Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: deepmerge Version: 1.1.1 Summary: a toolset to deeply merge python dictionaries. Home-page: Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 License-File: LICENSE ========= deepmerge ========= .. image:: :target: A tools to handle merging of nested data structures in python. ------------ Installation ------------ deepmerge is available on `pypi `_: .. code-block:: bash pip install deepmerge ------- Example ------- **Generic Strategy** .. code-block:: python from deepmerge import always_merger base = {"foo": ["bar"]} next = {"foo": ["baz"]} expected_result = {'foo': ['bar', 'baz']} result = always_merger.merge(base, next) assert expected_result == result **Custom Strategy** .. code-block:: python from deepmerge import Merger my_merger = Merger( # pass in a list of tuple, with the # strategies you are looking to apply # to each type. [ (list, ["append"]), (dict, ["merge"]), (set, ["union"]) ], # next, choose the fallback strategies, # applied to all other types: ["override"], # finally, choose the strategies in # the case where the types conflict: ["override"] ) base = {"foo": ["bar"]} next = {"bar": "baz"} my_merger.merge(base, next) assert base == {"foo": ["bar"], "bar": "baz"} You can also pass in your own merge functions, instead of a string. For more information, see the `docs `_