# -*- test-case-name: twisted.pair.test.test_rawudp -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Implementation of raw packet interfaces for UDP """ import struct from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.pair import raw class UDPHeader: def __init__(self, data): (self.source, self.dest, self.len, self.check) = struct.unpack( "!HHHH", data[:8] ) @implementer(raw.IRawDatagramProtocol) class RawUDPProtocol(protocol.AbstractDatagramProtocol): def __init__(self): self.udpProtos = {} def addProto(self, num, proto): if not isinstance(proto, protocol.DatagramProtocol): raise TypeError("Added protocol must be an instance of DatagramProtocol") if num < 0: raise TypeError("Added protocol must be positive or zero") if num >= 2**16: raise TypeError("Added protocol must fit in 16 bits") if num not in self.udpProtos: self.udpProtos[num] = [] self.udpProtos[num].append(proto) def datagramReceived( self, data, partial, source, dest, protocol, version, ihl, tos, tot_len, fragment_id, fragment_offset, dont_fragment, more_fragments, ttl, ): header = UDPHeader(data) for proto in self.udpProtos.get(header.dest, ()): proto.datagramReceived(data[8:], (source, header.source))