import smtplib try: # python 3 from email.mime.text import MIMEText except ImportError: # python 2? from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from pytest_localserver import plugin, smtp def send_plain_email(to, from_, subject, txt, server=('localhost', 25)): """ Sends a simple plain text message via SMTP. """ if type(to) in (tuple, list): to = ', '.join(to) # Create a text/plain message msg = MIMEText(txt) msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = from_ msg['To'] = to host, port = server[:2] server = smtplib.SMTP(host, port) server.set_debuglevel(1) server.sendmail(from_, to, msg.as_string()) server.quit() # define test fixture here again in order to run tests without having to # install the plugin anew every single time smtpserver = plugin.smtpserver def test_smtpserver_funcarg(smtpserver): assert isinstance(smtpserver, smtp.Server) assert smtpserver.is_alive() assert smtpserver.accepting and smtpserver.addr def test_server_is_killed(smtpserver): assert smtpserver.is_alive() smtpserver.stop() assert not smtpserver.is_alive() def test_server_is_deleted(smtpserver): assert smtpserver.is_alive() smtpserver.__del__() # need to call magic method here! assert not smtpserver.is_alive() def test_smtpserver_has_empty_outbox_at_startup(smtpserver): assert len(smtpserver.outbox) == 0 def test_send_email(smtpserver): # send one e-mail send_plain_email( '', '', 'Your e-mail is getting there', 'Seems like this test actually works!', smtpserver.addr) msg = smtpserver.outbox[-1] assert msg['To'] == '' assert msg['From'] == '' assert msg['Subject'] == 'Your e-mail is getting there' assert msg.details.rcpttos == [''] assert msg.details.peer assert msg.details.mailfrom # send another e-mail send_plain_email( '', '', 'His e-mail too', 'Seems like this test actually works!', smtpserver.addr) msg = smtpserver.outbox[-1] assert msg['To'] == '' assert msg['From'] == '' assert msg['Subject'] == 'His e-mail too' # two mails are now in outbox assert len(smtpserver.outbox) == 2