/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* describes a single live allocation. * allocated by aws_default_allocator() */ struct alloc_info { size_t size; uint64_t time; uint64_t stack; /* hash of stack frame pointers */ }; /* Using a flexible array member is the C99 compliant way to have the frames immediately follow the header. * * MSVC doesn't know this for some reason so we need to use a pragma to make * it happy. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4200) /* nonstandard extension used: zero-sized array in struct/union */ #endif /* one of these is stored per unique stack * allocated by aws_default_allocator() */ struct stack_trace { size_t depth; /* length of frames[] */ void *const frames[]; /* rest of frames are allocated after */ }; #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(pop) #endif /* Tracking structure, used as the allocator impl. * This structure, and all its bookkeeping data structures, are created with the aws_default_allocator(). * This is not customizable because it's too expensive for every little allocation to store * a pointer back to its original allocator. */ struct alloc_tracer { struct aws_allocator *traced_allocator; /* underlying allocator */ enum aws_mem_trace_level level; /* level to trace at */ size_t frames_per_stack; /* how many frames to keep per stack */ struct aws_atomic_var allocated; /* bytes currently allocated */ struct aws_mutex mutex; /* protects everything below */ struct aws_hash_table allocs; /* live allocations, maps address -> alloc_info */ struct aws_hash_table stacks; /* unique stack traces, maps hash -> stack_trace */ }; /* number of frames to skip in call stacks (s_alloc_tracer_track, and the vtable function) */ #define FRAMES_TO_SKIP 2 static void *s_trace_mem_acquire(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t size); static void s_trace_mem_release(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *ptr); static void *s_trace_mem_realloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *old_ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size); static void *s_trace_mem_calloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t num, size_t size); static struct aws_allocator s_trace_allocator = { .mem_acquire = s_trace_mem_acquire, .mem_release = s_trace_mem_release, .mem_realloc = s_trace_mem_realloc, .mem_calloc = s_trace_mem_calloc, }; /* for the hash table, to destroy elements */ static void s_destroy_alloc(void *data) { struct alloc_info *alloc = data; aws_mem_release(aws_default_allocator(), alloc); } static void s_destroy_stacktrace(void *data) { struct stack_trace *stack = data; aws_mem_release(aws_default_allocator(), stack); } static void s_alloc_tracer_init( struct alloc_tracer *tracer, struct aws_allocator *traced_allocator, enum aws_mem_trace_level level, size_t frames_per_stack) { void *stack[1]; if (!aws_backtrace(stack, 1)) { /* clamp level if tracing isn't available */ level = level > AWS_MEMTRACE_BYTES ? AWS_MEMTRACE_BYTES : level; } tracer->traced_allocator = traced_allocator; tracer->level = level; if (tracer->level >= AWS_MEMTRACE_BYTES) { aws_atomic_init_int(&tracer->allocated, 0); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_mutex_init(&tracer->mutex)); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_init( &tracer->allocs, aws_default_allocator(), 1024, aws_hash_ptr, aws_ptr_eq, NULL, s_destroy_alloc)); } if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_STACKS) { if (frames_per_stack > 128) { frames_per_stack = 128; } tracer->frames_per_stack = frames_per_stack ? frames_per_stack : 8; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_init( &tracer->stacks, aws_default_allocator(), 1024, aws_hash_ptr, aws_ptr_eq, NULL, s_destroy_stacktrace)); } } static void s_alloc_tracer_track(struct alloc_tracer *tracer, void *ptr, size_t size) { if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_NONE) { return; } aws_atomic_fetch_add(&tracer->allocated, size); struct alloc_info *alloc = aws_mem_calloc(aws_default_allocator(), 1, sizeof(struct alloc_info)); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(alloc); alloc->size = size; aws_high_res_clock_get_ticks(&alloc->time); if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_STACKS) { /* capture stack frames, skip 2 for this function and the allocation vtable function */ AWS_VARIABLE_LENGTH_ARRAY(void *, stack_frames, (FRAMES_TO_SKIP + tracer->frames_per_stack)); size_t stack_depth = aws_backtrace(stack_frames, FRAMES_TO_SKIP + tracer->frames_per_stack); if (stack_depth) { /* hash the stack pointers */ struct aws_byte_cursor stack_cursor = aws_byte_cursor_from_array(stack_frames, stack_depth * sizeof(void *)); uint64_t stack_id = aws_hash_byte_cursor_ptr(&stack_cursor); alloc->stack = stack_id; /* associate the stack with the alloc */ aws_mutex_lock(&tracer->mutex); struct aws_hash_element *item = NULL; int was_created = 0; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_create(&tracer->stacks, (void *)(uintptr_t)stack_id, &item, &was_created)); /* If this is a new stack, save it to the hash */ if (was_created) { struct stack_trace *stack = aws_mem_calloc( aws_default_allocator(), 1, sizeof(struct stack_trace) + (sizeof(void *) * tracer->frames_per_stack)); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(stack); memcpy( (void **)&stack->frames[0], &stack_frames[FRAMES_TO_SKIP], (stack_depth - FRAMES_TO_SKIP) * sizeof(void *)); stack->depth = stack_depth - FRAMES_TO_SKIP; item->value = stack; } aws_mutex_unlock(&tracer->mutex); } } aws_mutex_lock(&tracer->mutex); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_put(&tracer->allocs, ptr, alloc, NULL)); aws_mutex_unlock(&tracer->mutex); } static void s_alloc_tracer_untrack(struct alloc_tracer *tracer, void *ptr) { if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_NONE) { return; } aws_mutex_lock(&tracer->mutex); struct aws_hash_element *item; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_find(&tracer->allocs, ptr, &item)); /* because the tracer can be installed at any time, it is possible for an allocation to not * be tracked. Therefore, we make sure the find succeeds, but then check the returned * value */ if (item) { AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(item->key == ptr && item->value); struct alloc_info *alloc = item->value; aws_atomic_fetch_sub(&tracer->allocated, alloc->size); s_destroy_alloc(item->value); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_remove_element(&tracer->allocs, item)); } aws_mutex_unlock(&tracer->mutex); } /* used only to resolve stacks -> trace, count, size at dump time */ struct stack_metadata { struct aws_string *trace; size_t count; size_t size; }; static int s_collect_stack_trace(void *context, struct aws_hash_element *item) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = context; struct aws_hash_table *all_stacks = &tracer->stacks; struct stack_metadata *stack_info = item->value; struct aws_hash_element *stack_item = NULL; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_find(all_stacks, item->key, &stack_item)); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(stack_item); struct stack_trace *stack = stack_item->value; void *const *stack_frames = &stack->frames[0]; /* convert the frame pointers to symbols, and concat into a buffer */ char buf[4096] = {0}; struct aws_byte_buf stacktrace = aws_byte_buf_from_empty_array(buf, AWS_ARRAY_SIZE(buf)); struct aws_byte_cursor newline = aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str("\n"); char **symbols = aws_backtrace_symbols(stack_frames, stack->depth); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < stack->depth; ++idx) { if (idx > 0) { aws_byte_buf_append(&stacktrace, &newline); } const char *caller = symbols[idx]; if (!caller || !caller[0]) { break; } struct aws_byte_cursor cursor = aws_byte_cursor_from_c_str(caller); aws_byte_buf_append(&stacktrace, &cursor); } aws_mem_release(aws_default_allocator(), symbols); /* record the resultant buffer as a string */ stack_info->trace = aws_string_new_from_array(aws_default_allocator(), stacktrace.buffer, stacktrace.len); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(stack_info->trace); aws_byte_buf_clean_up(&stacktrace); return AWS_COMMON_HASH_TABLE_ITER_CONTINUE; } static int s_stack_info_compare_size(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct stack_metadata *stack_a = *(const struct stack_metadata **)a; const struct stack_metadata *stack_b = *(const struct stack_metadata **)b; return stack_b->size > stack_a->size; } static int s_stack_info_compare_count(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct stack_metadata *stack_a = *(const struct stack_metadata **)a; const struct stack_metadata *stack_b = *(const struct stack_metadata **)b; return stack_b->count > stack_a->count; } static void s_stack_info_destroy(void *data) { struct stack_metadata *stack = data; struct aws_allocator *allocator = stack->trace->allocator; aws_string_destroy(stack->trace); aws_mem_release(allocator, stack); } /* tally up count/size per stack from all allocs */ static int s_collect_stack_stats(void *context, struct aws_hash_element *item) { struct aws_hash_table *stack_info = context; struct alloc_info *alloc = item->value; struct aws_hash_element *stack_item = NULL; int was_created = 0; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_create(stack_info, (void *)(uintptr_t)alloc->stack, &stack_item, &was_created)); if (was_created) { stack_item->value = aws_mem_calloc(aws_default_allocator(), 1, sizeof(struct stack_metadata)); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(stack_item->value); } struct stack_metadata *stack = stack_item->value; stack->count++; stack->size += alloc->size; return AWS_COMMON_HASH_TABLE_ITER_CONTINUE; } static int s_insert_stacks(void *context, struct aws_hash_element *item) { struct aws_priority_queue *pq = context; struct stack_metadata *stack = item->value; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_priority_queue_push(pq, &stack)); return AWS_COMMON_HASH_TABLE_ITER_CONTINUE; } static int s_insert_allocs(void *context, struct aws_hash_element *item) { struct aws_priority_queue *allocs = context; struct alloc_info *alloc = item->value; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_priority_queue_push(allocs, &alloc)); return AWS_COMMON_HASH_TABLE_ITER_CONTINUE; } static int s_alloc_compare(const void *a, const void *b) { const struct alloc_info *alloc_a = *(const struct alloc_info **)a; const struct alloc_info *alloc_b = *(const struct alloc_info **)b; return alloc_a->time > alloc_b->time; } void aws_mem_tracer_dump(struct aws_allocator *trace_allocator) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = trace_allocator->impl; if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_NONE || aws_atomic_load_int(&tracer->allocated) == 0) { return; } aws_mutex_lock(&tracer->mutex); size_t num_allocs = aws_hash_table_get_entry_count(&tracer->allocs); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "################################################################################"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "# BEGIN MEMTRACE DUMP #"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "################################################################################"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "tracer: %zu bytes still allocated in %zu allocations", aws_atomic_load_int(&tracer->allocated), num_allocs); /* convert stacks from pointers -> symbols */ struct aws_hash_table stack_info; AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(stack_info); if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_STACKS) { AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_init( &stack_info, aws_default_allocator(), 64, aws_hash_ptr, aws_ptr_eq, NULL, s_stack_info_destroy)); /* collect active stacks, tally up sizes and counts */ aws_hash_table_foreach(&tracer->allocs, s_collect_stack_stats, &stack_info); /* collect stack traces for active stacks */ aws_hash_table_foreach(&stack_info, s_collect_stack_trace, tracer); } /* sort allocs by time */ struct aws_priority_queue allocs; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_priority_queue_init_dynamic( &allocs, aws_default_allocator(), num_allocs, sizeof(struct alloc_info *), s_alloc_compare)); aws_hash_table_foreach(&tracer->allocs, s_insert_allocs, &allocs); /* dump allocs by time */ AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "Leaks in order of allocation:"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); while (aws_priority_queue_size(&allocs)) { struct alloc_info *alloc = NULL; aws_priority_queue_pop(&allocs, &alloc); if (alloc->stack) { struct aws_hash_element *item = NULL; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_hash_table_find(&stack_info, (void *)(uintptr_t)alloc->stack, &item)); struct stack_metadata *stack = item->value; AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "ALLOC %zu bytes, stacktrace:\n%s\n", alloc->size, aws_string_c_str(stack->trace)); } else { AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "ALLOC %zu bytes", alloc->size); } } aws_priority_queue_clean_up(&allocs); if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_STACKS) { size_t num_stacks = aws_hash_table_get_entry_count(&stack_info); /* sort stacks by total size leaked */ struct aws_priority_queue stacks_by_size; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_priority_queue_init_dynamic( &stacks_by_size, aws_default_allocator(), num_stacks, sizeof(struct stack_metadata *), s_stack_info_compare_size)); aws_hash_table_foreach(&stack_info, s_insert_stacks, &stacks_by_size); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "Stacks by bytes leaked:"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); while (aws_priority_queue_size(&stacks_by_size) > 0) { struct stack_metadata *stack = NULL; aws_priority_queue_pop(&stacks_by_size, &stack); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "%zu bytes in %zu allocations:\n%s\n", stack->size, stack->count, aws_string_c_str(stack->trace)); } aws_priority_queue_clean_up(&stacks_by_size); /* sort stacks by number of leaks */ struct aws_priority_queue stacks_by_count; AWS_FATAL_ASSERT( AWS_OP_SUCCESS == aws_priority_queue_init_dynamic( &stacks_by_count, aws_default_allocator(), num_stacks, sizeof(struct stack_metadata *), s_stack_info_compare_count)); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "Stacks by number of leaks:"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE(AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); aws_hash_table_foreach(&stack_info, s_insert_stacks, &stacks_by_count); while (aws_priority_queue_size(&stacks_by_count) > 0) { struct stack_metadata *stack = NULL; aws_priority_queue_pop(&stacks_by_count, &stack); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "%zu allocations leaking %zu bytes:\n%s\n", stack->count, stack->size, aws_string_c_str(stack->trace)); } aws_priority_queue_clean_up(&stacks_by_count); aws_hash_table_clean_up(&stack_info); } AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "################################################################################"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "# END MEMTRACE DUMP #"); AWS_LOGF_TRACE( AWS_LS_COMMON_MEMTRACE, "################################################################################"); aws_mutex_unlock(&tracer->mutex); } static void *s_trace_mem_acquire(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t size) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = allocator->impl; void *ptr = aws_mem_acquire(tracer->traced_allocator, size); if (ptr) { s_alloc_tracer_track(tracer, ptr, size); } return ptr; } static void s_trace_mem_release(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *ptr) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = allocator->impl; s_alloc_tracer_untrack(tracer, ptr); aws_mem_release(tracer->traced_allocator, ptr); } static void *s_trace_mem_realloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *old_ptr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = allocator->impl; void *new_ptr = old_ptr; if (aws_mem_realloc(tracer->traced_allocator, &new_ptr, old_size, new_size)) { return NULL; } s_alloc_tracer_untrack(tracer, old_ptr); s_alloc_tracer_track(tracer, new_ptr, new_size); return new_ptr; } static void *s_trace_mem_calloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t num, size_t size) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = allocator->impl; void *ptr = aws_mem_calloc(tracer->traced_allocator, num, size); if (ptr) { s_alloc_tracer_track(tracer, ptr, num * size); } return ptr; } struct aws_allocator *aws_mem_tracer_new( struct aws_allocator *allocator, struct aws_allocator *deprecated, enum aws_mem_trace_level level, size_t frames_per_stack) { /* deprecated customizable bookkeeping allocator */ (void)deprecated; struct alloc_tracer *tracer = NULL; struct aws_allocator *trace_allocator = NULL; aws_mem_acquire_many( aws_default_allocator(), 2, &tracer, sizeof(struct alloc_tracer), &trace_allocator, sizeof(struct aws_allocator)); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(trace_allocator); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(tracer); AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*trace_allocator); AWS_ZERO_STRUCT(*tracer); /* copy the template vtable s*/ *trace_allocator = s_trace_allocator; trace_allocator->impl = tracer; s_alloc_tracer_init(tracer, allocator, level, frames_per_stack); return trace_allocator; } struct aws_allocator *aws_mem_tracer_destroy(struct aws_allocator *trace_allocator) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = trace_allocator->impl; struct aws_allocator *allocator = tracer->traced_allocator; if (tracer->level != AWS_MEMTRACE_NONE) { aws_mutex_lock(&tracer->mutex); aws_hash_table_clean_up(&tracer->allocs); aws_hash_table_clean_up(&tracer->stacks); aws_mutex_unlock(&tracer->mutex); aws_mutex_clean_up(&tracer->mutex); } aws_mem_release(aws_default_allocator(), tracer); /* trace_allocator is freed as part of the block tracer was allocated in */ return allocator; } size_t aws_mem_tracer_bytes(struct aws_allocator *trace_allocator) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = trace_allocator->impl; if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_NONE) { return 0; } return aws_atomic_load_int(&tracer->allocated); } size_t aws_mem_tracer_count(struct aws_allocator *trace_allocator) { struct alloc_tracer *tracer = trace_allocator->impl; if (tracer->level == AWS_MEMTRACE_NONE) { return 0; } aws_mutex_lock(&tracer->mutex); size_t count = aws_hash_table_get_entry_count(&tracer->allocs); aws_mutex_unlock(&tracer->mutex); return count; }