from _common import rootrel_arc_src def oncredits_disclaimer(unit, *args): if unit.get('WITH_CREDITS'): unit.message(["warn", "CREDITS WARNING: {}".format(' '.join(args))]) def oncheck_contrib_credits(unit, *args): module_path = rootrel_arc_src(unit.path(), unit) excepts = set() if 'EXCEPT' in args: args = list(args) except_pos = args.index('EXCEPT') excepts = set(args[except_pos + 1:]) args = args[:except_pos] for arg in args: if module_path.startswith(arg) and not unit.get('CREDITS_TEXTS_FILE') and not unit.get('NO_CREDITS_TEXTS_FILE'): for ex in excepts: if module_path.startswith(ex): break else: unit.message(["error", "License texts not found. See"])