/* * The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses * BSD License, included below. This software may be subject to other third * party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights * are granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2008, 2011-2012, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), FR * Copyright (c) 2012, CS Systemes d'Information, France * Copyright (c) 2017, IntoPIX SA * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef OPJ_TCD_H #define OPJ_TCD_H /** @file tcd.h @brief Implementation of a tile coder/decoder (TCD) The functions in TCD.C encode or decode each tile independently from each other. The functions in TCD.C are used by other functions in J2K.C. */ /** @defgroup TCD TCD - Implementation of a tile coder/decoder */ /*@{*/ /** FIXME DOC */ typedef struct opj_tcd_pass { OPJ_UINT32 rate; OPJ_FLOAT64 distortiondec; OPJ_UINT32 len; OPJ_BITFIELD term : 1; } opj_tcd_pass_t; /** FIXME DOC */ typedef struct opj_tcd_layer { OPJ_UINT32 numpasses; /* Number of passes in the layer */ OPJ_UINT32 len; /* len of information */ OPJ_FLOAT64 disto; /* add for index (Cfr. Marcela) */ OPJ_BYTE *data; /* data */ } opj_tcd_layer_t; /** FIXME DOC */ typedef struct opj_tcd_cblk_enc { OPJ_BYTE* data; /* Data */ opj_tcd_layer_t* layers; /* layer information */ opj_tcd_pass_t* passes; /* information about the passes */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* dimension of the code-blocks : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_UINT32 numbps; OPJ_UINT32 numlenbits; OPJ_UINT32 data_size; /* Size of allocated data buffer */ OPJ_UINT32 numpasses; /* number of pass already done for the code-blocks */ OPJ_UINT32 numpassesinlayers; /* number of passes in the layer */ OPJ_UINT32 totalpasses; /* total number of passes */ } opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t; /** Chunk of codestream data that is part of a code block */ typedef struct opj_tcd_seg_data_chunk { /* Point to tilepart buffer. We don't make a copy ! So the tilepart buffer must be kept alive as long as we need to decode the codeblocks */ OPJ_BYTE * data; OPJ_UINT32 len; /* Usable length of data */ } opj_tcd_seg_data_chunk_t; /** Segment of a code-block. * A segment represent a number of consecutive coding passes, without termination * of MQC or RAW between them. */ typedef struct opj_tcd_seg { OPJ_UINT32 len; /* Size of data related to this segment */ /* Number of passes decoded. Including those that we skip */ OPJ_UINT32 numpasses; /* Number of passes actually to be decoded. To be used for code-block decoding */ OPJ_UINT32 real_num_passes; /* Maximum number of passes for this segment */ OPJ_UINT32 maxpasses; /* Number of new passes for current packed. Transitory value */ OPJ_UINT32 numnewpasses; /* Codestream length for this segment for current packed. Transitory value */ OPJ_UINT32 newlen; } opj_tcd_seg_t; /** Code-block for decoding */ typedef struct opj_tcd_cblk_dec { opj_tcd_seg_t* segs; /* segments information */ opj_tcd_seg_data_chunk_t* chunks; /* Array of chunks */ /* position of the code-blocks : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* Mb is The maximum number of bit-planes available for the representation of coefficients in any sub-band, b, as defined in Equation (E-2). See Section B.10.5 of the standard */ OPJ_UINT32 Mb; /* currently used only to check if HT decoding is correct */ /* numbps is Mb - P as defined in Section B.10.5 of the standard */ OPJ_UINT32 numbps; /* number of bits for len, for the current packet. Transitory value */ OPJ_UINT32 numlenbits; /* number of pass added to the code-blocks, for the current packet. Transitory value */ OPJ_UINT32 numnewpasses; /* number of segments, including those of packet we skip */ OPJ_UINT32 numsegs; /* number of segments, to be used for code block decoding */ OPJ_UINT32 real_num_segs; OPJ_UINT32 m_current_max_segs; /* allocated number of segs[] items */ OPJ_UINT32 numchunks; /* Number of valid chunks items */ OPJ_UINT32 numchunksalloc; /* Number of chunks item allocated */ /* Decoded code-block. Only used for subtile decoding. Otherwise tilec->data is directly updated */ OPJ_INT32* decoded_data; OPJ_BOOL corrupted; /* whether the code block data is corrupted */ } opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t; /** Precinct structure */ typedef struct opj_tcd_precinct { /* dimension of the precinct : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; OPJ_UINT32 cw, ch; /* number of code-blocks, in width and height */ union { /* code-blocks information */ opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* enc; opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* dec; void* blocks; } cblks; OPJ_UINT32 block_size; /* size taken by cblks (in bytes) */ opj_tgt_tree_t *incltree; /* inclusion tree */ opj_tgt_tree_t *imsbtree; /* IMSB tree */ } opj_tcd_precinct_t; /** Sub-band structure */ typedef struct opj_tcd_band { /* dimension of the subband : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* band number: for lowest resolution level (0=LL), otherwise (1=HL, 2=LH, 3=HH) */ OPJ_UINT32 bandno; /* precinct information */ opj_tcd_precinct_t *precincts; /* size of data taken by precincts */ OPJ_UINT32 precincts_data_size; OPJ_INT32 numbps; OPJ_FLOAT32 stepsize; } opj_tcd_band_t; /** Tile-component resolution structure */ typedef struct opj_tcd_resolution { /* dimension of the resolution level : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* number of precincts, in width and height, for this resolution level */ OPJ_UINT32 pw, ph; /* number of sub-bands for the resolution level (1 for lowest resolution level, 3 otherwise) */ OPJ_UINT32 numbands; /* subband information */ opj_tcd_band_t bands[3]; /* dimension of the resolution limited to window of interest. Only valid if tcd->whole_tile_decoding is set */ OPJ_UINT32 win_x0; OPJ_UINT32 win_y0; OPJ_UINT32 win_x1; OPJ_UINT32 win_y1; } opj_tcd_resolution_t; /** Tile-component structure */ typedef struct opj_tcd_tilecomp { /* dimension of component : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; /* component number */ OPJ_UINT32 compno; /* number of resolutions level */ OPJ_UINT32 numresolutions; /* number of resolutions level to decode (at max)*/ OPJ_UINT32 minimum_num_resolutions; /* resolutions information */ opj_tcd_resolution_t *resolutions; /* size of data for resolutions (in bytes) */ OPJ_UINT32 resolutions_size; /* data of the component. For decoding, only valid if tcd->whole_tile_decoding is set (so exclusive of data_win member) */ OPJ_INT32 *data; /* if true, then need to free after usage, otherwise do not free */ OPJ_BOOL ownsData; /* we may either need to allocate this amount of data, or re-use image data and ignore this value */ size_t data_size_needed; /* size of the data of the component */ size_t data_size; /** data of the component limited to window of interest. Only valid for decoding and if tcd->whole_tile_decoding is NOT set (so exclusive of data member) */ OPJ_INT32 *data_win; /* dimension of the component limited to window of interest. Only valid for decoding and if tcd->whole_tile_decoding is NOT set */ OPJ_UINT32 win_x0; OPJ_UINT32 win_y0; OPJ_UINT32 win_x1; OPJ_UINT32 win_y1; /* number of pixels */ OPJ_SIZE_T numpix; } opj_tcd_tilecomp_t; /** FIXME DOC */ typedef struct opj_tcd_tile { /* dimension of the tile : left upper corner (x0, y0) right low corner (x1,y1) */ OPJ_INT32 x0, y0, x1, y1; OPJ_UINT32 numcomps; /* number of components in tile */ opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *comps; /* Components information */ OPJ_SIZE_T numpix; /* number of pixels */ OPJ_FLOAT64 distotile; /* distortion of the tile */ OPJ_FLOAT64 distolayer[100]; /* distortion per layer */ OPJ_UINT32 packno; /* packet number */ } opj_tcd_tile_t; /** FIXME DOC */ typedef struct opj_tcd_image { opj_tcd_tile_t *tiles; /* Tiles information */ } opj_tcd_image_t; /** Tile coder/decoder */ typedef struct opj_tcd { /** Position of the tilepart flag in Progression order*/ OPJ_INT32 tp_pos; /** Tile part number*/ OPJ_UINT32 tp_num; /** Current tile part number*/ OPJ_UINT32 cur_tp_num; /** Total number of tileparts of the current tile*/ OPJ_UINT32 cur_totnum_tp; /** Current Packet iterator number */ OPJ_UINT32 cur_pino; /** info on each image tile */ opj_tcd_image_t *tcd_image; /** image header */ opj_image_t *image; /** coding parameters */ opj_cp_t *cp; /** coding/decoding parameters common to all tiles */ opj_tcp_t *tcp; /** current encoded/decoded tile */ OPJ_UINT32 tcd_tileno; /** tell if the tcd is a decoder. */ OPJ_BITFIELD m_is_decoder : 1; /** Thread pool */ opj_thread_pool_t* thread_pool; /** Coordinates of the window of interest, in grid reference space */ OPJ_UINT32 win_x0; OPJ_UINT32 win_y0; OPJ_UINT32 win_x1; OPJ_UINT32 win_y1; /** Only valid for decoding. Whether the whole tile is decoded, or just the region in win_x0/win_y0/win_x1/win_y1 */ OPJ_BOOL whole_tile_decoding; /* Array of size image->numcomps indicating if a component must be decoded. NULL if all components must be decoded */ OPJ_BOOL* used_component; } opj_tcd_t; /** * Structure to hold information needed to generate some markers. * Used by encoder. */ typedef struct opj_tcd_marker_info { /** In: Whether information to generate PLT markers in needed */ OPJ_BOOL need_PLT; /** OUT: Number of elements in p_packet_size[] array */ OPJ_UINT32 packet_count; /** OUT: Array of size packet_count, such that p_packet_size[i] is * the size in bytes of the ith packet */ OPJ_UINT32* p_packet_size; } opj_tcd_marker_info_t; /** @name Exported functions */ /*@{*/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** Dump the content of a tcd structure */ /*void tcd_dump(FILE *fd, opj_tcd_t *tcd, opj_tcd_image_t *img);*/ /* TODO MSD should use the new v2 structures */ /** Create a new TCD handle @param p_is_decoder FIXME DOC @return Returns a new TCD handle if successful returns NULL otherwise */ opj_tcd_t* opj_tcd_create(OPJ_BOOL p_is_decoder); /** Destroy a previously created TCD handle @param tcd TCD handle to destroy */ void opj_tcd_destroy(opj_tcd_t *tcd); /** * Create a new opj_tcd_marker_info_t* structure * @param need_PLT Whether information is needed to generate PLT markers. */ opj_tcd_marker_info_t* opj_tcd_marker_info_create(OPJ_BOOL need_PLT); /** Destroy a previously created opj_tcd_marker_info_t* structure @param p_tcd_marker_info Structure to destroy */ void opj_tcd_marker_info_destroy(opj_tcd_marker_info_t *p_tcd_marker_info); /** * Initialize the tile coder and may reuse some memory. * @param p_tcd TCD handle. * @param p_image raw image. * @param p_cp coding parameters. * @param p_tp thread pool * * @return true if the encoding values could be set (false otherwise). */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_init(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, opj_image_t * p_image, opj_cp_t * p_cp, opj_thread_pool_t* p_tp); /** * Allocates memory for decoding a specific tile. * * @param p_tcd the tile decoder. * @param p_tile_no the index of the tile received in sequence. This not necessarily lead to the * tile at index p_tile_no. * @param p_manager the event manager. * * @return true if the remaining data is sufficient. */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_init_decode_tile(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no, opj_event_mgr_t* p_manager); /** * Gets the maximum tile size that will be taken by the tile once decoded. */ OPJ_UINT32 opj_tcd_get_decoded_tile_size(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, OPJ_BOOL take_into_account_partial_decoding); /** * Encodes a tile from the raw image into the given buffer. * @param p_tcd Tile Coder handle * @param p_tile_no Index of the tile to encode. * @param p_dest Destination buffer * @param p_data_written pointer to an int that is incremented by the number of bytes really written on p_dest * @param p_len Maximum length of the destination buffer * @param p_cstr_info Codestream information structure * @param p_marker_info Marker information structure * @param p_manager the user event manager * @return true if the coding is successful. */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_encode_tile(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no, OPJ_BYTE *p_dest, OPJ_UINT32 * p_data_written, OPJ_UINT32 p_len, struct opj_codestream_info *p_cstr_info, opj_tcd_marker_info_t* p_marker_info, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager); /** Decode a tile from a buffer into a raw image @param tcd TCD handle @param win_x0 Upper left x of region to decode (in grid coordinates) @param win_y0 Upper left y of region to decode (in grid coordinates) @param win_x1 Lower right x of region to decode (in grid coordinates) @param win_y1 Lower right y of region to decode (in grid coordinates) @param numcomps_to_decode Size of the comps_indices array, or 0 if decoding all components. @param comps_indices Array of numcomps values representing the indices of the components to decode (relative to the codestream, starting at 0). Or NULL if decoding all components. @param src Source buffer @param len Length of source buffer @param tileno Number that identifies one of the tiles to be decoded @param cstr_info FIXME DOC @param manager the event manager. */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_decode_tile(opj_tcd_t *tcd, OPJ_UINT32 win_x0, OPJ_UINT32 win_y0, OPJ_UINT32 win_x1, OPJ_UINT32 win_y1, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps_to_decode, const OPJ_UINT32 *comps_indices, OPJ_BYTE *src, OPJ_UINT32 len, OPJ_UINT32 tileno, opj_codestream_index_t *cstr_info, opj_event_mgr_t *manager); /** * Copies tile data from the system onto the given memory block. */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_update_tile_data(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_dest, OPJ_UINT32 p_dest_length); /** * Get the size in bytes of the input buffer provided before encoded. * This must be the size provided to the p_src_length argument of * opj_tcd_copy_tile_data() */ OPJ_SIZE_T opj_tcd_get_encoder_input_buffer_size(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd); /** * Initialize the tile coder and may reuse some memory. * * @param p_tcd TCD handle. * @param p_tile_no current tile index to encode. * @param p_manager the event manager. * * @return true if the encoding values could be set (false otherwise). */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_init_encode_tile(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, OPJ_UINT32 p_tile_no, opj_event_mgr_t* p_manager); /** * Copies tile data from the given memory block onto the system. * * p_src_length must be equal to opj_tcd_get_encoder_input_buffer_size() */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_copy_tile_data(opj_tcd_t *p_tcd, OPJ_BYTE * p_src, OPJ_SIZE_T p_src_length); /** * Allocates tile component data * * */ OPJ_BOOL opj_alloc_tile_component_data(opj_tcd_tilecomp_t *l_tilec); /** Returns whether a sub-band is empty (i.e. whether it has a null area) * @param band Sub-band handle. * @return OPJ_TRUE whether the sub-band is empty. */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_is_band_empty(opj_tcd_band_t* band); /** Reinitialize a segment */ void opj_tcd_reinit_segment(opj_tcd_seg_t* seg); /** Returns whether a sub-band region contributes to the area of interest * tcd->win_x0,tcd->win_y0,tcd->win_x1,tcd->win_y1. * * @param tcd TCD handle. * @param compno Component number * @param resno Resolution number * @param bandno Band number (*not* band index, ie 0, 1, 2 or 3) * @param x0 Upper left x in subband coordinates * @param y0 Upper left y in subband coordinates * @param x1 Lower right x in subband coordinates * @param y1 Lower right y in subband coordinates * @return OPJ_TRUE whether the sub-band region contributes to the area of * interest. */ OPJ_BOOL opj_tcd_is_subband_area_of_interest(opj_tcd_t *tcd, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 resno, OPJ_UINT32 bandno, OPJ_UINT32 x0, OPJ_UINT32 y0, OPJ_UINT32 x1, OPJ_UINT32 y1); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*@}*/ /*@}*/ #endif /* OPJ_TCD_H */