-- -- ARRAYS -- CREATE TABLE arrtest ( a int2[], b int4[][][], c name[], d text[][], e float8[], f char(5)[], g varchar(5)[] ); -- test mixed slice/scalar subscripting select '{{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}'::int[]; select '[0:2][0:2]={{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}}'::int[]; -- test slices with empty lower and/or upper index CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest_s ( a int2[], b int2[][] ); INSERT INTO arrtest_s VALUES(NULL, NULL); -- -- test array extension -- CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest1 (i int[], t text[]); -- -- array expressions and operators -- -- table creation and INSERTs CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest2 (i integer ARRAY[4], f float8[], n numeric[], t text[], d timestamp[]); -- some more test data CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest_f (f0 int, f1 text, f2 float8); insert into arrtest_f values(1,'cat1',1.21); insert into arrtest_f values(2,'cat1',1.24); insert into arrtest_f values(3,'cat1',1.18); insert into arrtest_f values(4,'cat1',1.26); insert into arrtest_f values(5,'cat1',1.15); insert into arrtest_f values(6,'cat2',1.15); insert into arrtest_f values(7,'cat2',1.26); insert into arrtest_f values(8,'cat2',1.32); insert into arrtest_f values(9,'cat2',1.30); CREATE TEMP TABLE arrtest_i (f0 int, f1 text, f2 int); insert into arrtest_i values(1,'cat1',21); insert into arrtest_i values(2,'cat1',24); insert into arrtest_i values(3,'cat1',18); insert into arrtest_i values(4,'cat1',26); insert into arrtest_i values(5,'cat1',15); insert into arrtest_i values(6,'cat2',15); insert into arrtest_i values(7,'cat2',26); insert into arrtest_i values(8,'cat2',32); insert into arrtest_i values(9,'cat2',30); SELECT ARRAY[[[[[['hello'],['world']]]]]]; SELECT ARRAY[ARRAY['hello'],ARRAY['world']]; -- with nulls SELECT '{1,null,3}'::int[]; SELECT ARRAY[1,NULL,3]; SELECT NOT ARRAY[1.1,1.2,1.3] = ARRAY[1.1,1.2,1.3] AS "FALSE"; -- array casts SELECT ARRAY[1,2,3]::text[]::int[]::float8[] AS "{1,2,3}"; SELECT pg_typeof(ARRAY[1,2,3]::text[]::int[]::float8[]) AS "double precision[]"; SELECT ARRAY[['a','bc'],['def','hijk']]::text[]::varchar[] AS "{{a,bc},{def,hijk}}"; SELECT pg_typeof(ARRAY[['a','bc'],['def','hijk']]::text[]::varchar[]) AS "character varying[]"; SELECT CAST(ARRAY[[[[[['a','bb','ccc']]]]]] as text[]) as "{{{{{{a,bb,ccc}}}}}}"; SELECT NULL::text[]::int[] AS "NULL"; -- scalar op any/all (array) select 33 = any ('{1,2,3}'); select 33 = any ('{1,2,33}'); select 33 = all ('{1,2,33}'); select 33 >= all ('{1,2,33}'); -- boundary cases select null::int >= all ('{1,2,33}'); select null::int >= all ('{}'); select null::int >= any ('{}'); -- cross-datatype select 33.4 = any (array[1,2,3]); select 33.4 > all (array[1,2,3]); -- nulls select 33 = any (null::int[]); select null::int = any ('{1,2,3}'); select 33 = any ('{1,null,3}'); select 33 = any ('{1,null,33}'); select 33 = all (null::int[]); select null::int = all ('{1,2,3}'); select 33 = all ('{1,null,3}'); select 33 = all ('{33,null,33}'); -- nulls later in the bitmap SELECT -1 != ALL(ARRAY(SELECT NULLIF(g.i, 900) FROM generate_series(1,1000) g(i))); -- test indexes on arrays create temp table arr_tbl (f1 int[] unique); -- test ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE with arrays create temp table arr_pk_tbl (pk int4 primary key, f1 int[]); -- test [not] (like|ilike) (any|all) (...) select 'foo' like any (array['%a', '%o']); -- t select 'foo' like any (array['%a', '%b']); -- f select 'foo' like all (array['f%', '%o']); -- t select 'foo' like all (array['f%', '%b']); -- f select 'foo' not like any (array['%a', '%b']); -- t select 'foo' not like all (array['%a', '%o']); -- f select 'foo' ilike any (array['%A', '%O']); -- t select 'foo' ilike all (array['F%', '%O']); -- t -- -- General array parser tests -- -- none of the following should be accepted select '{{1,{2}},{2,3}}'::text[]; select '{{},{}}'::text[]; select E'{{1,2},\\{2,3}}'::text[]; select '{{"1 2" x},{3}}'::text[]; select '{}}'::text[]; select '{ }}'::text[]; -- none of the above should be accepted -- all of the following should be accepted select '{}'::text[]; select '{{{1,2,3,4},{2,3,4,5}},{{3,4,5,6},{4,5,6,7}}}'::text[]; select '{ { "," } , { 3 } }'::text[]; select ' { { " 0 second " , 0 second } }'::text[]; select '[0:1]={1.1,2.2}'::float8[]; -- all of the above should be accepted -- tests for array aggregates CREATE TEMP TABLE arraggtest ( f1 INT[], f2 TEXT[][], f3 FLOAT[]); create table comptable (c1 comptype, c2 comptype[]); drop table comptable; select string_to_array('1|2|3', '|'); select string_to_array('1|2|3|', '|'); select string_to_array('1||2|3||', '||'); select string_to_array('1|2|3', ''); select string_to_array('', '|'); select string_to_array('1|2|3', NULL); select string_to_array(NULL, '|') IS NULL; select string_to_array('abc', ''); select string_to_array('abc', '', 'abc'); select string_to_array('abc', ','); select string_to_array('abc', ',', 'abc'); select string_to_array('1,2,3,4,,6', ','); select string_to_array('1,2,3,4,,6', ',', ''); select string_to_array('1,2,3,4,*,6', ',', '*'); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1|2|3', '|') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1|2|3|', '|') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1||2|3||', '||') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1|2|3', '') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('', '|') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1|2|3', NULL) g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table(NULL, '|') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('abc', '') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('abc', '', 'abc') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('abc', ',') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('abc', ',', 'abc') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1,2,3,4,,6', ',') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1,2,3,4,,6', ',', '') g(v); select v, v is null as "is null" from string_to_table('1,2,3,4,*,6', ',', '*') g(v); select array_to_string(NULL::int4[], ',') IS NULL; select array_to_string('{}'::int4[], ','); select array_to_string(array[1,2,3,4,NULL,6], ','); select array_to_string(array[1,2,3,4,NULL,6], ',', '*'); select array_to_string(array[1,2,3,4,NULL,6], NULL); select array_to_string(array[1,2,3,4,NULL,6], ',', NULL); select array_to_string(string_to_array('1|2|3', '|'), '|'); select array_length(array[1,2,3], 1); select array_length(array[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], 0); select array_length(array[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], 1); select array_length(array[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], 2); select array_length(array[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]], 3); select cardinality(NULL::int[]); select cardinality('{}'::int[]); select cardinality(array[1,2,3]); select cardinality('[2:4]={5,6,7}'::int[]); select cardinality('{{1,2}}'::int[]); select cardinality('{{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}}'::int[]); select cardinality('{{{1,9},{5,6}},{{2,3},{3,4}}}'::int[]); select array_agg(unique1) from tenk1 where unique1 < -15; -- array_agg(anyarray) select array_agg(ar) from (values ('{1,2}'::int[]), ('{3,4}'::int[])) v(ar); select array_agg(ar) from (select array_agg(array[i, i+1, i-1]) from generate_series(1,2) a(i)) b(ar); select array_agg(array[i+1.2, i+1.3, i+1.4]) from generate_series(1,3) g(i); select array_agg(array['Hello', i::text]) from generate_series(9,11) g(i); select array_agg(array[i, nullif(i, 3), i+1]) from generate_series(1,4) g(i); -- errors select array_agg('{}'::int[]) from generate_series(1,2); select array_agg(null::int[]) from generate_series(1,2); select array_agg(ar) from (values ('{1,2}'::int[]), ('{3}'::int[])) v(ar); select * from unnest(array[1,2,3]); -- array(select array-value ...) select array(select array[i,i/2] from generate_series(1,5) i); select array(select array['Hello', i::text] from generate_series(9,11) i); -- Insert/update on a column that is array of composite create temp table t1 (f1 int8_tbl[]); -- Check that arrays of composites are safely detoasted when needed create temp table src (f1 text); insert into src select string_agg(random()::text,'') from generate_series(1,10000); create temp table dest (f1 textandtext[]); drop table src; drop table dest; -- trim_array SELECT arr, trim_array(arr, 2) FROM (VALUES ('{1,2,3,4,5,6}'::bigint[]), ('{1,2}'), ('[10:16]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7}'), ('[-15:-10]={1,2,3,4,5,6}'), ('{{1,10},{2,20},{3,30},{4,40}}')) v(arr); SELECT trim_array(ARRAY[1, 2, 3], -1); -- fail SELECT trim_array(ARRAY[1, 2, 3], 10); -- fail