# Histogram Set of auxiliary functions for the [HISTOGRAM aggregate function](../../builtins/aggregation.md). In the signature description below, HistogramStruct refers to the result of the aggregate function `HISTOGRAM`, `LinearHistogram` or `LogarithmicHistogram` being a structure of a certain type. ## List of functions * `Histogram::Print(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Byte?) -> String` * `Histogram::Normalize(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, [Double?]) -> HistogramStruct`: The second argument specifies the desired area of the histogram, 100 by default. * `Histogram::ToCumulativeDistributionFunction(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}) -> HistogramStruct` * `Histogram::GetSumAboveBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double` * `Histogram::GetSumBelowBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double` * `Histogram::GetSumInRange(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double, Double) -> Double` * `Histogram::CalcUpperBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double` * `Histogram::CalcLowerBound(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double` * `Histogram::CalcUpperBoundSafe(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double` * `Histogram::CalcLowerBoundSafe(HistogramStruct{Flags:AutoMap}, Double) -> Double` `Histogram::Print` has an optional numeric argument that sets the maximum length of the histogram columns (the length is in characters, since the histogram is rendered in ASCII art). Default: 25. This function is primarily intended for viewing histograms in the console.