/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 # include #endif #ifdef __MACH__ # include #endif /* turn off unused named parameter warning on msvc.*/ #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable : 4100) #endif #ifndef PAGE_SIZE # define PAGE_SIZE (4 * 1024) #endif bool aws_allocator_is_valid(const struct aws_allocator *alloc) { /* An allocator must define mem_acquire and mem_release. All other fields are optional */ return alloc && AWS_OBJECT_PTR_IS_READABLE(alloc) && alloc->mem_acquire && alloc->mem_release; } static void *s_default_malloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t size) { (void)allocator; /* larger allocations should be aligned so that AVX and friends can avoid * the extra preamble during unaligned versions of memcpy/memset on big buffers * This will also accelerate hardware CRC and SHA on ARM chips * * 64 byte alignment for > page allocations on 64 bit systems * 32 byte alignment for > page allocations on 32 bit systems * 16 byte alignment for <= page allocations on 64 bit systems * 8 byte alignment for <= page allocations on 32 bit systems * * We use PAGE_SIZE as the boundary because we are not aware of any allocations of * this size or greater that are not data buffers */ const size_t alignment = sizeof(void *) * (size > PAGE_SIZE ? 8 : 2); #if !defined(_WIN32) void *result = NULL; int err = posix_memalign(&result, alignment, size); (void)err; AWS_PANIC_OOM(result, "posix_memalign failed to allocate memory"); return result; #else void *mem = _aligned_malloc(size, alignment); AWS_FATAL_POSTCONDITION(mem && "_aligned_malloc failed to allocate memory"); return mem; #endif } static void s_default_free(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *ptr) { (void)allocator; #if !defined(_WIN32) free(ptr); #else _aligned_free(ptr); #endif } static void *s_default_realloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) { (void)allocator; (void)oldsize; AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(newsize); #if !defined(_WIN32) if (newsize <= oldsize) { return ptr; } /* newsize is > oldsize, need more memory */ void *new_mem = s_default_malloc(allocator, newsize); AWS_PANIC_OOM(new_mem, "Unhandled OOM encountered in s_default_malloc"); if (ptr) { memcpy(new_mem, ptr, oldsize); s_default_free(allocator, ptr); } return new_mem; #else const size_t alignment = sizeof(void *) * (newsize > PAGE_SIZE ? 8 : 2); void *new_mem = _aligned_realloc(ptr, newsize, alignment); AWS_PANIC_OOM(new_mem, "Unhandled OOM encountered in _aligned_realloc"); return new_mem; #endif } static void *s_default_calloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t num, size_t size) { void *mem = s_default_malloc(allocator, num * size); AWS_PANIC_OOM(mem, "Unhandled OOM encountered in s_default_malloc"); memset(mem, 0, num * size); return mem; } static struct aws_allocator default_allocator = { .mem_acquire = s_default_malloc, .mem_release = s_default_free, .mem_realloc = s_default_realloc, .mem_calloc = s_default_calloc, }; struct aws_allocator *aws_default_allocator(void) { return &default_allocator; } void *aws_mem_acquire(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t size) { AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator != NULL); AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator->mem_acquire != NULL); /* Protect against https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/MEM04-C.+Beware+of+zero-length+allocations */ AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(size != 0); void *mem = allocator->mem_acquire(allocator, size); AWS_PANIC_OOM(mem, "Unhandled OOM encountered in aws_mem_acquire with allocator"); return mem; } void *aws_mem_calloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t num, size_t size) { AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator != NULL); AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator->mem_calloc || allocator->mem_acquire); /* Protect against https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/MEM04-C.+Beware+of+zero-length+allocations */ AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(num != 0 && size != 0); /* Defensive check: never use calloc with size * num that would overflow * https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/MEM07-C.+Ensure+that+the+arguments+to+calloc%28%29%2C+when+multiplied%2C+do+not+wrap */ size_t required_bytes = 0; AWS_FATAL_POSTCONDITION(!aws_mul_size_checked(num, size, &required_bytes), "calloc computed size > SIZE_MAX"); /* If there is a defined calloc, use it */ if (allocator->mem_calloc) { void *mem = allocator->mem_calloc(allocator, num, size); AWS_PANIC_OOM(mem, "Unhandled OOM encountered in aws_mem_acquire with allocator"); return mem; } /* Otherwise, emulate calloc */ void *mem = allocator->mem_acquire(allocator, required_bytes); AWS_PANIC_OOM(mem, "Unhandled OOM encountered in aws_mem_acquire with allocator"); memset(mem, 0, required_bytes); return mem; } #define AWS_ALIGN_ROUND_UP(value, alignment) (((value) + ((alignment)-1)) & ~((alignment)-1)) void *aws_mem_acquire_many(struct aws_allocator *allocator, size_t count, ...) { enum { S_ALIGNMENT = sizeof(intmax_t) }; va_list args_size; va_start(args_size, count); va_list args_allocs; va_copy(args_allocs, args_size); size_t total_size = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { /* Ignore the pointer argument for now */ va_arg(args_size, void **); size_t alloc_size = va_arg(args_size, size_t); total_size += AWS_ALIGN_ROUND_UP(alloc_size, S_ALIGNMENT); } va_end(args_size); void *allocation = NULL; if (total_size > 0) { allocation = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, total_size); AWS_PANIC_OOM(allocation, "Unhandled OOM encountered in aws_mem_acquire with allocator"); uint8_t *current_ptr = allocation; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { void **out_ptr = va_arg(args_allocs, void **); size_t alloc_size = va_arg(args_allocs, size_t); alloc_size = AWS_ALIGN_ROUND_UP(alloc_size, S_ALIGNMENT); *out_ptr = current_ptr; current_ptr += alloc_size; } } va_end(args_allocs); return allocation; } #undef AWS_ALIGN_ROUND_UP void aws_mem_release(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void *ptr) { AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator != NULL); AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator->mem_release != NULL); if (ptr != NULL) { allocator->mem_release(allocator, ptr); } } int aws_mem_realloc(struct aws_allocator *allocator, void **ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) { AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator != NULL); AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator->mem_realloc || allocator->mem_acquire); AWS_FATAL_PRECONDITION(allocator->mem_release); /* Protect against https://wiki.sei.cmu.edu/confluence/display/c/MEM04-C.+Beware+of+zero-length+allocations */ if (newsize == 0) { aws_mem_release(allocator, *ptr); *ptr = NULL; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } if (allocator->mem_realloc) { void *newptr = allocator->mem_realloc(allocator, *ptr, oldsize, newsize); AWS_PANIC_OOM(newptr, "Unhandled OOM encountered in aws_mem_acquire with allocator"); *ptr = newptr; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Since the allocator doesn't support realloc, we'll need to emulate it (inefficiently). */ if (oldsize >= newsize) { return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } void *newptr = allocator->mem_acquire(allocator, newsize); AWS_PANIC_OOM(newptr, "Unhandled OOM encountered in aws_mem_acquire with allocator"); memcpy(newptr, *ptr, oldsize); memset((uint8_t *)newptr + oldsize, 0, newsize - oldsize); aws_mem_release(allocator, *ptr); *ptr = newptr; return AWS_OP_SUCCESS; } /* Wraps a CFAllocator around aws_allocator. For Mac only. */ #ifdef __MACH__ static CFStringRef s_cf_allocator_description = CFSTR("CFAllocator wrapping aws_allocator."); /* note we don't have a standard specification stating sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(void *) so we have some extra casts */ static void *s_cf_allocator_allocate(CFIndex alloc_size, CFOptionFlags hint, void *info) { (void)hint; struct aws_allocator *allocator = info; void *mem = aws_mem_acquire(allocator, (size_t)alloc_size + sizeof(size_t)); size_t allocation_size = (size_t)alloc_size + sizeof(size_t); memcpy(mem, &allocation_size, sizeof(size_t)); return (void *)((uint8_t *)mem + sizeof(size_t)); } static void s_cf_allocator_deallocate(void *ptr, void *info) { struct aws_allocator *allocator = info; void *original_allocation = (uint8_t *)ptr - sizeof(size_t); aws_mem_release(allocator, original_allocation); } static void *s_cf_allocator_reallocate(void *ptr, CFIndex new_size, CFOptionFlags hint, void *info) { (void)hint; struct aws_allocator *allocator = info; AWS_ASSERT(allocator->mem_realloc); void *original_allocation = (uint8_t *)ptr - sizeof(size_t); size_t original_size = 0; memcpy(&original_size, original_allocation, sizeof(size_t)); aws_mem_realloc(allocator, &original_allocation, original_size, (size_t)new_size); size_t new_allocation_size = (size_t)new_size; memcpy(original_allocation, &new_allocation_size, sizeof(size_t)); return (void *)((uint8_t *)original_allocation + sizeof(size_t)); } static CFStringRef s_cf_allocator_copy_description(const void *info) { (void)info; return s_cf_allocator_description; } static CFIndex s_cf_allocator_preferred_size(CFIndex size, CFOptionFlags hint, void *info) { (void)hint; (void)info; return size + sizeof(size_t); } CFAllocatorRef aws_wrapped_cf_allocator_new(struct aws_allocator *allocator) { CFAllocatorRef cf_allocator = NULL; CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack reallocate_callback = NULL; if (allocator->mem_realloc) { reallocate_callback = s_cf_allocator_reallocate; } CFAllocatorContext context = { .allocate = s_cf_allocator_allocate, .copyDescription = s_cf_allocator_copy_description, .deallocate = s_cf_allocator_deallocate, .reallocate = reallocate_callback, .info = allocator, .preferredSize = s_cf_allocator_preferred_size, .release = NULL, .retain = NULL, .version = 0, }; cf_allocator = CFAllocatorCreate(NULL, &context); AWS_FATAL_ASSERT(cf_allocator && "creation of cf allocator failed!"); return cf_allocator; } void aws_wrapped_cf_allocator_destroy(CFAllocatorRef allocator) { CFRelease(allocator); } #endif /*__MACH__ */