/* * The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses * BSD License, included below. This software may be subject to other third * party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights * are granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium * Copyright (c) 2002-2014, Professor Benoit Macq * Copyright (c) 2001-2003, David Janssens * Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Yannick Verschueren * Copyright (c) 2003-2007, Francois-Olivier Devaux * Copyright (c) 2003-2014, Antonin Descampe * Copyright (c) 2005, Herve Drolon, FreeImage Team * Copyright (c) 2007, Callum Lerwick * Copyright (c) 2012, Carl Hetherington * Copyright (c) 2017, IntoPIX SA * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define OPJ_SKIP_POISON #include "opj_includes.h" #ifdef __SSE__ #include #endif #ifdef __SSE2__ #include #endif #if (defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__AVX512F__)) #include #endif #if defined(__GNUC__) #pragma GCC poison malloc calloc realloc free #endif #include "t1_luts.h" /** @defgroup T1 T1 - Implementation of the tier-1 coding */ /*@{*/ #define T1_FLAGS(x, y) (t1->flags[x + 1 + ((y / 4) + 1) * (t1->w+2)]) #define opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxno) curctx = &(mqc)->ctxs[(OPJ_UINT32)(ctxno)] /* Macros to deal with signed integer with just MSB bit set for * negative values (smr = signed magnitude representation) */ #define opj_smr_abs(x) (((OPJ_UINT32)(x)) & 0x7FFFFFFFU) #define opj_smr_sign(x) (((OPJ_UINT32)(x)) >> 31) #define opj_to_smr(x) ((x) >= 0 ? (OPJ_UINT32)(x) : ((OPJ_UINT32)(-x) | 0x80000000U)) /** @name Local static functions */ /*@{*/ static INLINE OPJ_BYTE opj_t1_getctxno_zc(opj_mqc_t *mqc, OPJ_UINT32 f); static INLINE OPJ_UINT32 opj_t1_getctxno_mag(OPJ_UINT32 f); static OPJ_INT16 opj_t1_getnmsedec_sig(OPJ_UINT32 x, OPJ_UINT32 bitpos); static OPJ_INT16 opj_t1_getnmsedec_ref(OPJ_UINT32 x, OPJ_UINT32 bitpos); static INLINE void opj_t1_update_flags(opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_UINT32 ci, OPJ_UINT32 s, OPJ_UINT32 stride, OPJ_UINT32 vsc); /** Decode significant pass */ static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_UINT32 vsc, OPJ_UINT32 row); static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_UINT32 row, OPJ_UINT32 flags_stride, OPJ_UINT32 vsc); /** Encode significant pass */ static void opj_t1_enc_sigpass(opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty); /** Decode significant pass */ static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 cblksty); /** Encode refinement pass */ static void opj_t1_enc_refpass(opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type); /** Decode refinement pass */ static void opj_t1_dec_refpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno); /** Decode refinement pass */ static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 poshalf, OPJ_UINT32 row); static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 poshalf, OPJ_UINT32 row); /** Decode clean-up pass */ static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_UINT32 row, OPJ_UINT32 vsc); /** Encode clean-up pass */ static void opj_t1_enc_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty); static OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_t1_getwmsedec( OPJ_INT32 nmsedec, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms, OPJ_UINT32 mct_numcomps); /** Return "cumwmsedec" that should be used to increase tile->distotile */ static double opj_t1_encode_cblk(opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms, OPJ_UINT32 mct_numcomps); /** Decode 1 code-block @param t1 T1 handle @param cblk Code-block coding parameters @param orient @param roishift Region of interest shifting value @param cblksty Code-block style @param p_manager the event manager @param p_manager_mutex mutex for the event manager @param check_pterm whether PTERM correct termination should be checked */ static OPJ_BOOL opj_t1_decode_cblk(opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 roishift, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager, opj_mutex_t* p_manager_mutex, OPJ_BOOL check_pterm); /** Decode 1 HT code-block @param t1 T1 handle @param cblk Code-block coding parameters @param orient @param roishift Region of interest shifting value @param cblksty Code-block style @param p_manager the event manager @param p_manager_mutex mutex for the event manager @param check_pterm whether PTERM correct termination should be checked */ OPJ_BOOL opj_t1_ht_decode_cblk(opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 roishift, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager, opj_mutex_t* p_manager_mutex, OPJ_BOOL check_pterm); static OPJ_BOOL opj_t1_allocate_buffers(opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_UINT32 w, OPJ_UINT32 h); /*@}*/ /*@}*/ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static INLINE OPJ_BYTE opj_t1_getctxno_zc(opj_mqc_t *mqc, OPJ_UINT32 f) { return mqc->lut_ctxno_zc_orient[(f & T1_SIGMA_NEIGHBOURS)]; } static INLINE OPJ_UINT32 opj_t1_getctxtno_sc_or_spb_index(OPJ_UINT32 fX, OPJ_UINT32 pfX, OPJ_UINT32 nfX, OPJ_UINT32 ci) { /* 0 pfX T1_CHI_THIS T1_LUT_SGN_W 1 tfX T1_SIGMA_1 T1_LUT_SIG_N 2 nfX T1_CHI_THIS T1_LUT_SGN_E 3 tfX T1_SIGMA_3 T1_LUT_SIG_W 4 fX T1_CHI_(THIS - 1) T1_LUT_SGN_N 5 tfX T1_SIGMA_5 T1_LUT_SIG_E 6 fX T1_CHI_(THIS + 1) T1_LUT_SGN_S 7 tfX T1_SIGMA_7 T1_LUT_SIG_S */ OPJ_UINT32 lu = (fX >> (ci * 3U)) & (T1_SIGMA_1 | T1_SIGMA_3 | T1_SIGMA_5 | T1_SIGMA_7); lu |= (pfX >> (T1_CHI_THIS_I + (ci * 3U))) & (1U << 0); lu |= (nfX >> (T1_CHI_THIS_I - 2U + (ci * 3U))) & (1U << 2); if (ci == 0U) { lu |= (fX >> (T1_CHI_0_I - 4U)) & (1U << 4); } else { lu |= (fX >> (T1_CHI_1_I - 4U + ((ci - 1U) * 3U))) & (1U << 4); } lu |= (fX >> (T1_CHI_2_I - 6U + (ci * 3U))) & (1U << 6); return lu; } static INLINE OPJ_BYTE opj_t1_getctxno_sc(OPJ_UINT32 lu) { return lut_ctxno_sc[lu]; } static INLINE OPJ_UINT32 opj_t1_getctxno_mag(OPJ_UINT32 f) { OPJ_UINT32 tmp = (f & T1_SIGMA_NEIGHBOURS) ? T1_CTXNO_MAG + 1 : T1_CTXNO_MAG; OPJ_UINT32 tmp2 = (f & T1_MU_0) ? T1_CTXNO_MAG + 2 : tmp; return tmp2; } static INLINE OPJ_BYTE opj_t1_getspb(OPJ_UINT32 lu) { return lut_spb[lu]; } static OPJ_INT16 opj_t1_getnmsedec_sig(OPJ_UINT32 x, OPJ_UINT32 bitpos) { if (bitpos > 0) { return lut_nmsedec_sig[(x >> (bitpos)) & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } return lut_nmsedec_sig0[x & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } static OPJ_INT16 opj_t1_getnmsedec_ref(OPJ_UINT32 x, OPJ_UINT32 bitpos) { if (bitpos > 0) { return lut_nmsedec_ref[(x >> (bitpos)) & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } return lut_nmsedec_ref0[x & ((1 << T1_NMSEDEC_BITS) - 1)]; } #define opj_t1_update_flags_macro(flags, flagsp, ci, s, stride, vsc) \ { \ /* east */ \ flagsp[-1] |= T1_SIGMA_5 << (3U * ci); \ \ /* mark target as significant */ \ flags |= ((s << T1_CHI_1_I) | T1_SIGMA_4) << (3U * ci); \ \ /* west */ \ flagsp[1] |= T1_SIGMA_3 << (3U * ci); \ \ /* north-west, north, north-east */ \ if (ci == 0U && !(vsc)) { \ opj_flag_t* north = flagsp - (stride); \ *north |= (s << T1_CHI_5_I) | T1_SIGMA_16; \ north[-1] |= T1_SIGMA_17; \ north[1] |= T1_SIGMA_15; \ } \ \ /* south-west, south, south-east */ \ if (ci == 3U) { \ opj_flag_t* south = flagsp + (stride); \ *south |= (s << T1_CHI_0_I) | T1_SIGMA_1; \ south[-1] |= T1_SIGMA_2; \ south[1] |= T1_SIGMA_0; \ } \ } static INLINE void opj_t1_update_flags(opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_UINT32 ci, OPJ_UINT32 s, OPJ_UINT32 stride, OPJ_UINT32 vsc) { opj_t1_update_flags_macro(*flagsp, flagsp, ci, s, stride, vsc); } /** Encode significant pass */ #define opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flagspIn, datapIn, bpno, one, nmsedec, type, ciIn, vscIn) \ { \ OPJ_UINT32 v; \ const OPJ_UINT32 ci = (ciIn); \ const OPJ_UINT32 vsc = (vscIn); \ const OPJ_INT32* l_datap = (datapIn); \ opj_flag_t* flagsp = (flagspIn); \ OPJ_UINT32 const flags = *flagsp; \ if ((flags & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U))) == 0U && \ (flags & (T1_SIGMA_NEIGHBOURS << (ci * 3U))) != 0U) { \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt1 = opj_t1_getctxno_zc(mqc, flags >> (ci * 3U)); \ v = (opj_smr_abs(*l_datap) & (OPJ_UINT32)one) ? 1 : 0; \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG */ \ /* fprintf(stderr, " ctxt1=%d\n", ctxt1); */ \ /* #endif */ \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt1); \ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { /* BYPASS/LAZY MODE */ \ opj_mqc_bypass_enc_macro(mqc, c, ct, v); \ } else { \ opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, v); \ } \ if (v) { \ OPJ_UINT32 lu = opj_t1_getctxtno_sc_or_spb_index( \ *flagsp, \ flagsp[-1], flagsp[1], \ ci); \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt2 = opj_t1_getctxno_sc(lu); \ v = opj_smr_sign(*l_datap); \ *nmsedec += opj_t1_getnmsedec_sig(opj_smr_abs(*l_datap), \ (OPJ_UINT32)bpno); \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG */ \ /* fprintf(stderr, " ctxt2=%d\n", ctxt2); */ \ /* #endif */ \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt2); \ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { /* BYPASS/LAZY MODE */ \ opj_mqc_bypass_enc_macro(mqc, c, ct, v); \ } else { \ OPJ_UINT32 spb = opj_t1_getspb(lu); \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG */ \ /* fprintf(stderr, " spb=%d\n", spb); */ \ /* #endif */ \ opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, v ^ spb); \ } \ opj_t1_update_flags(flagsp, ci, v, t1->w + 2, vsc); \ } \ *flagsp |= T1_PI_THIS << (ci * 3U); \ } \ } static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_UINT32 vsc, OPJ_UINT32 ci) { OPJ_UINT32 v; opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* RAW component */ OPJ_UINT32 const flags = *flagsp; if ((flags & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U))) == 0U && (flags & (T1_SIGMA_NEIGHBOURS << (ci * 3U))) != 0U) { if (opj_mqc_raw_decode(mqc)) { v = opj_mqc_raw_decode(mqc); *datap = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; opj_t1_update_flags(flagsp, ci, v, t1->w + 2, vsc); } *flagsp |= T1_PI_THIS << (ci * 3U); } } #define opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_macro(flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ data_stride, ci, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, vsc) \ { \ if ((flags & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U))) == 0U && \ (flags & (T1_SIGMA_NEIGHBOURS << (ci * 3U))) != 0U) { \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt1 = opj_t1_getctxno_zc(mqc, flags >> (ci * 3U)); \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt1); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ if (v) { \ OPJ_UINT32 lu = opj_t1_getctxtno_sc_or_spb_index( \ flags, \ flagsp[-1], flagsp[1], \ ci); \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt2 = opj_t1_getctxno_sc(lu); \ OPJ_UINT32 spb = opj_t1_getspb(lu); \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt2); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ v = v ^ spb; \ data[ci*data_stride] = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; \ opj_t1_update_flags_macro(flags, flagsp, ci, v, flags_stride, vsc); \ } \ flags |= T1_PI_THIS << (ci * 3U); \ } \ } static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_UINT32 ci, OPJ_UINT32 flags_stride, OPJ_UINT32 vsc) { OPJ_UINT32 v; opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* MQC component */ opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_macro(*flagsp, flagsp, flags_stride, datap, 0, ci, mqc, mqc->curctx, v, mqc->a, mqc->c, mqc->ct, oneplushalf, vsc); } static void opj_t1_enc_sigpass(opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty ) { OPJ_UINT32 i, k; OPJ_INT32 const one = 1 << (bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); opj_flag_t* f = &T1_FLAGS(0, 0); OPJ_UINT32 const extra = 2; opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); DOWNLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); const OPJ_INT32* datap = t1->data; *nmsedec = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG fprintf(stderr, "enc_sigpass: bpno=%d\n", bpno); #endif for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3U); k += 4, f += extra) { const OPJ_UINT32 w = t1->w; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG fprintf(stderr, " k=%d\n", k); #endif for (i = 0; i < w; ++i, ++f, datap += 4) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG fprintf(stderr, " i=%d\n", i); #endif if (*f == 0U) { /* Nothing to do for any of the 4 data points */ continue; } opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, &datap[0], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 0, cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC); opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, &datap[1], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 1, 0); opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, &datap[2], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 2, 0); opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, &datap[3], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 3, 0); } } if (k < t1->h) { OPJ_UINT32 j; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG fprintf(stderr, " k=%d\n", k); #endif for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i, ++f) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_SIG fprintf(stderr, " i=%d\n", i); #endif if (*f == 0U) { /* Nothing to do for any of the 4 data points */ datap += (t1->h - k); continue; } for (j = k; j < t1->h; ++j, ++datap) { opj_t1_enc_sigpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, &datap[0], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, j - k, (j == k && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) != 0)); } } } UPLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); } static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 cblksty) { OPJ_INT32 one, half, oneplushalf; OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k; OPJ_INT32 *data = t1->data; opj_flag_t *flagsp = &T1_FLAGS(0, 0); const OPJ_UINT32 l_w = t1->w; one = 1 << bpno; half = one >> 1; oneplushalf = one | half; for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3U); k += 4, flagsp += 2, data += 3 * l_w) { for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++flagsp, ++data) { opj_flag_t flags = *flagsp; if (flags != 0) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data, oneplushalf, cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC, /* vsc */ 0U); opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + l_w, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE, /* vsc */ 1U); opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + 2 * l_w, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE, /* vsc */ 2U); opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + 3 * l_w, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE, /* vsc */ 3U); } } } if (k < t1->h) { for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++flagsp, ++data) { for (j = 0; j < t1->h - k; ++j) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + j * l_w, oneplushalf, cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC, /* vsc */ j); } } } } #define opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, vsc, w, h, flags_stride) \ { \ OPJ_INT32 one, half, oneplushalf; \ OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k; \ register OPJ_INT32 *data = t1->data; \ register opj_flag_t *flagsp = &t1->flags[(flags_stride) + 1]; \ const OPJ_UINT32 l_w = w; \ opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); \ DOWNLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ register OPJ_UINT32 v; \ one = 1 << bpno; \ half = one >> 1; \ oneplushalf = one | half; \ for (k = 0; k < (h & ~3u); k += 4, data += 3*l_w, flagsp += 2) { \ for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++data, ++flagsp) { \ opj_flag_t flags = *flagsp; \ if( flags != 0 ) { \ opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 0, mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, vsc); \ opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 1, mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 2, mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 3, mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ *flagsp = flags; \ } \ } \ } \ UPLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ if( k < h ) { \ for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++data, ++flagsp) { \ for (j = 0; j < h - k; ++j) { \ opj_t1_dec_sigpass_step_mqc(t1, flagsp, \ data + j * l_w, oneplushalf, j, flags_stride, vsc); \ } \ } \ } \ } static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_64x64_novsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_FALSE, 64, 64, 66); } static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_64x64_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_TRUE, 64, 64, 66); } static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_generic_novsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_FALSE, t1->w, t1->h, t1->w + 2U); } static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_generic_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_TRUE, t1->w, t1->h, t1->w + 2U); } static void opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 cblksty) { if (t1->w == 64 && t1->h == 64) { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_64x64_vsc(t1, bpno); } else { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_64x64_novsc(t1, bpno); } } else { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_generic_vsc(t1, bpno); } else { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc_generic_novsc(t1, bpno); } } } /** Encode refinement pass step */ #define opj_t1_enc_refpass_step_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flags, flagsUpdated, datap, bpno, one, nmsedec, type, ci) \ {\ OPJ_UINT32 v; \ if ((flags & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << ((ci) * 3U))) == (T1_SIGMA_THIS << ((ci) * 3U))) { \ const OPJ_UINT32 shift_flags = (flags >> ((ci) * 3U)); \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt = opj_t1_getctxno_mag(shift_flags); \ OPJ_UINT32 abs_data = opj_smr_abs(*datap); \ *nmsedec += opj_t1_getnmsedec_ref(abs_data, \ (OPJ_UINT32)bpno); \ v = ((OPJ_INT32)abs_data & one) ? 1 : 0; \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_REF */ \ /* fprintf(stderr, " ctxt=%d\n", ctxt); */ \ /* #endif */ \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt); \ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { /* BYPASS/LAZY MODE */ \ opj_mqc_bypass_enc_macro(mqc, c, ct, v); \ } else { \ opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, v); \ } \ flagsUpdated |= T1_MU_THIS << ((ci) * 3U); \ } \ } static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 poshalf, OPJ_UINT32 ci) { OPJ_UINT32 v; opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* RAW component */ if ((*flagsp & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U))) == (T1_SIGMA_THIS << (ci * 3U))) { v = opj_mqc_raw_decode(mqc); *datap += (v ^ (*datap < 0)) ? poshalf : -poshalf; *flagsp |= T1_MU_THIS << (ci * 3U); } } #define opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_macro(flags, data, data_stride, ci, \ mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, poshalf) \ { \ if ((flags & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U))) == \ (T1_SIGMA_THIS << (ci * 3U))) { \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt = opj_t1_getctxno_mag(flags >> (ci * 3U)); \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ data[ci*data_stride] += (v ^ (data[ci*data_stride] < 0)) ? poshalf : -poshalf; \ flags |= T1_MU_THIS << (ci * 3U); \ } \ } static INLINE void opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 poshalf, OPJ_UINT32 ci) { OPJ_UINT32 v; opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* MQC component */ opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_macro(*flagsp, datap, 0, ci, mqc, mqc->curctx, v, mqc->a, mqc->c, mqc->ct, poshalf); } static void opj_t1_enc_refpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_BYTE type) { OPJ_UINT32 i, k; const OPJ_INT32 one = 1 << (bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); opj_flag_t* f = &T1_FLAGS(0, 0); const OPJ_UINT32 extra = 2U; opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); DOWNLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); const OPJ_INT32* datap = t1->data; *nmsedec = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_REF fprintf(stderr, "enc_refpass: bpno=%d\n", bpno); #endif for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3U); k += 4, f += extra) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_REF fprintf(stderr, " k=%d\n", k); #endif for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i, f++, datap += 4) { const OPJ_UINT32 flags = *f; OPJ_UINT32 flagsUpdated = flags; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_REF fprintf(stderr, " i=%d\n", i); #endif if ((flags & (T1_SIGMA_4 | T1_SIGMA_7 | T1_SIGMA_10 | T1_SIGMA_13)) == 0) { /* none significant */ continue; } if ((flags & (T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3)) == (T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3)) { /* all processed by sigpass */ continue; } opj_t1_enc_refpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flags, flagsUpdated, &datap[0], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 0); opj_t1_enc_refpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flags, flagsUpdated, &datap[1], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 1); opj_t1_enc_refpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flags, flagsUpdated, &datap[2], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 2); opj_t1_enc_refpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flags, flagsUpdated, &datap[3], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, 3); *f = flagsUpdated; } } if (k < t1->h) { OPJ_UINT32 j; const OPJ_UINT32 remaining_lines = t1->h - k; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_REF fprintf(stderr, " k=%d\n", k); #endif for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i, ++f) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_REF fprintf(stderr, " i=%d\n", i); #endif if ((*f & (T1_SIGMA_4 | T1_SIGMA_7 | T1_SIGMA_10 | T1_SIGMA_13)) == 0) { /* none significant */ datap += remaining_lines; continue; } for (j = 0; j < remaining_lines; ++j, datap ++) { opj_t1_enc_refpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, *f, *f, &datap[0], bpno, one, nmsedec, type, j); } } } UPLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); } static void opj_t1_dec_refpass_raw( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { OPJ_INT32 one, poshalf; OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k; OPJ_INT32 *data = t1->data; opj_flag_t *flagsp = &T1_FLAGS(0, 0); const OPJ_UINT32 l_w = t1->w; one = 1 << bpno; poshalf = one >> 1; for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3U); k += 4, flagsp += 2, data += 3 * l_w) { for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++flagsp, ++data) { opj_flag_t flags = *flagsp; if (flags != 0) { opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data, poshalf, 0U); opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + l_w, poshalf, 1U); opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + 2 * l_w, poshalf, 2U); opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + 3 * l_w, poshalf, 3U); } } } if (k < t1->h) { for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++flagsp, ++data) { for (j = 0; j < t1->h - k; ++j) { opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_raw( t1, flagsp, data + j * l_w, poshalf, j); } } } } #define opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, w, h, flags_stride) \ { \ OPJ_INT32 one, poshalf; \ OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k; \ register OPJ_INT32 *data = t1->data; \ register opj_flag_t *flagsp = &t1->flags[flags_stride + 1]; \ const OPJ_UINT32 l_w = w; \ opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); \ DOWNLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ register OPJ_UINT32 v; \ one = 1 << bpno; \ poshalf = one >> 1; \ for (k = 0; k < (h & ~3u); k += 4, data += 3*l_w, flagsp += 2) { \ for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++data, ++flagsp) { \ opj_flag_t flags = *flagsp; \ if( flags != 0 ) { \ opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, data, l_w, 0, \ mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, poshalf); \ opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, data, l_w, 1, \ mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, poshalf); \ opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, data, l_w, 2, \ mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, poshalf); \ opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc_macro( \ flags, data, l_w, 3, \ mqc, curctx, v, a, c, ct, poshalf); \ *flagsp = flags; \ } \ } \ } \ UPLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ if( k < h ) { \ for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++data, ++flagsp) { \ for (j = 0; j < h - k; ++j) { \ opj_t1_dec_refpass_step_mqc(t1, flagsp, data + j * l_w, poshalf, j); \ } \ } \ } \ } static void opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_64x64( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, 64, 64, 66); } static void opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_generic( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_internal(t1, bpno, t1->w, t1->h, t1->w + 2U); } static void opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { if (t1->w == 64 && t1->h == 64) { opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_64x64(t1, bpno); } else { opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc_generic(t1, bpno); } } /** Encode clean-up pass step */ #define opj_t1_enc_clnpass_step_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, flagspIn, datapIn, bpno, one, nmsedec, agg, runlen, lim, cblksty) \ { \ OPJ_UINT32 v; \ OPJ_UINT32 ci; \ opj_flag_t* const flagsp = (flagspIn); \ const OPJ_INT32* l_datap = (datapIn); \ const OPJ_UINT32 check = (T1_SIGMA_4 | T1_SIGMA_7 | T1_SIGMA_10 | T1_SIGMA_13 | \ T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); \ \ if ((*flagsp & check) == check) { \ if (runlen == 0) { \ *flagsp &= ~(T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); \ } else if (runlen == 1) { \ *flagsp &= ~(T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); \ } else if (runlen == 2) { \ *flagsp &= ~(T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); \ } else if (runlen == 3) { \ *flagsp &= ~(T1_PI_3); \ } \ } \ else \ for (ci = runlen; ci < lim; ++ci) { \ OPJ_BOOL goto_PARTIAL = OPJ_FALSE; \ if ((agg != 0) && (ci == runlen)) { \ goto_PARTIAL = OPJ_TRUE; \ } \ else if (!(*flagsp & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U)))) { \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt1 = opj_t1_getctxno_zc(mqc, *flagsp >> (ci * 3U)); \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN */ \ /* printf(" ctxt1=%d\n", ctxt1); */ \ /* #endif */ \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt1); \ v = (opj_smr_abs(*l_datap) & (OPJ_UINT32)one) ? 1 : 0; \ opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, v); \ if (v) { \ goto_PARTIAL = OPJ_TRUE; \ } \ } \ if( goto_PARTIAL ) { \ OPJ_UINT32 vsc; \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt2, spb; \ OPJ_UINT32 lu = opj_t1_getctxtno_sc_or_spb_index( \ *flagsp, \ flagsp[-1], flagsp[1], \ ci); \ *nmsedec += opj_t1_getnmsedec_sig(opj_smr_abs(*l_datap), \ (OPJ_UINT32)bpno); \ ctxt2 = opj_t1_getctxno_sc(lu); \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN */ \ /* printf(" ctxt2=%d\n", ctxt2); */ \ /* #endif */ \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt2); \ \ v = opj_smr_sign(*l_datap); \ spb = opj_t1_getspb(lu); \ /* #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN */ \ /* printf(" spb=%d\n", spb); */\ /* #endif */ \ opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, v ^ spb); \ vsc = ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) && (ci == 0)) ? 1 : 0; \ opj_t1_update_flags(flagsp, ci, v, t1->w + 2U, vsc); \ } \ *flagsp &= ~(T1_PI_THIS << (3U * ci)); \ l_datap ++; \ } \ } #define opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(check_flags, partial, \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ data_stride, ci, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, vsc) \ { \ if ( !check_flags || !(flags & ((T1_SIGMA_THIS | T1_PI_THIS) << (ci * 3U)))) {\ do { \ if( !partial ) { \ OPJ_UINT32 ctxt1 = opj_t1_getctxno_zc(mqc, flags >> (ci * 3U)); \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, ctxt1); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ if( !v ) \ break; \ } \ { \ OPJ_UINT32 lu = opj_t1_getctxtno_sc_or_spb_index( \ flags, flagsp[-1], flagsp[1], \ ci); \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, opj_t1_getctxno_sc(lu)); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ v = v ^ opj_t1_getspb(lu); \ data[ci*data_stride] = v ? -oneplushalf : oneplushalf; \ opj_t1_update_flags_macro(flags, flagsp, ci, v, flags_stride, vsc); \ } \ } while(0); \ } \ } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step( opj_t1_t *t1, opj_flag_t *flagsp, OPJ_INT32 *datap, OPJ_INT32 oneplushalf, OPJ_UINT32 ci, OPJ_UINT32 vsc) { OPJ_UINT32 v; opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* MQC component */ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_TRUE, OPJ_FALSE, *flagsp, flagsp, t1->w + 2U, datap, 0, ci, mqc, mqc->curctx, v, mqc->a, mqc->c, mqc->ct, oneplushalf, vsc); } static void opj_t1_enc_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 *nmsedec, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty) { OPJ_UINT32 i, k; const OPJ_INT32 one = 1 << (bpno + T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); DOWNLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); const OPJ_INT32* datap = t1->data; opj_flag_t *f = &T1_FLAGS(0, 0); const OPJ_UINT32 extra = 2U; *nmsedec = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN printf("enc_clnpass: bpno=%d\n", bpno); #endif for (k = 0; k < (t1->h & ~3U); k += 4, f += extra) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN printf(" k=%d\n", k); #endif for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i, f++) { OPJ_UINT32 agg, runlen; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN printf(" i=%d\n", i); #endif agg = !*f; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN printf(" agg=%d\n", agg); #endif if (agg) { for (runlen = 0; runlen < 4; ++runlen, ++datap) { if (opj_smr_abs(*datap) & (OPJ_UINT32)one) { break; } } opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, T1_CTXNO_AGG); opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, runlen != 4); if (runlen == 4) { continue; } opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, T1_CTXNO_UNI); opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, runlen >> 1); opj_mqc_encode_macro(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, runlen & 1); } else { runlen = 0; } opj_t1_enc_clnpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, datap, bpno, one, nmsedec, agg, runlen, 4U, cblksty); datap += 4 - runlen; } } if (k < t1->h) { const OPJ_UINT32 agg = 0; const OPJ_UINT32 runlen = 0; #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN printf(" k=%d\n", k); #endif for (i = 0; i < t1->w; ++i, f++) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENC_CLN printf(" i=%d\n", i); printf(" agg=%d\n", agg); #endif opj_t1_enc_clnpass_step_macro( mqc, curctx, a, c, ct, f, datap, bpno, one, nmsedec, agg, runlen, t1->h - k, cblksty); datap += t1->h - k; } } UPLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); } #define opj_t1_dec_clnpass_internal(t1, bpno, vsc, w, h, flags_stride) \ { \ OPJ_INT32 one, half, oneplushalf; \ OPJ_UINT32 runlen; \ OPJ_UINT32 i, j, k; \ const OPJ_UINT32 l_w = w; \ opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); \ register OPJ_INT32 *data = t1->data; \ register opj_flag_t *flagsp = &t1->flags[flags_stride + 1]; \ DOWNLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ register OPJ_UINT32 v; \ one = 1 << bpno; \ half = one >> 1; \ oneplushalf = one | half; \ for (k = 0; k < (h & ~3u); k += 4, data += 3*l_w, flagsp += 2) { \ for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++data, ++flagsp) { \ opj_flag_t flags = *flagsp; \ if (flags == 0) { \ OPJ_UINT32 partial = OPJ_TRUE; \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, T1_CTXNO_AGG); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ if (!v) { \ continue; \ } \ opj_t1_setcurctx(curctx, T1_CTXNO_UNI); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(runlen, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ opj_mqc_decode_macro(v, mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ runlen = (runlen << 1) | v; \ switch(runlen) { \ case 0: \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_FALSE, OPJ_TRUE,\ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 0, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, vsc); \ partial = OPJ_FALSE; \ /* FALLTHRU */ \ case 1: \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_FALSE, partial,\ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 1, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ partial = OPJ_FALSE; \ /* FALLTHRU */ \ case 2: \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_FALSE, partial,\ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 2, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ partial = OPJ_FALSE; \ /* FALLTHRU */ \ case 3: \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_FALSE, partial,\ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 3, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ break; \ } \ } else { \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_TRUE, OPJ_FALSE, \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 0, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, vsc); \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_TRUE, OPJ_FALSE, \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 1, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_TRUE, OPJ_FALSE, \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 2, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step_macro(OPJ_TRUE, OPJ_FALSE, \ flags, flagsp, flags_stride, data, \ l_w, 3, mqc, curctx, \ v, a, c, ct, oneplushalf, OPJ_FALSE); \ } \ *flagsp = flags & ~(T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); \ } \ } \ UPLOAD_MQC_VARIABLES(mqc, curctx, a, c, ct); \ if( k < h ) { \ for (i = 0; i < l_w; ++i, ++flagsp, ++data) { \ for (j = 0; j < h - k; ++j) { \ opj_t1_dec_clnpass_step(t1, flagsp, data + j * l_w, oneplushalf, j, vsc); \ } \ *flagsp &= ~(T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); \ } \ } \ } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_check_segsym(opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 cblksty) { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM) { opj_mqc_t* mqc = &(t1->mqc); OPJ_UINT32 v, v2; opj_mqc_setcurctx(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI); opj_mqc_decode(v, mqc); opj_mqc_decode(v2, mqc); v = (v << 1) | v2; opj_mqc_decode(v2, mqc); v = (v << 1) | v2; opj_mqc_decode(v2, mqc); v = (v << 1) | v2; /* if (v!=0xa) { opj_event_msg(t1->cinfo, EVT_WARNING, "Bad segmentation symbol %x\n", v); } */ } } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_64x64_novsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_FALSE, 64, 64, 66); } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_64x64_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_TRUE, 64, 64, 66); } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_generic_novsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_FALSE, t1->w, t1->h, t1->w + 2U); } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass_generic_vsc( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno) { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_internal(t1, bpno, OPJ_TRUE, t1->w, t1->h, t1->w + 2U); } static void opj_t1_dec_clnpass( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_INT32 cblksty) { if (t1->w == 64 && t1->h == 64) { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_64x64_vsc(t1, bpno); } else { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_64x64_novsc(t1, bpno); } } else { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_VSC) { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_generic_vsc(t1, bpno); } else { opj_t1_dec_clnpass_generic_novsc(t1, bpno); } } opj_t1_dec_clnpass_check_segsym(t1, cblksty); } static OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_t1_getwmsedec( OPJ_INT32 nmsedec, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms, OPJ_UINT32 mct_numcomps) { OPJ_FLOAT64 w1 = 1, w2, wmsedec; OPJ_ARG_NOT_USED(numcomps); if (mct_norms && (compno < mct_numcomps)) { w1 = mct_norms[compno]; } if (qmfbid == 1) { w2 = opj_dwt_getnorm(level, orient); } else { /* if (qmfbid == 0) */ const OPJ_INT32 log2_gain = (orient == 0) ? 0 : (orient == 3) ? 2 : 1; w2 = opj_dwt_getnorm_real(level, orient); /* Not sure this is right. But preserves past behaviour */ stepsize /= (1 << log2_gain); } wmsedec = w1 * w2 * stepsize * (1 << bpno); wmsedec *= wmsedec * nmsedec / 8192.0; return wmsedec; } static OPJ_BOOL opj_t1_allocate_buffers( opj_t1_t *t1, OPJ_UINT32 w, OPJ_UINT32 h) { OPJ_UINT32 flagssize; OPJ_UINT32 flags_stride; /* No risk of overflow. Prior checks ensure those assert are met */ /* They are per the specification */ assert(w <= 1024); assert(h <= 1024); assert(w * h <= 4096); /* encoder uses tile buffer, so no need to allocate */ { OPJ_UINT32 datasize = w * h; if (datasize > t1->datasize) { opj_aligned_free(t1->data); t1->data = (OPJ_INT32*) opj_aligned_malloc(datasize * sizeof(OPJ_INT32)); if (!t1->data) { /* FIXME event manager error callback */ return OPJ_FALSE; } t1->datasize = datasize; } /* memset first arg is declared to never be null by gcc */ if (t1->data != NULL) { memset(t1->data, 0, datasize * sizeof(OPJ_INT32)); } } flags_stride = w + 2U; /* can't be 0U */ flagssize = (h + 3U) / 4U + 2U; flagssize *= flags_stride; { opj_flag_t* p; OPJ_UINT32 x; OPJ_UINT32 flags_height = (h + 3U) / 4U; if (flagssize > t1->flagssize) { opj_aligned_free(t1->flags); t1->flags = (opj_flag_t*) opj_aligned_malloc(flagssize * sizeof( opj_flag_t)); if (!t1->flags) { /* FIXME event manager error callback */ return OPJ_FALSE; } } t1->flagssize = flagssize; memset(t1->flags, 0, flagssize * sizeof(opj_flag_t)); p = &t1->flags[0]; for (x = 0; x < flags_stride; ++x) { /* magic value to hopefully stop any passes being interested in this entry */ *p++ = (T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); } p = &t1->flags[((flags_height + 1) * flags_stride)]; for (x = 0; x < flags_stride; ++x) { /* magic value to hopefully stop any passes being interested in this entry */ *p++ = (T1_PI_0 | T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3); } if (h % 4) { OPJ_UINT32 v = 0; p = &t1->flags[((flags_height) * flags_stride)]; if (h % 4 == 1) { v |= T1_PI_1 | T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3; } else if (h % 4 == 2) { v |= T1_PI_2 | T1_PI_3; } else if (h % 4 == 3) { v |= T1_PI_3; } for (x = 0; x < flags_stride; ++x) { *p++ = v; } } } t1->w = w; t1->h = h; return OPJ_TRUE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Creates a new Tier 1 handle * and initializes the look-up tables of the Tier-1 coder/decoder * @return a new T1 handle if successful, returns NULL otherwise */ opj_t1_t* opj_t1_create(OPJ_BOOL isEncoder) { opj_t1_t *l_t1 = 00; l_t1 = (opj_t1_t*) opj_calloc(1, sizeof(opj_t1_t)); if (!l_t1) { return 00; } l_t1->encoder = isEncoder; return l_t1; } /** * Destroys a previously created T1 handle * * @param p_t1 Tier 1 handle to destroy */ void opj_t1_destroy(opj_t1_t *p_t1) { if (! p_t1) { return; } if (p_t1->data) { opj_aligned_free(p_t1->data); p_t1->data = 00; } if (p_t1->flags) { opj_aligned_free(p_t1->flags); p_t1->flags = 00; } opj_free(p_t1->cblkdatabuffer); opj_free(p_t1); } typedef struct { OPJ_BOOL whole_tile_decoding; OPJ_UINT32 resno; opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk; opj_tcd_band_t* band; opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec; opj_tccp_t* tccp; OPJ_BOOL mustuse_cblkdatabuffer; volatile OPJ_BOOL* pret; opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager; opj_mutex_t* p_manager_mutex; OPJ_BOOL check_pterm; } opj_t1_cblk_decode_processing_job_t; static void opj_t1_destroy_wrapper(void* t1) { opj_t1_destroy((opj_t1_t*) t1); } static void opj_t1_clbl_decode_processor(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls) { opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk; opj_tcd_band_t* band; opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec; opj_tccp_t* tccp; OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT datap; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_w, cblk_h; OPJ_INT32 x, y; OPJ_UINT32 i, j; opj_t1_cblk_decode_processing_job_t* job; opj_t1_t* t1; OPJ_UINT32 resno; OPJ_UINT32 tile_w; job = (opj_t1_cblk_decode_processing_job_t*) user_data; cblk = job->cblk; if (!job->whole_tile_decoding) { cblk_w = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->x1 - cblk->x0); cblk_h = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->y1 - cblk->y0); cblk->decoded_data = (OPJ_INT32*)opj_aligned_malloc(sizeof(OPJ_INT32) * cblk_w * cblk_h); if (cblk->decoded_data == NULL) { if (job->p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_lock(job->p_manager_mutex); } opj_event_msg(job->p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "Cannot allocate cblk->decoded_data\n"); if (job->p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_unlock(job->p_manager_mutex); } *(job->pret) = OPJ_FALSE; opj_free(job); return; } /* Zero-init required */ memset(cblk->decoded_data, 0, sizeof(OPJ_INT32) * cblk_w * cblk_h); } else if (cblk->decoded_data) { /* Not sure if that code path can happen, but better be */ /* safe than sorry */ opj_aligned_free(cblk->decoded_data); cblk->decoded_data = NULL; } resno = job->resno; band = job->band; tilec = job->tilec; tccp = job->tccp; tile_w = (OPJ_UINT32)(tilec->resolutions[tilec->minimum_num_resolutions - 1].x1 - tilec->resolutions[tilec->minimum_num_resolutions - 1].x0); if (!*(job->pret)) { opj_free(job); return; } t1 = (opj_t1_t*) opj_tls_get(tls, OPJ_TLS_KEY_T1); if (t1 == NULL) { t1 = opj_t1_create(OPJ_FALSE); if (t1 == NULL) { opj_event_msg(job->p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "Cannot allocate Tier 1 handle\n"); *(job->pret) = OPJ_FALSE; opj_free(job); return; } if (!opj_tls_set(tls, OPJ_TLS_KEY_T1, t1, opj_t1_destroy_wrapper)) { opj_event_msg(job->p_manager, EVT_ERROR, "Unable to set t1 handle as TLS\n"); opj_t1_destroy(t1); *(job->pret) = OPJ_FALSE; opj_free(job); return; } } t1->mustuse_cblkdatabuffer = job->mustuse_cblkdatabuffer; if ((tccp->cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_HT) != 0) { if (OPJ_FALSE == opj_t1_ht_decode_cblk( t1, cblk, band->bandno, (OPJ_UINT32)tccp->roishift, tccp->cblksty, job->p_manager, job->p_manager_mutex, job->check_pterm)) { *(job->pret) = OPJ_FALSE; opj_free(job); return; } } else { if (OPJ_FALSE == opj_t1_decode_cblk( t1, cblk, band->bandno, (OPJ_UINT32)tccp->roishift, tccp->cblksty, job->p_manager, job->p_manager_mutex, job->check_pterm)) { *(job->pret) = OPJ_FALSE; opj_free(job); return; } } x = cblk->x0 - band->x0; y = cblk->y0 - band->y0; if (band->bandno & 1) { opj_tcd_resolution_t* pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; x += pres->x1 - pres->x0; } if (band->bandno & 2) { opj_tcd_resolution_t* pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; y += pres->y1 - pres->y0; } datap = cblk->decoded_data ? cblk->decoded_data : t1->data; cblk_w = t1->w; cblk_h = t1->h; if (tccp->roishift) { if (tccp->roishift >= 31) { for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = 0; } } } else { OPJ_INT32 thresh = 1 << tccp->roishift; for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 val = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i]; OPJ_INT32 mag = abs(val); if (mag >= thresh) { mag >>= tccp->roishift; datap[(j * cblk_w) + i] = val < 0 ? -mag : mag; } } } } } /* Both can be non NULL if for example decoding a full tile and then */ /* partially a tile. In which case partial decoding should be the */ /* priority */ assert((cblk->decoded_data != NULL) || (tilec->data != NULL)); if (cblk->decoded_data) { OPJ_UINT32 cblk_size = cblk_w * cblk_h; if (tccp->qmfbid == 1) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_size; ++i) { datap[i] /= 2; } } else { /* if (tccp->qmfbid == 0) */ const float stepsize = 0.5f * band->stepsize; i = 0; #ifdef __SSE2__ { const __m128 xmm_stepsize = _mm_set1_ps(stepsize); for (; i < (cblk_size & ~15U); i += 16) { __m128 xmm0_data = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)( datap + 0))); __m128 xmm1_data = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)( datap + 4))); __m128 xmm2_data = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)( datap + 8))); __m128 xmm3_data = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_load_si128((__m128i * const)( datap + 12))); _mm_store_ps((float*)(datap + 0), _mm_mul_ps(xmm0_data, xmm_stepsize)); _mm_store_ps((float*)(datap + 4), _mm_mul_ps(xmm1_data, xmm_stepsize)); _mm_store_ps((float*)(datap + 8), _mm_mul_ps(xmm2_data, xmm_stepsize)); _mm_store_ps((float*)(datap + 12), _mm_mul_ps(xmm3_data, xmm_stepsize)); datap += 16; } } #endif for (; i < cblk_size; ++i) { OPJ_FLOAT32 tmp = ((OPJ_FLOAT32)(*datap)) * stepsize; memcpy(datap, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)); datap++; } } } else if (tccp->qmfbid == 1) { OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp = &tilec->data[(OPJ_SIZE_T)y * tile_w + (OPJ_SIZE_T)x]; for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { //positive -> round down aka. (83)/2 = 41.5 -> 41 //negative -> round up aka. (-83)/2 = -41.5 -> -41 #if defined(__AVX512F__) OPJ_INT32* ptr_in = datap + (j * cblk_w); OPJ_INT32* ptr_out = tiledp + (j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w); for (i = 0; i < cblk_w / 16; ++i) { __m512i in_avx = _mm512_loadu_si512((__m512i*)(ptr_in)); const __m512i add_avx = _mm512_srli_epi32(in_avx, 31); in_avx = _mm512_add_epi32(in_avx, add_avx); _mm512_storeu_si512((__m512i*)(ptr_out), _mm512_srai_epi32(in_avx, 1)); ptr_in += 16; ptr_out += 16; } for (i = 0; i < cblk_w % 16; ++i) { ptr_out[i] = ptr_in[i] / 2; } #elif defined(__AVX2__) OPJ_INT32* ptr_in = datap + (j * cblk_w); OPJ_INT32* ptr_out = tiledp + (j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w); for (i = 0; i < cblk_w / 8; ++i) { __m256i in_avx = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(ptr_in)); const __m256i add_avx = _mm256_srli_epi32(in_avx, 31); in_avx = _mm256_add_epi32(in_avx, add_avx); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(ptr_out), _mm256_srai_epi32(in_avx, 1)); ptr_in += 8; ptr_out += 8; } for (i = 0; i < cblk_w % 8; ++i) { ptr_out[i] = ptr_in[i] / 2; } #else i = 0; for (; i < (cblk_w & ~(OPJ_UINT32)3U); i += 4U) { OPJ_INT32 tmp0 = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i + 0U]; OPJ_INT32 tmp1 = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i + 1U]; OPJ_INT32 tmp2 = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i + 2U]; OPJ_INT32 tmp3 = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i + 3U]; ((OPJ_INT32*)tiledp)[(j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w) + i + 0U] = tmp0 / 2; ((OPJ_INT32*)tiledp)[(j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w) + i + 1U] = tmp1 / 2; ((OPJ_INT32*)tiledp)[(j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w) + i + 2U] = tmp2 / 2; ((OPJ_INT32*)tiledp)[(j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w) + i + 3U] = tmp3 / 2; } for (; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_INT32 tmp = datap[(j * cblk_w) + i]; ((OPJ_INT32*)tiledp)[(j * (OPJ_SIZE_T)tile_w) + i] = tmp / 2; } #endif } } else { /* if (tccp->qmfbid == 0) */ const float stepsize = 0.5f * band->stepsize; OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp = (OPJ_FLOAT32*) &tilec->data[(OPJ_SIZE_T)y * tile_w + (OPJ_SIZE_T)x]; for (j = 0; j < cblk_h; ++j) { OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp2 = tiledp; for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_FLOAT32 tmp = (OPJ_FLOAT32) * datap * stepsize; *tiledp2 = tmp; datap++; tiledp2++; } tiledp += tile_w; } } opj_free(job); } void opj_t1_decode_cblks(opj_tcd_t* tcd, volatile OPJ_BOOL* pret, opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec, opj_tccp_t* tccp, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager, opj_mutex_t* p_manager_mutex, OPJ_BOOL check_pterm ) { opj_thread_pool_t* tp = tcd->thread_pool; OPJ_UINT32 resno, bandno, precno, cblkno; #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE OPJ_UINT32 codeblocks_decoded = 0; printf("Enter opj_t1_decode_cblks()\n"); #endif for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->minimum_num_resolutions; ++resno) { opj_tcd_resolution_t* res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_band_t* OPJ_RESTRICT band = &res->bands[bandno]; for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; ++precno) { opj_tcd_precinct_t* precinct = &band->precincts[precno]; if (!opj_tcd_is_subband_area_of_interest(tcd, tilec->compno, resno, band->bandno, (OPJ_UINT32)precinct->x0, (OPJ_UINT32)precinct->y0, (OPJ_UINT32)precinct->x1, (OPJ_UINT32)precinct->y1)) { for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < precinct->cw * precinct->ch; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &precinct->cblks.dec[cblkno]; if (cblk->decoded_data) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("Discarding codeblock %d,%d at resno=%d, bandno=%d\n", cblk->x0, cblk->y0, resno, bandno); #endif opj_aligned_free(cblk->decoded_data); cblk->decoded_data = NULL; } } continue; } for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < precinct->cw * precinct->ch; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk = &precinct->cblks.dec[cblkno]; opj_t1_cblk_decode_processing_job_t* job; if (!opj_tcd_is_subband_area_of_interest(tcd, tilec->compno, resno, band->bandno, (OPJ_UINT32)cblk->x0, (OPJ_UINT32)cblk->y0, (OPJ_UINT32)cblk->x1, (OPJ_UINT32)cblk->y1)) { if (cblk->decoded_data) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("Discarding codeblock %d,%d at resno=%d, bandno=%d\n", cblk->x0, cblk->y0, resno, bandno); #endif opj_aligned_free(cblk->decoded_data); cblk->decoded_data = NULL; } continue; } if (!tcd->whole_tile_decoding) { OPJ_UINT32 cblk_w = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->x1 - cblk->x0); OPJ_UINT32 cblk_h = (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->y1 - cblk->y0); if (cblk->decoded_data != NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("Reusing codeblock %d,%d at resno=%d, bandno=%d\n", cblk->x0, cblk->y0, resno, bandno); #endif continue; } if (cblk_w == 0 || cblk_h == 0) { continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("Decoding codeblock %d,%d at resno=%d, bandno=%d\n", cblk->x0, cblk->y0, resno, bandno); #endif } job = (opj_t1_cblk_decode_processing_job_t*) opj_calloc(1, sizeof(opj_t1_cblk_decode_processing_job_t)); if (!job) { *pret = OPJ_FALSE; return; } job->whole_tile_decoding = tcd->whole_tile_decoding; job->resno = resno; job->cblk = cblk; job->band = band; job->tilec = tilec; job->tccp = tccp; job->pret = pret; job->p_manager_mutex = p_manager_mutex; job->p_manager = p_manager; job->check_pterm = check_pterm; job->mustuse_cblkdatabuffer = opj_thread_pool_get_thread_count(tp) > 1; opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_t1_clbl_decode_processor, job); #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE codeblocks_decoded ++; #endif if (!(*pret)) { return; } } /* cblkno */ } /* precno */ } /* bandno */ } /* resno */ #ifdef DEBUG_VERBOSE printf("Leave opj_t1_decode_cblks(). Number decoded: %d\n", codeblocks_decoded); #endif return; } static OPJ_BOOL opj_t1_decode_cblk(opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_dec_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 roishift, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, opj_event_mgr_t *p_manager, opj_mutex_t* p_manager_mutex, OPJ_BOOL check_pterm) { opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* MQC component */ OPJ_INT32 bpno_plus_one; OPJ_UINT32 passtype; OPJ_UINT32 segno, passno; OPJ_BYTE* cblkdata = NULL; OPJ_UINT32 cblkdataindex = 0; OPJ_BYTE type = T1_TYPE_MQ; /* BYPASS mode */ OPJ_INT32* original_t1_data = NULL; mqc->lut_ctxno_zc_orient = lut_ctxno_zc + (orient << 9); if (!opj_t1_allocate_buffers( t1, (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->x1 - cblk->x0), (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->y1 - cblk->y0))) { return OPJ_FALSE; } bpno_plus_one = (OPJ_INT32)(roishift + cblk->numbps); if (bpno_plus_one >= 31) { if (p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_lock(p_manager_mutex); } opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_WARNING, "opj_t1_decode_cblk(): unsupported bpno_plus_one = %d >= 31\n", bpno_plus_one); if (p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_unlock(p_manager_mutex); } return OPJ_FALSE; } passtype = 2; opj_mqc_resetstates(mqc); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); if (cblk->corrupted) { assert(cblk->numchunks == 0); return OPJ_TRUE; } /* Even if we have a single chunk, in multi-threaded decoding */ /* the insertion of our synthetic marker might potentially override */ /* valid codestream of other codeblocks decoded in parallel. */ if (cblk->numchunks > 1 || (t1->mustuse_cblkdatabuffer && cblk->numchunks > 0)) { OPJ_UINT32 i; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_len; /* Compute whole codeblock length from chunk lengths */ cblk_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < cblk->numchunks; i++) { cblk_len += cblk->chunks[i].len; } /* Allocate temporary memory if needed */ if (cblk_len + OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA > t1->cblkdatabuffersize) { cblkdata = (OPJ_BYTE*)opj_realloc(t1->cblkdatabuffer, cblk_len + OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA); if (cblkdata == NULL) { return OPJ_FALSE; } t1->cblkdatabuffer = cblkdata; memset(t1->cblkdatabuffer + cblk_len, 0, OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA); t1->cblkdatabuffersize = cblk_len + OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA; } /* Concatenate all chunks */ cblkdata = t1->cblkdatabuffer; cblk_len = 0; for (i = 0; i < cblk->numchunks; i++) { memcpy(cblkdata + cblk_len, cblk->chunks[i].data, cblk->chunks[i].len); cblk_len += cblk->chunks[i].len; } } else if (cblk->numchunks == 1) { cblkdata = cblk->chunks[0].data; } else { /* Not sure if that can happen in practice, but avoid Coverity to */ /* think we will dereference a null cblkdta pointer */ return OPJ_TRUE; } /* For subtile decoding, directly decode in the decoded_data buffer of */ /* the code-block. Hack t1->data to point to it, and restore it later */ if (cblk->decoded_data) { original_t1_data = t1->data; t1->data = cblk->decoded_data; } for (segno = 0; segno < cblk->real_num_segs; ++segno) { opj_tcd_seg_t *seg = &cblk->segs[segno]; /* BYPASS mode */ type = ((bpno_plus_one <= ((OPJ_INT32)(cblk->numbps)) - 4) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { opj_mqc_raw_init_dec(mqc, cblkdata + cblkdataindex, seg->len, OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA); } else { opj_mqc_init_dec(mqc, cblkdata + cblkdataindex, seg->len, OPJ_COMMON_CBLK_DATA_EXTRA); } cblkdataindex += seg->len; for (passno = 0; (passno < seg->real_num_passes) && (bpno_plus_one >= 1); ++passno) { switch (passtype) { case 0: if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_raw(t1, bpno_plus_one, (OPJ_INT32)cblksty); } else { opj_t1_dec_sigpass_mqc(t1, bpno_plus_one, (OPJ_INT32)cblksty); } break; case 1: if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { opj_t1_dec_refpass_raw(t1, bpno_plus_one); } else { opj_t1_dec_refpass_mqc(t1, bpno_plus_one); } break; case 2: opj_t1_dec_clnpass(t1, bpno_plus_one, (OPJ_INT32)cblksty); break; } if ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) && type == T1_TYPE_MQ) { opj_mqc_resetstates(mqc); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); } if (++passtype == 3) { passtype = 0; bpno_plus_one--; } } opq_mqc_finish_dec(mqc); } if (check_pterm) { if (mqc->bp + 2 < mqc->end) { if (p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_lock(p_manager_mutex); } opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_WARNING, "PTERM check failure: %d remaining bytes in code block (%d used / %d)\n", (int)(mqc->end - mqc->bp) - 2, (int)(mqc->bp - mqc->start), (int)(mqc->end - mqc->start)); if (p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_unlock(p_manager_mutex); } } else if (mqc->end_of_byte_stream_counter > 2) { if (p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_lock(p_manager_mutex); } opj_event_msg(p_manager, EVT_WARNING, "PTERM check failure: %d synthesized 0xFF markers read\n", mqc->end_of_byte_stream_counter); if (p_manager_mutex) { opj_mutex_unlock(p_manager_mutex); } } } /* Restore original t1->data is needed */ if (cblk->decoded_data) { t1->data = original_t1_data; } return OPJ_TRUE; } typedef struct { OPJ_UINT32 compno; OPJ_UINT32 resno; opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk; opj_tcd_tile_t *tile; opj_tcd_band_t* band; opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec; opj_tccp_t* tccp; const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms; OPJ_UINT32 mct_numcomps; volatile OPJ_BOOL* pret; opj_mutex_t* mutex; } opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t; /** Procedure to deal with a asynchronous code-block encoding job. * * @param user_data Pointer to a opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t* structure * @param tls TLS handle. */ static void opj_t1_cblk_encode_processor(void* user_data, opj_tls_t* tls) { opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t* job = (opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t*)user_data; opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = job->cblk; const opj_tcd_band_t* band = job->band; const opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec = job->tilec; const opj_tccp_t* tccp = job->tccp; const OPJ_UINT32 resno = job->resno; opj_t1_t* t1; const OPJ_UINT32 tile_w = (OPJ_UINT32)(tilec->x1 - tilec->x0); OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_w; OPJ_UINT32 cblk_h; OPJ_UINT32 i, j; OPJ_INT32 x = cblk->x0 - band->x0; OPJ_INT32 y = cblk->y0 - band->y0; if (!*(job->pret)) { opj_free(job); return; } t1 = (opj_t1_t*) opj_tls_get(tls, OPJ_TLS_KEY_T1); if (t1 == NULL) { t1 = opj_t1_create(OPJ_TRUE); /* OPJ_TRUE == T1 for encoding */ opj_tls_set(tls, OPJ_TLS_KEY_T1, t1, opj_t1_destroy_wrapper); } if (band->bandno & 1) { opj_tcd_resolution_t *pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; x += pres->x1 - pres->x0; } if (band->bandno & 2) { opj_tcd_resolution_t *pres = &tilec->resolutions[resno - 1]; y += pres->y1 - pres->y0; } if (!opj_t1_allocate_buffers( t1, (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->x1 - cblk->x0), (OPJ_UINT32)(cblk->y1 - cblk->y0))) { *(job->pret) = OPJ_FALSE; opj_free(job); return; } cblk_w = t1->w; cblk_h = t1->h; tiledp = &tilec->data[(OPJ_SIZE_T)y * tile_w + (OPJ_SIZE_T)x]; if (tccp->qmfbid == 1) { /* Do multiplication on unsigned type, even if the * underlying type is signed, to avoid potential * int overflow on large value (the output will be * incorrect in such situation, but whatever...) * This assumes complement-to-2 signed integer * representation * Fixes https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/1053 */ OPJ_UINT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp_u = (OPJ_UINT32*) tiledp; OPJ_UINT32* OPJ_RESTRICT t1data = (OPJ_UINT32*) t1->data; /* Change from "natural" order to "zigzag" order of T1 passes */ for (j = 0; j < (cblk_h & ~3U); j += 4) { #if defined(__AVX512F__) const __m512i perm1 = _mm512_setr_epi64(2, 3, 10, 11, 4, 5, 12, 13); const __m512i perm2 = _mm512_setr_epi64(6, 7, 14, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0); OPJ_UINT32* ptr = tiledp_u; for (i = 0; i < cblk_w / 16; ++i) { // INPUT OUTPUT // 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00 10 20 30 01 11 21 31 02 12 22 32 03 13 23 33 // 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 04 14 24 34 05 15 25 35 06 16 26 36 07 17 27 37 // 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 08 18 28 38 09 19 29 39 0A 1A 2A 3A 0B 1B 2B 3B // 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 0C 1C 2C 3C 0D 1D 2D 3D 0E 1E 2E 3E 0F 1F 2F 3F __m512i in1 = _mm512_slli_epi32(_mm512_loadu_si512((__m512i*)(ptr + (j + 0) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m512i in2 = _mm512_slli_epi32(_mm512_loadu_si512((__m512i*)(ptr + (j + 1) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m512i in3 = _mm512_slli_epi32(_mm512_loadu_si512((__m512i*)(ptr + (j + 2) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m512i in4 = _mm512_slli_epi32(_mm512_loadu_si512((__m512i*)(ptr + (j + 3) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m512i tmp1 = _mm512_unpacklo_epi32(in1, in2); __m512i tmp2 = _mm512_unpacklo_epi32(in3, in4); __m512i tmp3 = _mm512_unpackhi_epi32(in1, in2); __m512i tmp4 = _mm512_unpackhi_epi32(in3, in4); in1 = _mm512_unpacklo_epi64(tmp1, tmp2); in2 = _mm512_unpacklo_epi64(tmp3, tmp4); in3 = _mm512_unpackhi_epi64(tmp1, tmp2); in4 = _mm512_unpackhi_epi64(tmp3, tmp4); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 0), _mm512_castsi512_si128(in1)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 4), _mm512_castsi512_si128(in3)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 8), _mm512_castsi512_si128(in2)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 12), _mm512_castsi512_si128(in4)); tmp1 = _mm512_permutex2var_epi64(in1, perm1, in3); tmp2 = _mm512_permutex2var_epi64(in2, perm1, in4); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 16), _mm512_castsi512_si256(tmp1)); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 24), _mm512_castsi512_si256(tmp2)); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 32), _mm512_extracti64x4_epi64(tmp1, 0x1)); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 40), _mm512_extracti64x4_epi64(tmp2, 0x1)); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 48), _mm512_castsi512_si256(_mm512_permutex2var_epi64(in1, perm2, in3))); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 56), _mm512_castsi512_si256(_mm512_permutex2var_epi64(in2, perm2, in4))); t1data += 64; ptr += 16; } for (i = 0; i < cblk_w % 16; ++i) { t1data[0] = ptr[(j + 0) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[1] = ptr[(j + 1) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[2] = ptr[(j + 2) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[3] = ptr[(j + 3) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data += 4; ptr += 1; } #elif defined(__AVX2__) OPJ_UINT32* ptr = tiledp_u; for (i = 0; i < cblk_w / 8; ++i) { // INPUT OUTPUT // 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 00 10 20 30 01 11 21 31 // 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 02 12 22 32 03 13 23 33 // 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 04 14 24 34 05 15 25 35 // 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 06 16 26 36 07 17 27 37 __m256i in1 = _mm256_slli_epi32(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(ptr + (j + 0) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m256i in2 = _mm256_slli_epi32(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(ptr + (j + 1) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m256i in3 = _mm256_slli_epi32(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(ptr + (j + 2) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m256i in4 = _mm256_slli_epi32(_mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(ptr + (j + 3) * tile_w)), T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS); __m256i tmp1 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(in1, in2); __m256i tmp2 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi32(in3, in4); __m256i tmp3 = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(in1, in2); __m256i tmp4 = _mm256_unpackhi_epi32(in3, in4); in1 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi64(tmp1, tmp2); in2 = _mm256_unpacklo_epi64(tmp3, tmp4); in3 = _mm256_unpackhi_epi64(tmp1, tmp2); in4 = _mm256_unpackhi_epi64(tmp3, tmp4); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 0), _mm256_castsi256_si128(in1)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 4), _mm256_castsi256_si128(in3)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 8), _mm256_castsi256_si128(in2)); _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(t1data + 12), _mm256_castsi256_si128(in4)); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 16), _mm256_permute2x128_si256(in1, in3, 0x31)); _mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(t1data + 24), _mm256_permute2x128_si256(in2, in4, 0x31)); t1data += 32; ptr += 8; } for (i = 0; i < cblk_w % 8; ++i) { t1data[0] = ptr[(j + 0) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[1] = ptr[(j + 1) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[2] = ptr[(j + 2) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[3] = ptr[(j + 3) * tile_w] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data += 4; ptr += 1; } #else for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { t1data[0] = tiledp_u[(j + 0) * tile_w + i] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[1] = tiledp_u[(j + 1) * tile_w + i] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[2] = tiledp_u[(j + 2) * tile_w + i] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data[3] = tiledp_u[(j + 3) * tile_w + i] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data += 4; } #endif } if (j < cblk_h) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_UINT32 k; for (k = j; k < cblk_h; k++) { t1data[0] = tiledp_u[k * tile_w + i] << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS; t1data ++; } } } } else { /* if (tccp->qmfbid == 0) */ OPJ_FLOAT32* OPJ_RESTRICT tiledp_f = (OPJ_FLOAT32*) tiledp; OPJ_INT32* OPJ_RESTRICT t1data = t1->data; /* Change from "natural" order to "zigzag" order of T1 passes */ for (j = 0; j < (cblk_h & ~3U); j += 4) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { t1data[0] = (OPJ_INT32)opj_lrintf((tiledp_f[(j + 0) * tile_w + i] / band->stepsize) * (1 << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)); t1data[1] = (OPJ_INT32)opj_lrintf((tiledp_f[(j + 1) * tile_w + i] / band->stepsize) * (1 << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)); t1data[2] = (OPJ_INT32)opj_lrintf((tiledp_f[(j + 2) * tile_w + i] / band->stepsize) * (1 << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)); t1data[3] = (OPJ_INT32)opj_lrintf((tiledp_f[(j + 3) * tile_w + i] / band->stepsize) * (1 << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)); t1data += 4; } } if (j < cblk_h) { for (i = 0; i < cblk_w; ++i) { OPJ_UINT32 k; for (k = j; k < cblk_h; k++) { t1data[0] = (OPJ_INT32)opj_lrintf((tiledp_f[k * tile_w + i] / band->stepsize) * (1 << T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS)); t1data ++; } } } } { OPJ_FLOAT64 cumwmsedec = opj_t1_encode_cblk( t1, cblk, band->bandno, job->compno, tilec->numresolutions - 1 - resno, tccp->qmfbid, band->stepsize, tccp->cblksty, job->tile->numcomps, job->mct_norms, job->mct_numcomps); if (job->mutex) { opj_mutex_lock(job->mutex); } job->tile->distotile += cumwmsedec; if (job->mutex) { opj_mutex_unlock(job->mutex); } } opj_free(job); } OPJ_BOOL opj_t1_encode_cblks(opj_tcd_t* tcd, opj_tcd_tile_t *tile, opj_tcp_t *tcp, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms, OPJ_UINT32 mct_numcomps ) { volatile OPJ_BOOL ret = OPJ_TRUE; opj_thread_pool_t* tp = tcd->thread_pool; OPJ_UINT32 compno, resno, bandno, precno, cblkno; opj_mutex_t* mutex = opj_mutex_create(); tile->distotile = 0; for (compno = 0; compno < tile->numcomps; ++compno) { opj_tcd_tilecomp_t* tilec = &tile->comps[compno]; opj_tccp_t* tccp = &tcp->tccps[compno]; for (resno = 0; resno < tilec->numresolutions; ++resno) { opj_tcd_resolution_t *res = &tilec->resolutions[resno]; for (bandno = 0; bandno < res->numbands; ++bandno) { opj_tcd_band_t* OPJ_RESTRICT band = &res->bands[bandno]; /* Skip empty bands */ if (opj_tcd_is_band_empty(band)) { continue; } for (precno = 0; precno < res->pw * res->ph; ++precno) { opj_tcd_precinct_t *prc = &band->precincts[precno]; for (cblkno = 0; cblkno < prc->cw * prc->ch; ++cblkno) { opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk = &prc->cblks.enc[cblkno]; opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t* job = (opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t*) opj_calloc(1, sizeof(opj_t1_cblk_encode_processing_job_t)); if (!job) { ret = OPJ_FALSE; goto end; } job->compno = compno; job->tile = tile; job->resno = resno; job->cblk = cblk; job->band = band; job->tilec = tilec; job->tccp = tccp; job->mct_norms = mct_norms; job->mct_numcomps = mct_numcomps; job->pret = &ret; job->mutex = mutex; opj_thread_pool_submit_job(tp, opj_t1_cblk_encode_processor, job); } /* cblkno */ } /* precno */ } /* bandno */ } /* resno */ } /* compno */ end: opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tcd->thread_pool, 0); if (mutex) { opj_mutex_destroy(mutex); } return ret; } /* Returns whether the pass (bpno, passtype) is terminated */ static int opj_t1_enc_is_term_pass(opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, OPJ_INT32 bpno, OPJ_UINT32 passtype) { /* Is it the last cleanup pass ? */ if (passtype == 2 && bpno == 0) { return OPJ_TRUE; } if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_TERMALL) { return OPJ_TRUE; } if ((cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) { /* For bypass arithmetic bypass, terminate the 4th cleanup pass */ if ((bpno == ((OPJ_INT32)cblk->numbps - 4)) && (passtype == 2)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } /* and beyond terminate all the magnitude refinement passes (in raw) */ /* and cleanup passes (in MQC) */ if ((bpno < ((OPJ_INT32)(cblk->numbps) - 4)) && (passtype > 0)) { return OPJ_TRUE; } } return OPJ_FALSE; } static OPJ_FLOAT64 opj_t1_encode_cblk(opj_t1_t *t1, opj_tcd_cblk_enc_t* cblk, OPJ_UINT32 orient, OPJ_UINT32 compno, OPJ_UINT32 level, OPJ_UINT32 qmfbid, OPJ_FLOAT64 stepsize, OPJ_UINT32 cblksty, OPJ_UINT32 numcomps, const OPJ_FLOAT64 * mct_norms, OPJ_UINT32 mct_numcomps) { OPJ_FLOAT64 cumwmsedec = 0.0; opj_mqc_t *mqc = &(t1->mqc); /* MQC component */ OPJ_UINT32 passno; OPJ_INT32 bpno; OPJ_UINT32 passtype; OPJ_INT32 nmsedec = 0; OPJ_INT32 max; OPJ_UINT32 i, j; OPJ_BYTE type = T1_TYPE_MQ; OPJ_FLOAT64 tempwmsedec; OPJ_INT32* datap; #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG printf("encode_cblk(x=%d,y=%d,x1=%d,y1=%d,orient=%d,compno=%d,level=%d\n", cblk->x0, cblk->y0, cblk->x1, cblk->y1, orient, compno, level); #endif mqc->lut_ctxno_zc_orient = lut_ctxno_zc + (orient << 9); max = 0; datap = t1->data; for (j = 0; j < t1->h; ++j) { const OPJ_UINT32 w = t1->w; for (i = 0; i < w; ++i, ++datap) { OPJ_INT32 tmp = *datap; if (tmp < 0) { OPJ_UINT32 tmp_unsigned; if (tmp == INT_MIN) { /* To avoid undefined behaviour when negating INT_MIN */ /* but if we go here, it means we have supplied an input */ /* with more bit depth than we we can really support. */ /* Cf https://github.com/uclouvain/openjpeg/issues/1432 */ tmp = INT_MIN + 1; } max = opj_int_max(max, -tmp); tmp_unsigned = opj_to_smr(tmp); memcpy(datap, &tmp_unsigned, sizeof(OPJ_INT32)); } else { max = opj_int_max(max, tmp); } } } cblk->numbps = max ? (OPJ_UINT32)((opj_int_floorlog2(max) + 1) - T1_NMSEDEC_FRACBITS) : 0; if (cblk->numbps == 0) { cblk->totalpasses = 0; return cumwmsedec; } bpno = (OPJ_INT32)(cblk->numbps - 1); passtype = 2; opj_mqc_resetstates(mqc); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_UNI, 0, 46); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_AGG, 0, 3); opj_mqc_setstate(mqc, T1_CTXNO_ZC, 0, 4); opj_mqc_init_enc(mqc, cblk->data); for (passno = 0; bpno >= 0; ++passno) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; type = ((bpno < ((OPJ_INT32)(cblk->numbps) - 4)) && (passtype < 2) && (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_LAZY)) ? T1_TYPE_RAW : T1_TYPE_MQ; /* If the previous pass was terminating, we need to reset the encoder */ if (passno > 0 && cblk->passes[passno - 1].term) { if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { opj_mqc_bypass_init_enc(mqc); } else { opj_mqc_restart_init_enc(mqc); } } switch (passtype) { case 0: opj_t1_enc_sigpass(t1, bpno, &nmsedec, type, cblksty); break; case 1: opj_t1_enc_refpass(t1, bpno, &nmsedec, type); break; case 2: opj_t1_enc_clnpass(t1, bpno, &nmsedec, cblksty); /* code switch SEGMARK (i.e. SEGSYM) */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_SEGSYM) { opj_mqc_segmark_enc(mqc); } break; } tempwmsedec = opj_t1_getwmsedec(nmsedec, compno, level, orient, bpno, qmfbid, stepsize, numcomps, mct_norms, mct_numcomps) ; cumwmsedec += tempwmsedec; pass->distortiondec = cumwmsedec; if (opj_t1_enc_is_term_pass(cblk, cblksty, bpno, passtype)) { /* If it is a terminated pass, terminate it */ if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { opj_mqc_bypass_flush_enc(mqc, cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM); } else { if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM) { opj_mqc_erterm_enc(mqc); } else { opj_mqc_flush(mqc); } } pass->term = 1; pass->rate = opj_mqc_numbytes(mqc); } else { /* Non terminated pass */ OPJ_UINT32 rate_extra_bytes; if (type == T1_TYPE_RAW) { rate_extra_bytes = opj_mqc_bypass_get_extra_bytes( mqc, (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_PTERM)); } else { rate_extra_bytes = 3; } pass->term = 0; pass->rate = opj_mqc_numbytes(mqc) + rate_extra_bytes; } if (++passtype == 3) { passtype = 0; bpno--; } /* Code-switch "RESET" */ if (cblksty & J2K_CCP_CBLKSTY_RESET) { opj_mqc_reset_enc(mqc); } } cblk->totalpasses = passno; if (cblk->totalpasses) { /* Make sure that pass rates are increasing */ OPJ_UINT32 last_pass_rate = opj_mqc_numbytes(mqc); for (passno = cblk->totalpasses; passno > 0;) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[--passno]; if (pass->rate > last_pass_rate) { pass->rate = last_pass_rate; } else { last_pass_rate = pass->rate; } } } for (passno = 0; passno < cblk->totalpasses; passno++) { opj_tcd_pass_t *pass = &cblk->passes[passno]; /* Prevent generation of FF as last data byte of a pass*/ /* For terminating passes, the flushing procedure ensured this already */ assert(pass->rate > 0); if (cblk->data[pass->rate - 1] == 0xFF) { pass->rate--; } pass->len = pass->rate - (passno == 0 ? 0 : cblk->passes[passno - 1].rate); } #ifdef EXTRA_DEBUG printf(" len=%d\n", (cblk->totalpasses) ? opj_mqc_numbytes(mqc) : 0); /* Check that there not 0xff >=0x90 sequences */ if (cblk->totalpasses) { OPJ_UINT32 i; OPJ_UINT32 len = opj_mqc_numbytes(mqc); for (i = 1; i < len; ++i) { if (cblk->data[i - 1] == 0xff && cblk->data[i] >= 0x90) { printf("0xff %02x at offset %d\n", cblk->data[i], i - 1); abort(); } } } #endif return cumwmsedec; }