# Boost.System The Boost.System library, part of [Boost C++ Libraries](https://boost.org), implements an extensible framework for error reporting in the form of an `error_code` class and supporting facilities. It has been proposed for the C++11 standard, has been accepted, and is now available as part of the standard library in the `` header. However, the Boost implementation has continued to evolve and gain enhancements and additional functionality, such as support for attaching [source locations](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/release/libs/assert/doc/html/assert.html#source_location_support) to `error_code`, and a `result` class that can carry either a value or an error code. See [the documentation of System](http://boost.org/libs/system) for more information. Since `` is a relatively undocumented portion of the C++ standard library, the documentation of Boost.System may be useful to you even if you use the standard components. ## License Distributed under the [Boost Software License, Version 1.0](http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt).