCKFILES...) # internal ### ### Defines lockfile list for `NPM_CONTRIBS` module. ### ### @see [NPM_CONTRIBS()](#module_NPM_CONTRIBS) macro FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES(LOCKFILES...) { SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS $LOCKFILES) # See implementation in build/plugins/ _FROM_NPM_LOCKFILES($LOCKFILES) } FROM_NPM_CWD=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/$NPM_CONTRIBS_PATH macro _FROM_NPM(TARBALL_URL, SKY_ID, INTEGRITY, INTEGRITY_ALGO, TARBALL_PATH) { .CMD=${cwd:FROM_NPM_CWD} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/"} ${input;hide:"build/scripts/"} ${input;hide:"build/scripts/"} --tarball-url $TARBALL_URL --sky-id $SKY_ID --integrity $INTEGRITY --integrity-algorithm $INTEGRITY_ALGO --copy-to ${output;noauto:TARBALL_PATH} ${requirements;hide:"network:full"} ${kv;hide:"p TS_FNPM"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} # we want output to be available for other modules without affecting NPM_CONTRIBS # we need to expose it (some details in _EXPOSE($TARBALL_PATH) } macro _TS_ADD_NODE_MODULES_FOR_BUILDER() { # Calculate inputs and outputs of node_modules, fill `_NODE_MODULES_INOUTS` variable _NODE_MODULES_CONFIGURE() } _TARBALLS_STORE=__tarballs__ _PREPARE_DEPS_INOUTS= _PREPARE_DEPS_RESOURCES= _PREPARE_DEPS_USE_RESOURCES_FLAG= _PREPARE_DEPS_CMD=$TOUCH_UNIT \ && $NOTS_TOOL $NOTS_TOOL_BASE_ARGS prepare-deps \ --tarballs-store $_TARBALLS_STORE \ $_PREPARE_DEPS_INOUTS \ $_PREPARE_DEPS_RESOURCES \ $_PREPARE_DEPS_USE_RESOURCES_FLAG \ ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} ${kv;hide:"p TS_DEP"} # In case of no deps we need to create empty outputs for graph connectivity _PREPARE_NO_DEPS_CMD=$TOUCH_UNIT \ && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/"} \ $_PREPARE_DEPS_INOUTS \ ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} ${kv;hide:"p TS_NODEP"} module _PREPARE_DEPS_BASE: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=_PREPARE_DEPS_CMD .IGNORED=SRCS FILES TS_FILES COPY_FILE # Propagates peers to related modules .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .INCLUDE_TAG=no # we have several modules in the same dir (.PEERDIRSELF=TS_PREPARE_DEPS in BUILD) # we need different names for module identity file # .fake tells builder to not materialize it in results SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .prepare_deps.fake) # .NODE_TYPE=Bundle is required for peers propagation, but it also affects # how merging of pic/nopic graphs. Here we can override this merging behaviour SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) # define own tag SET(MODULE_TAG TS_PREPARE_DEPS) SET(MODULE_LANG TS) # what modules it can PEERDIR to SET(PEERDIR_TAGS TS_PREPARE_DEPS) # do not include it into "results" of graph DISABLE(START_TARGET) # we read pnpm-lock.yaml and package.json during configuration SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${CURDIR}/pnpm-lock.yaml ${CURDIR}/package.json) _PREPARE_DEPS_CONFIGURE() }