from __future__ import print_function import sys # noqa import json from tempfile import TemporaryFile import pytest # noqa from library.python.monlib.metric_registry import MetricRegistry, HistogramType from library.python.monlib.encoder import dump, dumps, TimePrecision, load, loads # noqa def test_common_labels(request): labels = {'my': 'label'} registry = MetricRegistry(labels) assert registry.common_labels == labels with pytest.raises(TypeError): MetricRegistry('foo') with pytest.raises(TypeError): MetricRegistry([]) def test_json_serialization(request): registry = MetricRegistry() labels = {'foo': 'gauge'} g = registry.gauge(labels) g.set(10.0) g.set(20) c = registry.counter({'foo': 'counter'}) r = registry.rate({'foo': 'rate'}) r.add(10) out = dumps(registry, format='json', precision=TimePrecision.Seconds) expected = json.loads("""{ "sensors": [ { "kind":"RATE", "labels": { "foo":"rate" }, "value":10 }, { "kind":"COUNTER", "labels": { "foo":"counter" }, "value":1 }, { "kind":"GAUGE", "labels": { "foo":"gauge" }, "value":20 } ] } """) j = json.loads(out) assert j == expected EXPECTED_EXPLICIT = json.loads(""" { "sensors": [ { "kind":"HIST", "labels": { "foo":"hist" }, "hist": { "bounds": [ 2, 10, 500 ], "buckets": [ 1, 0, 0 ], "inf":1 } } ] } """) EXPECTED_EXPONENTIAL = json.loads("""{ "sensors": [ { "kind":"HIST", "labels": { "foo":"hist" }, "hist": { "bounds": [ 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 ], "buckets": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "inf":1 } } ] } """) EXPECTED_LINEAR = json.loads(""" { "sensors": [ { "kind":"HIST", "labels": { "foo":"hist" }, "hist": { "bounds": [ 1 ], "buckets": [ 1 ], "inf":1 } } ] }""") @pytest.mark.parametrize('type,args,expected', [ (HistogramType.Linear, dict(bucket_count=2, start_value=1, bucket_width=1), EXPECTED_LINEAR), (HistogramType.Explicit, dict(buckets=[2, 10, 500]), EXPECTED_EXPLICIT), (HistogramType.Exponential, dict(bucket_count=6, base=2, scale=3), EXPECTED_EXPONENTIAL), ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('rate', [True, False]) def test_histograms(request, type, args, expected, rate): registry = MetricRegistry() labels = {'foo': 'hist'} h = registry.histogram_counter(labels, type, **args) if not rate else registry.histogram_rate(labels, type, **args) h.collect(1) h.collect(1000) s = dumps(registry, format='json') if rate: expected['sensors'][0]['kind'] = u'HIST_RATE' else: expected['sensors'][0]['kind'] = u'HIST' assert json.loads(s) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', ['json', 'spack']) def test_stream_load(request, fmt): expected = json.loads("""{"sensors":[{"kind":"GAUGE","labels":{"foo":"gauge"},"value":42}]}""") registry = MetricRegistry() labels = {'foo': 'gauge'} g = registry.gauge(labels) g.set(42) with TemporaryFile() as f: dump(registry, f, format=fmt) f.flush(), 0) s = load(f, from_format=fmt, to_format='json') assert json.loads(s) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', ['json', 'spack']) def test_stream_loads(request, fmt): expected = json.loads("""{"sensors":[{"kind":"GAUGE","labels":{"foo":"gauge"},"value":42}]}""") registry = MetricRegistry() labels = {'foo': 'gauge'} g = registry.gauge(labels) g.set(42) s = dumps(registry, format=fmt) j = loads(s, from_format=fmt, to_format='json') assert json.loads(j) == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize('fmt', ['json', 'spack']) def test_utf(request, fmt): expected = json.loads(u"""{"sensors":[{"kind":"GAUGE","labels":{"foo":"gaugeह", "bàr":"Münich"},"value":42}]}""") registry = MetricRegistry() labels = {'foo': u'gaugeह', u'bàr': u'Münich'} g = registry.gauge(labels) g.set(42) s = dumps(registry, format=fmt) j = loads(s, from_format=fmt, to_format='json') assert json.loads(j) == expected def test_gauge_sensors(): registry = MetricRegistry() g = registry.gauge({'a': 'b'}) ig = registry.int_gauge({'c': 'd'}) g.set(2) assert g.add(3.5) == 5.5 assert g.get() == 5.5 ig.set(2) assert == 3 assert ig.dec() == 2 assert ig.add(3) == 5 assert ig.get() == 5 UNISTAT_DATA = """[ ["signal1_max", 10], ["signal2_hgram", [[0, 100], [50, 200], [200, 300]]], ["prj=some-project;signal3_summ", 3], ["signal4_summ", 5] ]""" EXPECTED = json.loads(""" { "sensors": [ { "kind": "GAUGE", "labels": { "sensor": "signal1_max" }, "value": 10 }, { "hist": { "buckets": [ 0, 100, 200 ], "bounds": [ 0, 50, 200 ], "inf": 300 }, "kind": "HIST_RATE", "labels": { "sensor": "signal2_hgram" } }, { "kind": "RATE", "labels": { "sensor": "signal3_summ", "prj": "some-project" }, "value": 3 }, { "kind": "RATE", "labels": { "sensor": "signal4_summ" }, "value": 5 } ] }""") def test_unistat_conversion(request): j = loads(UNISTAT_DATA, from_format='unistat', to_format='json') assert json.loads(j) == EXPECTED