#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * specialized for all arithmetic types */ template size_t ToStringImpl(T t, char* buf, size_t len); /** * Converts @c t to string writing not more than @c len bytes to output buffer @c buf. * No NULL terminator appended! Throws exception on buffer overflow. * @return number of bytes written */ template inline size_t ToString(const T& t, char* buf, size_t len) { using TParam = typename TTypeTraits::TFuncParam; return ToStringImpl(t, buf, len); } /** * Floating point to string conversion mode, values are enforced by `dtoa_impl.cpp`. */ enum EFloatToStringMode { /** 0.1f -> "0.1", 0.12345678f -> "0.12345678", ignores ndigits. */ PREC_AUTO = 0, /** "%g" mode, writes up to the given number of significant digits: * 0.1f -> "0.1", 0.12345678f -> "0.123457" for ndigits=6, 1.2e-06f -> "1.2e-06" */ PREC_NDIGITS = 2, /** "%f" mode, writes the given number of digits after decimal point: * 0.1f -> "0.100000", 1.2e-06f -> "0.000001" for ndigits=6 */ PREC_POINT_DIGITS = 3, /** same as PREC_POINT_DIGITS, but stripping trailing zeroes: * 0.1f for ndgigits=6 -> "0.1" */ PREC_POINT_DIGITS_STRIP_ZEROES = 4 }; size_t FloatToString(float t, char* buf, size_t len, EFloatToStringMode mode = PREC_AUTO, int ndigits = 0); size_t FloatToString(double t, char* buf, size_t len, EFloatToStringMode mode = PREC_AUTO, int ndigits = 0); template inline TString FloatToString(const T& t, EFloatToStringMode mode = PREC_AUTO, int ndigits = 0) { char buf[512]; // Max() with mode = PREC_POINT_DIGITS has 309 digits before the decimal point size_t count = FloatToString(t, buf, sizeof(buf), mode, ndigits); return TString(buf, count); } namespace NPrivate { template struct TToString { static inline TString Cvt(const T& t) { char buf[512]; return TString(buf, ToString(t, buf, sizeof(buf))); } }; template struct TToString { static inline TString Cvt(const T& t) { TString s; TStringOutput o(s); o << t; return s; } }; } /* * some clever implementations... */ template inline TString ToString(const T& t) { using TR = std::remove_cv_t; return ::NPrivate::TToString::value>::Cvt((const TR&)t); } inline const TString& ToString(const TString& s) noexcept { return s; } inline const TString& ToString(TString& s) noexcept { return s; } inline TString ToString(const char* s) { return s; } inline TString ToString(char* s) { return s; } /* * Wrapper for wide strings. */ template inline TUtf16String ToWtring(const T& t) { return TUtf16String::FromAscii(ToString(t)); } inline const TUtf16String& ToWtring(const TUtf16String& w) { return w; } inline const TUtf16String& ToWtring(TUtf16String& w) { return w; } struct TFromStringException: public TBadCastException { }; /* * specialized for: * bool * short * unsigned short * int * unsigned int * long * unsigned long * long long * unsigned long long * float * double * long double */ template T FromStringImpl(const TChar* data, size_t len); template inline T FromString(const TChar* data, size_t len) { return ::FromStringImpl(data, len); } template inline T FromString(const TChar* data) { return ::FromString(data, std::char_traits::length(data)); } template inline T FromString(const TStringBuf& s) { return ::FromString(s.data(), s.size()); } template inline T FromString(const TString& s) { return ::FromString(s.data(), s.size()); } template inline T FromString(const std::string& s) { return ::FromString(s.data(), s.size()); } template <> inline TString FromString(const TString& s) { return s; } template inline T FromString(const TWtringBuf& s) { return ::FromString(s.data(), s.size()); } template inline T FromString(const TUtf16String& s) { return ::FromString(s.data(), s.size()); } namespace NPrivate { template class TFromString { const TChar* const Data; const size_t Len; public: inline TFromString(const TChar* data, size_t len) : Data(data) , Len(len) { } template inline operator T() const { return FromString(Data, Len); } }; } template inline ::NPrivate::TFromString FromString(const TChar* data, size_t len) { return ::NPrivate::TFromString(data, len); } template inline ::NPrivate::TFromString FromString(const TChar* data) { return ::NPrivate::TFromString(data, std::char_traits::length(data)); } template inline ::NPrivate::TFromString FromString(const T& s) { return ::NPrivate::TFromString(s.data(), s.size()); } // Conversion exception free versions template bool TryFromStringImpl(const TChar* data, size_t len, T& result); /** * @param data Source string buffer pointer * @param len Source string length, in characters * @param result Place to store conversion result value. * If conversion error occurs, no value stored in @c result * @return @c true in case of successful conversion, @c false otherwise **/ template inline bool TryFromString(const TChar* data, size_t len, T& result) { return TryFromStringImpl(data, len, result); } template inline bool TryFromString(const TChar* data, T& result) { return TryFromString(data, std::char_traits::length(data), result); } template inline bool TryFromString(const TChar* data, const size_t len, T& result, const T& def) { if (TryFromString(data, len, result)) { return true; } result = def; return false; } template inline bool TryFromString(const TStringBuf& s, T& result) { return TryFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result); } template inline bool TryFromString(const TString& s, T& result) { return TryFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result); } template inline bool TryFromString(const std::string& s, T& result) { return TryFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result); } template inline bool TryFromString(const TWtringBuf& s, T& result) { return TryFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result); } template inline bool TryFromString(const TUtf16String& s, T& result) { return TryFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result); } template inline TMaybe TryFromString(TBasicStringBuf s) { TMaybe result{NMaybe::TInPlace{}}; if (!TryFromString(s, *result)) { result.Clear(); } return result; } template inline TMaybe TryFromString(const TChar* data) { return TryFromString(TBasicStringBuf(data)); } template inline TMaybe TryFromString(const TString& s) { return TryFromString(TStringBuf(s)); } template inline TMaybe TryFromString(const std::string& s) { return TryFromString(TStringBuf(s)); } template inline TMaybe TryFromString(const TUtf16String& s) { return TryFromString(TWtringBuf(s)); } template inline bool TryFromStringWithDefault(const TStringType& s, T& result, const T& def) { return TryFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result, def); } template inline bool TryFromStringWithDefault(const char* s, T& result, const T& def) { return TryFromStringWithDefault(TStringBuf(s), result, def); } template inline bool TryFromStringWithDefault(const TStringType& s, T& result) { return TryFromStringWithDefault(s, result, T()); } // FromString methods with default value if data is invalid template inline T FromString(const TChar* data, const size_t len, const T& def) { T result; TryFromString(data, len, result, def); return result; } template inline T FromStringWithDefault(const TStringType& s, const T& def) { return FromString(s.data(), s.size(), def); } template inline T FromStringWithDefault(const char* s, const T& def) { return FromStringWithDefault(TStringBuf(s), def); } template inline T FromStringWithDefault(const TStringType& s) { return FromStringWithDefault(s, T()); } double StrToD(const char* b, char** se); double StrToD(const char* b, const char* e, char** se); template size_t IntToString(T t, char* buf, size_t len); template inline TString IntToString(T t) { static_assert(std::is_arithmetic>::value, "expect std::is_arithmetic>::value"); char buf[256]; return TString(buf, IntToString(t, buf, sizeof(buf))); } template bool TryIntFromString(const TChar* data, size_t len, TInt& result); template inline bool TryIntFromString(const TStringType& s, TInt& result) { return TryIntFromString(s.data(), s.size(), result); } template TInt IntFromString(const TChar* str, size_t len); template inline TInt IntFromString(const TChar* str) { return IntFromString(str, std::char_traits::length(str)); } template inline TInt IntFromString(const TStringType& str) { return IntFromString(str.data(), str.size()); } static inline TString ToString(const TStringBuf str) { return TString(str); } static inline TUtf16String ToWtring(const TWtringBuf wtr) { return TUtf16String(wtr); } static inline TUtf32String ToUtf32String(const TUtf32StringBuf wtr) { return TUtf32String(wtr); } template class TIntStringBuf { private: // inline constexprs are not supported by CUDA yet static constexpr char IntToChar[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'}; static_assert(1 < base && base < 17, "expect 1 < base && base < 17"); public: template ::value, bool> = true> explicit constexpr TIntStringBuf(T t) { Size_ = Convert(t, Buf_, sizeof(Buf_) - 1); // Init the rest of the array, // otherwise constexpr copy and move constructors don't work due to uninitialized data access std::fill(Buf_ + Size_, Buf_ + sizeof(Buf_), '\0'); } constexpr operator TStringBuf() const noexcept { return TStringBuf(Buf_, Size_); } constexpr static ui32 Convert(T t, TChar* buf, ui32 bufLen) { if (std::is_signed::value && t < 0) { Y_ENSURE(bufLen >= 2, TStringBuf("not enough room in buffer")); buf[0] = '-'; const auto mt = std::make_unsigned_t(-(t + 1)) + std::make_unsigned_t(1); return ConvertUnsigned(mt, &buf[1], bufLen - 1) + 1; } else { return ConvertUnsigned(t, buf, bufLen); } } private: constexpr static ui32 ConvertUnsigned(typename std::make_unsigned::type t, TChar* buf, ui32 bufLen) { Y_ENSURE(bufLen, TStringBuf("zero length")); if (t == 0) { *buf = '0'; return 1; } auto* be = buf + bufLen; ui32 l = 0; while (t > 0 && be > buf) { const auto v = t / base; const auto r = (base == 2 || base == 4 || base == 8 || base == 16) ? t & (base - 1) : t - base * v; --be; if /*constexpr*/ (base <= 10) { // if constexpr is not supported by CUDA yet *be = r + '0'; } else { *be = IntToChar[r]; } ++l; t = v; } Y_ENSURE(!t, TStringBuf("not enough room in buffer")); for (ui32 i = 0; i < l; ++i) { *buf = *be; ++buf; ++be; } return l; } ui32 Size_; TChar Buf_[sizeof(T) * 8]; // worst case base = 2 };