/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "api/s2n.h" #include "error/s2n_errno.h" #include "stuffer/s2n_stuffer.h" #include "tls/s2n_alerts.h" #include "tls/s2n_connection.h" #include "tls/s2n_record.h" #include "tls/s2n_resume.h" #include "tls/s2n_tls.h" #include "tls/s2n_tls13_handshake.h" #include "utils/s2n_random.h" #include "utils/s2n_safety.h" /* * The maximum size of the NewSessionTicket message, not taking into account the * ticket itself. * * To get the actual maximum size required for the NewSessionTicket message, we'll need * to add the size of the ticket, which is much less predictable. * * This constant is enforced via unit tests. */ #define S2N_TLS13_MAX_FIXED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET_SIZE 79 int s2n_server_nst_recv(struct s2n_connection *conn) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_read_uint32(&conn->handshake.io, &conn->ticket_lifetime_hint)); uint16_t session_ticket_len; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_read_uint16(&conn->handshake.io, &session_ticket_len)); if (session_ticket_len > 0) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_realloc(&conn->client_ticket, session_ticket_len)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_read(&conn->handshake.io, &conn->client_ticket)); if (conn->config->session_ticket_cb != NULL) { size_t session_len = s2n_connection_get_session_length(conn); /* Alloc some memory for the serialized session ticket */ DEFER_CLEANUP(struct s2n_blob mem = { 0 }, s2n_free); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_alloc(&mem, S2N_STATE_FORMAT_LEN + S2N_SESSION_TICKET_SIZE_LEN + conn->client_ticket.size + S2N_TLS12_STATE_SIZE_IN_BYTES)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_connection_get_session(conn, mem.data, session_len)); uint32_t session_lifetime = s2n_connection_get_session_ticket_lifetime_hint(conn); struct s2n_session_ticket ticket = { .ticket_data = mem, .session_lifetime = session_lifetime }; POSIX_ENSURE(conn->config->session_ticket_cb(conn, conn->config->session_ticket_ctx, &ticket) >= S2N_SUCCESS, S2N_ERR_CANCELLED); } } return S2N_SUCCESS; } int s2n_server_nst_send(struct s2n_connection *conn) { uint16_t session_ticket_len = S2N_TLS12_TICKET_SIZE_IN_BYTES; uint8_t data[S2N_TLS12_TICKET_SIZE_IN_BYTES] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob entry = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&entry, data, sizeof(data))); struct s2n_stuffer to = { 0 }; uint32_t lifetime_hint_in_secs = (conn->config->encrypt_decrypt_key_lifetime_in_nanos + conn->config->decrypt_key_lifetime_in_nanos) / ONE_SEC_IN_NANOS; /* When server changes it's mind mid handshake send lifetime hint and session ticket length as zero */ if (!conn->config->use_tickets) { POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint32(&conn->handshake.io, 0)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint16(&conn->handshake.io, 0)); return 0; } if (!s2n_server_sending_nst(conn)) { POSIX_BAIL(S2N_ERR_SENDING_NST); } POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_init(&to, &entry)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint32(&conn->handshake.io, lifetime_hint_in_secs)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write_uint16(&conn->handshake.io, session_ticket_len)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_encrypt_session_ticket(conn, &to)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_stuffer_write(&conn->handshake.io, &to.blob)); /* For parity with TLS1.3, track the single ticket sent. * This simplifies s2n_connection_get_tickets_sent. */ conn->tickets_sent++; return S2N_SUCCESS; } S2N_RESULT s2n_tls13_server_nst_send(struct s2n_connection *conn, s2n_blocked_status *blocked) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_GTE(conn->actual_protocol_version, S2N_TLS13); /* Usually tickets are sent immediately after the handshake. * If possible, reuse the handshake IO stuffer before it's wiped. * * Note: handshake.io isn't explicitly dedicated to only reading or only writing, * so we have to be careful using it outside of s2n_negotiate. * If we use it for writing here, we CAN'T use it for reading any post-handshake messages. */ struct s2n_stuffer *nst_stuffer = &conn->handshake.io; if (conn->mode != S2N_SERVER || !conn->config->use_tickets) { return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /* Legacy behavior is that the s2n server sends a NST even if the client did not indicate support * for resumption or does not support the psk_dhe_ke mode. This is potentially wasteful so we * choose to not extend this behavior to QUIC. */ if (conn->quic_enabled && conn->psk_params.psk_ke_mode != S2N_PSK_DHE_KE) { return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /* No-op if all tickets already sent. * Clean up the stuffer used for the ticket to conserve memory. */ if (conn->tickets_to_send == conn->tickets_sent) { RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_resize(nst_stuffer, 0)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# Note that in principle it is possible to continue issuing new tickets *# which indefinitely extend the lifetime of the keying material *# originally derived from an initial non-PSK handshake (which was most *# likely tied to the peer's certificate). It is RECOMMENDED that *# implementations place limits on the total lifetime of such keying *# material; these limits should take into account the lifetime of the *# peer's certificate, the likelihood of intervening revocation, and the *# time since the peer's online CertificateVerify signature. */ if (s2n_result_is_error(s2n_psk_validate_keying_material(conn))) { conn->tickets_to_send = conn->tickets_sent; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } RESULT_ENSURE(conn->tickets_sent <= conn->tickets_to_send, S2N_ERR_INTEGER_OVERFLOW); size_t session_state_size = 0; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_connection_get_session_state_size(conn, &session_state_size)); const size_t maximum_nst_size = session_state_size + S2N_TLS13_MAX_FIXED_NEW_SESSION_TICKET_SIZE; if (s2n_stuffer_space_remaining(nst_stuffer) < maximum_nst_size) { RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_resize(nst_stuffer, maximum_nst_size)); } while (conn->tickets_to_send - conn->tickets_sent > 0) { if (s2n_result_is_error(s2n_tls13_server_nst_write(conn, nst_stuffer))) { return S2N_RESULT_OK; } RESULT_GUARD(s2n_post_handshake_write_records(conn, blocked)); } return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# Indicates the lifetime in seconds as a 32-bit *# unsigned integer in network byte order from the time of ticket *# issuance. **/ static S2N_RESULT s2n_generate_ticket_lifetime(struct s2n_connection *conn, uint32_t *ticket_lifetime) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(ticket_lifetime); uint32_t key_lifetime_in_secs = (conn->config->encrypt_decrypt_key_lifetime_in_nanos + conn->config->decrypt_key_lifetime_in_nanos) / ONE_SEC_IN_NANOS; uint32_t session_lifetime_in_secs = conn->config->session_state_lifetime_in_nanos / ONE_SEC_IN_NANOS; uint32_t key_and_session_min_lifetime = MIN(key_lifetime_in_secs, session_lifetime_in_secs); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# Servers MUST NOT use any value greater than *# 604800 seconds (7 days). **/ *ticket_lifetime = MIN(key_and_session_min_lifetime, ONE_WEEK_IN_SEC); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# A per-ticket value that is unique across all tickets *# issued on this connection. **/ static S2N_RESULT s2n_generate_ticket_nonce(uint16_t value, struct s2n_blob *output) { RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(output); struct s2n_stuffer stuffer = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_init(&stuffer, output)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_uint16(&stuffer, value)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# A securely generated, random 32-bit value that is *# used to obscure the age of the ticket that the client includes in *# the "pre_shared_key" extension. **/ static S2N_RESULT s2n_generate_ticket_age_add(struct s2n_blob *random_data, uint32_t *ticket_age_add) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(random_data); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(ticket_age_add); struct s2n_stuffer stuffer = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_init(&stuffer, random_data)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_skip_write(&stuffer, random_data->size)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read_uint32(&stuffer, ticket_age_add)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# The PSK associated with the ticket is computed as: *# *# HKDF-Expand-Label(resumption_master_secret, *# "resumption", ticket_nonce, Hash.length) **/ static int s2n_generate_session_secret(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_blob *nonce, struct s2n_blob *output) { POSIX_ENSURE_REF(conn); POSIX_ENSURE_REF(nonce); POSIX_ENSURE_REF(output); s2n_tls13_connection_keys(secrets, conn); struct s2n_blob master_secret = { 0 }; POSIX_GUARD(s2n_blob_init(&master_secret, conn->secrets.version.tls13.resumption_master_secret, secrets.size)); POSIX_GUARD(s2n_realloc(output, secrets.size)); POSIX_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_tls13_derive_session_ticket_secret(&secrets, &master_secret, nonce, output)); return S2N_SUCCESS; } S2N_RESULT s2n_tls13_server_nst_write(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *output) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(output); struct s2n_ticket_fields *ticket_fields = &conn->tls13_ticket_fields; /* Write message type because session resumption in TLS13 is a post-handshake message */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(output, TLS_SERVER_NEW_SESSION_TICKET)); struct s2n_stuffer_reservation message_size = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_reserve_uint24(output, &message_size)); uint32_t ticket_lifetime_in_secs = 0; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_generate_ticket_lifetime(conn, &ticket_lifetime_in_secs)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_uint32(output, ticket_lifetime_in_secs)); /* Get random data to use as ticket_age_add value */ uint8_t data[sizeof(uint32_t)] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob random_data = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_blob_init(&random_data, data, sizeof(data))); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# The server MUST generate a fresh value *# for each ticket it sends. **/ RESULT_GUARD(s2n_get_private_random_data(&random_data)); RESULT_GUARD(s2n_generate_ticket_age_add(&random_data, &ticket_fields->ticket_age_add)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_uint32(output, ticket_fields->ticket_age_add)); /* Write ticket nonce */ uint8_t nonce_data[sizeof(uint16_t)] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob nonce = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_blob_init(&nonce, nonce_data, sizeof(nonce_data))); RESULT_GUARD(s2n_generate_ticket_nonce(conn->tickets_sent, &nonce)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_uint8(output, nonce.size)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_bytes(output, nonce.data, nonce.size)); /* Derive individual session ticket secret */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_generate_session_secret(conn, &nonce, &ticket_fields->session_secret)); /* Write ticket */ struct s2n_stuffer_reservation ticket_size = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_reserve_uint16(output, &ticket_size)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_encrypt_session_ticket(conn, output)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_vector_size(&ticket_size)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_extension_list_send(S2N_EXTENSION_LIST_NST, conn, output)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_write_vector_size(&message_size)); RESULT_ENSURE(conn->tickets_sent < UINT16_MAX, S2N_ERR_INTEGER_OVERFLOW); conn->tickets_sent++; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# struct { *# uint32 ticket_lifetime; *# uint32 ticket_age_add; *# opaque ticket_nonce<0..255>; *# opaque ticket<1..2^16-1>; *# Extension extensions<0..2^16-2>; *# } NewSessionTicket; **/ S2N_RESULT s2n_tls13_server_nst_recv(struct s2n_connection *conn, struct s2n_stuffer *input) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(input); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(conn->config); RESULT_ENSURE(conn->actual_protocol_version >= S2N_TLS13, S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); RESULT_ENSURE(conn->mode == S2N_CLIENT, S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); if (!conn->config->use_tickets) { return S2N_RESULT_OK; } struct s2n_ticket_fields *ticket_fields = &conn->tls13_ticket_fields; /* Handle `ticket_lifetime` field */ uint32_t ticket_lifetime = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read_uint32(input, &ticket_lifetime)); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# Servers MUST NOT use any value greater than *# 604800 seconds (7 days). */ RESULT_ENSURE(ticket_lifetime <= ONE_WEEK_IN_SEC, S2N_ERR_BAD_MESSAGE); /** *= https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc8446#section-4.6.1 *# The value of zero indicates that the *# ticket should be discarded immediately. */ if (ticket_lifetime == 0) { return S2N_RESULT_OK; } conn->ticket_lifetime_hint = ticket_lifetime; /* Handle `ticket_age_add` field */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read_uint32(input, &ticket_fields->ticket_age_add)); /* Handle `ticket_nonce` field */ uint8_t ticket_nonce_len = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read_uint8(input, &ticket_nonce_len)); uint8_t nonce_data[UINT8_MAX] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob nonce = { 0 }; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_blob_init(&nonce, nonce_data, ticket_nonce_len)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read_bytes(input, nonce.data, ticket_nonce_len)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_generate_session_secret(conn, &nonce, &ticket_fields->session_secret)); /* Handle `ticket` field */ uint16_t session_ticket_len = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read_uint16(input, &session_ticket_len)); RESULT_ENSURE(session_ticket_len > 0, S2N_ERR_SAFETY); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_realloc(&conn->client_ticket, session_ticket_len)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_stuffer_read(input, &conn->client_ticket)); /* Handle `extensions` field */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_extension_list_recv(S2N_EXTENSION_LIST_NST, conn, input)); if (conn->config->session_ticket_cb != NULL) { /* Retrieve serialized session data */ const uint16_t session_state_size = s2n_connection_get_session_length(conn); DEFER_CLEANUP(struct s2n_blob session_state = { 0 }, s2n_free); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_realloc(&session_state, session_state_size)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_connection_get_session(conn, session_state.data, session_state.size)); struct s2n_session_ticket ticket = { .ticket_data = session_state, .session_lifetime = ticket_lifetime }; RESULT_ENSURE(conn->config->session_ticket_cb(conn, conn->config->session_ticket_ctx, &ticket) >= S2N_SUCCESS, S2N_ERR_CANCELLED); } return S2N_RESULT_OK; }