namespace antlr3 { template CommonTreeNodeStream::CommonTreeNodeStream(ANTLR_UINT32 hint) { this->init(hint); } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::init( ANTLR_UINT32 hint ) { m_root = NULL; m_adaptor = new TreeAdaptorType; // Create the node list map // if (hint == 0) hint = DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE; m_nodes.reserve( DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE ); m_p = -1; m_currentNode = NULL; m_previousNode = NULL; m_currentChildIndex = 0; m_absoluteNodeIndex = 0; m_lookAhead = NULL; m_lookAheadLength = 0; m_head = 0; m_tail = 0; m_uniqueNavigationNodes = false; m_isRewriter = false; CommonTokenType* token = new CommonTokenType(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_UP); token->set_tokText( "UP" ); m_UP.set_token( token ); token = new CommonTokenType(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_DOWN); token->set_tokText( "DOWN" ); m_DOWN.set_token( token ); token = new CommonTokenType(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_EOF); token->set_tokText( "EOF" ); m_EOF_NODE.set_token( token ); token = new CommonTokenType(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_INVALID); token->set_tokText( "INVALID" ); m_EOF_NODE.set_token( token ); } template CommonTreeNodeStream::CommonTreeNodeStream( const CommonTreeNodeStream& ctn ) { m_root = ctn.m_root; m_adaptor = ctn.m_adaptor; m_nodes.reserve( DEFAULT_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE ); m_nodeStack = ctn.m_nodeStack; m_p = -1; m_currentNode = NULL; m_previousNode = NULL; m_currentChildIndex = 0; m_absoluteNodeIndex = 0; m_lookAhead = NULL; m_lookAheadLength = 0; m_head = 0; m_tail = 0; m_uniqueNavigationNodes = false; m_isRewriter = true; m_UP.set_token( ctn.m_UP.get_token() ); m_DOWN.set_token( ctn.m_DOWN.get_token() ); m_EOF_NODE.set_token( ctn.m_EOF_NODE.get_token() ); m_INVALID_NODE.set_token( ctn.m_INVALID_NODE.get_token() ); } template CommonTreeNodeStream::CommonTreeNodeStream( TreeTypePtr tree, ANTLR_UINT32 hint ) { this->init(hint); m_root = tree; } template CommonTreeNodeStream::~CommonTreeNodeStream() { // If this is a rewrting stream, then certain resources // belong to the originating node stream and we do not // free them here. // if ( m_isRewriter != true) { delete m_adaptor; m_nodeStack.clear(); delete m_INVALID_NODE.get_token(); delete m_EOF_NODE.get_token(); delete m_DOWN.get_token(); delete m_UP.get_token(); } m_nodes.clear(); } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeTypePtr CommonTreeNodeStream::_LT(ANTLR_INT32 k) { if ( m_p == -1) { this->fillBufferRoot(); } if (k < 0) { return this->LB(-k); } else if (k == 0) { return &(m_INVALID_NODE); } // k was a legitimate request, // if (( m_p + k - 1) >= (ANTLR_INT32)(m_nodes.size())) { return &(m_EOF_NODE); } return m_nodes[ m_p + k - 1 ]; } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeTypePtr CommonTreeNodeStream::getTreeSource() { return m_root; } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeAdaptorType* CommonTreeNodeStream::getTreeAdaptor() { return m_adaptor; } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::set_uniqueNavigationNodes(bool uniqueNavigationNodes) { m_uniqueNavigationNodes = uniqueNavigationNodes; } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::StringType CommonTreeNodeStream::toString() { return this->toStringSS(m_root, NULL); } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::StringType CommonTreeNodeStream::toStringSS(TreeTypePtr start, TreeTypePtr stop) { StringType buf; this->toStringWork(start, stop, buf); return buf; } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::toStringWork(TreeTypePtr start, TreeTypePtr stop, StringType& str) { ANTLR_UINT32 n; ANTLR_UINT32 c; StringStreamType buf; if (!start->isNilNode() ) { StringType text; text = start->toString(); if (text.empty()) { buf << ' '; buf << start->getType(); } else buf << text; } if (start == stop) { return; /* Finished */ } n = start->getChildCount(); if (n > 0 && ! start->isNilNode() ) { buf << ' '; buf << CommonTokenType::TOKEN_DOWN; } for (c = 0; cgetChild(c); this->toStringWork(child, stop, buf); } if (n > 0 && ! start->isNilNode() ) { buf << ' '; buf << CommonTokenType::TOKEN_UP; } str = buf.str(); } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeTypePtr CommonTreeNodeStream::get(ANTLR_INT32 k) { if( m_p == -1 ) { this->fillBufferRoot(); } return m_nodes[k]; } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::replaceChildren(TreeTypePtr parent, ANTLR_INT32 startChildIndex, ANTLR_INT32 stopChildIndex, TreeTypePtr t) { if (parent != NULL) { TreeAdaptorType* adaptor; adaptor = this->getTreeAdaptor(); adaptor->replaceChildren(parent, startChildIndex, stopChildIndex, t); } } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeTypePtr CommonTreeNodeStream::LB(ANTLR_INT32 k) { if ( k==0) { return &(m_INVALID_NODE); } if ( (m_p - k) < 0) { return &(m_INVALID_NODE); } return m_nodes[ m_p - k ]; } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::addNavigationNode(ANTLR_UINT32 ttype) { TreeTypePtr node; node = NULL; if (ttype == CommonTokenType::TOKEN_DOWN) { if (this->hasUniqueNavigationNodes() == true) { node = this->newDownNode(); } else { node = &m_DOWN; } } else { if (this->hasUniqueNavigationNodes() == true) { node = this->newUpNode(); } else { node = &m_UP; } } // Now add the node we decided upon. // m_nodes.push_back(node); } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeTypePtr CommonTreeNodeStream::newDownNode() { TreeTypePtr dNode; CommonTokenType* token; token = new CommonTokenType(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_DOWN); token->set_tokText("DOWN"); dNode = new TreeType(token); return &dNode; } template typename CommonTreeNodeStream::TreeTypePtr CommonTreeNodeStream::newUpNode() { TreeTypePtr uNode; CommonTokenType* token; token = new CommonTokenType(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_UP); token->set_tokText("UP"); uNode = new TreeType(token); return &uNode; } template bool CommonTreeNodeStream::hasUniqueNavigationNodes() const { return m_uniqueNavigationNodes; } template ANTLR_UINT32 CommonTreeNodeStream::getLookaheadSize() { return m_tail < m_head ? (m_lookAheadLength - m_head + m_tail) : (m_tail - m_head); } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::push(ANTLR_INT32 index) { m_nodeStack.push(m_p); // Save current index this->seek(index); } template ANTLR_INT32 CommonTreeNodeStream::pop() { ANTLR_INT32 retVal; retVal =; m_nodeStack.pop(); this->seek(retVal); return retVal; } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::reset() { if ( m_p != -1) { m_p = 0; } BaseType::m_lastMarker = 0; // Free and reset the node stack only if this is not // a rewriter, which is going to reuse the originating // node streams node stack // if (m_isRewriter != true) m_nodeStack.clear(); } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::fillBufferRoot() { // Call the generic buffer routine with the root as the // argument // this->fillBuffer(m_root); m_p = 0; // Indicate we are at buffer start } template void CommonTreeNodeStream::fillBuffer(TreeTypePtr t) { bool nilNode; ANTLR_UINT32 nCount; ANTLR_UINT32 c; nilNode = m_adaptor->isNilNode(t); // If the supplied node is not a nil (list) node then we // add in the node itself to the vector // if (nilNode == false) { m_nodes.push_back(t); } // Only add a DOWN node if the tree is not a nil tree and // the tree does have children. // nCount = t->getChildCount(); if (nilNode == false && nCount>0) { this->addNavigationNode( CommonTokenType::TOKEN_DOWN); } // We always add any children the tree contains, which is // a recursive call to this function, which will cause similar // recursion and implement a depth first addition // for (c = 0; c < nCount; c++) { this->fillBuffer( m_adaptor->getChild(t, c)); } // If the tree had children and was not a nil (list) node, then we // we need to add an UP node here to match the DOWN node // if (nilNode == false && nCount > 0) { this->addNavigationNode(CommonTokenType::TOKEN_UP); } } }