/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include struct aws_wstring *aws_string_convert_to_wstring( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_string *to_convert) { AWS_PRECONDITION(to_convert); struct aws_byte_cursor convert_cur = aws_byte_cursor_from_string(to_convert); return aws_string_convert_to_wchar_from_byte_cursor(allocator, &convert_cur); } struct aws_wstring *aws_string_convert_to_wchar_from_byte_cursor( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_byte_cursor *to_convert) { AWS_PRECONDITION(to_convert); /* if a length is passed for the to_convert string, converted size does not include the null terminator, * which is a good thing. */ int converted_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (const char *)to_convert->ptr, (int)to_convert->len, NULL, 0); if (!converted_size) { aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return NULL; } size_t str_len_size = 0; size_t malloc_size = 0; /* double the size because the return value above is # of characters, not bytes size. */ if (aws_mul_size_checked(sizeof(wchar_t), converted_size, &str_len_size)) { return NULL; } /* UTF-16, the NULL terminator is two bytes. */ if (aws_add_size_checked(sizeof(struct aws_wstring) + 2, str_len_size, &malloc_size)) { return NULL; } struct aws_wstring *str = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, malloc_size); if (!str) { return NULL; } /* Fields are declared const, so we need to copy them in like this */ *(struct aws_allocator **)(&str->allocator) = allocator; *(size_t *)(&str->len) = (size_t)converted_size; int converted_res = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, (const char *)to_convert->ptr, (int)to_convert->len, (wchar_t *)str->bytes, converted_size); /* windows had its chance to do its thing, no take backsies. */ AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(converted_res > 0); *(wchar_t *)&str->bytes[converted_size] = 0; return str; } struct aws_wstring *aws_wstring_new_from_cursor( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_byte_cursor *w_str_cur) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator && aws_byte_cursor_is_valid(w_str_cur)); return aws_wstring_new_from_array(allocator, (wchar_t *)w_str_cur->ptr, w_str_cur->len / sizeof(wchar_t)); } struct aws_wstring *aws_wstring_new_from_array(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const wchar_t *w_str, size_t len) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator); AWS_PRECONDITION(AWS_MEM_IS_READABLE(w_str, len)); size_t str_byte_len = 0; size_t malloc_size = 0; /* double the size because the return value above is # of characters, not bytes size. */ if (aws_mul_size_checked(sizeof(wchar_t), len, &str_byte_len)) { return NULL; } /* UTF-16, the NULL terminator is two bytes. */ if (aws_add_size_checked(sizeof(struct aws_wstring) + 2, str_byte_len, &malloc_size)) { return NULL; } struct aws_wstring *str = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, malloc_size); /* Fields are declared const, so we need to copy them in like this */ *(struct aws_allocator **)(&str->allocator) = allocator; *(size_t *)(&str->len) = len; if (len > 0) { memcpy((void *)str->bytes, w_str, str_byte_len); } /* in case this is a utf-16 string in the array, allow that here. */ *(wchar_t *)&str->bytes[len] = 0; AWS_RETURN_WITH_POSTCONDITION(str, aws_wstring_is_valid(str)); } bool aws_wstring_is_valid(const struct aws_wstring *str) { return str && AWS_MEM_IS_READABLE(&str->bytes[0], str->len + 1) && str->bytes[str->len] == 0; } void aws_wstring_destroy(struct aws_wstring *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_wstring_is_valid(str)); if (str && str->allocator) { aws_mem_release(str->allocator, str); } } static struct aws_string *s_convert_from_wchar( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const wchar_t *to_convert, int len_chars) { AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(to_convert); int bytes_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, to_convert, len_chars, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!bytes_size) { aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return NULL; } size_t malloc_size = 0; /* bytes_size already contains the space for the null terminator */ if (aws_add_size_checked(sizeof(struct aws_string), bytes_size, &malloc_size)) { return NULL; } struct aws_string *str = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, malloc_size); if (!str) { return NULL; } /* Fields are declared const, so we need to copy them in like this */ *(struct aws_allocator **)(&str->allocator) = allocator; *(size_t *)(&str->len) = (size_t)bytes_size - 1; int converted_res = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, to_convert, len_chars, (char *)str->bytes, bytes_size, NULL, NULL); /* windows had its chance to do its thing, no take backsies. */ AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(converted_res > 0); *(uint8_t *)&str->bytes[str->len] = 0; return str; } struct aws_string *aws_string_convert_from_wchar_str( struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_wstring *to_convert) { AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(to_convert); return s_convert_from_wchar(allocator, aws_wstring_c_str(to_convert), (int)aws_wstring_num_chars(to_convert)); } struct aws_string *aws_string_convert_from_wchar_c_str(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const wchar_t *to_convert) { return s_convert_from_wchar(allocator, to_convert, -1); } const wchar_t *aws_wstring_c_str(const struct aws_wstring *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(str); return str->bytes; } size_t aws_wstring_num_chars(const struct aws_wstring *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(str); if (str->len == 0) { return 0; } return str->len; } size_t aws_wstring_size_bytes(const struct aws_wstring *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(str); return aws_wstring_num_chars(str) * sizeof(wchar_t); } #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct aws_string *aws_string_new_from_c_str(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const char *c_str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator && c_str); return aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, (const uint8_t *)c_str, strlen(c_str)); } struct aws_string *aws_string_new_from_array(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator); AWS_PRECONDITION(AWS_MEM_IS_READABLE(bytes, len)); size_t malloc_size; if (aws_add_size_checked(sizeof(struct aws_string) + 1, len, &malloc_size)) { return NULL; } struct aws_string *str = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, malloc_size); if (!str) { return NULL; } /* Fields are declared const, so we need to copy them in like this */ *(struct aws_allocator **)(&str->allocator) = allocator; *(size_t *)(&str->len) = len; if (len > 0) { memcpy((void *)str->bytes, bytes, len); } *(uint8_t *)&str->bytes[len] = 0; AWS_RETURN_WITH_POSTCONDITION(str, aws_string_is_valid(str)); } struct aws_string *aws_string_new_from_string(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_string *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator && aws_string_is_valid(str)); return aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, str->bytes, str->len); } struct aws_string *aws_string_new_from_cursor(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_byte_cursor *cursor) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator && aws_byte_cursor_is_valid(cursor)); return aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, cursor->ptr, cursor->len); } struct aws_string *aws_string_new_from_buf(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_byte_buf *buf) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator && aws_byte_buf_is_valid(buf)); return aws_string_new_from_array(allocator, buf->buffer, buf->len); } void aws_string_destroy(struct aws_string *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); if (str && str->allocator) { aws_mem_release(str->allocator, str); } } void aws_string_destroy_secure(struct aws_string *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); if (str) { aws_secure_zero((void *)aws_string_bytes(str), str->len); if (str->allocator) { aws_mem_release(str->allocator, str); } } } int aws_string_compare(const struct aws_string *a, const struct aws_string *b) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!a || aws_string_is_valid(a)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!b || aws_string_is_valid(b)); if (a == b) { return 0; /* strings identical */ } if (a == NULL) { return -1; } if (b == NULL) { return 1; } size_t len_a = a->len; size_t len_b = b->len; size_t min_len = len_a < len_b ? len_a : len_b; int ret = memcmp(aws_string_bytes(a), aws_string_bytes(b), min_len); AWS_POSTCONDITION(aws_string_is_valid(a)); AWS_POSTCONDITION(aws_string_is_valid(b)); if (ret) { return ret; /* overlapping characters differ */ } if (len_a == len_b) { return 0; /* strings identical */ } if (len_a > len_b) { return 1; /* string b is first n characters of string a */ } return -1; /* string a is first n characters of string b */ } int aws_array_list_comparator_string(const void *a, const void *b) { if (a == b) { return 0; /* strings identical */ } if (a == NULL) { return -1; } if (b == NULL) { return 1; } const struct aws_string *str_a = *(const struct aws_string **)a; const struct aws_string *str_b = *(const struct aws_string **)b; return aws_string_compare(str_a, str_b); } /** * Returns true if bytes of string are the same, false otherwise. */ bool aws_string_eq(const struct aws_string *a, const struct aws_string *b) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!a || aws_string_is_valid(a)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!b || aws_string_is_valid(b)); if (a == b) { return true; } if (a == NULL || b == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq(a->bytes, a->len, b->bytes, b->len); } /** * Returns true if bytes of string are equivalent, using a case-insensitive comparison. */ bool aws_string_eq_ignore_case(const struct aws_string *a, const struct aws_string *b) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!a || aws_string_is_valid(a)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!b || aws_string_is_valid(b)); if (a == b) { return true; } if (a == NULL || b == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq_ignore_case(a->bytes, a->len, b->bytes, b->len); } /** * Returns true if bytes of string and cursor are the same, false otherwise. */ bool aws_string_eq_byte_cursor(const struct aws_string *str, const struct aws_byte_cursor *cur) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!cur || aws_byte_cursor_is_valid(cur)); if (str == NULL && cur == NULL) { return true; } if (str == NULL || cur == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq(str->bytes, str->len, cur->ptr, cur->len); } /** * Returns true if bytes of string and cursor are equivalent, using a case-insensitive comparison. */ bool aws_string_eq_byte_cursor_ignore_case(const struct aws_string *str, const struct aws_byte_cursor *cur) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!cur || aws_byte_cursor_is_valid(cur)); if (str == NULL && cur == NULL) { return true; } if (str == NULL || cur == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq_ignore_case(str->bytes, str->len, cur->ptr, cur->len); } /** * Returns true if bytes of string and buffer are the same, false otherwise. */ bool aws_string_eq_byte_buf(const struct aws_string *str, const struct aws_byte_buf *buf) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!buf || aws_byte_buf_is_valid(buf)); if (str == NULL && buf == NULL) { return true; } if (str == NULL || buf == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq(str->bytes, str->len, buf->buffer, buf->len); } /** * Returns true if bytes of string and buffer are equivalent, using a case-insensitive comparison. */ bool aws_string_eq_byte_buf_ignore_case(const struct aws_string *str, const struct aws_byte_buf *buf) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!buf || aws_byte_buf_is_valid(buf)); if (str == NULL && buf == NULL) { return true; } if (str == NULL || buf == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq_ignore_case(str->bytes, str->len, buf->buffer, buf->len); } bool aws_string_eq_c_str(const struct aws_string *str, const char *c_str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); if (str == NULL && c_str == NULL) { return true; } if (str == NULL || c_str == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq_c_str(str->bytes, str->len, c_str); } /** * Returns true if bytes of strings are equivalent, using a case-insensitive comparison. */ bool aws_string_eq_c_str_ignore_case(const struct aws_string *str, const char *c_str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!str || aws_string_is_valid(str)); if (str == NULL && c_str == NULL) { return true; } if (str == NULL || c_str == NULL) { return false; } return aws_array_eq_c_str_ignore_case(str->bytes, str->len, c_str); } bool aws_byte_buf_write_from_whole_string( struct aws_byte_buf *AWS_RESTRICT buf, const struct aws_string *AWS_RESTRICT src) { AWS_PRECONDITION(!buf || aws_byte_buf_is_valid(buf)); AWS_PRECONDITION(!src || aws_string_is_valid(src)); if (buf == NULL || src == NULL) { return false; } return aws_byte_buf_write(buf, aws_string_bytes(src), src->len); } /** * Creates an aws_byte_cursor from an existing string. */ struct aws_byte_cursor aws_byte_cursor_from_string(const struct aws_string *src) { AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_string_is_valid(src)); return aws_byte_cursor_from_array(aws_string_bytes(src), src->len); } struct aws_string *aws_string_clone_or_reuse(struct aws_allocator *allocator, const struct aws_string *str) { AWS_PRECONDITION(allocator); AWS_PRECONDITION(aws_string_is_valid(str)); if (str->allocator == NULL) { /* Since the string cannot be deallocated, we assume that it will remain valid for the lifetime of the * application */ AWS_POSTCONDITION(aws_string_is_valid(str)); return (struct aws_string *)str; } AWS_POSTCONDITION(aws_string_is_valid(str)); return aws_string_new_from_string(allocator, str); } int aws_secure_strlen(const char *str, size_t max_read_len, size_t *str_len) { AWS_ERROR_PRECONDITION(str && str_len, AWS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /* why not strnlen? It doesn't work everywhere as it wasn't standardized til C11, and is considered * a GNU extension. This should be faster anyways. This should work for ascii and utf8. * Any other character sets in use deserve what they get. */ char *null_char_ptr = memchr(str, '\0', max_read_len); if (null_char_ptr) { *str_len = null_char_ptr - str; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } return aws_raise_error(AWS_ERROR_C_STRING_BUFFER_NOT_NULL_TERMINATED); }