import re import pytest import click def test_other_command_invoke(runner): @click.command() @click.pass_context def cli(ctx): return ctx.invoke(other_cmd, arg=42) @click.command() @click.argument("arg", type=click.INT) def other_cmd(arg): click.echo(arg) result = runner.invoke(cli, []) assert not result.exception assert result.output == "42\n" def test_other_command_forward(runner): cli = click.Group() @cli.command() @click.option("--count", default=1) def test(count): click.echo(f"Count: {count:d}") @cli.command() @click.option("--count", default=1) @click.pass_context def dist(ctx, count): ctx.forward(test) ctx.invoke(test, count=42) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["dist"]) assert not result.exception assert result.output == "Count: 1\nCount: 42\n" def test_forwarded_params_consistency(runner): cli = click.Group() @cli.command() @click.option("-a") @click.pass_context def first(ctx, **kwargs): click.echo(f"{ctx.params}") @cli.command() @click.option("-a") @click.option("-b") @click.pass_context def second(ctx, **kwargs): click.echo(f"{ctx.params}") ctx.forward(first) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["second", "-a", "foo", "-b", "bar"]) assert not result.exception assert result.output == "{'a': 'foo', 'b': 'bar'}\n{'a': 'foo', 'b': 'bar'}\n" def test_auto_shorthelp(runner): def cli(): pass @cli.command() def short(): """This is a short text.""" @cli.command() def special_chars(): """Login and store the token in ~/.netrc.""" @cli.command() def long(): """This is a long text that is too long to show as short help and will be truncated instead.""" result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--help"]) assert ( r"Commands:\n\s+" r"long\s+This is a long text that is too long to show as short help" r"\.\.\.\n\s+" r"short\s+This is a short text\.\n\s+" r"special-chars\s+Login and store the token in ~/.netrc\.\s*", result.output, ) is not None ) def test_no_args_is_help(runner): @click.command(no_args_is_help=True) def cli(): pass result = runner.invoke(cli, []) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert "Show this message and exit." in result.output def test_default_maps(runner): def cli(): pass @cli.command() @click.option("--name", default="normal") def foo(name): click.echo(name) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["foo"], default_map={"foo": {"name": "changed"}}) assert not result.exception assert result.output == "changed\n" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("args", "exit_code", "expect"), [ (["obj1"], 2, "Error: Missing command."), (["obj1", "--help"], 0, "Show this message and exit."), (["obj1", "move"], 0, "obj=obj1\nmove\n"), ([], 0, "Show this message and exit."), ], ) def test_group_with_args(runner, args, exit_code, expect): @click.argument("obj") def cli(obj): click.echo(f"obj={obj}") @cli.command() def move(): click.echo("move") result = runner.invoke(cli, args) assert result.exit_code == exit_code assert expect in result.output def test_base_command(runner): import optparse def cli(): pass class OptParseCommand(click.BaseCommand): def __init__(self, name, parser, callback): super().__init__(name) self.parser = parser self.callback = callback def parse_args(self, ctx, args): try: opts, args = parser.parse_args(args) except Exception as e: ctx.args = args ctx.params = vars(opts) def get_usage(self, ctx): return self.parser.get_usage() def get_help(self, ctx): return self.parser.format_help() def invoke(self, ctx): ctx.invoke(self.callback, ctx.args, **ctx.params) parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="Usage: foo test [OPTIONS]") parser.add_option( "-f", "--file", dest="filename", help="write report to FILE", metavar="FILE" ) parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True, help="don't print status messages to stdout", ) def test_callback(args, filename, verbose): click.echo(" ".join(args)) click.echo(filename) click.echo(verbose) cli.add_command(OptParseCommand("test", parser, test_callback)) result = runner.invoke(cli, ["test", "-f", "f.txt", "-q", "q1.txt", "q2.txt"]) assert result.exception is None assert result.output.splitlines() == ["q1.txt q2.txt", "f.txt", "False"] result = runner.invoke(cli, ["test", "--help"]) assert result.exception is None assert result.output.splitlines() == [ "Usage: foo test [OPTIONS]", "", "Options:", " -h, --help show this help message and exit", " -f FILE, --file=FILE write report to FILE", " -q, --quiet don't print status messages to stdout", ] def test_object_propagation(runner): for chain in False, True: @click.option("--debug/--no-debug", default=False) @click.pass_context def cli(ctx, debug): if ctx.obj is None: ctx.obj = {} ctx.obj["DEBUG"] = debug @cli.command() @click.pass_context def sync(ctx): click.echo(f"Debug is {'on' if ctx.obj['DEBUG'] else 'off'}") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sync"]) assert result.exception is None assert result.output == "Debug is off\n" def test_other_command_invoke_with_defaults(runner): @click.command() @click.pass_context def cli(ctx): return ctx.invoke(other_cmd) @click.command() @click.option("-a", type=click.INT, default=42) @click.option("-b", type=click.INT, default="15") @click.option("-c", multiple=True) @click.pass_context def other_cmd(ctx, a, b, c): return ctx.info_name, a, b, c result = runner.invoke(cli, standalone_mode=False) # invoke should type cast default values, str becomes int, empty # multiple should be empty tuple instead of None assert result.return_value == ("other-cmd", 42, 15, ()) def test_invoked_subcommand(runner): @click.pass_context def cli(ctx): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: click.echo("no subcommand, use default") ctx.invoke(sync) else: click.echo("invoke subcommand") @cli.command() def sync(): click.echo("in subcommand") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["sync"]) assert not result.exception assert result.output == "invoke subcommand\nin subcommand\n" result = runner.invoke(cli) assert not result.exception assert result.output == "no subcommand, use default\nin subcommand\n" def test_aliased_command_canonical_name(runner): class AliasedGroup(click.Group): def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): return push def resolve_command(self, ctx, args): _, command, args = super().resolve_command(ctx, args) return, command, args cli = AliasedGroup() @cli.command() def push(): click.echo("push command") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["pu", "--help"]) assert not result.exception assert result.output.startswith("Usage: root push [OPTIONS]") def test_group_add_command_name(runner): cli = click.Group("cli") cmd = click.Command("a", params=[click.Option(["-x"], required=True)]) cli.add_command(cmd, "b") # Check that the command is accessed through the registered name, # not the original name. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["b"], default_map={"b": {"x": 3}}) assert result.exit_code == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("invocation_order", "declaration_order", "expected_order"), [ # Non-eager options. ([], ["-a"], ["-a"]), (["-a"], ["-a"], ["-a"]), ([], ["-a", "-c"], ["-a", "-c"]), (["-a"], ["-a", "-c"], ["-a", "-c"]), (["-c"], ["-a", "-c"], ["-c", "-a"]), ([], ["-c", "-a"], ["-c", "-a"]), (["-a"], ["-c", "-a"], ["-a", "-c"]), (["-c"], ["-c", "-a"], ["-c", "-a"]), (["-a", "-c"], ["-a", "-c"], ["-a", "-c"]), (["-c", "-a"], ["-a", "-c"], ["-c", "-a"]), # Eager options. ([], ["-b"], ["-b"]), (["-b"], ["-b"], ["-b"]), ([], ["-b", "-d"], ["-b", "-d"]), (["-b"], ["-b", "-d"], ["-b", "-d"]), (["-d"], ["-b", "-d"], ["-d", "-b"]), ([], ["-d", "-b"], ["-d", "-b"]), (["-b"], ["-d", "-b"], ["-b", "-d"]), (["-d"], ["-d", "-b"], ["-d", "-b"]), (["-b", "-d"], ["-b", "-d"], ["-b", "-d"]), (["-d", "-b"], ["-b", "-d"], ["-d", "-b"]), # Mixed options. ([], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), (["-a"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), (["-b"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), (["-c"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-c", "-a"]), (["-d"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-d", "-b", "-a", "-c"]), (["-a", "-b"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), (["-b", "-a"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), (["-d", "-c"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-d", "-b", "-c", "-a"]), (["-c", "-d"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-d", "-b", "-c", "-a"]), (["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), (["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"], ["-a", "-b", "-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-a", "-c"]), ([], ["-b", "-d", "-e", "-a", "-c"], ["-b", "-d", "-e", "-a", "-c"]), (["-a", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-e", "-a", "-c"], ["-d", "-b", "-e", "-a", "-c"]), (["-c", "-d"], ["-b", "-d", "-e", "-a", "-c"], ["-d", "-b", "-e", "-c", "-a"]), ], ) def test_iter_params_for_processing( invocation_order, declaration_order, expected_order ): parameters = { "-a": click.Option(["-a"]), "-b": click.Option(["-b"], is_eager=True), "-c": click.Option(["-c"]), "-d": click.Option(["-d"], is_eager=True), "-e": click.Option(["-e"], is_eager=True), } invocation_params = [parameters[opt_id] for opt_id in invocation_order] declaration_params = [parameters[opt_id] for opt_id in declaration_order] expected_params = [parameters[opt_id] for opt_id in expected_order] assert ( click.core.iter_params_for_processing(invocation_params, declaration_params) == expected_params ) def test_help_param_priority(runner): """Cover the edge-case in which the eagerness of help option was not respected, because it was internally generated multiple times. See: """ def print_and_exit(ctx, param, value): if value: click.echo(f"Value of {} is: {value}") ctx.exit() @click.command(context_settings={"help_option_names": ("--my-help",)}) @click.option("-a", is_flag=True, expose_value=False, callback=print_and_exit) @click.option( "-b", is_flag=True, expose_value=False, callback=print_and_exit, is_eager=True ) def cli(): pass # --my-help is properly called and stop execution. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--my-help"]) assert "Value of a is: True" not in result.stdout assert "Value of b is: True" not in result.stdout assert "--my-help" in result.stdout assert result.exit_code == 0 # -a is properly called and stop execution. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-a"]) assert "Value of a is: True" in result.stdout assert "Value of b is: True" not in result.stdout assert "--my-help" not in result.stdout assert result.exit_code == 0 # -a takes precedence over -b and stop execution. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-a", "-b"]) assert "Value of a is: True" not in result.stdout assert "Value of b is: True" in result.stdout assert "--my-help" not in result.stdout assert result.exit_code == 0 # --my-help is eager by default so takes precedence over -a and stop # execution, whatever the order. for args in [["-a", "--my-help"], ["--my-help", "-a"]]: result = runner.invoke(cli, args) assert "Value of a is: True" not in result.stdout assert "Value of b is: True" not in result.stdout assert "--my-help" in result.stdout assert result.exit_code == 0 # Both -b and --my-help are eager so they're called in the order they're # invoked by the user. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-b", "--my-help"]) assert "Value of a is: True" not in result.stdout assert "Value of b is: True" in result.stdout assert "--my-help" not in result.stdout assert result.exit_code == 0 # But there was a bug when --my-help is called before -b, because the # --my-help option created by click via help_option_names is internally # created twice and is not the same object, breaking the priority order # produced by iter_params_for_processing. result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--my-help", "-b"]) assert "Value of a is: True" not in result.stdout assert "Value of b is: True" not in result.stdout assert "--my-help" in result.stdout assert result.exit_code == 0 def test_unprocessed_options(runner): @click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True)) @click.argument("args", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED) @click.option("--verbose", "-v", count=True) def cli(verbose, args): click.echo(f"Verbosity: {verbose}") click.echo(f"Args: {'|'.join(args)}") result = runner.invoke(cli, ["-foo", "-vvvvx", "--muhaha", "x", "y", "-x"]) assert not result.exception assert result.output.splitlines() == [ "Verbosity: 4", "Args: -foo|-x|--muhaha|x|y|-x", ] @pytest.mark.parametrize("doc", ["CLI HELP", None]) def test_deprecated_in_help_messages(runner, doc): @click.command(deprecated=True, help=doc) def cli(): pass result = runner.invoke(cli, ["--help"]) assert "(Deprecated)" in result.output def test_deprecated_in_invocation(runner): @click.command(deprecated=True) def deprecated_cmd(): pass result = runner.invoke(deprecated_cmd) assert "DeprecationWarning:" in result.output def test_command_parse_args_collects_option_prefixes(): @click.command() @click.option("+p", is_flag=True) @click.option("!e", is_flag=True) def test(p, e): pass ctx = click.Context(test) test.parse_args(ctx, []) assert ctx._opt_prefixes == {"-", "--", "+", "!"} def test_group_parse_args_collects_base_option_prefixes(): @click.option("~t", is_flag=True) def group(t): pass @group.command() @click.option("+p", is_flag=True) def command1(p): pass @group.command() @click.option("!e", is_flag=True) def command2(e): pass ctx = click.Context(group) group.parse_args(ctx, ["command1", "+p"]) assert ctx._opt_prefixes == {"-", "--", "~"} def test_group_invoke_collects_used_option_prefixes(runner): opt_prefixes = set() @click.option("~t", is_flag=True) def group(t): pass @group.command() @click.option("+p", is_flag=True) @click.pass_context def command1(ctx, p): nonlocal opt_prefixes opt_prefixes = ctx._opt_prefixes @group.command() @click.option("!e", is_flag=True) def command2(e): pass runner.invoke(group, ["command1"]) assert opt_prefixes == {"-", "--", "~", "+"} @pytest.mark.parametrize("exc", (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt)) def test_abort_exceptions_with_disabled_standalone_mode(runner, exc): @click.command() def cli(): raise exc("catch me!") rv = runner.invoke(cli, standalone_mode=False) assert rv.exit_code == 1 assert isinstance(rv.exception.__cause__, exc) assert rv.exception.__cause__.args == ("catch me!",)